Dad Beat Dad

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Crowley is shown to be sleeping onto a bed, with him hugging Vaggie as well, as the both of them felt comfortable, at first, with Crowley's face into Vaggie's chest. But as they slept, both Crowley and Vaggie realized that there was someone missing inside of the bed. Vaggie and Crowley moved a bit, as they woke up, and they turned to realize that Charlie is gone from the bed, and Vaggie spoke out.


Crowley rubbed his eyes a bit, as he spoke out.

"She must be down stairs. Let's go and see her."

Vaggie nodded, as she and Crowley got dressed, which was done in a snap, literally, as Crowley snapped his fingers and made them both appear on their usual clothes, as they went downstairs. When they went downstairs, they saw that not in a very good state of mind at all. Her hair was messy and her eyes look a bit bloodshot, almost like she didn't sleep at all, and she is shown to be panicking and planning out everything with lots of paper with strings attached with everyone else watching her, disturbed by her behavior, as she then spoke out to herself.

" I'm just not quite understanding why it's not working. Okay, okay, think Charlie. Think, think, think, think, think, think, think, think. Okay if I do this, it's going to be- I have trust falls every single morning. We can do-"

Angel Dust looked a bit uneasy at this, as he spoke out.


Crowley looks and goes to Angel Dust, as he spoke out to him.

"Umm, has Charlie been like this all morning or what?"

Angle Dust nodded with a single word that came out of his mouth.


Sir Pentious nodded a bit, as he spoke out to Crowley.

"I thought I heard her get up at four in the morning."

Charlie is show to be continuing to speak to herself, as she began to ramble on a bit.

"Come on, come on, come on, come on."

Vaggie, out of concern for her girlfriend, spoke out to Charlie.

"Charlie? Sweetie? You, uh, you good?"

Charlie looks back with sleep-deprived, insane look in her eyes that red veins were shown in the sclera, as she spoke out in a fit of manic insanity.

"Nope! No, not really. Ha ha. I've been up all night trying to figure out why the hotel isn't working. We've done trust falls, we've tried sharing our feelings, we only have a couple months left before the angels come."

She turns into demonic form and laughs maniacally before turning back to normal. Hevel, out of worry for her, grabs her by the face and spoke out.

"Hey, hey hey, shhh shhh...Charlie. I get that you're afraid of this, I understand. But panicking like this is not going to fix anything. Besides, you shouldn't do this all on your own. You're forgetting that me and Vaggie are here to help you on this."

Charlie looks at Crowley for a bit, before she closed her eyes and sighed a bit, as she spoke out to him.

"I...I know Crowley. I'm sorry. It's this rate..."

Crowley sighed, as he kissed her briefly on the lips for a few seconds, which got her to calm down a bit. But that was ruined, when Vaggie thought of something.

"Maybe it's time-"

Charlie turns to her, a look of panic is present on her eye, as she spoke out.


But Vaggie continued on, as she spoke out the next 2 words.

"to ask-"

Charlie gets up close to Vaggie's face, holding her cheeks desperately, as she begged out to her.


But Vaggie still finished her sentence.

"Your dad."

Charlie sighed a bit, as she hanged her head down, and Crowley looked a bit unsure. It had been a year since he last saw Lucifer. He is not sure if Lucifer would even remember him, or if he would be okay that Crowley is in a relationship with Charlie. Honestly, he hopes that Lucifer doesn't kill him, especially since Lucifer owns his soul and could easily tear him sort by choice, which he does not want to happen. Vaggie then began to speak out to her.

"Charlie, I know you don't want to, but we need every advantage we can get."

Charlie, not believing it, spoke back to Vaggie.

"He let the extermination happen to begin with. They just had a meeting and said, 'Go ahead and kill everyone'- Wait, that's it!"

Charlie suddenly had an idea, and Vaggie questioned her.

"Kill everyone?"

Crowley looks at Charlie, as she then spoke out.

"No! He could get me a meeting with Heaven!"

Crowley, looking at Charlie, spoke out.

"Charlie, we already tried that with Adam, it didn't work."

Charlie then spoke back to Crowley.

"Well, that is only with that asshole, Adam. But he is not the one in charge of Heaven, and is only in charge of its armies.

