Be prepared

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A geyser-ridden section of the Elephant Graveyard, Banzai and Ed's voices echo up the tall rocky walls. "Man, that lousy (M/n). I won't be able to sit for a week." Banzai said. Ed grins at Banzai, whose rear is covered in claw marks. Ed laughs. "It's not funny, Ed." Banzai said, and Ed laughs hysterically. "Hey, shut up!" Banzai growls. Banzai lunges at Ed and they scuffle. From a nearby ledge, Shenzi turns and glowers at the feuding Banzai and Ed. "Will you knock it off?!" Banzai and Ed break apart. Banzai points at Ed, who begins chewing on one of his own legs. "Well, he started it!" "Look at you guys!" Shenzi descends from the ledge. "No wonder we're danglin' at the bottom of the food chain." "Man, I hate danglin'." 

Banzai said with drool hanging from his muzzle. "Shyeah. You know, if it weren't for those lions, we'd be runnin' the joint." Shenzi sits, glowering. "Yeah. Man, I hate lions." Banzai said. Shenzi juts her head at Banzai. "So pushy..." she said. "And hairy..." Banzai said. Shenzi circles Banzai and juts her head at him from his other side. "And stinky..." Shenzi said. "And man, are they..." Banzai began. Banzai and Shenzi jump onto their hind legs, back-to-back. "Ugly!" The trio snicker. "Oh," Banzai and Shenzi pause midlaugh, looking fearful. Scar sits on a ledge far above them and is briefly obscured by a steaming geyser. "Surely we lions are not all that bad." She said. "Oh." Shenzi, Banzai, and Ed relax. "Oh, Scar, it's just you." Banzai said. "We were afraid it was somebody important." Shenzi said.

"Yeah, you know, like (M/n)." Banzai said. "Yeah." Shenzi said, and Scar scowls. "I see." She said. "Now, that's power." Banzai said. "Tell me about it. I just hear that name, and I shudder." Shenzi said. "(M/n)." Banzai said, and Shenzi shudders. "Ooh." Shenzi nudges Banzai. "Do it again." "(M/n)!" Shenzi shudders. "Ooh!" "(M/n)." Shenzi shudders, holding her stomach. "(M/n)." Ed rolls onto his back, giggling and holding his stomach. "(M/n)!" "Ooh!" Ed sniggers. "Ooh, it tingles me." Shenzi said. Scar holds one paw to her forehead in exasperation. "I'm surrounded by idiots." She rolls her eyes. "Now, you, Scar, I mean, you're one of us." Banzai gestures to Ed and Shenzi, who are scratching themselves. "I mean, you're our pal." Banzai said. Scar looks away, unaffected. "Charmed." She said monotonously. 

"Oh, I like that she's not queen, but she's still so proper." Shenzi holds up one paw delicately. "Yeah." Banzai juts his head at her. "Hey, hey, did you bring us anything to eat, Scar, old buddy, old pal? Huh?" Scar glowers at Banzai. "Did ya, did ya, did ya?" "I don't think you really deserve this." She pulls out a zebra haunch. Shenzi, Banzai, and Ed jump onto their hind legs, tongues lolling. "I practically gift-wrapped those cubs for you, and you couldn't even dispose of them." She drops the haunch. The haunch lands at Shenzi's, Banzai's, and Ed's paws. Shenzi, Banzai, and Ed begin to devour the haunch. "Well, you know, it wasn't exactly like they was alone, Scar." Shenzi said with her mouth full. "Yeah. What were we supposed to do?" Banzai said with his mouth full then gulps it down. "Kill (M/n)?" He asked. Scar grins and balances her chin on one paw. "Precisely." She said. Shenzi, Banzai, and Ed look up questioningly. "Huh?" The trio asked. Scar leaps down the ledge, landing in the middle of the hyenas, who scatter. She walks in-between steaming green geysers.

"I know that your powers of retention" Scar circles Ed, who is chewing on a bone. "Are as wet as a warthog's backside. But thick as you are," Scar swats the bone away. Ed salutes her. "Pay attention!" She circles Ed. "My words are a matter of pride." She waves a paw in front of an unresponsive Ed's face. "It's clear from your vacant expressions, the lights are not all on upstairs." Ed's tongue lolls out. Scar crouches, with Banzai and Shenzi in the background. "But we're talking queens and successions." Banzai and Shenzi snicker. Scar lunges at them, causing them to fall backward onto geysers. 

