The Vanguard Action Squad

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 "Mandalay, You need to tell everyone there's a villain attack and to make it back to the lodge. I have Kota with me, he's safe." Izuku shouts as he lands in front of the two heroes facing off against Magne, Compress and Spinner.

"You're the little demon that boss said to deal with. Looks like I have just the thing to deal with you." Spinner says ripping a sword from the massive hodge podge of bladed metal he uses as a weapon. "Recognise... This?!" He shouts slashing at Deku.

The katana-like blade that spinner slashed at Deku shatters against the mask over Deku's face. Spinner's eyes widen in shock seeing the sword break, "WHAT?! TOMURA SAID THAT BLADE WOULD KILL HIM!!!" He shouts internally. He grabs the massive weapon he was wielding earlier and uses it to swing at Deku. "You won't break these!" He shouts bringing the large weapon downwards at the vizard. Izuku draws the shorter blade from its sheath with his left hand. The sword materializes into a sword breaker with a spade design along the back of the weapon. Spinner's grin widens seeing such a small blade with him thinking that he would pass right through the tiny dagger with ease. What he wasn't expecting was for it to get stopped by the dagger held in the hollow's off hand. With a simple flick of the wrist the large mass of weapons snaps in half spreading the weapons everywhere and breaking several of them. Spinner tries to grab another sword, this time a chipped katana much like Stain had, and slashes at Deku in a horizontal motion.

A bright spark and loud clang of metal and the ringing of broken steel rings through the air as the blades meet, Spinner follows through with what's left of the blade before staggering forwards a couple of steps. Blood sprays from his chest as he collapses from the blow falling face forwards onto the forest floor. Compress and Magne didn't even see Deku's sword move but watched as the argonian villain fell to the floor dead from a slash to the chest. Magne tries to lift up the column of concrete to smash Pixie bob in the head but finds he no longer has arms to lift it with. Compress's mask shatters in several pieces revealing a startled expression on his face. He turns hesitantly behind him to see that a swath of land had been carved through as if it wasn't even there. Such a small blade left a split in the earth that looked as if he had cut the world in half. Even one of the mountains surrounding the training camp had a clear and clean cut straight through the rock.

"Da-" Is all Magne manages to say before the small dagger is buried to the hilt in his chest. Deku seemingly didn't even move from his spot before the blade found it's purchase in the chest cavity of the now dead villain.

"Everyone, All of class 1-A&B there are villains in the camp, get back to the lodge as quickly as possible. This is not a drill, return here as fast as you can and don't engage the villains." Mandalay says through her telepathy, all the others minus the villains that are still alive hear this before they begin to run towards the lodge.

Kendo and Tetsutetsu find some of their friends having passed out from around some purple miasma, the gas masks Momo had made for them before rushing with Awase to try to find others who needed aid. The purple mist had knocked out several of their classmates, including Himiko, Ibarra, Yui and Reiko had all gotten caught in the gas. They pull them from the miasma not knowing whether or not it was harmful to them. They know villains are in the area and believe that one of which is creating this fog around them. The two of them cautiously enter the mist looking for this villain.

Awase rushes to get to safety, having welded Momo Yaoyorozu to his arms and is rushing to get to safety, the two of them were ambushed by a noumu. This one had no eyes, its skin a sickly green with several sets of arms and scars across its body. The arms protruding from it's back sporting chainsaws and it's brain encased by a purple apparatus with tubes leading to a mouthpiece in the monster's teeth. His heavy breathing and panicked footsteps being a clear indicator of where he was to the beast. Despite it having no eyes it hears everything that is happening around it. As a last ditch effort, Awase fired a flare that Momo had made him in case they got separated from each other and were attacked by a villain. Awase's quirk was definitely not made for combat and being faced down by a beast like this is a death sentence. The red ball of light flew high into the sky as he prayed for help against this Noumu.

Tokoyami had lost control over his powers, Dark Shadow was going rogue attacking anything and everything around him. It didn't help in Shouji and Jirou's case that there was also a villain after them as well. The villain in a full body leather restraint with dental wear from hell plastered on his face walked as if he was a zombie towards them. Shouji had already lost a portion of his dupli arms from this villain and his growing metal and razor sharp teeth. Dark Shadow loomed over the horizon screeching in rage as the massive silhouette of the bird grew even larger. His eyes turning a blood red and revealing a second set of eyes above the first. Tokoyami desperately fought to regain control over Dark Shadow as he watched Moonfish chase down his friends with his sword like teeth. Suddenly, a flash gets Dark Shadow's attention. The berserking form of Darkshadow lashed out and started to try to attack at the light. Tokoyami himself saw what Jirou and Shouji were planning. They were flashing Dark Shadow with their cameras on their phones to get his attention. Dark Shadow didn't pay any mind to Moonfish in front of him and merely barreled right over the villain. "I hope Dark Shadow didn't just kill that guy." He thinks as he tries to reign him in.

