Tercera Reserección, El Devorador de Mundos

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 Ochako had been thrown through the other side of the portal that Kurogiri had manifested to aid in her abduction. Having been released by Monoma's compress copy she's tossed to the floor with her hands bound in front of her in a set of steel shackles that go up to her elbows. Monoma grabs her by the arm and forces her to her feet before strapping her to a chair at the far end of the room. A moment after she had been fastened to the chair, Bakugou was brought out of the portal having been captured as well. His mouth was clasp shut in a muzzle and his arms were in the same manacles that Ochako found herself in. Monoma forces Bakugou into a chair beside Ochako but as he's trying to tie the walking nuke down he receives a painful headbutt to the nose and is glared at murderously by Bakugou. Staunching the blood dripping from his nose with a hand, Monoma rears back and back hands Bakugou with his fist, to little effect as the strike doesn't even make him flinch.

"Grrrrrrrrrrr Mmmmmmm." Bakugou growls into the muzzle but Ochako is able to manage to make out what he's saying.

"He says you hit like a bitch and he's also called you a cunt." Ochako gloats, locking eyes with the traitorous student. Bakugou then grumbles a second time causing Ochako to turn and look at him before turning back to Monoma. "He also said that his own mother hits harder than that and you're just pathetic villain trash, and he also said something I'm not going to repeat."

"You shut the fuck up you necrophilic whore. In case you haven't noticed, you're now my prisoner." Monoma shouts back at Ochako raising his hand to strike her in order to silence the brunette. Ochako doesn't even bother to flinch as Monoma raises his hand towards her. Bakugou scoffs under the muzzle he's being forced to wear.

"Bakugou said that if you have to remind us we're prisoners you're probably the most pathetic villain there is. Did your mother not love you enough?" Ochako translates for Bakugou but adds on her own insults. "Come to think of it, nobody would love a narcissist like you."

"I SAID SHUT UP!" Monoma back hands Ochako across the face, the brunette's hair bounces from the force of the blow but Ochako raises her head and laughs after blowing the hair from her face.

"Hahaha! Oh that tickled, you couldn't even beat off with a strike that light." She puts down again causing Monoma to shout in fury before grabbing a serrated knife and turning towards the brunette.

"Give me one reason why I should cut out those miserable bastard children you're carrying?" Monoma threatens pointing the knife up towards Ochako's face. Ochako's taunting expression suddenly fades and grows cold as she glares back at the traitor.

"Because I'm the bait and if you hurt me you lose whatever bargaining chip you're holding us for." Ochako responds by calling Monoma's bluff. The blonde turns the knife away and turns his back to them as he speaks.

"Bait? Bargaining chips? No, you're going to be executed and the brats will be used to forward the goals of the league. As for Bakugou, he will be the next member and you'll be dead. All you are is the incubator to Sensei's true protegees." He monologues.

The villains in the room are unaware as Ochako maneuvers her manacles to her lap and manages to adjust her hands within the chains. She starts to aim her hand towards Monoma who is gloating over his victory. As inside her manacles is the link between her and Izuku, the soul bound ring that they never took away from her is still on her ring finger. Seeing what she is doing Bakugou starts thrashing about and screaming into the manacles to create as much noise to cover up what's about to happen. "Struggle all you want you pathetic hero. You're never getting out of those." Spinner shouts over the noise. Inside of her bindings however a small green ball of reishi starts to form above the ring glowing bigger and bigger with each moment as she charges it. The ball of reishi starts to eat away at the manacles as it grows now the size of a small orange. It begins to melt and absorb the metal of the binds into its mass. Giving Bakugou a quick glance and nod, Ochako raises her hands upwards now pointing at Monoma and Spinner behind him before losing to Cero.

"Amantes Cero!" Ochako shouts, firing the cero from within her manacles. The blast destroys the binds around Ochako's arms and rips through the room freeing the brunette and flying directly at Monoma and Spinner.

With no time to react to the blast both Monoma and Spinner are both engulfed by the hellfire green beam of reishi blasting through the hideout. Chairs and tables were blasted apart sending splinters and shrapnel flying in the same direction of the blast. Both villains were incinerated almost instantly as the beam slammed into the two of them. The destruction of the hideout alerts nearby heroes and police to the sudden explosion. As the light dies down Ochako has managed to free herself and is now behind Bakugou trying to free him as well. As the rubble starts to fall and debris settles, Ochako frees Bakugou from the bindings and melts the lock with the soul flame on her ring. As the turn to face the remaining villains Dabi, Kurogiri and Shigaraki himself the familiar zipper of a descorerre opening in the room relieves the two captives.