"Even you can't be caught unawares!" The geyser explodes, sending Banzai and Shenzi shooting into the air. Scar jumps onto a ledge. "So prepare for the chance of a lifetime." Banzai and Shenzi fall through the air behind her. "Be prepared for sensational news." Scar smirks over one shoulder. She begins sauntering along a ledge. "A shining new era is tiptoeing" she tiptoes. "Nearer." Shenzi approaches from behind a crag. "And where do we feature?" She asked. Scar grabs Shenzi's cheek. "Just listen to teacher." Shenzi stares after her in bewilderment. 

"I know it sounds sordid," Shenzi rubs her face resentfully. "But you'll be rewarded" Scar jumps onto a ledge. Above her, Ed is chewing on a bone. "When at last I am given my dues" Scar gestures to her chest with one paw. "And injustice deliciously squared." She jumps up behind Ed and kicks him off the ledge. Ed falls into a pile of bones below. "Be prepared!" Shenzi, Banzai, and Ed emerge from the bone pile, each sporting an animal skull as a hat. "Yeah! Be prepared! Yeah-heh! We'll be prepared! Heh!" Banzai peers up at the lioness questioningly. "For what?" "For the death of the queen." She said. Banzai climbs up to her ledge. "Why? Is she sick?" Scar grabs Banzai by the throat and jerks him close. 

"No, fool. We're gonna kill her. And (Y/n) too." She drops Banzai, who lands next to Shenzi and Ed. His skull hat flies off and shatters. "Great idea! Who needs a queen?" Shenzi asked. Shenzi and Ed circle Banzai, who claps. "No queen! No queen! La, la, la, la, la, la!" Banzai and Shenzi sung. "Idiots! There will be a queen!" Scar snapped. Banzai lifts one paw questioningly. "Hey, but you said-" he began. "I will be queen! Stick with me," Scar grins. Yellow pillars of light shine on the wall behind her. "And you'll never go hungry again!" She declared. "Yay! All right! All right! Long live the queen!" Banzai and Shenzi said. Ranks upon ranks of hyenas line the ledges behind Shenzi, Banzai, and Ed. First the left side, then the right side are illuminated in yellow light.

"Long live the queen! Long live the queen!" The hyenas said. The hyena army goose-steps past Scar, who observes from a ledge above. "It's great that we'll soon be connected with a queen who'll be all-time adored." They sung. "Of course, quid pro quo, you're expected" Scar lifts one paw. "To take certain duties" Scar motions a slice across her throat. "On board. The future is littered with prizes, and though I'm the main addressee," Scar gestures to herself with one paw. "The point that I must emphasize is" she leaps down among the hyenas. The lighting changes to red as he advances on a lone hyena, who backs away from her in terror. "You won't get a sniff without me!" A fissure opens beneath the hyena, swallowing it up. Geysers begin to erupt, causing pillars of rock to rise into the air. 

Scar jumps onto one such rising pillar. "So prepare for the coup of the century." Scar jumps onto another rising rock pillar. "Be prepared for the murkiest scam." She sung. Three hyenas rise on a pillar, wagging their tails in unison. "La, la, la!" Scar stands on a rock pillar as it shoots into the air. "Meticulous planning.." The hyenas throng around her, each standing on a rock ledge or pillar. "We'll have food!" The hyenas sung. "Tenacity spanning..." Scar continued. " Lots of food!" The hyenas sung. "Decades of denial..." Scar sung. "We repeat" "Is simply why I'll..." "Endless meat!" "Be queen undisputed, respected, saluted, 

and seen for the wonder I am!" Scar gestures to herself with one paw. "Yes, my teeth and ambitions are bared." Two hyenas shake animal skeletons. "Be prepared!" Hyenas dance from rock pillar to rock pillar. One hyena plays an animal spine like it's a xylophone. Shenzi, Banzai, and Ed emerge through the steam. "Yes, our teeth and ambitions are bared!" Scar stands at the top of a large rock formation, silhouetted against the moon. The hyenas are gathered on the ledges below her. "Be prepared!" They all end the song by laughing menacingly. The red light of the geysers dies out.