We could go to the top. There's sure to be some angels who will listen.

Charlie scrolls through her contacts. In her contacts, she has Egg Boiz 1,2, and 3, before her thumb lingers on top of her "Dad". However, she was hesitant to call her dad, and Husk noticed it, as he then spoke out.

"What's the holdup? You got daddy issues?"

Charlie looks back at Husk, as she spoke out in denial.

"No, we just have never been close. After he and mom split, he never really wanted to see me. He calls, sometimes, but only if he's bored or like needs me to do something."

Husk, however, lines that this is just nothing more but an excuse that Charlie does have issues with her dad and turns to the others.

"Daddy issues."

Angel Dust then spoke out, clearly interested to see Lucifer.

"Well I'd like to meet the big dick in charge."

Niffty was holding a knife in her hands, as she grinned menacingly.

"The ultimate bad boy."

She laughs like a gremlin with excitement, holding a knife while Angel takes her knife away without her knowing.

"I bet he's scary."

Crowley looks at Niffty, as he then spoke out.

"I swear, Lucifer better not kill me if he knows I'm in a relationship with you, Charlie."

Charlie looks at Crowley and winks, as she spoke out.

"Don't worry. He won't kill you. He doesn't even have the heart to do it."

Crowley, however, is a bit unsure on that.

Lucifer's Home

In Lucifer's house, showing framed photos of his family in a dark spooky room. Lucifer was heard making snarling noise as he was working on something. As the sentence goes, his room is revealed to be filled with a lot of rubber ducks, and stacks of them filled the boxes and tubs.

"That's it... Almost there... Now presenting... the magic-tastical back flipping rubber duck!"

Lucifer is shown to be holding up a small rubber ducky, like it is his most greatest invention yet, as he then spoke out.

"Haha! That spits fire!

Hoo hoo hoo! Hold the applause please, okay. Oh, thank you, thank you. Oh god, who am I kidding? This sucks!"

He throws the rubber duck at his family portrait and looks sad. Suddenly his ringtone plays. he picks up his phone, and was shocked who was calling him, as he panicked and began to reach for his phone to try and call his daughter.

"Daughter? Daughter! Daughter calling?! OH! Uhm uh, uh hello, Charlie. He-ey, hey, hey Char-Char. No, no! That's not good. Oh, this is the first time she's called you in years. Yes, this has to be perfect."

He takes a deep breath before he picks up phone and answers the call, as he spoke out a very strange line for a greeting call.

"Hey~ bitch!"

A scene is cut in half, with Charlie on one end at the hotel, and Lucifer on the other end at his house, as the both of them speak to each other.

"Hi, Dad."

Lucifer, his tone stumbling a bit, spoke out to her.

"Hey! How are you? Oh ho. Where-where are you these days?"

Charlie smiled a bit and she rolled her eyes, as she then spoke out.

"You know where I am Dad. I've told you before."

Lucifer was confused at first, but then remembered, as he spoke out to her.

"You have? Oh, yeah uh, well, you know, I um uh-"

Charlie then spoke back, and she almost sounds annoyed with something.

"I told you when you called me five months ago, or did you not listen?"

Lucifer, in a bit of a panic, spoke out to her to make an excuse as to why he did not call her.

"No, no, no, no. Just, you know, just forgot. You know, I've just been really busy, you know, with, um, important things.

Lucifer then kicks the rubber duck into a bathtub, that is piled with hundreds, if not thousands of other rubber duckies that he has made, as Charlie spine out to him.

"Well, I'm actually running a hotel to rehabilitate sinners. Maybe you saw our commercial?"

Lucifer then spoke back, as he made some silly noises for a bit.

"Oh, sadly, I missed it. heh heh. You know, I haven't been watching much TV lately. Scrambles the brain. But hey! A hotel, fun."

Charlie sighed a little bit, as she needs to get straight to the point, in which she spoke out to him.

"Haaaa. Listen Dad, I've got kind of a big ask."

Lucifer coughs and sets down his tea, as he spoke out to Charlie.

"Yeah, of course. Anything in my power is yours for the asking. You just name it~"

Charlie then spoke out something that Lucifer least expects from her.