The gateway into the void between worlds is only illuminated by two piercing draconic red eyes. Before either Kurogiri or Shigaraki can react a hellfire green glow appears from beneath the eyes before as an ocean of fire explodes from the descorerre. The inferno engulfs the remaining area of the villain's hideout. Incinerating Kurogiri in the process leaving Shigaraki alone and without aid. Ochako and Bakugou watch as the titan 10ft tall espada walks out of the portal. Three sets of wings along a humanoid and draconic body. The lower set is made of bones, the next flesh and the last fire. Black smoke escapes from the bone mask covering the espada's face as it turns and glares at Shigaraki. The leader of the league stumbles trying to get away from the dragon however he's too slow. In the blink of an eye the espada had gabbed him by the leg and hoisted him into the air. Raising the villain to eye level, Shigaraki tries to use his decay quirk as a last ditch effort to save himself from the hollow. Grabbing the espada's arm that's grabbing his leg Shigaraki activates his quirk attempting to decay the limb. To no use. The decay quirk doesn't work on souls. Drawing the long, serrated and bone like sword from it's sheath across his hip The espada impales the villain leader.

A moment later Shigaraki awakens, in the afterlife. His soul chain severed and his lifeless body dropped to the floor like a sack of meat. Now that he's a soul he's even more powerless to defend himself from the hollow. Shigaraki is grabbed by the shoulder and force to his knees as the espada raises his sword once more. Expecting another attack he closes his eyes bracing himself for the blow, however it never comes. Instead Shigaraki feels the pommel of the blade press against his forehead. Opening his eyes he sees the espada turn away from him before walking to the two former captives. Where the pommel had been pressed to his head a symbol glows a radiant blue color as his soul begins to turn into white light and dissolves moving on to the soul society. Ochako catches a glimpse of the symbol on the forehead of the former villain leader, 魂葬 meaning Soul Funeral.

"What did you just do to him? Is he dead?" Katsuki asks as the dragon Espada cuts off his muzzle before shifting his attention and staring at the corpse of the former villain leader.

"He sent him to soul society. Through the reincarnation cycle, he performed a Konso or Soul Funeral on his spirit." Ochako explains before turning to face Izuku and watching as he opens a new descorerre back towards UA.

"So he's dead?" Katsuki asks getting up and having the binds around his arms broken by the espada.

"Yeah, he's gone. In the afterlife now probably to be reborn as a new spirit in soul society to go through the cycle once again." Ochako explains before motioning for Bakugou to walk through the portal. "Izuku, are you there?" She asks as Bakugou leaves through the descorerre.

"Now that you're safe. Yes, but the final battle has yet to start. All for One is on the move. I can sense it. Head back to UA. It's not safe here." The echoing voice of the hollow responds motioning for her to leave through the portal. "I'm coming for you All for One." the hollow growls closing the descorrere behind Ochako as she vanishes heading back to UA.

Meanwhile Across Japan.

The Battle between All for One and All Might was already underway. The two titans of power fighting in what was left of an abandoned warehouse building that the heroes had conducted a raid on hours prior. Thanks to the efforts of Momo putting a tracker into Kurogiri's mist cloud, when he vanished with Ragdoll they were able to track the villains to the nomu creation facility. Each blow that the two titans of power throw at each other send debris, people and heroes flying as the entire block of the street is evaporated from the sheer force of the blows. The faceless villain dressed in a suit floated as if he was a hanged man in the center of the air looking down at his foe. All Might stood in a fighter's stance with blood dripping from his mouth from the force of the attack.

"You've come to kill me again, All Might. You should have finished the job last time instead of leaving me to die. Would have saved you the trouble and from my revenge." All for One gloats as his arm starts to congeal into this gigantic amorphous mass of razor sharp rivets, screws, metal and other disgusting materials. All Might doesn't respond and just wipes the blood from his mouth seeing the villain lord create this combination of quirks.

