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I was in a dark area with no one around.

Y/N: Hello, is anyone there?

???: Hello my son.

I turned to see who else but god himself.

Y/N: Woah your God, like the real god?

God: Indeed my son.

Y/N: So where am I?

God: Sorry but your dead.

Y/N: I'm dead?

God: Indeed which I accidentally killed you, I am extremely sorry.

Y/N: It's ok, mom always told me, it's ok to make mistakes as long you learn from them.

God: Your a good child, but never the less I decided to choose you to travel another world.

Y/N: Really!?!

God: Indeed but to do so you'll need power so sence I seen you played a lot of games of unique types so I decided for you to used a power known as Gamer.

Y/N: Gamer?

God: The power of the Gamer let's you use the powers ,weapons, and items of video games characters.

Y/N: Wow!

God: And you can change your appearance or outfit at anytime you want.

Y/N: Nah I'll stay as who I look like but an outfit change would be nice.

God: You can choice what you desire.

I than thought for a bit and I got an idea so I focus really hard and then

Y/N: Wow!!! I look amazing. So is there any limits to my power?


Y/N: Really?

God: Yeah you could kill me but that wouldn't be a good idea. So please do what ever you want.

Y/N: Ok?

God: And now, enjoy your new life.

After that everything blinded me with some light and next thing I knew I was some city.

Y/N: Wow this looks nice.

Just then a window to a store shattered with a guy getting kicked out of it and a girl flying out if it and something about her seems familiar, like something my older brother watched.

She than pulled something what transformed into a scythe and she spun it around and slammed it into the ground and turned off some headphones, and she was facing a female criminal.

???: Ok, get her and take the boy hostage.

She than turned to me.

???Red: Don't worry, nothing will happen to you

I looked and saw that they where running at her but I than summoned one of the many weapons of my choice

I than dash forward and sent some of those guys into the air. As another try to shoot me but I teleported behind the man.

Y/N: Don't move.

After that the girl had just finished fighting her set of bad guys.

Y/N: We make a good team.

Red: Indeed we do.

After that more of the came out.

Y/N: You take the ten of the left I got the ten on the right, bet I could take mine down faster.

Red: Your on.

After that we charged at our respected set of bad guys and I summoned one of my other weapons

I than fired the flaming meat hook and when I got closer to them I switched Yamato for a new weapon

When I got close I impaled him with the sword and he was set on fire, after that I started slicing all of them with Devil sword Dante, one of them try to slice me with his sword but I dodged out of the way and impaled him in the back and shot another guy with the super shotgun in the face.

After that Red had finished on her guys.

Y/N: Nice work, by the way my name is Y/N, yours?

Red: Ruby, Ruby Rose.

Y/N: Nice to meet you.

We than turned to the woman behind the crime looking at her goons.

???: You where the best, worth every cent. Well red and darling, this was interesting.

She than dropped her cigarette and crushed it with her cane and than pointed it at us

???: But this is where we part ways.

She than made a crosshair to appear and fired, while Ruby shot herself into the air I just grabbed the fire ball.

Y/N: Here trade ya!

I than tossed it back at her but she kicked one of the guys to take the shot as she got away. After that Ruby got on the ground and saw where she went.

Ruby: Do you mind we go after her.

The owner than nodded.

Ruby: Come on Y/N lets get her!

We than ran towards her Ruby shooting herself upward while I sprouted black angel wings and when they glowed pink I flew up in a quick burst of speed and landed right next to Ruby which the wings dissapeared.

Y/N: Hey!

The woman than turned to us.

???: Protestant aren't you, for a little cute darling for you I like that but you red not so much.

After that sometype of air ship appeared and while the lights blinded us the woman got on the ship.

???: End of the line Red and sorry darling.

She than tossed a red crystal at us which did nothing but when she shot it, it caused a explosion.

???: Why does it always have to be the cute ones that must leave me.

But as the smoke cleared there was a purple light with a new woman standing infront of us

She than fired some purple beams of light which than I saw something appear next to me.

New Ability: Telekinesis, original user Glynda Goodwitch.

So her name is Glynda, that's a beautiful name.

( Dr. Roxas: Also how new abilities work is when you see someone use their Semeblance or other abilities you get to use them without no limits. No Aura no limits )

She than summoned a storm and made it ran I think glass, or is it ice? But than the hatch down opened to show half way of a red dress was came out, she than started attacking with fire based attacks.

New Ability: Scorching Caress, original user Cinder Fall.

