Chapter 3

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(V's POV)

Leone: "Our targets are Ogre from the Imperial Guard and Gamal the Oil merchant. And according to the client, whenever Gamal is in trouble, Ogre finds a way to pin the blame on someone else. This is what she paid up front." Leone then pulls out a fairly large coin sack and sets it on the table. I just kept my eyes on my book while speaking.

V: "Judging by the looks of it, the client must be a woman that must've sold her body just to get this much amount of money. Correct?"

Leone: "Yeah, you're absolutely right V." 

V: "Also, I think that Gamal would be a fairly easy target for both Akame and Leone to handle, but Ogre is gonna be much more difficult correct?"

Leone: "Correct again."

V: "I suppose that we should split into two groups since the others won't be back until then. Akame and Leone, Tatsumi and I."

Najenda: "Who made you the boss V?"

V: "I'm not, I'm speaking my mind." She looked at me for a few seconds before sighing.

Najenda: "Then it's settled, Tatsumi and V you will go after Ogre, Leone and Akame you will go after Gamal. Also, Tatsumi, are you sure that you can kill Ogre along with V?"

Tatsumi: "Well, I did do it once before, so it should be no problem."

Akame: "You were blinded by your actions that night. Do you think that you can kill someone without a second thought?" Tatsumi had his fist clenched before speaking once more.

Tatsumi: "This son of a bitch deserve to die, so I say we should finish him once and for all!"

V: "Watch your words Tatsumi, "He who desires, but acts not, breeds pestilence." So it is written."

Najenda: "V has a point, if you can't back up what you say, then it would all be for naught."

Tatsumi: "I'll prove it to you, I will come back from this mission alive and without a scratch, just you wait."

V: "Hmph, Akame will see to that." Griffons appears on my arm and speaks.

Griffon: "Then what are we standing around here for!? Let's get this over with!" All of us nodded before we prepared for Tatsumi and I's first mission.


Right now, Tatsumi and I were walking around to find if Ogre was already on his way to the bar. But while we were waiting, Tatsumi decided to ask me a few questions.

Tatsumi: "Um V, can I ask you something?"

V: "Hmph, you just did."

Tatsumi: *sarcastic laugh* "Very funny V. But V isn't your real name now is it?" I closed my book to look at him dead in the eyes.

V: "No, but I will not tell you my real name. Under the one condition that I ask you to follow: Do NOT tell this to anyone..."

Tatsumi: "Of course."

V: "Very well then, I will give you three answers to three questions that you ask me."

Tatsumi: "Really?"

Y/N: "Really, and that was the first one."

Tatsumi: "What, that one counts!?"

YN: "That was the second one."

Tatsumi: "Um, what's your real name?" I pause for a second before answering his question.

V: "It's F/N L/N, but under no circumstance should you tell anyone. Or, would you have me feed you to Shadow." My said familiar growls at Tatsumi which made him cartoonishly wave his hands in the air.

Tatsumi: "I get it I get it! I won't tell anyone, I promise." I open my book to read a quote.

V: ""Half the promises people say were never kept, never made." So it is written. I suggest you be the other half that actually keeps their promises."

Tatsumi: "Of course." I nodded at him before we turned to the streets, where we found Ogre walking through.

V: "You lead him to where I am, I will wait in the shadows." I walked to a specific location that I had picked before sitting down on the rooftop, reading my book. Just then, Griffon flew beside me and perched on my shoulder.

Griffon: "V, are you sure we can trust Night Raid? I got a bad feeling about them."

V: "Of course I trust them, but I will only use them for my personal gain. Until the time is right, I will have my revenge on the Prime Minister, with or without their aid." Just as I said that, I saw Tatsumi lure in Ogre to the designated location. I summoned Shadow and ordered him to get ready for an attack signal, and when Tatsumi went in for an attack, I commanded Shadow to jump down and conjure up spikes to stab Ogre in the back, which to my surprise, did not kill him. Afterwards, he swung his sword at Shadow, which also to my surprise, stalemated him from the battle. Ogre then looked up to me before smirking at me, but I just kept a straight face. I jumped off the roof, and Griffon grabbed onto my arm to help me slow my descent. As I landed, Ogre immediately ran towards me and stabbed me in the chest, but I did not suffer and wounds. I smacked him away with my cane before I checked my pocket to see that the book I had gotten from Aria's library saved me for certain doom. 

Ogre: "You got lucky there! But this time, no simple book will save you!" He charged at me once more, but I commanded Griffon to summon bolts of lightning from the sky. He dodged all of them as he readied for another stab at me, but then, Tatsumi ran to my aid and blocked the stab with his sword.

Tatsumi: "Help me out here will ya!?" I smirked at him before I ran towards Ogre and stabbed him in the throat with my cane. Then, he started to cough up a bit of blood before he tried to get a hit on me with his sword, but Tatsumi was able to stab him in the heart, killing him in the process. As he fell onto his back, I threw my book onto his body before taking out my trusty old book that I kept on my journeys before deciding that it was time to leave right after revived Shadow from stalemate. 


Najenda: "Good job you two, you both did well in killing Ogre." We were back at the hideout, making sure that we were not followed by anyone.

Griffon: "Of course! We're professionals at what we do!" Akame walked closer to Griffon before speaking.

Akame: "You would make a great chicken stew for dinner tonight." Griffon squawked.


V: "Anyways, we managed to come back without injuries, as what Tatsumi had said before." Suddenly, Akame started to undress Tatsumi so quickly that in a split second, he was already in his undergarments. I inspected his body too, and there were no injuries whatsoever.

Akame: "Seems like you did come back without anything injuries. I'm glad." She smiles before I got back to my book.

V: ""A flower cannot blossom without sunshine, and a man cannot live without love." So it is written." I could feel that both Tatsumi and Akame were blushing after what I had just quoted, but I just chuckled. "Just quoting something, nothing special." They sighed in relief before I returned to my assigned room and slept.

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