It is now a sunny day at the gorge. "Now, you wait here. Your mother has a marvelous surprise for you." Scar said. (Y/n) follows her aunt through the gorge. "Ooh, what is it?" She asked. "If I told you," (Y/n) clambers onto a rock beneath a tree. "It wouldn't be a surprise, now would it?" Her aunt asked. She grins at her niece. "If you tell me, I'll still act surprised!" (Y/n) tried. "Ho, ho, ho!" (Y/n) sits down. "You are such a naughty girl!" Her aunt said. (Y/n) jumps on her aunt. "Come on, Aunt Scar!" She said. 

"No, no, no, no, no, no, no. This is just for you and your mommy." (Y/n) sits back down. "You know, a sort of mother-daughter" Scar waves vaguely with one paw and (Y/n) sulks "...thing. Well, I'd better go get her." Her aunt turns to leave and (Y/n) bounds after her. "I'll go with you." She said. Scar juts her head at (Y/n), halting her in her tracks. "No!" Her aunt composes herself and chuckles. "No." She guides (Y/n) back onto the rock. "Just stay on this rock." (Y/n) sits with a mutinous expression. "You wouldn't want to end up in another mess like you did with the hyenas." She said. "You know about that?" (Y/n) asked. "(Y/n), everybody knows about that." Her aunt said

and (Y/n) ducks her head in embarrassment. "Really?" She asked. "Oh, yes. Lucky Mommy was there to save you, eh? Ooh," Scar wraps a paw around (Y/n)'s shoulders and draws her close "And just between us, you might want to work on that little roar of yours. Hmm?" She asked. "Oh. Okay." Her aunt turns to leave "Hey, Aunt Scar!" She pauses in her tracks. "Will I like the surprise?" (Y/n) asked. "(Y/n), it's to die for." She said. She grins slyly. (Y/n) sits back down on the rock. Meanwhile, Scar walks off. At the top of the gorge, 

a herd of wildebeests grazes on grass, while Shenzi, Banzai, and Ed watch from beneath a rocky outcropping. Banzai's stomach growls. "Shut up." Shenzi snapped. "I can't help it. I'm so hungry." Banzai stands up and stares longingly at the wildebeest herd. "I gotta have a wildebeest." He said. "Stay put." Shenzi said. Banzai sits and holds up a paw in appeal. "Well, can't I just pick off one of the little sick ones?" He asked, and Shenzi jabs Banzai in the chest. "No! We wait for the signal from Scar." Banzai lowers his head sulkily. Scar appears on a ledge above Shenzi, Banzai, and Ed, her fur blowing in the wind. "There she is." Shenzi frowns dramatically. "Let's go." Shenzi, Banzai, and Ed move off.

Meanwhile, (Y/n) lies on her rock, still moping. ""Little roar. Puh!" A chameleon hangs down from a branch and starts walking past (Y/n) and her ears perk. She growls at it. The chameleon does not react. (Y/n) bounds after it and growls again. The chameleon still doesn't react. With a devious grin, (Y/n) pounces, landing just behind the chameleon and roars. The chameleon runs off. (Y/n)'s roar echoes off the walls of the gorge and she smiles. There is a deep rumbling sound, and (Y/n) looks down to where tiny stones are pattering at her paws. She looks up uncertainly. A herd of wildebeests stampedes into the gorge. Her expression turns to horror and she gasps. She runs away. Shenzi, Banzai, and Ed chase the wildebeests, nipping at their sides. The last of the herd streams into the gorge. Shenzi, Banzai, and Ed pause and pace along the edge of the gorge. (Y/n) continues to run, with the herd steadily catching up. Meanwhile, Zazu perches on (M/n)'s shoulder. In the distance, dust rises from the gorge. "Oh, look, ma'am. The herd is on the move." He said. She looks over one shoulder at the gorge.

 "Odd." She said. "(M/n), quick." Scar appears, wild-eyed, on a ledge below her and Zazu. "Stampede, in the gorge. (Y/n)'s down there." She said. "(Y/n)?" Her mother asked terrified. (Y/n) flees the stampede. As the wildebeests close in, she looks over her shoulder in fear. She gasps. (Y/n) climbs a dead tree in the middle of the gorge and grunts. Her mother and Scar rush to the gorge. Zazu flies ahead and swoops over the herd. He spots (Y/n), with a panicked expression. He flies up to her. "Zazu, help me!" (Y/n) shouted. 