As Glynda made a spear out of the debris but Cinder destroyed it but Glynda made a counter attack with multiple spears and strike the airship. Than Cinder fired some liquid fire which Glynda made a sheild but when it landed on the ground she made it cause a chain reaction and was about to make it explode but Glynda moved us out of the way.

After as they got away I felt like it was my turn.

Y/N: Fire in the hole!!!

I than fired multiple missiles at the airship but they where able to get away even though the airship was heavily damaged.

Y/N: Darn it, I thought I had it.

Ruby: Your a huntress aren't you? Can I have your autograph.

She than used her Telekinesis on her.

Glynda: You two are coming with me.

She than grabbed my hand because I was somehow immune to her own Telekinesis.


Glynda: Your actions won't go unnoticed, you put yourself and multiple people in danger today including this impressively talented and young child.

As Ruby was sitting down in shame Glynda made me sit on her lap which her chest was really close to the back of my head as she patted my head.

Ruby: But they started it and I'm talented too!

Glynda: Well if where up to me, I would set you home with a pat on the back, adopt Y/N.

Ruby than looked hopeful which also when I realized that this makes me an orphan but hey I kinda spent most of my time to myself alone.

Glynda: And a slap on the wrist.

She than used her riding crop to hit the table which startled me and Ruby.

Glynda: But there is someone wants to meet you both and maybe want to adopt you Y/N.

As she said that a new woman came in with cookies and milk.

???: Ruby Rose. You have silver eyes.

Ruby looked unease but I looked and she did have silver eyes, something tells me that it is important. She than turned to me.

???: And you are the child Y/N Glynda told me about.

All I did was nod.

???: I seen what you've done and you are truly special.

Y/N: Thank you.

She smiled happily as she turned back to Ruby not before giving me a cookie which Glynda try to feed me.

Glynda: So cute.

???: So where did you learn you do this?

Ruby: Um Signal.

???: They taught you how to use one of the most dangerous weapons ever designed.

Ruby: Well one teacher in particular.

???: I see.

She than handed some cookies to Glynda and a cup of milk and passed Ruby some cookies too.

???: It's just I only see only one other sycthe weilder with that type if skill. A dusty old crow.

Ruby: Rhats my Aunt Qwill.

After that Ruby gulped down her cookies.

Ruby: Sorry. That's my Aunt Quill, she's a teacher from signal. I was abs garbage until she took me under her wing and now I'm all ( Ninja noises )

As they talked I was wiundering what where they talking about.

Y/N: What's Signal?

Glynda: It's a school you go to before for Beacon, it's where you make a weapon and learn how to fight.

Y/N: Ok.

???: Would you like to come to my school?

Ruby: More than anything.

???: Well ok.

She than turned back to me.

???: Would you like to go to Beacon too.

Y/N: Yes please.

???: Alright but before you leave do you have a family.

Y/N: No.

???: Well we can have you arranged for you to be adopted either by Ruby's family, Glynda or myself Ozpina. Who do you want to be adopted by.

As I thought I could see Ruby pointing to herself while holding a cookie for me and smiling

Y/N: Ruby's family.

Ozpina: Very well. Can't wait to see you in my school.

As I got up I held my new sister's hand.

Ruby: Come on brother, let's go home.

We than left as I waved bye to them.

Glynda POV

Glynda: Things will be an interesting four years.

Ozpina: Indeed Glynda, indeed.

As she drank her coffee I had sometype of feeling.

Glynda: The milk you gave me was your milk wasn't it?

Ozpina: I never tell.


We where standing around until a car pulled up to show a blond woman

???: Hey Ruby, this must be our new addition to the family.

Ruby: Yep.

???: Well, hi there I'm Tea, but you'll call me mom.

( Tea is mom and Summer is Mommy. Also Why Summer it will be explain in this chapter )

As we got in the back I made a screen appear and than opened up Yugioh and started it playing.

Ruby: How you do that?

Y/N: I don't know, I just knew how to.

I than paused the game and switch to a different screen called "stats" and when I pressed it and it showed how powerful everyone I met was.

Ruby: LV 5

Glynda: LV 25

Tea: LV 20

Rowin: LV 10

Cinder: LV 30

Ozpina: LV 35

Shopkeeper: LV 1

I than checked my level and well.

Y/N: LV Infinity

Wow I'm that powerful, well they say great power comes with great responsibility but I can make a exception.

After that I closed the tab and went back to playing Yugioh.


