The Beginning of an Era

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Shoto POV

I took one sip of the punch and instantly knew what was in it, the punch had been spiked, my brother and his fiancé were downing cup after cup of the stuff while we were watching our movies. They eventually stopped... when there was none left and they began to get very clingy and handsy towards each other. They began making out on the couch while we were watching The Winter Soldier and Mina had the most brilliant idea of telling them to take their make out session to their room. When my brother responded he was slurring all of his words, I knew then and there he was totally wasted.

Mina: Get a room you two!

Izuku: Shure thing Minaaa... c'mon Osha lesh go to our room...

Ochaco: Alwight Izuku~ Lesh a go!

Me: Oh my god... they're drunk. Someone spiked the punch.

Mina: Who did what now?

Denki: Oh, yeah... I forgot we did that...

Mineta: We were the ones who spiked it...

Me: Izu-Nii is going to kill you two when he wakes up...

Izuku POV

I wake up late this morning with a massive headache, I notice Ochaco is not in my bed this morning. I get up throw on some clothes and I brush my teeth, I head down stairs and I see Ochaco wearing one of my shirts like a dress. I walk over to the kitchen and I grab some bacon that was already cooked and left on the counter for us, I walk into the common room and I see some of my classmates on the sofa. Katsuki was sitting in the recliner with Toga sitting in his lap, his arms were around her waist and he was resting his head on top of hers. I take a seat next to Ochaco and she instantly hugs me, then she says something that causes everyone in the room to look at me. Then I realize what we did last night and why I have a headache.

Ochaco: You were amazing yesterday Izuku~

Everyone: WHAT?!

Me: Oh yeah... Anyone want to tell me why I have a migraine this morning?

Shoto: Its no Migraine, you have a hangover. Mineta spiked the punch bowl with Sake last night, you got very drunk and carried Ochaco to your room bridal style. I guess you already know what happened from there.

Me: Mineta... I figured this had something to do with him, can't say I'm all that mad though, in all honesty I actually want to start a family with Ochaco. Looks like it will happen sooner rather than later.

Mei: hey Mido! Want to try out one of my new babies today?

Me: Sure... Did you stay the night?

Iida: Yes, she did, and she was with me. She also got very drunk because of the punch bowl was spiked.

Mei: Thanks for the food Tenya~

Ochaco: If I'm pregnant I'm keeping the baby, I want to have a family with my King Izu~

Katsuki: I didn't think you had it in you Deku, I'm impressed.

Sero: Congrats man!

Me: has anyone seen Denki?

Denki comes into the common room carrying Kyoka on his back, and she looks just as sick as me. Denki slowly makes his way to the kitchen and grabs a handful of bacon for Kyoka who was slumped limply over his back. Denki then walks over to the couch, shifts Kyoka to his chest and he sits down, he feeds her the bacon as she massages her temples with her earphone jacks. She slowly but surely eats the bacon that Denki is putting on her lips, he runs his fingers through her hair in an effort to alleviate her hangover. She finishes eating it and she buries her head into Denki's chest to shield her eyes from the lights.

Iida: Midoriya, how come you're not complaining about a hangover anymore?

Me: My instant regeneration fixed it for me, I'll go grab the ant-acid tablets for everyone whose hungover. This was the last time we invite Mineta to our parties.

Everyone (whose awake, Minus Mineta): Agreed.

Me: And I will also report this to Aizawa, if we find out that Ochaco is pregnant. I will know first because I can detect souls.

Iida: What do souls look like when you see them?

Me: Like ribbons of white silk, my mom has 2 because she is pregnant. If Ochaco has more than one then I will know for sure that she is expecting.

Mina: Since you two are engaged now, when is the wedding?

Ochaco: Probably after finals.

Mineta: Morning girls! What I miss?

Katsuki: oh, he's so dead...

Shoto: His casket will be very small and no one will show up to his funeral...

