Level 1: Beacon

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I started to wake up and saw Ruby and Yang where still sleeping so I teleported on the ground and sneaked out of the room and as I left I smell something great coming from down stairs, so I made my way down to the kitchen and saw Summer making pancakes but was wearing something different

Y/N: Morning Mom.

Summer: Oh hello honey, sorry for this I'm wearing I'm used to Ruby and Yang waking up late.

Y/N: ( Shrugs ) I'm not really bothered about it. What you making it smells good.

Summer: Oh it's just pancakes.

Y/N: Well they smell great.

Summer: Thank you, your very kind.

Y/N: Your welcome, so how does it feel to be well, alive again.

Summer: It felt like I was in a comma and I just woke up from it that and being dug into the ground too and now being back I fell like doing all the things I did when before I died.

Y/N: I guess it's not everyday you get to come back to life.

Summer: True, hey would you like to join me for breakfast.

Y/N: Sure.

I sat in a chair a cross form the table as Summer did the same after handing me my pancakes and syrup.

Summer: So Y/N did you have a family before hand?

Y/N: I don't think so, my memory is a little fuzzy.

Summer: Well where glad that your in our family now and if they didn't treat you well than we'll be a better family than they where.

Y/N: Well I remember that the people who used to care for me didn't spend time with me.

Summer: Well that's going to change.

Y/N: Thank you. It might be werid being in a all girl family but I'll get used to it.

Summer: Well we're glad you like it and we are thankful not just bringing me back but that you are joining our family.

Y/N: Thank you very much.

As we kept eating the pancakes tasted very sweet especially with syrup.

Summer: So what us your Semeblance?

Y/N: Semeblance?

Summer: You know when your aura is unlocked, do you have your aura unlocked.

Y/N: I don't think so, I never had it unlocked.

Summer: Well I can help with that but finish breakfast first.

Y/N: Ok, also do I have any other family members?

Summer: Well there is Aunt Quill she is a professional Huntress and there is Aunt Raven, I'm not sure what happened to her but she used to be my teammate and partner.

Y/N: Where you two close.

Summer than chuckled a bit.

Summer: She was like the older sister I never had, a bit somewhat I guess "edgy" but when you get to know her she's not that bad.

I just smiled as I finished my pancakes.

Y/N: I'm done.

Summer: That's great, now let's unlock your aura.

She than walked over to me and kneeled down at me and placed her hand on her forehead and she started to glow Y/N I noticed that I started to glow a techno blue and after that the lights where gone.

( Aura color )

After that I saw Summer a little tired and I was a little worried

Y/N: Are you ok?

Summer: Don't worry, it's just more tiring as I remembered.

I smiled and after that a screen appeared infront of me.

New Ability: Immorality, original user Y/N Rose.

Y/N: My Semeblance is Immorality.

Summer: How you know that and what's this screen for?

Y/N: Well you see I can learn other people's Semeblances and even us them without my aura and I can make these screens appear or when I get a new ability a screen will appear and tell me what I learned.

Summer: Intresting, well you have a true gift.

Y/N: Thanks mom.

Summer: Actually sence you have two mom's you should call one of us mom. So you'll call me mommy and Tea mom.

Y/N: Isn't that a little werid to call you mommy, like I'm not against it just would it be werid when I say that when other people come by.

Summer: Honey, there are more woman than men in Remnant so there times when families have either multiple mom's because a man can have more than one wife, or a family have two mom's they need a way to call them, like one mom maybe be called mom like normal or mommy, so really it's normal to call your mom mommy.

Y/N: Ok it might take time to get used to.

Mommy: No problem sweetie.

She than turned me towards her face to face and kissed me on the forehead and than patted on my head while hugging me tightly, after that she looked and saw it was 6:30 am.

Summer: Well it's almost time for you and your sister's to go to Beacon, I'll go wake your sisters up.

She than left, after that made a new screen and see if anything changed about me or anyone else or even if something happened in my sleep and so far nothing.

Y/N: It looks like nothing happened while I was asleep, well besides my name.

After that I went outside to wait and I wanted to test somethings just to be sure before we left.