After awhile we arrived at a cabin in the woods.

Tea: Welcome to your new home Y/N

Ruby: Hey mom can introduce Y/N to well you know.

Tea: Alright but get back soon.

Ruby than took us to a grave with the name Summer Rose on it.

Ruby: Hey mom I came to say hi, I wish you where here. I got into Beacon early I stopped a criminal from robbing a shop. Oh we just adopted a new boy into the family he's Y/N and I wish you saw him, he's just wow and I wish you got to meet him. Y/N you want to say something? Y/N?

I than summoned a shovel and started digging into the grave and than climbed out.

Ruby: What are you doing?

I than summoned a 1 UP and dropped it into the hole I made.


After that a woman came out of the ground and she looked like Ruby but older

Summer: What the! Where am I?

Ruby: No way, MOM!!!

She than hugged her tightly.

Ruby: ( crying ) Mom I missed you so much! Thank you Y/N your the best brother ever!

Y/N: Thank you.

Summer: Ruby, is that you? Wow look how much you grown.

Ruby: I missed you so much.

Summer: How long was I gone for?

Ruby: Ten years.

Summer: Ten years! Wow I missed alot

She than looked at me.

Summer: Whose this little guy.

She than started to pinch my cheek.

Ruby: Oh this our new baby brother Y/N we just adopted him and he brought you back to life.

Summer: Really.

She than turned to me with a kind smile.

Summer: Thank you, my new son. How about we go home.

Ruby: Sure, oh Mom and Yang are going to flip when they see this!


We than got home but Ruby got an idea.

Ruby: Ok mom stay out of sight I want to make this a surprise.

Summer: Alright.

After that Ruby knocked on the door and Tea or my second mom opened

Tea: Wow Ruby back already? How it go?

Ruby: Look what Y/N did. Come on out.

She than moved to show Summer or my other mom and Tea was shocked.

Tea: No way, Summer is that you?

Summer: Yep its been awhile.

Tea: But how?

Ruby: Y/N brought her back to life.

She than turned to me and than keeled down and hugged me tight.

Tea: Thank you so much for bringing her back.

I hugged back.

Y/N: Family sticks together.

Tea: Yeah, and Summer you haven't age that much.

Summer: Well die 20 come back 20.

Tea: I guess that's true. Oh Yang come down look who came to visit.

Than a blond girl came down not wearing that much

Yang: What is it mo- no way.

She than walked up to Summer.

Yang: I- I can't believe it, I don't know what to say but just wow.

Summer: Seems you've all have been growing up.

Yang: Yeah also whose this guy?

Ruby: Oh this is our brother and he brought my mom back.

Yang: Wow, we'll I'm Yang your oldest sister.

She held her hand out and before I knew she pulled me into a hug.

Yang: Welcome to the family little bro.

Tea: Well you three should get to bed you all go to Beacon tomorrow a day sorry Y/N you'll have to share a room with your sisters until we have a room ready for you.

Summer: Or he could sleep in our room.

We all turned to Summer with confused faces.

Summer: What?

Tea: Well it would be weird if he was in our room so let's just let him sleep in the girls room.

Summer: ( Pouts ) Fine.

We than made it to our room and when I checked again with the stats I saw something called "Harem" and when I pressed it, it showed almost all the people expect the shop keeper on the list.

Y/N: Is this some type of friend list?

I than switched to stats it showed Summer and Yang LV.

Yamg: LV 15

Summer: LV 30

We than entered the room and there where only a bunk bed to sleep on.

Ruby: Do you like top or bottom? If top than you sleep with me.

Yang; Bottom you get to be with me.

Y/N: Well I choose top bunk.

Ruby: Sweet!

Yang: Alright than.

Yang than rolled into her bed and I went to the top bunk and which Ruby joined in and which Ruby cuddled me.

Ruby: Night brother.

Y/N: Night.

After that I slept and called it a night.


Summer was kinda jealous that her daughters get to be with Y/N but she'll get her chance later like she might be in love with Y/N but she wouldn't hurt her family and the same could be the same for Yang but she didn't care as much.

And that's is and before we go to the next level/Chapter let's add more to the harem.

Kali Belladonna
Willow Schnee
NDGO ( they'll replace CRDL )
May Zedong
Eve Tarsus ( fem Adam )
Illia ( Strait )
Lady Ghria ( Fem Ghria )

I think that's all. If I did miss any just tell me and the harem will keep going up. Until than here's your theme


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