Iida: That's very rude, he's one of our classmates we should be nicer.

Me: Why would I harm the grape? After all he was the catalyst for Ochaco and I to start a family.

Mineta: Wait, you actually...

Me: Yes, but don't say it out loud.

Mina: Yay! We maybe getting Smol more adorable and pure cinnamon roll babies!

Ochaco: I can't wait, my child is going to be adorable!

Tooru & Tsuyu: Who's pregnant?

Me: Ochaco might be... we got drunk cause Mineta spiked the punch and you know what happened from there.

Iida: We won't know for at least 2 weeks' time that's when the heart beat or heart beats can be discovered.

Me: Actually, with my powers I can detect souls, if there truly is a new life developing within her I will be able to detect it first.

Shoto: How about we not dwell on this until Izuku knows its true, lets just relax and enjoy our weekend and I'm going to contact Aizawa and tell him what Mineta did and the fact he had alcohol on campus.

Iida: I was going to report it anyways but I guess you can do it.

Shoto gets up and leaves the dorms allowing us to continue with our rough morning, Jiro had finally gotten over her hangover and was cuddling with Denki on the couch, Ochaco was laying on my chest. And Ojirou put on an episode of Dragon Ball Super on the television with no disagreements with it. Hagakure was sitting next to him and he had his tail wrapped around her, his arm was bent in a weird position but I assume its because Tooru is holding his hand. Not ten minutes later Aizawa and Shoto come into the dorms and Aizawa calls me, Ochaco and Mineta to him and we walk outside.

Aizawa: Do you two remember anything from last night?

Me: Nope only what I've been told by my classmates.

Ochaco: All I remember is getting carried to our room and that's it.

Aizawa: Mineta, what do you have to say for yourself, and what possessed you to spike Mina's punch bowl?

Mineta: I thought It would lead to something funny and I just wanted to liven up the party.

Aizawa: If Ochaco is indeed Pregnant, Mineta you will be expelled for possession of Alcohol on campus and Intoxicating your fellow students. I'm going to go inside and see who else was drunk and hangover this morning. One more thing, Ochaco if you are pregnant 1 tell me and 2 are you keeping the baby?

Ochaco: It's a human life that I and nurturing I will have the baby or babies.

Me: And I will be right there with her to raise our child/children together.

Aizawa: Alright then, come, let's go inside.

Aizawa walks into the dorms with us following behind him, he sees Kyoka with her hair over her face laying on Denki, Mei with her sunglasses/visor thing over her eyes and both Fumikage and Kirishima still passed out in weird positions on the couch. Kirishima was asleep laying along the head rests and Fumikage was on the floor with his legs on the seat of the couch and his cape was covering his face minus his beak. Aizawa just stares at us in our night wear with a bored and unamused expression on his face until he sees Shinso sleeping in his purple bean bag on the dining room table. Aizawa cracks a smile when he sees his nephew and it catches everyone in the living room off guard.

Aizawa: Well it seems he has taken after me and instead of his father, Alright clean this mess up and go back to what ever it was you were doing and be ready for class Monday you will be starting your internships soon so be ready. That's all goodbye.

Ochaco and I walk over to the recliner after Aizawa left, I get in the chair and Ochaco takes her spot on my lap, I summon my crown and I place it on her head as well as placing my right hand over her stomach.

Time Skip Monday.

Ochaco and I enter the class room with a Descorrer and we walk over to my desk I still have my crown on my head. The rest of our class walk in and notices the fact that I still have my crown on and they start asking questions but they were all cut off by Aizawa walking into the class room. He then pushes a button on his desk and a ton of random numbers appear with our names next to them.

Shoto: Hey, Izu-Nii why do you still have your crown on?

Mina: Yeah Mido I just noticed you haven't taken it off since Saturday with the only time being when you gave it to Ochaco

Tooru: Didn't you say her ring has some special powers with it? why do you keep giving her your crown?