Y/N: Ok if I can can Spawn and summon weapons can I summon things like ships or allies. Let's try summoning something simple, how about a Arwing

I focused and as soon after

Here it is right infront of my eyes, it looked real, it felt real, and as I got into it looked complex but a controller came out it worked like how it works in the games.

Y/N: So I can summons vehicles and they work like they do in the games, so using vehicles will be simple as they are in videogame form.

After that I landed the Arwing on the ground and unbored and after that I unsummoned it as it vanished into blue pixels.

Y/N: So I can summon and easily use vehicles now hoe about summoning allies.

I than got an idea, I summoned a dueldisk on my arm.

And after that I draw a digital version of one of my favorite cards.

Y/N: Perfect, let's test this out.

I than placed the digital card onto the monster card zone and soon after


( I couldn't fine a sub, of this so don't hate me for it )

Y/N: Wow, your real your actually real.

I than put my hand underneath its head rubbed it's head as it moved it's head closer to me ad I petted it.

Y/N: Wow with this power I can do anything I want, the sky is the limit with this power. I got a great family, and some amazing powers I wonder what life has next for me.

Ruby: Y/N.

Yang: Did you do that?

I turned to see Ruby and Yang fully packed and ready.

Y/N: Yeah why you ask?

Ruby: This is just totally. AWESOME!!!

She than started to pet odd eyes too.

Yang: If you can do that than you'll kill it at Beacon.

Y/N: Thanks, sorry Ruby I have to make odd eyes go.

Ruby: ( Sighs sadly ) Alright.

I than walked up to odd eyes.

Y/N: Sorry pal but I need to unsummon you ok.

Odd eyes nod in understandment, after that I removed the Odd eyes card and with that odd eyes dissapeared into blue pixels.

Yang: Well let's get going Beacon is waiting for us.


After awhile we made it to the bulkhead and while Ruby and Yang where having a moment I was sitting down playing Yugioh on little holographic platform while I actually got to summon tiny versions of my cards while I played against a CPU.

???: Pardon me?

I looked and saw girl with red hair and greens eyes and wear armor of some sort

( In her normal outfit )

Y/N: Oh hello there, my name is Y/N what's yours?

???: Oh sorry, my name is Pyhrra Nikos and why a child like you doing on a bulkhead to Beacon?

Y/N: Oh Ozpina let me in extremely early.

Pyhrra: Oh, than you must be extremely special if she let you in.

Y/N: Indeed.

Pyhrra: What you doing?

Y/N: Oh just playing a game.

Pyhrra: It looks like a card game.

Y/N: It's somewhat like that, hey you like to play?

Pyhrra: Well I guess it couldn't hurt.

She than sat down next to me as I adjusted the board and reset the game. After that I summoned a scanner infront of Pyhrra.

Y/N: Put your hand on it and it will make a deck for you based of you.

Pyhrra did so and it made a duel disk for her and made holographic cards for her to use while it showed how to play the game.

Pyhrra: Ok I think I got the rules.

Y/N: Ok you go first.

Pyhrra: Ok, I draw.

She looked at her hand as I looked at my own.

Pyhrra: 8000

Y/N: 8000

Pyhrra: I play Amazoness Swords Woman.

LV 4

ATK 1500 DEF 1600

Effect: Your opponent takes damage that you would have token involving this card.

Pyhrra: That's all I got for now.

Y/N: Ok my turn, I draw.

Let's see, any damage she take would be given to me instead so I need to play something with just enough to destroy it but not enough to hurt me that much.

Y/N: I play my preformapal Skullcrobat Joker.

LV 4


ATK 1800 DEF 100

Effect: When normal summoned, you  can add I "Perfromapal" monster, "Magician" Pendulum monster or "odd eyes" to your deck to your hand expect Skullcrobat Joker.

Y/N: It's effect let's me add Odd eyes phantom dragon to my deck to my hand. Next I'll set a pendulum scale with my Pemformapal Gongato and Performapal Odd eyes Unicorn giving me a scale to 2 - 8 letting me summon monsters that are LV 3 - 7 all at the same time.

