Chapter 4

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(3rd POV)

Najenda: "V, I have a mission for you. Alone."

V: "This ought to be good. What is it Najenda?"

Najenda: "It's an assassination mission. You will be killing a man that has been selling prostitutes. He lives in the noisiest part on the Capitol, so just get in and get out. Sound simple?"

V: "Simple enough, but what about the others? What are they doing?"

Najenda: "They are taking care of some trespassers in the area. Don't worry, they can manage it."

V: "If you say so, when do I depart?"

Najenda: "As soon as possible. The target will leave the Capitol tomorrow, so he's throwing a big party for his departure."

V: "Understood."


V was walking around the busiest part of town, and he was looking at the picture of the target he was assigned to kill. He tried asking around for the person, but all he got was a bunch of scared faces followed by this statement.

Civilian: "Stay away from that man, you don't know who you're dealing with." This made V sigh in defeat before resulting to another alternative. He went into an alleyway and summoned Griffon before sending him to recon the town for any sign of the target. Just as he did so, he heard laughing behind him, he turned around and found ten thugs walking towards him.

Thug 1: "Well well well. Look what we have here boys. Fresh meat."

Thug 2: "Give us your money boy! Or we're gonna have to take it by force." V, feigning fear, took out a coin sack and threw it to one of the thugs, to which they caught it. He then opened the bag, and Lord behold, it was a bomb. V twirled his cane and walked away from the scene before the bomb exploded, signalling screams and gasps of terror coming from the streets. He then used Shadow Step to traverse the streets using his said familiar like a surfboard. Just as he was at a safe distance to calm down, he saw a huge mansion. It's walls were painted in pear white, and it's roofs were painted in maroon or burgundy. Guards were posted around the perimeter, and gardeners were tending to the fields twenty-four seven. What I also saw definitely caught my eye, it was the target, holding a woman in a very uncomfortable position on his lap as he was talking to one of his colleagues. 

V: "Hmmm. It seems that finding him wasn't going to be such a pain after all." Just then, Griffon perched onto V's arm.

Griffon: "Alright boss, what do we do in this kind of situation?"

V: "It is between two options: One, we use force to carve a path to the target, or two, we use the stealthier approach to strike when he's vulnerable. Either way, we will win in both situations."

Griffon: "Well, since I'm feeling a little pumped up, I say we should do the first option!" V chuckles before taking out his book and walking towards the gate. The guards notice this and take up arms.

Guard 1: "Who are you!? Identify yourself!"

V: "I have no name, I am but two days old." V closes his book before summoned Shadow to chop the guards up into pieces, which alerted all the guards in the vicinity to the sound of screams and chopping of flesh. The guards surrounded V just as quickly, resulting to V using another one of his familiars. V closes his eyes before snapping his fingers, which resulted to him having his hair color change into pure white from his jet-black locks.

Also, a huge meteor that was the size of a house came crashing down onto the street, which resulted in the death of many guards, and the appearance of a jet-black golem with one eye. By that time, all of the guards were scared to the core, and most of them had started to run back to the house, but too bad for them, the golem fired out a laser towards the ground. After a second the ground exploded, killing all but one guard. The guard was already pissing in his pants before kneeling on the ground.

Guard: "Please please, don't kill me! I have a family! I have kids!" But V didn't listen, instead, he used his cane to slowly puncture a hole through the skull of the guard, making him scream in agonizing pain. As he looked towards the target, he was already using one of the girls as a meat shield, the selfish bastard. So, he commanded Shadow to kill both of them, innocent or not, they deserved to die. Shadow turned his tail into a large blade before slicing the woman in half and greatly injuring the target in the chest. As the target began to crawl away in fear, V just read his book.

V: "Oh little wanderer, hie thee home." He then finished him off by stabbing him in his chest wound, instantly killing the man. As V cleans the blood of of his cane, Griffon perches onto his shoulder.

Griffon: "That was fun, eventhough I wasn't able to get a chance to show them what I got." Griffon had spoken too soon as the Imperial Guard had come around the corner to kill V.

Imperial Guard: "Surrender now, or be executed!" V just continues to read his book.

V: ""If the fool would persist in his folly he would become wise." So it is written." He keeps his book before he sent out Shadow, Griffon, and Nightmare into the fray.


Everyone of Night Raid was waiting for V to come back from his mission, but he was nowhere to be seen.

Leone: "He has been gone for the whole day, don't you think we should help find him?"

Mine: "No, let's leave him be, besides, I never like the guy."

Leone: "What's your problem with him Mine!? Why do you hate him so much?"

Mine: "Because he's useless in armed combat, always relying on his Imperial Arm to fight. I don't even thin he's coming back." Just as she said that, the doors swung wide open for them to see a tired V, drenched in blood, not his blood though.

V: "I have come back from my mission, but it seems like that I won't be going out for a stroll into town any time sooner." He drops onto his knees, but his immediately tries to stand up with the support of his cane. Leone and Tatsumi helped him up onto his feet as everyone stared at him in shock.

Najenda: "Welcome back V, do you have any evidence to confirm your kill?" He takes out a sack with housed the head of the target. Najenda smirks. "Well done V, now get some rest, you'll need it since you will be training with Mine tomorrow."

V: "Hmm."

Mine: "What!? But boss!"

Najenda: "But nothing." Mine was silent for a few seconds before stomping her way towards me.

Mine: "Not on any account does this make us partners or friends."

V: "One thought, fills immensity." He was interrupted by Mine covering his mouth.

Mine: "Yeah yeah, whatever Shakespeare." She stomps away as he stood there, oblivious to the fact that Mine actually likes him. 

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