Aizawa: Alright shut up, I have the offers from the pros for your internships. In previous years its been more spread out but this year that's not the case. Midoriya you don't have any because you have already been assigned thanks to All Might so go talk to him after class the rest of you choose your internships... Class Dismissed.

I start to leave after collecting my things and Ochaco jumps on my back, as I open the door, we are scared by All Might who comes out of nowhere yelling.


Ochaco and Izuku: All Might?!

AM: You two want to have lunch with me?

Ochaco: Pfft Hahaha You sound like a school girl All Might!

AM: Ochaco please call me Dad-Might you are engaged to Izuku, Aizawa told me what happened this weekend involving Mineta and the spiked punch bowl. Your mother already knows and she's is ecstatic about Ochaco's possible pregnancy.

We walk down to the teachers' lounge and I give my crown to Ochaco again to make me feel re-assured. We grab our bento boxes and walk inside and sit at a table with Dad-Might, he drops out of his buff form into his normal one and puts his hands over his face in a thinking like pose.

AM: Well, Izuku you have been assigned to be a sidekick to an old Pro hero by the name of Gran Torino he was one of my teachers while I was at UA. He wants to have you as a sidekick for the duration of the internships. Don't worry about pay, I will be the one to pay you. He lives in an old apartment building in Huso city he also knows about One for All.

Me: How come I didn't get any other offers from the pros?

AM: You did but I had already assigned you to him because I felt like he could teach you a lot about your quirk he was the one to teach me.

Ochaco: You should train with him Izuku, I'm going to pick gun head for my internship.

AM: That's all I needed to tell you, run along and go talk to your friends, Let me know if you think of any baby names!

Me: Will do, Bye dad.

Ochaco and I walk back to the cafeteria and we sit by Shoto, Momo, Iida and Mei who were eating lunch waiting for us to return. We sit down at the table after I get some more food for us and then Shoto asks me what kind of powers Ochaco's ring has.

Shoto: Hey, Izu-Nii you didn't get to answer my question from this morning. You mentioned that the ring Ochaco has, possesses some powers, and Why do you keep giving Ochaco your crown?

Me: The ring acts as a link between her soul and mine, this allows me to know if she's sick in danger or if something is troubling her. it gives her the abilities to use my moves, she can shoot fire from the ring and use my Ceros on command. I keep giving her my crown because she looks cute wearing it and it makes me feel assured in case, she is pregnant.

Momo: Well she does look cute wearing the crown, Ochaco? Do you know how to use the Cero blasts like Izuku says?

Ochaco: Nope, this is the first time I have been told that I could use his powers. How do I do it?

Me: Well, think about creating a ball of light in front of the ring and then say the word... but don't do it in here you might hurt someone.

Ochaco: Okay King I won't...

The day rest of the day goes by rather quickly and we head to the dorms to get packed for our internships and I take Eri to my Mom's house to drop her off. Ochaco comes along and as soon as we get there I get tackled by my mother who was excited to see us.

Inko: Izuku! Toshi told me that Ochaco might be pregnant and when I found out that I'm going to be a grandma I couldn't contain my excitement! Come, I have something to show you.

Me: Well we don't know for sure if she is or not but we are excited as well, we would have waited until we got married and became pros but... Mineta, one of our classmates, spiked the punch bowl at our dorm warming party and we got drunk you know the rest...

Inko: Well I have something to show you come I renovated your old room!

Ochaco and I walk into our house and we set Eri into the living room in front of the television. We walk to my old room and we notice that it had been re painted to a baby blue color, it has a crib and a changing area for the baby and the ceiling fan had a mobile with All Might's face and mine from my hero costume. I turn to my mother who is smiling at us and I ask the question that is on both Ochaco and my minds.

Me: I'm getting a little brother?

Inko: Yes, I found out yesterday that we are having a boy, we have decided on Yanko Koro Shimura-Toshinori for his name.

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