"I need to speak to Heaven. Well, whoever's in charge up there, above Adam, above anybody. I need to go to the top."

This made Lucifer panic a bit, as he spoke back to her.

"Oh, no. No~ No, no, no, no, Charlie, no, no, no. That's, uh hah, no."

Charlie got briefly mad at her father, but calms down quickly, in order to try and reason with him.

"Look Dad, I don't ask you for much, I never have, but this, this is really important to me. It's the most important thing I've ever done. And I...need you. I need your help."

Lucifer, in a moment of uncertainty, spoke back to her, admittedly doubting this.

"I don't know, Charlie."

But Charlie now responds back, begging for her father to aid her.

"Please! Just come see what I'm trying to do. You'll see why it's a really good idea. And Heaven is bound to agree if I get the chance to talk to them. Please, Dad."

Lucifer, hearing this, then spoke out, although he seems to have misheard what she said.

"Wait, you're...inviting me over?! Absolutely! Oh, I'll be there in an hour.

Lucifer hangs up, as he sang for a little bit.

(My daughter wants to see me~!)

Lucifer then looks down and points at the rubber duck below him, as he spoke out.

"Take that, depression!"

Hazbin Hotel

Back at the hotel, Charlie, Vaggie, and Crowley prepare for Lucifer's arrival, as Charlie spoke out.

"Welp, we have an hour until he gets here."

Vaggie nodded, as she calls for the attention of the others, making stands at that, but Husk spills coffee over himself and Niffty collapses on the floor.

"Okay people, Lucifer is on his way. So we are going to get this place presentable and we are going to make an amazing impression. Vamanos!"

Everyone, upon hearing this, scatters to get the place tidy and ready for Lucifer. Sir Pentious and Niffty bakes cookies, then Niffty starts sweeping and Husk is cleaning up. Alastor walks in and watches Razzle and Dazzle put up a "Wellcum Daddy" banner up, although Crowley swiped his hand to fix it and say the word 'Welcome' correctly, as Angel puts on some makeup before closing the mirror, revealing to be Niffty staring creepily at him, making Angel recoil back in surprise. After a bit, the entire place is neat and tidy, as Charlie spoke out.

"Okay everyone, it's showtime!"

Charlie opens the door, revealing to be Lucifer, excited to see his daughter, as he shouted her name.


Charlie smiled, as she goes to greet her father.

"Hey, Da-"

Charlie doesn't get to finish because Lucifer hugs her really tight like a bear. Unbeknownst to them, Alastor was right behind them, with his wicked smile strained and left eye twitching in anger when Alastor saw Lucifer, who is hugging his daughter tightly, and he then spoke out.

"Oh it's so good to see you. Haha!"

Charlie became strained at this, as she spoke out.

"It's uh, good to see you too, Dad."

Lucifer lets go of Charlie to give her a breather., and Charlie clears her throat, before speaking out.

"Ahem. Welcome to the Hazbin Hotel!

Two Egg Boiz pops some party poppers as a warm welcome. KeeKee curls up to Lucifer and rubs her face against his legs. Lucifer notices her and goes all enchanted by her cuteness. He crouches down and rubs her head.

"Oh, hewwo KeeKee!"

Razzle and Dazzle flies by and Lucifer greets them, although he does turn threateningly at them, as he spoke to them.

"Razzle, Dazzle. Oh look how much you haven't grown. Still fun sized. You taking care of my wittle girl?"

Then, Lucifer's voice became deep and distorted, as he spoke out.

"You better be."

This made both Razzle and Dazzle panicked a bit, before Lucifer smiled and laughed off their reactions, with both Razzle and Dazzle smiling, as Lucifer spoke out and sees the inside of the hotel.

"Wow! This place sure looks, uh...uh huh yah uh huh...It's got a lot of character!"

Lucifer finds the bar at the corner and was immediately repulsed by it, as he spoke out at that.

"OH, what in the unholy hell is that?!"

Alastor reappears from the fog and in front of Angel Dust, as he spoke to Lucifer.

"Just some of the renovations we had done. Adds a bit of color, don't you think?"

Lucifer looked at him suspiciously, and points his stick at him, not knowing who he is.

"And you are?"