"Your mother's on the way!" (Y/n) slips and barely manages to hold on to the tree. "Hold on!" Zazu said. (Y/n) clings to the tree for dear life. "Hurry!" She shouts. Her mother and Scar clamber down to a ledge above the stampede. Both search the gorge below with fearful expressions. Zazu flies up and points at (Y/n). "There! There! On that tree!" (Y/n) struggles to hold on to the tree. "Hold on, (Y/n)!" Her mother shouts worriedly. A wildebeest runs into her tree, breaking it, and (Y/n) nearly falls and screams in fear. Her mother jumps into the stampede, while (Y/n) continues to cling to her tree. "Oh, Scar, this is awful! What'll we do? What'll we do?! Ha! I'll go back for help. That's what I'll do. I'll go back for he–" Scar backhands Zazu. "Oof!"

Zazu hits the wall of the gorge and falls unconscious. In the meantime, (M/n) races alongside the wildebeests. (Y/n) struggles to hold on. Her mother pivots around a wildebeest and runs against the stampede. However, a wildebeest kicks her, knocking her over and she grunts. She looks up in desperation at her daughter's struggling form. A wildebeest breaks (Y/n)'s tree, sending her flying into the air and she screams. Her mother leaps into the air, catching her daughter in her jaws and (Y/n) gasps. (M/n) lands with (Y/n) in her jaws. Scar paces along the edge of the gorge, watching the action down below. A wildebeest runs into (M/n), causing her to let go of her daughter. (Y/n) tumbles into the midst of the stampede. (Y/n) stands and looks around in terror. Her mother emerges through the dust and grabs her in her jaws once more. 

A wildebeest falls to the ground behind her. She leaps onto a ledge and deposits (Y/n) to safety. A wildebeest catches her from behind, drawing her back into the stampede. "Mom!" Her mother falls among the wildebeests. (Y/n) searches the stampede with increasing distress. At last, she leaps out of the stampede and latches on to the edge of the gorge. (Y/n) watches with relief. Her mother begins to scale the side of the gorge, with (Y/n) watching anxiously from her ledge. As (M/n) continues to climb, and (Y/n) turns and clambers up the side of the gorge. (M/n) clings to the edge of the gorge for dear life. "Scar!" Scar glares down at her from the top of the gorge. She slips and barely manages to hold on. "Sister, help me!" She paws scrabble for purchase, kicking bits of rock into the stampede below. Scar glares a moment longer, then rears forward, digging her claws into her back paws and she roars in pain. Scar leans in, grinning evilly. "Long live the queen." (M/n)'s face darkens with horror. Scar heaves her sister into the stampede.

She falls, flailing and screams. From atop the gorge, (Y/n) witnesses her mother's fall. "No!" She climbs down to the bottom of the gorge as the last of the wildebeests disappear into the dust. She coughs. "Mom?" (Y/n) searches the gorge. The sound of shifting rock catches her attention. "Mom?" A wildebeest emerges through the dust and runs by a broken tree, under which her mother's body lies. (Y/n) stares in trepidation. She bounds forward and skirts around her mother's body, looking upon her with distress and sorrow. She approaches uncertainly. "Mom? Mom, come on." (Y/n) nudges against her mother's muzzle, trying to get her to stand up. "You gotta get up. Mom?" (Y/n) shakes her. "We gotta go home." (Y/n) races around to her mother's other side and tugs on her ear. She lets go, and her mother's head flops back into place. (Y/n) backs away, looking around helplessly. She races off. "Help!" Her voice echoes. She pauses and looks around "Somebody!" Her voice echoes again. 

She looks around. "Anybody?" Her voice echoes once more. She sniffles and begins to cry. "Help." She looks back at her mother's body and shuffles back to it. She worms under her paw and lies down, still sobbing. Scar emerges through the dust. She looks down on (Y/n). "(Y/n)..." she looks up with one tear-filled eye. "What have you done?" Scar asked. (Y/n) jumps out from under her mother's paw. "There were wildebeests, and she tried to save me. It was an accident. I-I didn't mean for it to happen." (Y/n) said. 