Aizawa rushes outside the classroom he is teaching, Sero, Mina, Kaminari, Satou and Kirishima in to see what was the commotion. Once outside his pupils shrink as he comes face to face with Dabi. In less than a second, Aizawa hoists himself up onto an outcropping on the building to avoid a massive blast of blue fire that would have been at point blank range. "As expected of Eraserhead." Dabi says glaring at the hero who is glaring back through his sunglasses.

Ochako hides in the main building from what is going on, she worriedly places a hand over her stomach to try to calm her nerves. A loud clang and broken glass startles her as she puts on the green flamed ring Izuku had proposed to her with. She points her hand in the direction of the sound preparing to charge one of Izuku's ceros to defend herself. A hand touches her shoulder and she screams at the sudden contact but when she turns around it's only Monoma. "Oh, thank heavens I thought it was a villain there for a second. I never thought I'd be happy to see you Monoma. Do you know what's going on?" she asks him. "There's a villain attack, I've seen only one so far but I heard gunshots off in the distance." He says, putting a hand in his pocket and opening a small vial of blood he has. "We should try to hide, there's no tel-" She says before being transformed into a small blue marble. "I never said I wasn't one of them now was I." Monoma says to himself before picking up the marble and putting it in his pocket. "Part 1 of 2 has been collected. Fine Bakugou." He says into an earpiece. Kurogiri opens a portal behind him and he steps through it to the league headquarters.

Izuku didn't feel Ochako's spiritual pressure disappear since the ring was on her finger, the soul link is still active. After dealing with Magne he changes his attention to Compress who had already seemingly escaped. He was just about to trace his spiritual pressure to find him when the distress flare flies high over head. Sensing for who is in that direction, he feels the presence of Awase and Momo but also what feels like a hollow. In an instant, Izuku flash steps to them. When he arrives he sees Momo bleeding from the head, Awase limping bleeding from the back of the knee and an 8 armed Nomu covered with chainsaws. Deku holds out his free hand not holding his sword breaker and forms an emerald green blast in his hand. It grows to a ginormous size before enveloping the Nomu in it's light. He blast carves a several meter deep trench in the ground at almost a mile in length through the forest.

Tetsutetesu has to harden his skin against the firing bullets of a masked villain, the darth vader look alike and pulled a revolver on him and Kendo. Each blast chipping off bits of the iron hardening bringing down the time he could hold the iron hardening for. Kendo expands her hands as wide as they will go before swatting at the air trying to disperse the miasma. What the two of them don't see is the Cero blast Deku had fired in that direction. Tetsutetsu runs up to the villain and delivers a massive iron fisted punch to the villain's jaw, sending him flying back. Unlucky for Mustard, it was right in the way of the Cero blast and he is enveloped and incinerated. "That was midoriya, there must have been a Nomu or something big with them. Help me with the others we need to go." Kendo says pulling at Tetsutetsu's shirt getting him to move.

"They left... just as soon as they came." Mandalay says after seeing Compress seemingly run off and vanish.

"What were they after then?" Tiger asks tending to Pixie Bob's wounds.

"We're missing people. Uraraka was inside the lodge, her Monoma and Ragdoll are gone." Vlad King says as Deku comes flying back to the main lodge with Awase and Momo on his back.

"Is Ochako ok?" He asks as he removes his mask from his face. "I think they got Kacchan, I can't find him anywhere." He says setting the two of them down gently.

"She's gone, so is Monoma and Ragdoll." Tiger says.

"W-what?" Izuku asks, his mask seemingly rematerializing out of nowhere.

"She was taken, along with Monoma, Ragdoll and Bakugou." Vlad King replies.

The darkness of night looked like the light of day compared to the black aura that was surrounding Izuku. His wings spread out as far as they would go, the flesh seemingly melting off his forearms and lower legs. He shouts to the heavens with the anguish of the thousands of souls he had consumed in hueco mundo. Being near him felt as if gravity increased ten fold in a matter of seconds, trees snapped in half due to the pressure, people forced to the dirt. A second set of wings materializes from his back as the air starts to burn. One set of bone, one set of flesh and a third appears at the center of his back. This one burns with black fire only visible due to a thin green border to the black flames. The bones of his fingers grow and warp to massive draconic talons. The mask reforms over his face this time being unlike anything they had ever seen. This mask had two curved horns ar the top of the head, spikes between the eyes and across the bridge of the nose, more horns appear at the sides of the mask as the empty eyes seemingly suck in all the light around him. His swords melt in their sheethes before reappearing clad in green fire in his hands. The hollow lifts his left hand and scrapes the air creating a black void in midair. It rips open into a massive void before the hollow steps through it. The rift snaps closed behind him with no traces of ever being there.

"Oh... that's probably not good." Vlad King says looking at the massive slash in the earth.

"Well... on the bright side. No more league of villains?" Mandalay says trying to make the best of the situation.

"That's all fine and dandy but he's going to leave one hell of a mess and how is he going to tell friend from foe?" Tiger replies staring at where the void used to be.

"We'll figure it out when it gets to that part, we have wounded and unconscious. We need to tend to them first." Aizawa says running up to them with part of his coat tails on fire and the remedial students with him.

"This is going to be a blood bath." 

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