Alastor reappears behind Lucifer, catching his attention, as he greets Lucifer, with Alastor shaking Lucifer's cane and wiping his hand in somewhat hidden disgust on his face.

"Alastor. Pleasure to be meeting you, sir. Quite a pleasure. It's nice to finally put a face to the name. You are much shorter in real life."

Alastor moves his finger and thumb between each other to emphasize the height difference with Lucifer and Charlie, as Lucifer spoke to Charlie.

"Who is this? Who is this nut? Are you the bellhop?"

Alastor shook his head, as he spoke back to Lucifer.

"Aha! No! I am the host of the hotel. You might have heard of me from my radio broadcast."

Lucifer shakes his head and elbows his daughter for a bit, as he spoke out.

"Hmm, nope! I guess that's why Charlie called it the Has-been Hotel, ahaha!"

Alastor laughs a bit, as he spoke out to Lucifer.

"Ha ha ha. It was actually my idea."

Lucifer mockingly laughs, as he insults Alastor on the name of choice that he has made.

"Ahaha. Well, it's not very clever!"

Alastor, for once, got pissed, his smile being a bit strained, as he smiled back angrily at Lucifer, who smiled at Alastor in accomplishment at angering him.

"Ha ha! Fuck you."

Charlie gets in the way to stop them in between to prevent a potential fight from breaking out, as she spoke out.

"Okay! Okay, anyway. Dad, look at this lovely parlor where people can get to know each other and share secrets and stories and intimate feelings! Without Alastor, we wouldn't have been able to pretty it up this much."

Alastor calms a bit, and maintains his pleasant voice again, although the feelings of anger is still present.

"Charlie has a very unique vision. I am happy to fulfil her bizarre requests."

Alastor places hand on her shoulder. Lucifer is grumpy that he is winning over Charlie more than he is, which makes him very angry to the point where he growls in frustration, as Charlie spoke out.

"Oh, thank you, Alastor."

Alastor then decided to speak back in a condescending tone, just to make Lucifer a bit mad.

"Quite an impressive young lady. We're all very proud of her."

Lucifer clears his throat, as he spoke out.

"Ahem, Charlie! Dear, eheh, why don't you introduce me to your OTHER friends?"

Lucifer walks right between them before pointing his stick to the others at the table. Angel Dust tries to get a cookie from Sir Pentious, but he doesn't want Angel touching the cookies without Lucifer trying them and hides them underneath him, as Charlie introduces Vaggie.

"Oh, yes, of course. This is Vaggie, she's my girlfriend."

This made Lucifer shrouded, as he goes to hug Vaggie, although he did get her name wrong.

"Oh my golly! You like girls? So do I! We have so much in common! You put her there, Maggie. Hey! Oh yeah. She's so pretty."

Vaggie, a bit unsure of this, spoke back.

"Lovely to meet you, uh, sir."

Charlie then decided to speak back.

"Uh...well...she isn't the only one, actually."

As soon as she said that, Crowley teleports behind the kind of Hell and spoke to him.

"Uh, hello, Lucifer."

This made Lucifer turns around and looks to see Hevel, although because he is in a demon appearance of sorts, Lucifer doesn't recognize him, as he spoke out.

"Um, who are you?"

Crowley sighed, expecting that he would not recognize him like this, as he then points to his neck, and the chain appeared, golden in appearance, as Crowley snapped his fingers, and Lucifer suddenly felt a memory reappear in his mind. A hospital, a boy grieving and crying over his younger brother as he potentially dies, the deal that had been done. This made Lucifer look at Crowley, and spoke out.

"Oh, I remember you. Hevel, right?"

Crowley flinched a bit, as Alastor hears it, and spoke out.

"Well, yeah. But I changed that to Crowley. So, I go by that name now. and Vaggie do I say this, sharing Charlie?"

This made Lucifer blink, realizing what he meant, as he spoke out.

"Woah, Charlie! Didn't think you'd get 2 lovers at the same time! Especially one I made a deal with!"

Charlie grinned with embarrassment, as Lucifer spoke out.

"Well, who am I kidding?! This is the best thing that can happen to my daughter! Come here!"

Lucifer goes to hug Crowley, and Crowley oddly seems fine with it, despite how weird it is to him, as he thought to himself.

