Level 2: First Boss

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( Ok I'm thinking of not having that you'll have team mates but you can summon allies now and then, which will be displayed in this Level, with that being said let's begin )


We made it to the auditorium with me getting rid of my map

Y/N: Here we are now Yang should be here somewhere

Ruby: She should be close.

Yang: Hey Ruby and Y/N over here. I saved you two some spots.

Ruby: Ok sorry June, we'll see you later.

Y/N: Bye

June: Wait.

We than stood next to Yang with Ruby a bit tiffed but I just decided to mind my own business and just play some TF2 bot free.

Y/N: Suck it bots.

Ruby POV

Yang: So how's your first day little sis?

Ruby: You mean after you ditched me and Y/N and I exploded.

Yang: Geez melt down already.

Y/N: No like actually exploded like a bomb.

Ruby: Yeah, there was also some fire and probably some ice.

Yang: Are you being a bit sarcastic?

Ruby: No look, I met this cranky girl and I triped over her stuff and then I sneezed then exploded she, got really mad and I felt really bad, and I just wanted her to stop yelling at me.

Weiss: You!

I turned and she was back which I jumped into Yang's arms upset.

Ruby: Oh no it's happening again

She started to talk but no words are coming out.

Ruby: What I can't hear you?

She looked surprised but she started yelling louder but she didn't make any noise.

Ruby: What?

I looked and Y/N had a screen next to him that had Weiss name a speaker icon with it X out.

Yang: What you do?

Y/N: Simple, I muted her.

Weiss looked surprised and grabbed a paper and pen and wrote something to him


Weiss: " Unmute me please?"

Y/N: Only if you apologize, it was a accident anyway so you should give her the benefit of the doubt.

She sighed and nodded which then I unmuted her

Weiss: Thank you. Anyway listen I don't like how you knocked over my things but I'll let it pass, just be more careful Ok.

Ruby: Um sure. Sorry

They than shock hands with Yang standing here, I have realized that. She was watching the whole thing.

Yang: Good work, with a bit of manipulation I guess.

Y/N: No problem want to know why I did it?

Yang: Why?

Y/N: Because.


( Retake )

Y/N: Because, someone had to do it cause if not well they be at it for hours

Yang: Makes sense.


It was night time while most where going to sleep I was with my new sisters Yang and Ruby.

Y/N: I wonder if I can skip sleep cause I don't really need it that much.

Yang: Hey bro, you want to come with us we are going to talk that girl from before.

Y/N: Actually there's something I wanted to test but tell her I said Hi

Yang: Sure

They went to her but I held up a digital screen which seem to stop time and skipped into the morning.

Y/N: Well atleast that worked.

Yang: Hey bro, how you sleep?

Y/N: I didn't I sped time up so I didn't need to sleep

Ruby: Really, that's so cool! Also Blake said hi and she like to be your friend

I'm guessing that was the girl from last night.

Y/N: Cool I'll talk to her later about it, come on let's go.


As Yang and Ruby went to get dressed while I swipped my fingers and I was wearing fresh clothes.

Y/N: Easy peasy

I them left and ran into the girl they talked to last night.

Y/N: Hi your the girl my sisters told me about right

???: Yeah, my name is Blake.

Y/N: Y/N, it's nice to meet you.

Blake: Same to you and I hope we get along well.

Y/N: Same to you, well it's time to go.

Blake: See you on the ground.

We than left to the launching pad where Yang and Ruby met up with June catching up with us.

Yang: So how it go.

Y/N: It went well, me and Blake might become friends really easy.

Yang: Glad to hear atleast someone is trying to make friends

Ruby: I'm offended by your allegations.

June: Do you know what that means?

Ruby: No, it's not like I brought this dictionary cause I don't know what it means.


Ruby: You'll never take me alive!!!

She than ran off really fast.

Y/N: This will be fun.

We than made it to the launching pad where Ozpina explained the rules and the landing strategy, and with that a screen appeared.

Objective: Land safety, find teammate, survive.

Y/N: Shouldn't be a problem let's do this.

Ozpina than launched us into the air so I pulled out Link's glider and landed softly on the ground.

Y/N: Ok now let's see where everyone is at.

I than summoned a screen which had a map and it showed who was with who  and found where the forest temple is which seemed to be the place everyone was going to.

Y/N: It's going to be quite the hike but I think I have a idea how to get there.

I than summoned a wired phone and made a call.

Y/N: Hello, yeah can you guys pick me up.

I soon had a vision about what was going to happen.

Y/N: Also bring in something big, like real big. Ok bye

Soon a bright light appeared behind me

Y/N: Right on time


We all made it to the forest temple along with me being partnered with Weiss, Yang was with Blake, June was with Pyhrra and the last to who where called Nora and Lia where together, and with two giant Grimm ahead of us.

Yang: Great now the gang is all here now we can all die together

Ruby: Not if I can. Do anything about it? Wait you hear something?

We stood there and started what sounded like music

Weiss: What is that music?


???: WA WHO!!!

Soon a bunch of guys showed up in different colored armor came in with a giant car with Y/N riding in the back.

Y/N: Thanks guys

Red: No problem little solider now get going.

Orange: Yeah and thanks for the pizza and oreos.

He hopped off with them fighting the deathstalker with that music going off.

Yang: Who are they?

Y/N: They're some friends of mine, come on let's go.

He summoned a giant gun ship with him in the pilot seat not before grabbing a diamond king piece

Y/N: Get aboard.

Yang: All ashore going to shore!

We all got in with Y/N taking off.

Ruby: What about the nevermore.

Y/N: I got that covered.

Soon the nevermore was shot down by someone in a tank

Blue: Good work Sheila

Cyan: Caboose it surprises me how you know how to drive a tank.

Nora: Friends of yours

Y/N: Yep and there's good news and bad news.

Pyhrra: Good news first.

Y/N: Well we'll be landing soon.

Yang: Bad news.

Y/N: We're crash landing.

We saw the wing was on fire.

Y/N: Brace yourselves!!!

Ozpina POV

We where waiting for the students to arrive.

Gylnda: Um professor none of them have returned yet.

Ozpina: Hurry we need to cover it, wait here they come. Really fast. On fire.

Glynda: Hit the deck

They soon crashed into a tree nearby with them coming out safely.

Y/N: Another happy landing.

Nora: Let's do that again!

Y/N: Maybe some other time

Ozpina: Um congrats your the first ones back.

Weiss: We pass. We pass!!!

June: Let's go!


I started to go back with everyone following suite.

Ruby: What will happen to your friends?

Y/N: Oh right, let's check.

I pulled out some binoculars and saw Caboose with the flag with everyone else dead.

Y/N: They'll be fine.


We got back with everyone making teams with June's team being made of herself, Nora, Pyhrra and Lia called  JNPR, while Ruby's team was with Ruby, Weiss, Blake and Yang with Ruby in charge and Weiss in shock so I than got on stage and showed her my chess piece

Ozpina: Congrats Y/N, you are the only person who's got the diamond king which means you'll be a team of one called team, GAME and you get a special room.

Y/N: Thank you, very much

I went and ran into my sisters

Ruby: Congrats Y/N, you your own team

Yang: And you get your own room.

Y/N: Agreed, well I'll see you later

I went off into my room and saw it was more of a palace with a giant king sized bed and a giant screen TV and much more.

Y/N: I'm loving it.

I jumped into my bed and went to sleep listening to pikmin music.

And that is it I hope you enjoyed and I'll see you later. Bye

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