9. One Day (Maybe Next Week) I'm gonna update

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// Sam

"How many fingers am I holding up?"

"One- please don't flick me off."

"If you can see me flicking you off, why do you need glasses?"

"Because you are literally holding your finger in front of me."

Sam put his glasses back on and sighed. Gabriel was staring at him in confusion.

"I'm not gonna get used to you wearing glasses." He huffed. Sam laughed and shook his head.

"Too bad."

Gabriel shrugged and wrapped his arm around Sam's waist. "Well then, off to class we go."

"Oh my god Gabriel please let me go."

"Never my love. Never."


// Dean

It was fourth period.

Cas was in his fourth period.

He had been avoiding Cas for weeks. He told Bela and Gordon on back off but they kept insisting.

But Dean couldn't do it...he couldn't. Castiel was just this poor boy ((from a poor family)) and this was his first year at this high school. He couldn't do it.

But he didn't want to face him either.

He had skipped his fourth period for the past few weeks and he was going to end up getting a letter about it- but it's not like he wasn't going at all! He would go sometimes...he just wouldn't talk to Cas.

Today was one of the days to skip.

Dean walked around the empty halls, headed towards the track field to run for a while.

"Dean Winchester."

He turned around and there was his teacher- his fourth period teacher.


"Where do you think you're going?" Mr: Harper asked.

"Um...class?" Dean said, trying to walk away.

"Good, then you will join me to my class." Mr. Harper smiled and began walking with Dean back to the classroom.

They walked inside and everyone just stared at them in the way that makes people nervous.

"You should start showing up to class, Dean. We have a test coming up and I really do not want to see you next year."

Dean rolled his eyes and sat down in his seat way in the back of the class.

Dean glanced at Castiel who was already staring and quickly looked away.

"Now. To begin please everyone grab your notebooks from the back." Mr. Harper

Dean turned around and took his notebook from the shelf behind him and watched as everyone stood up to grab theirs.

Dean stared at the doorway as Cas awkwardly stood next to him in line.

"Hello, Dean..." Cas whispered, smiling.

Dean grunted but didn't look at him. gOD DAMMIT WHY AM I SO STUPID

Castiel's smile fell from his face. He quickly grabbed his journal and walked back to his desk.

"Please open to a blank page and begin to write down the problems on the board. Do your best to solve them with the strategies I've shown you. Dean...you're an intelligent young man, please do your best on these problems."

Castiel looked back at him and sighed.

Dean opened his journal and began writing.


// Lucifer

Oh God! He hadn't seen Michael all day! Sure he had seen him yesterday bUT HE MISSED HIM SO MUCH ALREA DY

Lucifer sat impatiently in his desk, waiting for the bell to ring so he could continue the search for his soon-to-be lover. Pfft 'soon-to-be', He had given Michael his jacket, they were practically married!

Lucifer looked down at his notebook where he had drawn little people walking together and holding hands. Lololol him and Michael obviously.

"Yo dude, what the hell are you drawing?" His friend asked, staring at his paper.

"These two very gay guys walking around and holding hands." Lucifer replied with a very serious face.

"Oh okay." He shrugged. "Hey so how are things going with your precious little angel?"

"Things are good. I mean we're practically dating." Lucifer laughed. "I think."

"Have you guys done aNyTHinG?"

"Well we went to the ice cream parlor a few months ago and we've been to the park a couple of times and- "

"Lucifer. You know what I'm asking you."

"Oh my god Garret that all you think about? Me having sex with other guys?" Lucifer yelled.

"Boys, keep it down! Watch your language Lucifer." The teacher scolded.

They nodded and turned back to each other.

"I mean not all the time...I have a life too ya know." Garret whispered.

"Why...why..." Lucifer sighed and shook his head in disappointment.

Garret cleared his throat and scooted his desk closer to Lucifer's. "I mean...if you two aren't serious, I could have a go with him?"