As the two titans of power clash fists once again, above them a descorerre is cut out of thin air erasing the stars from the heavens as it blocks out the night sky. Out of the darkness the twin bruning eyes of the dragon Espada appear as the beast comes flying out at breakneck speeds. The Espada blindsides All for One body slamming the villain hard into the remnants of a steel column that had been destroyed during All for One's main appearance. As the arch villain recovers from the blow, the espada uses a sonido to teleport to the side of All Might. The 8ft tall dragonoid human says nothing as it lumbers over All Might and instead draws his twin katanas. A shorter swordbreaker style Wakizashi with spades along the spine and a long serrated Katana appearing to be forged from dragon's teeth. Across the field of battle the arch villain groans as he coughs up blood into his respirator and stumbles to his feet. The force of the impact with the espada near split him in half like a bullet through paper. Blood trickled from the gash on the abomination of an arm as the bones had been shattered from the force of the strike.

"So. The Espada has arrived. Pleasant to make your acquaintance my boy." All for One says in a gloating manner as his gargantuan grotesque arm begins to twitch supernaturally and heal after the attack. "Come to take a final stand next to your pathetic master. How quaint, but you were only an experiment. Only a prototype to my goals of Immortality and a failed one at that. Though I'm impressed, once I kill All Might. I'll be taking your quirk for myself. And with the powers of The Espada. I will be Immortal and No one can stop me." Cackling as he monologues through his evil speech All for One raises his hands up to form a mocking image of Nana Shimura's exaggerated smile.

"All you spew is lies and there is no afterlife for you. You will die and I will consume your soul." Extending his skeletal hand and pressing his middle and index fingers together a sickly green orb of energy begins to form at the top of his fingers.

"Fool. When I created your powers I created them with my own in mind. If you were to kill me youd become what you sought to destroy. Hollows by nature absorb and get stronger learning the techniques and abilities of those that they have killed. You kill me, you'll just replace me as the next All for One." With a voice riddled with malice All for One declares this to the heavens.

"Fuck off and Die. Dirty hero killer." The Espada responds before firing the volleyball sized Cero.

The beam of concentrated Reishi careens through the air and flies directly at All for One. The Arch villain not even bothering to get out of the way but instead sticks his hand up attempting to catch the blast with a single hand. However he had woefully underestimated the Espada as the beam slams into his hand, the heat from the blast almost instantly begins to incinerate his flesh. Realising this in a split second the Arch Villain uses an all too familiar technique to get close and attack Izuku. Using the tendrils created from his own quirk to form a new arm as well as redematary sword and slashes it at the Espada. Managing to counter, Izuku catches the tendril like sword appendage protruding from the fake arm in the teeth of the sword breaker.

"The hell was that?! He almost managed to get past my pesquisa. Was that... A Sonido?" Izuku things before wrenching the blade breaker sideways hard and snapping the tendrilic sword in All for One's hand.

"Surprised? You should be. I came prepared to kill you, I know all your tricks and your powers mean nothing to me." Recreating another tendrilic sword the blight of man goes back on the offensive against Izuku.

"The hell kind of Ass pull is that? This isn't Bleach." Izuku thinks to himself, breaking the fourth wall. "I doubt that. Sure you may have a quirk like Sonido but you're no hollow." The Espada responds grabbing Wakizashi in a reverse grip and slashing violently across All for One's chest. With the slash across the chest and stomach, Izuku follows through spinning and plunging the blade breaker into All for One's side before punching him in the face. The impact tears the blade breaker out of the villain's gut trailing blood along the ground as he flies back.

"Urgh. Why you insolent little Vermin." All for One grunts as he clutches his side in agony. Blood spewing from the open wound. "Nrghh. Why isn't it Regenerating." He says aloud.

"Did you really think I'd let you continue to use that quirk? Gisoshamaru is more than just a Mimicry Zanpakuto. To be honest. I've never gotten to use it in an all out fight. My Zanpakuto allows me to mimic and disable any ability that has been used whenever my sword has been released. I saw you use both All for One, the quirk combination and regenerative abilities, and I stole them from you. Using your own powers. He's All yours All Might. Send him to the afterlife so I can devour his soul." The Espada declares sheathing the serrated blade, as the blade touches the end of the scabbard both All for One's legs and remaining arm combust and disintegrate.

"I take no pleasure in killing you All for One, but this isn't for me. It's for Everyone you killed."

