7. Christmas Shopping and Guitar Hero

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*So sorry for not updating in so long! For the sake of what month it is, I had to skip the Halloween chapter, I am so sorry. I really hate myself for doing this to you guys. I'm writing this the day before Christmas Eve and hopefully it gets out on time or before New Years. Again, I am so so so soooo sorry for doing this.*

// Castiel's POV

"Cas, this is Charlie, Benny, and Lisa." Dean smiled, pointing at each person. "Garth should be here any minute."

Castiel smiled and waved at everyone, giving Charlie an extra hug since they knew each other already.

"It's very good to meet you, brother." Benny smiled, patting Cas on the back.

"I've heard you and Dean have become good friends." Lisa said, smiling.

Cas bit his bottom lip. "I guess. I mean we talk and hang out a bit..." he started mumbling. Charlie glared at Lisa for a moment before shaking it off.

They were by the front doors of the school- inside of course- waiting for Garth. They had planned to go Christmas shopping together since the big holiday was in a few days.

Cas had no idea why he was invited.

He had no idea what to buy these people.

Gabriel had gone home with Michael and Lucifer. He wanted to tag along and meet their mom. When Cas asked if Sam wanted to go to, Dean informed him that he was staying at a friends house.

"Dudes! What the hay? I've been standing outside forever!" A boy said, running inside shivering even with his giant coat and floppy hat on.

"We told you to meet us here." Lisa reminded.

"Uh, you said to meet you at the front of the school." Garth remarked.

"This is the front of the school." They all said in unison.

"Oh." Garth looked over at Cas and narrowed his eyes. "And who's this??????"

Dean placed a hand on Cas' shoulder and grinned. "Garth, this is Cas, our new buddy. Cas, this is Garth, our awesome friend."

Castiel smiled and shook Garth's hand. "Nice to meet you."

Garth grinned widely and shook his hand firmly. "Same here! Okay guys! Let's go Christmas shopping!"

Everyone cheered and began running outside into the cold, buttoning and zipping up their coats.

"SHOTGUN!" Garth yelled.

"No, brother. I call shotgun." Benny said, smiling sympathetically.

Dean laughed and wrapped his arm around Lisa's shoulders. "Sorry boys, my car, my rules. Lisa gets shotgun." Lisa giggled and kissed his cheek.

Cas awkwardly walked behind the group, not exactly sure how to react to anything that was happening. Everyone was sort of laughing so he tried laughing but it would come out really awkwardly. Sigh.

Charlie must've seen him because she wrapped her arm around his shoulders and walked with him. "Yo."

Cas smiled and gave her a small wave. "Hello."

"Who's raining on your parade?" She asked. Cas sighed and shook his head. "No one...well I don't know. I guess it's just the fact that you all are taking me Christmas shopping and I don't even know any of you. No offense."

"Oh no! None taken! We don't really know you either! You don't have to get us anything. Besides, most of this is just decoration shopping and probably Dean buying stuff for Sam and Lisa while Lisa asks us opinions on gifts for Dean. No biggie."

Castiel smiled widely and walked them closer to the group.

"Thanks, Charlie."


"Garth, I'm gonna need you to stop kicking me in the face, man." Benny said, pushing Garth's feet out of his face.

Garth shrugged and looked up at him. "Sorry man, it's either your face or...the er...baby maker."

Benny sighed and let Garth's feet rest against his nose.

There was only enough room for five people in Dean's car and since Cas was an extra so he insisted on going home but Charlie wasn't hearing of it. He was told they normally put Garth in the trunk if it was full in the car and surprisingly, he was okay with that. But it was December and the trunk would be too cold so now here they were: Charlie on the far left side of the car behind the drivers seat, Cas in the middle, and Benny behind the passengers seat. And Garth? Well he was laying atop the three of them, his head in Charlie's lap and his bottom in Cas' lap ((oh god)) and his feet in Benny's face.

He was totally okay though.

Totally a-okay!









"It's fkcuing stuck."

"Well shit."

"Just get another cart." Dean groaned, coming back outside.

Garth and Benny were currently having problems with one of the carts. It's wheels were sticky and crooked and it wouldn't move forward, no matter how hard they pushed.

The boys groaned and Garth went to grab another cart while Benny lifted their current one and went to place it back in its place.

"Okay guys. It's time to shop for the most intense holiday of the year!" Charlie cheered and ran inside, dragging Cas and Lisa with her.

"We'll catch up with you in a bit, babe!" Lisa yelled, waving at Dean as she was dragged away.

Dean and the other two boys waved before heading to the dessert isle.


"What do you think of this?" Lisa asked holding up a stuffed monkey that read 'I think you're bananas.'

Charlie gagged at it before tossing it back into the stuffed toy section. "It's as cheesy as everything else you've showed us."

Castiel nodded in agreement before placing some actual bananas in the basket Charlie was holding.

"Maybe I'll get him a key chain?" Lisa mumbled, walking away.

Charlie sighed and grabbed the sleeve of Cas' sweater, dragging him with them.

They wandered over to a stand with many key chains, labeled with names. Lisa examined them all, looking for a perfect one for her boyfriend.