'Woah. Uhh...this seems, really nice, and went better than expected. it possibly weird that the literal King of Hell becomes my father-in-law or something?'

Charlie then goes to introduce the others to Lucifer.

"And this is Sir Pentious and Angel Dust, our guests!"

Pentious hears his name being called and stands at attention, making a salute to him, as he salutes to him in respect.

"Your Majesty!"

Pentious falls down into the cookies right before Angel Dust takes one for himself, and he spoke out to Lucifer in a rather insulting way.

"Heya short king~"

Crowley facepalmed a bit, as Charlie introduces Husk and Niffty to Lucifer.

"Husk is our bartender, and Niffty is our housekeeper."

Husk decided to greet him cordially.

"Nice to meet you."

Niffty was super-excited to meet the ultimate bad boy that she scurries over and climbs up on his coat, as she spoke to the king of hell.

"Hello. I clean. Hehehehehehe."

Suddenly the chandelier falls and produces a huge amount of dust which makes everyone cough, and they look to see Crowley having grabbed it with his bare hands with no sort of discomfort present. Lucifer and Alastor were at the chandelier when Lucifer knows Alastor did that on purpose. Crowley, upon seeing this, then spoke out.

"Woah, hang on."

Hell's Greatest Dad

Crowley flaps his wings and flies up into their, as he grabbed the chain ends together that had snapped, and melted the chains back in place due to increasing the temperature to a very hot side, as the chandelier is repaired. Crowley wiped his hands a bit, as he flies back down to the ground, as Lucifer laughs and spoke out.

[There should be a GIF or video here. Update the app now to see it.]

"Hahahahaha...Alright then."

With one swing of his own stick, the dust was gone, 2 miniature copies are present between him, each blowing a trumpet, as Lucifer then slides next to Charlie, as they seem to be in a different area of some sort, in what seems to be a circus with red and blue lines with lightbulbs lined up, as he goes next to Charlie, briefly stepping back as multiple fingers point at her, before he quickly got close to her again.

(Looks like you could use some help.

From the big boss of Hell himself.

Check your daddy's glowing reviews on Yelp!)

He is suddenly shown to be on a throne of some sort, now giant-sized, and has fire appear from behind, then show his phone that has growing on an app. Then, muppets that resembles Lucifer with red clothes appear out of his phone, as they sang out.

('5 stars!' 'Flawless!' 'Greater than great!')

Lucifer then continues on with his song, as he makes it uplifting for Charlie in a way, as a large fist hits a target and makes a pentagram sign of some sort, as he used his staff to make a red blast of magic and show Razzle strapped to a table, and he looks a bit scared at this.

(With a punch of a pentagram,

A wap! Bam! Boom! Alakazam!

Usually I charge a sacrificial lamb.

But you get the family rate)

Charlie and Lucifer then sang together, as other copies of Lucifer appeared behind them.

(Thanks, Dad)

Then Lucifer is shown to have made a scene where he had killed Alastor, by pulling him away from a table, and cooking him onto a pan, with other Lucifer clones in the background wearing different colored versions of his clothes. Charlie is shown to be sitting on a table, with a plate, a Lucifer clone revealing that of Alastor with his head on one of the tables, before Charlie is switched to another another table that has what seems to be a black mass of tentacles with red eyes, which a Lucifer copy slides out of the with a cake that shows him having ripped Alastor's head off.

(Who needs a busboy now that you've got the chef?


Michelin tasting menu, free à la carte

I'll rig the game for you because I'm the ref!)

Lucifer then pulls the lever of a casino, which rings and he slides out of the opening along with the coins and himself in a coach outfit, and made a fountain that has 3 of his heads spilling champaign from the mouth, and a mountain of caviar at the other side.

(Champagne fountains

Caviar mountains

That's just to start!)

Then, out of nowhere, Alastor high jacks the songs and sings out to Charlie, in which he pushes Lucifer out of the way, while also wearing clothing that is of a nun when he appeared next to Charlie, before appearing on stage with green voodoo symbols in the background, and Charlie sitting on stage.

(Who's been here since day one?

Who's been faithful as a nun?

Makes you chuckle with an old-timey pun?

Your executive producer)

Charlie then spoke out sheepishly at this.

"That's true!"