As I set the scale it showed tiny versions of them.

Y/N: Next I shall pendulum summon Odd eyes Phantom dragon, Performapal Radish horse, Performapal U go Golem and Lector Pendulum the Dracoverlord all at once.

After that all the monsters where summon all at once.

Pyhrra: Good maneuver.

Y/N: This is just the beginning. Next I use Radish horse ability, now your sword woman loses 500 points and they are given to one monster of my choice I choose Radish Horse.

Sword Woman: 1500 - 500 = 1000

Radish Horse: 500 + 500 = 1000

Y/N: Now I attack with Radish Horse and sense both our cards have the same attack they are both destroyed which means I take no damage.

When I said that Radish Horse charged at the Amazon and sent both itself and the Amazoness off the edge of the board.

Y/N: Next I attack with odd eyes and thanks to my unicorn I can pick a Performapal I have on my field and Odd eyes gains it's attack points and I pick my Joker.

Odd eye's Phantom Dragon: 2500 + 1800 = 4300

After my unicorn fired a rainbow beam at Odd eyes as it charged at which it fired a dark purple flame at Pyhrra with a rainbow outline.

Pyhrra: 8000 - 4300 = 3700.

Y/N: Next for each card in my scale that has odd eyes in the scale I can deal to you 1200 points of damage to you for each card and I have one, my unicorn.

After that the gem like spheres on it's wings glowed purple and fire purple beams at Pyhrra.

Pyhrra: 3700 - 1200 = 2500

Y/N: Next I attack with my Joker.

My Joker took off it's hat and tossed it at her at fast speeds.

Pyhrra: 2500 - 1800 = 700

Y/N: Finally I finsh this game with U go golem.

My Golem than started to spin like a car tire and rolled at her and crashing into her.

Pyhrra: 700 - 1600 = 0

Y/N: And with that, that's game. Good game.

Pyhrra: Good game and I'm impressed, you better me in one turn.

Y/N: Well when you play a game for a long time you know every strategy.

Pyhrra: I guess, well that was fun. I'll see you in class Y/N.

Y/N: Bye.

She than left and blended into the crowd.

Pyhrra POV

Pyhrra: Y/N? Cute and smart if he was let in early than he must be special.


After that I got up and walked up to Ruby and Yang.

Y/N: Hey Ruby, hey Yang what you doing

Yang: Nothing really, what about you?

Y/N: Oh just played a game with a new friend I made.

Yang: Cool, actually Y/N I've been wondering what's your Semeblance?

Y/N: Give me a sec.

I made a screen and checked under abilities and under Semeblances and found mine.

Y/N: Mine is Immorality.

Ruby: Wait like the one you never age?!

Y/N: Yes.

Yang: Wow that must just wow.

Y/N: That and I can learn other people's Semeblances and I don't even need my aura to activate it including my own.

Both Yang and Ruby's jaws hit the floor in that one sentence but they changed to be excited

Yang: If you can do that than you can do anything!

Ruby: Oh try to learn my Semeblance!

Y/N: Well I can only learn it by seeing you use it.

Ruby: Alrighty!

Ruby than turned into a burst of rose and dashed right behind me and hugged me tight from behind and with that a screen appeared after that.

New Ability: Rose Burst, original user Ruby Rose.

Y/N: Got, now.

I used the brand new Semeblance I have learned but unlike Ruby I turned into a burst of blue pixels and had reappeared on Ruby shoulders within a quick burst of speed.

Y/N: I can do what you can do but with no limits.

Yang: Man I wish I could do that, able to use my Semeblance without an aura or limits.

Ruby: Same, ( Gasp ) Y/N, Yang look where here!

Yang: Well come one let's go.

We than left the bulkhead and saw the school itself and. It looked basic

Yang/Ruby: Wow

Y/N: "5 out of 10, and that's me being generous"

Yang: The view of Vale got nothing on this.

Ruby than nodded and someone passed by with a staff and turned unto some type of chibi form and started gogling at there weapon.

Ruby: ( Gasp ) Bro, Sis that kid has a clapstable staff ( Another kid passes and gasp ) and she's got a fire sword.