Castiel looked for his own name in the key chains, sure that he probably wouldn't find it.


Castiel turned around and at the end of the isle, he saw Dean waving his hands, calling him over. Cas looked back at Lisa and Charlie, who were still observing the key chains and walked over to Dean.

"Hello, Dean. Why are you hiding?" Cas inquired.

Dean shushed him before grabbing his collar and pulling him away.

"Oh...okay." Cas whispered.

He was dragged to the other side of the store where all the video games were. Garth and Benny were playing Mario Kart, cursing and shoving each other. Benny, was currently sat in the shopping

"Dean...I don't understand. Does Lisa play video games?" Cas asked, tilting his head to the side. Lisa did not seem like the girl to play video games.

Dean scoffed and slapped Cas' back. "Nope. But I do. And we're playing Guitar Hero." He said, walking up to the console and picking up one of the guitars. "You wanna go first?"

Cas shook his head frantically took a few steps back. "I'll pass..."

Dean shrugged and put the strap around his neck. He selected his song (Light 'em up) and proceeded to play.
Castiel stood next to him, bobbing his head to the beat.

He missed a few notes but did well and when he finished he was extremely hyped and just oakdjnsmdjsmfkskfkd.

"Fuck yes!" He cheered. "Alright. Your turn, Castiel."

"Um...no thanks. I wouldn't want to embarrass you." Cas sighed, shaking his head.

Dean scoffed and pulled the strap over his head and extending the guitar towards Cas.

"You wont embarrass me."

Cas lifted his hands up in defeat before taking off his jacket, grabbing the guitar and adjusting the strap around his neck. "You asked for it." Cas searched through the songs and smirked before clicking 'Through the Fire and Flames.'

Dean's eyes widened and he looked at Cas oddly. "Dude, are you sure about that? It's one of the hardest songs on here."

Cas turned to Dean and winked before clicking play. Dean gulped but played it cool, leaning against the wall next to them.

((If you haven't already, it's a good time to go back to page uno and click the video))

Castiel narrowed his eyes at the screen and took a deep breath as the notes came down. Dean watched him closely, smiling to himself because there were too many notes and Cas was gonna suck at this. Like it was literally all the fucking buttons! There was no way Cas could...holy shit.

The music started, extremely fast, and none of the notes were missed. Cas had the most concentrated face Dean had ever seen and his fingers were moving at top speed.

He hit a thousands of points in no time.


// Dean's POV

How the fuck was he still going?!

The song was almost over and Cas' fingers had not stopped moving. Sure he had missed some notes bUT HE WAS GETTING MOST OF THEM RIGHT LIKE WTF CAS!!

Garth had pushed the cart with Benny inside over to them and they were cheering Cas on. A few people had stopped and watched too but not many.

Okay some nice easy parts good goo-- oh fuck not again.

"WHOOP WHOOP GO CASTIEL!" Garth cheered.

"Shit." Cas would say under his breath if he missed a note or two.

Dean was no longer leaning against the wall like he was at the beginning. He was standing right next to Cas, who was tapping his foot violently and moving with the music.

Cas groaned in frustration and bit his bottom lip hard, pulling the guitar up in the air. He pushed the last few quick notes before holding the orange key out until the song was over.

He hit 513,984 points.

Garth and Benny clapped and by standers stared in awe as Cas let the guitar hang from the strap around his neck. He stood there, panting before sighing. "Man, I haven't played Guitar Hero in so long."

Dean laughed and shook his head. "Well it definitely shows."

Cas looked over at Dean with a wide smile before bursting out into laughter.

Dean smiled widely before narrowing his eyes at Cas' bottom lip. He walked closer and stared. "Cas, buddy, you're bleeding."

Cas stopped laughing and dapped his fingertips against his lips. Huh. He was bleeding.

"Must've been from all the intensity." Cas laughed.

Dean smiled before pulling a convenient handkerchief from his pocket and handing it to Cas. "Here. Use this."

Cas took the cloth and held it against his lip.

"What? Not gonna kiss it better?" He teased.

Dean's face grew hot and he laughed nervously. "Uh-- come on guys. Let's go find the others and get going."

Benny had climbed out of the cart and suggested Cas climb inside, which he did. And he was pushed in the cart by Dean to get more groceries and find the girls.

Dean had a smile the rest of the day.

He was surprised with how good Cas was at Guitar Hero and how confident he was. Originally, he was thus shy little nerd who was afraid of dates.

Castiel was obviously more than he was letting on. And it was making Dean very curious.


It has been so long since I updated this thing! Sorry I missed the Halloween chapter and I'm obviously super late for the Christmas chapters but hey, that's just who I am! Besides, ya'll still need some X-Mas spirit even after the holidays.

I hope you guys enjoyed this! Sorry for any hiccups.

Also, whoever watched that entire video gets a virtual hug from me. Yay. I think.

MERRY CHRISTMAS GUYS! I will try to publish an X-Mas chapter for this fic even if it's short or New Years or some shit idk. I cry. Lmao the first a/n said I was writing this before Christmas Eve. Oh god I published this a day after Christmas...I'm a terrible person.

Anyways, see you guys in a few millennium! Lolzor.

ComeAlongHolmes_ *

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