"Of course, of course you didn't." Her aunt said with feigned sympathy. Scar pulls (Y/n) against her leg. (Y/n) nuzzles into Scar. "No one ever means for these things to happen. But the queen is dead." (Y/n) looks up at Scar. "And if it weren't for you, she'd still be alive." (Y/n) stares at Scar in dismay. She slowly lowers her head and nuzzles back into Scar's leg and she gasps, causing (Y/n) to look up at her. "What will your father think?" She asked. "What am I gonna do?" (Y/n) asked through labored breathing. Her aunt leans toward (Y/n), who backs away.

"Run away, (Y/n)." (Y/n) glances at her mother. "Run. Run away, and never return." With a backward glance, (Y/n) takes off. Scar watches her run, with a pleased look. Shenzi, Banzai, and Ed prowl up behind Scar. "Kill her." She said. Shenzi, Banzai, and Ed take off after (Y/n). (Y/n) pauses at a dead-end in the gorge and pants. She looks behind to see that Shenzi, Banzai, and Ed are advancing on her and she gasps. She runs away. (Y/n) slips through a crack in the walls. Banzai nearly claws her from behind and snarls at her. (Y/n) runs along the top of the gorge. She pulls up short at a steep ledge. Below is a large thorn patch. She looks over her shoulder with fright. Shenzi, Banzai, and Ed race toward her. (Y/n) launches herself over the cliffside. She tumbles down the ledge and grunts. Shenzi, Banzai, 

and Ed pursue (Y/n) down the ledge.(Y/n) tumbles over the ledge into the thorn patch. She looks up fearfully at Shenzi, Banzai, and Ed. They pursue her down the ledge. (Y/n) climbs through the thorns. "Whoa!" Banzai tries to slow himself down to keep from falling into the thorn hedge. "Phew!" Shenzi knocks into Banzai from behind. He nearly falls in. "Uh!" Ed knocks into Shenzi from behind, which sends Banzai flying into the thorn hedge. "Ah!" Banzai jumps out of the thorn hedge, covered in thorns, clinging to his hindquarters. 

"Yow!" Shenzi and Ed laugh. Banzai clambers onto the ledge, still covered in thorns. "Ah! Oh! Yeow!" Banzai walks onto the ledge, wincing with every step. Ed rolls onto his back. Shenzi and Ed laugh. Shenzi looks back at (Y/n). "Hey!" (Y/n) runs off into the sunset. "There she goes! There she goes!" Banzai pulls a thorn out of his paw. "So go get her." He said. "There ain't no way I'm going in there. Unless you want me to come out looking like you," Shenzi glances back at Banzai. "Cactus butt?" Banzai pulls a thorn out of his rear and spits it at Ed who yelps.

"But we gotta finish the job." Banzai said. "Well," Banzai sidles up next to Shenzi. "She's as good as dead out there anyway. And if she comes back, we'll kill her." Shenzi said. "Yeah! You hear that? If you ever come back, we'll kill ya!" Banzai shouted. The three laugh. It is now night at Pride Rock. Scar speaks from atop a nearby boulder to the lions, who are gathered below her. "(M/n)'s death is a terrible tragedy. But to lose (Y/n), who had barely begun to live..." Scar puts a paw to her forehead in feigned sorrow. The lions bow their heads mournfully. "For me," Zazu rests a comforting wing on (F/n)'s paw. 

"It is a deep, personal loss." Simba sheds a tear and nuzzles into his father's leg. "So it is with a heavy heart that I assume the throne." Behind Scar, the shadows of hyenas stretch tall on Pride Rock. "Yet out of the ashes of this tragedy, we shall rise to greet... Zazu looks up and gasps. "...the dawning of a new era," The lions and lionesses gasp and look up. Scar bounds toward Pride Rock. Hyenas slink in among the lions. "In which lion and hyena come together." Scar begins to ascend Pride Rock. "In a great and glorious future!" From all directions, hyenas stream toward Pride Rock while cackling. Rafiki watches the coronation from afar. He bows and shakes his head with a sigh. He is sitting sadly in his tree. He sheds a tear and wipes it away. He swipes his hand across the painting of (Y/n), smudging it.

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