All Might declares walking over to the former villain lord, In a last ditch effort All for One uses his remaining strength to recreate his limbs from the tendrils of his quirk but the effort is futile. As All for One attempts to counter, All Might flexes his left arm and rears back for the mother of all smashes. With All for One throwing his own attack trying to take away One for All from All Might, he misses and the giant fist of the number one pro hero slams into the side of his respirator and continues driving all of his power into a single blow to All for One's temple. The force of the impact creates a crater near 5 city blocks wide, shattering the concrete like plexiglass. The resulting force from the attack spews up a mile high dist cloud able to be seen from half way across Japan. With the dust settling The Espada stands looking over the body of All for One. His neck snapped so violently it's a wonder that his head is even still attached to his body.

Through the smoke, a shadow emerges with a long and broken soul chain that had already been severed. The broken end laying near the corpse of the arch villain. As the smoke begins to settle, All for One is standing in the form of his spirit, clad in black evil reishi motionless. Floating as if a hanged man in the air contemplating his own demise that had happened moments prior. As the reality of the situation kicks in, he feels something grab the other end of his soul chain. With draconic skeleton claws clasping the broken side the Espada yanks hard pulling the soul still attacked towards him. With his free hand he grabs the spirit of All for One by the throat before condensing it into a ball of red light. Opening his mouth as wide as it can go he devours the soul orb that once was All for One.

"Is it over? He's gone gone?" All Might asks through haggard breaths, the wounds of their battle taking their toll on his body.

"I have devoured his soul. He is gone, never to be reincarnated." The Espada answers as the bones and wings of the resurrected form burn away.

"What about Shigaraki and the league?"

"Dead. Ochako shot a Cero and killed a couple of them and I finished off the rest. Shigaraki's spirit has been sent through the reincarnation cycle. Hopefully in the next life. He can be a better person." Izuku replies as he sheds the dragon skull mask from his face. "All for One is gone, and I don't intend on using the power that I got when I ate that soul. Do you know how disgusting an evil soul is? Like eating that big chunk of curdled milk when you let it sit out too long. Blegh."

"Ha! Hahahaha!" All Might bellows patting his successor on the back as Paramedics and the clean up crew arrive on the scene. All Might now seeing the people and reporters around raises Izuku's arm towards the sky as well as his own symbolising their victory over evil.


Nearly a year since the defeat of All for One, things for the most part for UA's hero course have normalised. Though there was a bit of a skirmish with a villain lead army and another All for One holder, they were no match for the espada and the rest of Class 1-A. Weeks before the start of the second semester of UA, Ochako delivered her healthy set of twins into the world choosing to name the pair Nanako and Toshinori after the predecessors of Izuku. All Might had retired in the days following the final battle revealing his injured form to the world and naming Izuku as the one who helped aid in the defeat of his long time nemesis. As for where they are now, the class has just returned from their first day of lectures to the heights alliance dorms.

"Well. I guess that's about as safe a place as any. That or on Bakugou's belly." Kirishima says as he sees Izuku napping on the couch with his hands behind his head. His infant daughter's tiny body situated comfortable inside his hollow hole in his chest. A small dragon toothed mask over the infants face. "Kinda weird to think that his kids were hollows at birth."

"You should have seen the damage that Toshinori did to our room the first night back from the hospital. He started crying and nearly shot me with a cero." Ochako joked as she bounced a brown haired baby boy in her arms. His skull like mask pulled to the side so that she could feed him a bottle of formula.

"Those brats better grow up quick. If they're anything like Deku then they'll make my perfect sidekicks." Katsuki says with a grin as a few others laugh. In her sleep Nanako sneezes a small puff of fire from her mouth setting the carpet nearby alight. Iida's reaction causes the class to laugh as he frantically tries to put out the fire.

On the television behind them plays a rerun of the battle with All for One, displaying the headline of the hero who saved All Might and defeated the blight of man.

Deku; The Living Hollow. 

Author's Anecdote. 

Three Long Years has gone into this book, though I haven't written it all in one sitting throughout that time. This story was my first one on this website and as proud that I am that I have finished it, I cant help but feel melancholy that this had to end. Sure there have been a few hiatuses on this book through that time but, suffice to say I am happy that I have finished it. 

I'm definitely going to rework some of the older chapters though, my writing back then compared to now was atrocious. I wrote half this book like it was some shitty play, so I'm gonna fix that. 

The End. 

Until Next time, Ill See Y'all in Hueco Mundo. 

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