As Ruby try to leave I used the learned Telekinesis to pull Ruby back by her hood.

Yang: Good work and let me guess, learnt ability.

Y/N: Thanks and yes.

Yang: Nice, come on Ruby, there just weapons.

Ruby: Just weapons!? They're extention of ourselves They're apart if us, oh there so cool.

Yang: Why don't you swoon over your weapon, don't you like it.

She than pulled out Crescent Rose.

Ruby: Acourse I love Crescent Rose, I just love seeing new one's, it's like meeting new people. But better.

It than summoned my own Crescent Rose but I was able to hold the Sycthe with one hand and then desummoned it.

Yang: Ruby come on.

Yang than pulled Ruby hood down.

Yang: Why don't you go make some friends of your own, Y/N can tag along with you.

She than slid me next to Ruby.

Ruby: But, why would I make friends while I have Y/N and you?

Yang: Well my friends are here now so see you bye!

She than ran off making ruby dizzy.

Y/N: Bye Yang.

Ruby than feel on the ground, as the lounge flew into the air I used the ability I learned from Glynda and placed it back into the lounge carrier.

Y/N: You ok Ruby?

Ruby: Yeah, I'm fine. Thanks bro.

???: What are you doing?!

Ruby: Sorry.

???: Sorry! Do you know what damage you've could have caused!

Y/N: Not really?

Ruby than try to hand back her suitcase but then she snatches it back from her.

???: Give me that, this dust. Mine and purified from the Schnne Cory.

Ruby/Y/N: ?

???: Are you brain dead. Dust fire, wind water, energy.

Ruby looked like was about to sneeze

???: Is any of this sinking in, what you have to say for yourselves.

She than sneezed but then I made a barrier to save myself with soon a dust vile flying in the air.

???: I can't believe it! This is what I was exactly talking about!

Ruby: I'm really really sorry.

???: This isn't just a normal combat school, it isn't just fighting and sparring. So watch where you going!

Ruby: I said I was sorry princess.

???: It's heiress actually.

We than saw another girl and she looked kinda pretty

???: Weiss Schnee. Heiress of the schnee dust company one of the largest dust manufacturers in the world.

Weiss is her name?

Weiss: Finally some recognition!

???: Same one know for it's controversial busy works and questionable busy partners.

Weiss: How dare the nerve of!?

Meanwhile me and Ruby where laughing a bit. She than took the dust from her.

Ruby: I promise to make this up to you!

Y/N: Seems like she isn't the only one having a bad first day.

Ruby: Yeah, so what's your?

She than saw the girl walk away.

Ruby: Who was she?

Y/N: Don't know.

Ruby than laid on the ground.

Ruby: Welcome to Beacon.

Y/N: It's not that bad.

???: Hey.

???: I'm June.

Y/N: Y/N

Ruby: Ruby. Aren't you the girl on the ship?


June: Look all I'm saying motion sickness is more common than you think.

Ruby: Sorry Vomit girl is what I can think of.

June: Oh yeah what about I call you crater face.

Y/N: That was an accident and a miss understanding

Ruby: Yeah!

June: The names, June Arc short sweet rolls of the tounge guys love it.

Ruby: Do they?

June: They will! Well I hope they will, my mom always says that. Never mind.

Ruby: So, I got this thing.

She pulled out Crescent Rose.

June: Woah is that a sycthe

Ruby: It's a high powered sniper rifle.

June: ?

Y/N: It's also a gun.

June: Oh, that's cool. What's your brother got?

Ruby: Yeah what you got anyway?

Y/N: Simple. Anything to guns to tanks.

June: That's cool.

Ruby: What you got?

June: Oh.

She than pulled out a sword

June: I got this sword.

Ruby: Uh!

June: Yeah I got a sheild too.

Her sheft turned into a shield.

Y/N: So what can it do?

June: That's, all it can do.

Y/N: Really. Well I think it's nice.

June: Thanks, So know we are going.

Ruby: Well um.

June: That's a no right.

Ruby: Yeah.

I than made a map and tracked Yang

Y/N: Follow me.

They looked confused but shrugged and followed me.

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