Lucifer gasped so loudly then that a teacher four doors down ran into the room to see if there was am emergency.

"Boys! I told you to keep it down!" The teacher yelled.

Lucifer didn't say anything before he started bursting out into laughter. Garret and the rest of the class were extremely concerned.

"That's it! Out of my classroom! Both of you!" Their teacher yelled.

"But what did I do?!" Garret whined.


Lucifer stood up and walked out the door, still laughing. Garret followed after him and they both stood outside for a while as Lucifer calmed down.

It took about five minutes before Lucifer wiped the tears from his eyes and stared at Garret with so must rage that his eyes seemed to glow red.

"Don't touch him." Lucifer warned before walking away.

Maybe this was a good time to look for Michael.


// Castiel

The sound of the bell caused everyone to get up and out of the class in a synchronized motion.
Castiel stood outside the door and waited for Dean.

When he did, he took one glance at Cas and walked in the other direction.

"Dean!" Cas called and ran after him. "Dean wait!" He grabbed Dean's shoulder and turned him around.

"What?" Dean snapped.

Castiel flinched and quickly let go of him. "Dean..." he cleared his throat. "What did I do?"

"What are you talking about?" Dean asked.

"You've been ignoring me the past few weeks!"

"No I haven't."

"Dean! You haven't been showing up to any of the classes we have together!"

Dean looked away from him. Castiel's face was stern and he was doing his best to make himself look tall.

"I don't know what I did but just tell me you don't want to talk to me anymore instead of making me feel guilty." Cas said.

Dean looked back at him with wide eyes. He seemed surprised which just confused Cas even more.

People were pushing past them and the halls were emptying.

But Dean didn't say anything.

"Okay. It was nice being your...friend this school year Dean." Castiel stated before walking away.

Dean said nothing.


// Gabriel

"You're a nerd." Gabriel hissed.

"Gabriel shut up."

"Ugh Sam! You're supposed to say 'But I'm your nerd.'"

"Gabriel. Shut. Up."

"Awww come on Sammich, be nice to me." Gabriel pleaded, resting his head on Sam's shoulder.

Sam rolled his eyes but secretly smiled and had to resist wrapping his arm around him. He continued to eat his lunch.

"I want candy." Gabriel sighed.

"No. Eat your food. We'll get candy later ." Sam said, taking a bite of the school's boring and strange cheeseburger.

Gabriel scrunched up his nose. "How can you eat that? You're always eating rabbit food."

Sam chuckled and shook his head.

Gabriel watched Sam eat for a while before deciding to eat his own burger. They both sat in silence for a while, in peace.

"Hey guys!" The cheery voice squealed, disrupting their peaceful silence.

"Hi, Jessica." Sam said as the curly haired girl sat in front of them.

"'Sup." Gabriel nodded.

Jessica smiled and rested her head on her hands and stared at them.

"So...Sam...are you going to the Renaissance Festival with your theater class this Friday?" She asked.

"Of course I am! I've always wanted to go!" Sam said, smiling widely.

"The what now?" Gabriel asked.

"The Renaissance Festival!" They both yelled causing Gabriel to nearly fall off his chair.

Jessica slid her phone across the table at him as a video begun to play. Gabriel watched the knights and gypsies walk around. He watched the wizards and kings men and all the shops and he couldn't contAIN HIS EXCITEMENT. LIKE THIS SEEMED SO AWESOME.

"I wanna go!" Gabriel yelled.

"Are you in theatre?" Sam asked.


"The G/T program?" Jessica asked.


"Oh...I'm sorry...I don't think you can go." She said, frowning.

All the candy seemed to disappear from the short humans eyes.

"B-but why?!"

"The school's only sponsoring the trip for the theatre and the G/T classes." She explained.

"Wait but that means I wont get to see Sam on Friday?" Gabriel asked, worried.

Sam smiled and cleared his throat. "Don't worry, we have plans on Friday remember?"
Gabriel smiled slightly.

