Chapter 2

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(V's POV)

I never expected to be recruited by the most wanted of criminals in all of the world, but what can I say, we take what we can get. Right now, I was walking with Night Raid to their base of operations while reading one of the books that I happened to steal from their library. It's about a young boy, born with the power to turn into animals, who tries to find friendship and love. While I was reading, I could tell that I was getting stares from most of them members, especially the white-skirted, pink-haired individual, who had the Imperial Arm Pumpkin by her side. 

???: "Why did you bring him along Leone!? This...person should go back to whoever is looking for him!" Before Leone could respond, I butted in.

V: ""We are all born alone and die alone. The loneliness is definitely part of the journey of life." So it is written." 

???: "Yeah yeah whatever Shakespeare. We don't need to hear your long speeches and what not." She puffed her cheeks and walked on ahead.

V: "Well, that was...curious." I chuckled a little bit before going back to my book .

Leone: "Don't worry, she will warm up to you eventually. I hope."

 V: *chuckles* "I hope so too." We then arrived at our destination, which was the Night Raid's base of operations. It was carved into the cliff-face so to speak, but I didn't care, for the most part, I was only looking forward to working with them so that I can have my revenge on the Prime Minister for what he did. As we entered the base, every one of the members started to go to their assigned rooms, but I didn't have one, so I just decided to have a look around without Leone knowing, after walking around for a bit, I stumbled upon a large room with a chair at the end of the room. Curious as I was, I decided to walk over to it and take a seat. Surprisingly, it was comfortable, comfortable enough for me to sleep in. So, I decided to read a few more pages of the book I had read on the way here before deciding to get some rest.


The next morning came, and I was slowly opening my eyes after that wonderful rest, but when I came to, I noticed that everyone, including Tatsumi and a woman who had an eye patch and a robotic arm on.

V: "Oh, good morning to you all. Don't mind me, I was just getting a well deserved rest in the comfortable chair."

???: "You don't have the permission to sit on that chair, and if you don't get off of that chair, we will have to kill you." I looked over to the members of Night Raid, and they were readying their weapons  to fight me, but I just sighed and stood up.

V: "You're bluffing, you wouldn't want to kill your new addition to the group now would you?" 

???: "Leone, is this true?"

Leone: "Yeah boss, I picked him up after I noticed that he had an Imperial Arm with him." She rubbed her chin with her robotic arm before she walked up to me.

Najenda: "My name is Najenda, and I am the leader of Night Raid. So, you will address me as either boss, or Najenda. Do I make myself clear?"

V: "Clear as the purple that shines in your eye." Flustered by this, Najenda turned away from me before taking out a cigar from her pocket and lighting it up.

Najenda: "A-anyways, onto the business as hand." Everyone was shocked at what they had just heard, their boss had just stuttered, which she has never done before. I walked over to Tatsumi and gave him a fist bump before turning my attention back to Najenda.

Najenda: "Now that we have two new recruits here, it's time to see whether they are worthy of calling themselves assassins. But first, they would have to be acquainted with each of the members of Night Raid. So, let's start with the ones you already know." 


Najenda: "Now that you are fully acquainted with one another, do you both plan on staying here in Night Raid or not?"

Tatsumi: "If we DON'T accept, will you kill us?"

Najenda: "No, we won't kill you, we will have to let you stay here still. We don't want our location to be known. I will, however, encourage you to join." 

V: "I heard of your kind of people. The Revolutionary Army, is a rebel army that focuses on uprooting the source of all this corruption. Night Raid is but a faction, a faction that focuses on assassination and spy work. Is that about correct?"

Najenda: "That is correct V."

Tatsumi: "So that means, that you guys are the good guys right, you fight for the justice of others!?" Everyone then laughed at what Tatsumi had just said, and so did I. "W-what's so funny?"

V: "Night Raid is a group of killers and criminals, they may fight for freedom, but they are criminals all the same."

Tatsumi: "I don't care if I become a criminal anymore. As long as I help fight for the good of the people then I will join Night Raid."

V: "I will join as well, I just want the Prime Minister to see my face before all of this is over."

Najenda: "Then it's settled then, welcome to Night raid, Tatsumi and V. Tomorrow, you will both be training with Akame, that's all, you're dismissed for the night." Just then, Griffon popped out from my cane and flew around the room before perching on my left arm.

Griffon: "Well, sorry to interrupt your little celebration, but V is not fighting material. He may look combat ready, but that's only because he has us to help him. So, I don't think that it would be such a good idea to train him in armed combat."

V: "He has a point. But growth begins when we begin to accept our own weaknesses."

Najenda: "Well said V, but I think that what your little chicken said is true, I think that you should just stay on the sidelines and let your familiars do the work.

Griffon: "She's right V, and WHO ARE YOU CALLING A LITTLE CHICKEN!?" I chuckled before Leone hugged me from behind and smothered my back with her breasts.

Leone: "Well, welcome to the team V."

V: "Thanks."


The following day, Akame, Tatsumi, and I were tasked with manning the kitchen for today. But, I was not much for cooking, so I just decided to continue reading my book while I petted Shadow.

Tatsumi: "Hey V, aren't you gonna give us a hand?"

V: "I am not much for cooking, so I'd rather read my book in peace. Besides, I need to know if Felicia will fall in love with Percival." Tatsumi sighs as he continues to peel the vegetables, while Akame was just "sampling" the food for breakfast today.

Mine: "Aww, you look right at home here in the kitchen, don't you rookies?" Tatsumi growls at Mine's comment, while I just continued to read my book and pat a now growling Shadow. 

Tatsumi: "Are you guys going out on a mission?"

Bulat: "Yup, special request."

Tatsumi: "Shouldn't I come too?"

V: "Leave it Tatsumi, you're on kitchen duty today, if you want, I could go with you."

Sheele: "It's ok V, this one won't take long, so you don't need to worry."

V: "Hmm."

Mine: "Well, see you losers later" She then laughs hysterically at us, which made Tatsumi extremely mad, while I just continued reading my book.

Akame: "We're heading out V, we're going to catch some fish. C'mon Tatsumi." As they started to leave, Najenda entered the dining room whilst smoking her cigar.

Najenda: "Mind if I sit down with you?" I gestured her to sit, but started swatting the tobacco that was in the air as she sat down. "So V, tell me about your past? What did you do in your past life?" I closed my book before keeping it in my back pocket and turned to look at her.

V: "Do you really want to know about my past?" She nods before I sighed.

V: "Sorry, but I won't tell you. It is too personal to talk about. Maybe another time." Najenda nods in understanding before Tatsumi and Akame came back with some tuna for dinner.

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