Alastor's, however, continues on, as multiple Alastor's appear, from the top, and the left, and the right, and then at the bottom, as the scene changed to a counter of some sort, in which he made a toilet appear, and pulled Niffty out.

(I'm your guy, your day-to-day

Your chum, your steadfast hotelier

Remember when I fixed that clog today?)

Niffty then spoke out with a not so happy expression on her face..

"I was stuck! Thank you, sir!"

Charlie, seemingly almost touched by this, spoke out.

"Oh you."

Then, Alastor pulls her too the stage, as they began to dance.

(I'm truly honored that we've built such a bond! Charlie: Awww!)

Alastor held her hand, and said something that Frowoey knew, is meant to enrage Lucifer.

(You're like the child that I wish that I had)

Lucifer, who is a bit we weirded out by this, spoke out.

"Uh, what?"

Alastor is now shown to be sitting on the side of the bed with Charlie in it.

(I care for you just like a daughter I spawned!)

Lucifer, not being too happy about this, spoke out.

"Hold on now!"

But Alastor is not done yet, as he sang out some more lyrics, in order to try and mock the big guy himself, while he turns his head to look at Lucifer, a sickening grin on his face.

(It's a little funny

You could almost call me


Lucifer, not wanting to be outdone and proves that he is a father for Charlie, the one that she needs, takes out a golden violin, with Alastor looked unamused at, as they are both now ok what seems to be a stage. Alastor, who is getting a little mad and his mouth is actually starting to strain a bit, decided to try and outdo him by playing a piano of some sort, as the area changed to a darker color with green voodoo symbols all over the wall and the piano itself. Lucifer, deciding to interrupt Alastor's turn and prevent him from doing more, plays an accordion, and needless to say, Alastor does not look amused in the slightest bit, as the lights above then flickered and went out.

The scene changes a bit, as Alastor dances for a bit holding his microphone staff, as he looks to see Charlie hood some very large books that seem heavy for her to try and hold, as he then uses his tentacles to lift them up in a circus-like area with a dark atmosphere present.

(They say when you're looking for assistance

It's smart to pick the path of least resistance)

But Lucifer then steals the turn and sing his part, as he and Charlie are in what seems to be a large platform with a pentagram present below the floor, high above everything else, as the area is shown to be golden.

(Others say that in your needy hour

There's no substitute for pure angelic power!)

Lucifer is shown to be up into the air, as his Angel wings appear behind him, and copies of Lucifer are shown to be at the sides praising the main one, as they sang along with him. Charlie looks up in awe with sparkles in her eyes,

as Lucifer approaches her.

(Who just happens to also be your blood!)

Lucifer has a crazed expression on his face, golden blood coming out of his mouth, with Charlie looking nervous. Alastor, however, rises between them both, as he pushes Lucifer out of the way, as he sang his part, shining a spotlight down on Lucifer, and made cartoonish drawing of the Hazbin crew.

(Sadly, there are times a birth parent is a dud

They say the family you choose is better)

Unfortunatley, Lucifer is not done, as he tries to steal back his turn, by pushing Alastor away with what seems to be apple juice, but Alastor's came back, and now Alastor and Lucifer are getting mad and singing at each other's faces, and Alastor's mouth is getting more strained to hold the smile then ever before, getting more angrier then ever before.

(What a bunch of losers!

(Can you butt out of my song?)

(Your song? I started this!)

(I'm singing it, I'll finish it!)


However, as they both got into each other's face, suddenly, an unexpected and unknown visitor then appeared out of nowhere, as she sang out, and confetti appeared out of nowhere.

(It's me!

Yes, it's me!

I know you were all waiting for me!)

As she sang, Crowley, feeling that this is getting weird and a little out of hand, immediately decided to act and stop it, as he then used his telekinesis to hold her down, before he slammed back to the ground, as he then spoke out at this.

"Alright, that's enough of that!"