"Wait...Sam we have to work on our biology project." Jessica said and Gabriel was in tears again.

Sam glared at Jessica before patting Gabriel's back. "Maybe Gabe could help us?"

Jessica bit her bottom lip and said nothing for a while before nodding. "Sure..."

Gabriel could tell she wanted to work alone with Sam. He tried convincing them he was fine but Sam wasn't hearing any of it and said they would meet at his house to work on the project- which Gabriel had nothing to do with...great.


// Michael

Swinging the rainbow-cuffed sleeves at his sides, Michael walked around the courtyard, examining the trees around him and the chattering people.

It was getting a bit too hot for Lucifer's coat but Michael enjoyed wearing it so eh.

Class wouldn't start for another few minutes so he tried to entertain himself with listening to the Hamilton soundtrack...for the millionth time.

"He will never be satisfied..." Michael whispered to himself. He scrolled through the song list, looking for something more intense when he accidentally bumped into someone.

He quickly pulled out his headphones and turned to the person.

"I'm so sorry! I wasn't paying attention and- "

"No! It's okay! I wasn't really paying attention either!" The teen smiled.

Michael chuckled and began to walk away when the boy grabbed his arm.

"You're Michael, right?" He asked.

Michael wasn't comfortable with him grabbing his arm. He moved away and nodded. "That depends, who's asking?"

"Oh! I'm Garret." He smiled, extending a hand towards him.

Michael hesitantly shook his hand and narrowed his eyes at him. "How do you know me?"

"Oh, I'm a friend of Lucifers." He said. "He talks about you non-stop."

He felt his face grow hot. He let go of Garret's hand and stood there, unsure what to say.

"You seem like a hell of a guy from his perspective. Just be careful with that one. He'll do whatever he needs to survive."

"I'm not sure I know what you mean."

"He's known as the player around here. He's broken his fair share of hearts. He's probably not what you need." Garret said, pushing his shoulders back, making himself look larger.

Michael wanted to run far away from him. But he was stuck.

"And what? You are?" He asked.

Garret shrugged. "It'd be nice to get to know you. Just be careful with Lucifer. He has this way of manipulating people. We wouldn't want him breaking another precious heart." He smirked and walked away, throwing a small wink Michael's way.

Michael almost laughed but that was rude so he hummed a Hamilton tune to himself and walked away.

"micHAEL!" Lucifer yelled, running towards him.

Michael sighed and embraced for impact. Lucifer jumped onto him, causing Michael to crash into the wall next to them.

Lucifer nuzzled his face in the crook of Michael's neck. "I missed you so much!"

Michael pushed him back. "You saw me yesterday."

"But I haven't seen you all day today! Let me love you!"

Michael laughed let Lucifer hold him for a while. When he pulled away, Lucifer took his hand and began walking with him.

Michael blushed and awkwardly cleared his throat.

He has this way of...

"So...wanna go for a movie this weekend? Or maybe ice cream? I don't know...whatever you wanna do...if you wanna do anything." Lucifer rambled.

manipulating  people...

"Huh? Oh...uh sure...I guess the movies would be okay."

breaking hearts...

"Goody! Ugh now the weekend seems so far away! But I'm willing to wait for it!"

Michael chuckled and grasped Lucifer's hand a little tighter.

What was Garret even talking about? Lucifer didn't seem like a bad person at all...

* why do I write like I'm running out of time? BECAUSE YOU NEED THESE UPDATES!

Okay sorry.

As you can see, I am obsessed with the wonderful broadway soundtrack Hamilton. I live nowhere near New York so I can't go watch it live. If any of you guys live in New York, you sHOULD GO WATCH IT!

So yes finally I updated! Whoop whoop! I have STAAR this Wednesday so wish me luck!

Sorry for any hiccups in the story or if it just sucked in general

Anything else you want me to update?

Any suggestions for new books?

Please message me and I will answer as many as I can!


Alexander Hamilton *

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