8. I'm so late...oops

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// Castiel's POV

"Merry Christmas sweetie." Anna smiled, chunking a wrapped gift in his face.

Cas caught it just in time and set it in his lap. He tore open the wrapping paper and revealed a...a pack of underwear...

"Oh...uh thanks mom." Cas smiled, setting the pack aside. Anna smiled widely and threw a box at Gabriel.

Gabriel violently ripping the paper apart the delicate paper. Under it was a medium sized box. He opened it and inside was a lot of clothes.

"Gee...thanks mom."

Anna's smile only grew. Then she picked up her last box and handed to it Michael. wtf mom?

Michael carefully unwrapped the gift to also reveal a box. And this was a white box that read "iPad." Seriously...wtf mom.

"WAHT TEH FKCU MOTHER?!" Gabriel and Cas cried.

"Language!" Anna warned.

Michael's eyes were wide. He quickly opened the box. "Thanks mom, I-- I have no words I-- wat."

Inside the box was indeed and eye pad. Just not an iPad. Inside this box was a pad...a period pad with dozens of googly eyes stuck to it. And that's when Anna bursted out into laughter.


The boys sighed and exchanged their gifts. Michael gave Cas some new comic books and Gabriel lots of Pocky boxes. Cas gave Michael a new journal- it had rainbows on it- and Gabriel a jelly bean dispenser and a Moose sticker. Gabriel gave Cas a new beanie and a muscle shirt that read "Yes, your gaydar is accurate." and Michael a rainbow button to go with Lucifer's sweater.

"My kids are so gay." Anna whispered before actually giving them their gifts. A new laptop for Michael, Cas a black camera, and Gabriel a new phone with a candy phone case.

Everyone was happy and the sang Christmas songs and ate a bunch of food.

Merry Super Late Christmas From The Novaks


// Dean's POV

"Merry Christmas, Sammy." Dean smiled, handing his brother the badly wrapped gift.

Sam quickly opened it and held up a pair of moose antlers with bells and a new pair of glasses.

Sam smiled widely and jumped on Dean, hugging him tightly. "Thank you! It was getting hard to read the board in class!"

Dean laughed and returned the hug. "I finally had just enough to get them. Remember, we're going to see your doctor in a few days to see how you're doing."

Sam's smile faltered and he nodded. He placed the glasses on his nose and the antlers atop his head and proceeded to hand Dean his gift.

Dean unwrapped it and pulled out a small box. When he opened the box, he saw a few bills. A ten and a few fives.

"Sammy what...?"

"I know Bela and Gordon asked you to do something for them again. Gabriel confronted me about it. I figured that could help. It's not a lot but please...stop taking jobs from them. Please don't hurt Cas."

Dean bit the inside of his cheek and nodded, tearing up a bit. He scooted closer to his brother and wrapped his arms around him in another hug.

"Alright, Sammy...alright."

Merry So Fucking Late Christmas From The Winchesters

*So this is my late Christmas gift to you guys! Hope you enjoyed this very short chapter.


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