Crowley snapped his fingers, and the entire area is back to normal, as he looks utterly annoyed at this, as he looks at the female at the ground, a short and plump demon with pale-lilac skin and platinum-blonde hair, which has been kept into a 1920s-style bob cut. Her eyes have cerise-colored pupils, black sclera, and thick lashes colored in a very dark shade of magenta. She has sharp pale yellow teeth inside her mouth and dark magenta lips, as well as darker-colored blush, and wears a bright pink 1920s-style flapper dress with pale yellow detailing, alongside a pair of maroon heels. She accessorizes with a set of magenta opera gloves, a black pearl-necklace with a cerise gem in the middle, and a maroon headband held by an oval-shaped cerise gem, which has a pair of feathers in two shades of maroon with yellow dots, with a tattoo of a certain greed sin demon present on her right shoulder.

Crowley looked confused and baffled, as he spoke out.

"Okay, who the hell is this? I don't remember anyone opening a door for a sinner demon who did not apply for the Hotel!"

Mimzy looks at Crowley, before Alastor's voice spoke out.


The Demon, Mimzy, looks and smiled at Alastor, as she spoke out.

"Alastor! Sweetie, Doll-face, So good to see you! How've you been? Good? Good."

Mimzy and Alastor hug each other, with Alastor not minding it, as she spoke out.

"Listen, I was in the neighborhood. I heard you were staying at this ritzy slob factory, and I figured I'd stop by, say hi! For old times sake."

Alastor looked a bit genuine in his smile, as he spoke out.

"Of course, sweetheart! Everyone is welcome here!"

Charlie looked at the both of them greet each other, as she spoke out.

"Oh, how nice! So you two know each other?"

Mimzy nodded her head, as she spoke out.

"Oh yeah, we go way back, ran in the same circles when we were alive. You know, this one used to frequent the club where I used to perform. He's the only one I knew who could pound whiskey like a sailor then keep up with me on the dance floor!"

Alastor agrees a bit, as he spoke out.

"Oh, quite a talent, this gal. Ho ho! You should have seen her in her hayday!"

Mimzy, in a bit of a face that showed itself to be a mock insult, spoke back.

"Hey, watch it, tall, dark and creepy! I'm still in my prime!"

Mimzy spots Lucifer in the open, and was immediately infuriated with the sight of the King of Hell, as she goes to greet him, while also pushing some of the people of the Hazbin Hotel out of the way.

"Oh, oh my stars! (gasps )Is that Lucifer? Move it! Pleased to meet ya! Your highness."

Mimzy then looks to Alastor and whispers to him.

"Alastor, you gotta warn a girl when she's in mixed company."

Lucifer, unamused at this, spoke out.

"Charmed, I'm sure."

Alastor then takes the time to speak out to Mimzy.

"As much as I'd love to catch up, Charlie and I have a tour to continue."

Lucifer, upon hearing this, takes his daughter by the arms before dragging her front, as he spoke out to Alastor, clearly not happy with him.

"I'm sure Charlie can handle showing me around."

Alastor, however, thinks otherwise, as he appears in front of them, as grabs Charlie and drags her forward, before speaking out to the King of Hell himself.

"Nonsense! We started the hotel together, and we'll show it off together. Right, Charlie?"

Alastor stops dragging Charlie so she can be the one to lead the tour for her father, as Charlie spoke out to Alastor.

"Oh, right."

As Charlie leads on with Vaggie and Lucifer following behind, Alastor turns to Mimzy, and spoke out to her for one little request.

"Why don't you let the others help you settle in, and I'll be back before you know it."

And with that, Alastor leaves to follow the tour. Mimzy turns to the bar and walks up to get a drink, as she spoke out herself for a bit.

"So, where can a girl get a drink around here?"

Husk doesn't like Mimzy's company and groans in irritation as he cleans a glass. Mimzy takes a seat and notices him, as she spoke out to him.

"My, my, is that Husker? Alastor still has you slinging hooch for him, I see. *chuckles* Classic! How ya been, fur ball?"

Husk looked irritated at her, as he snapped back at Mimzy.

"Good! Until five minutes ago."

Minzy, in a bit of an expression that shows mock hurt, spoke out to him.

"Oh, don't tell me you're not happy to see me! You might hurt my feelings! Hehehehehehe!"

While Husk gets a drink for Mimzy, she turns to Niffty who was looking for the bugs that were scattering on the floor.

"Hey Niffty, whatcha been up to, girlie?"

Niffty looks at Mimzy and simply spoke out to her enthusiastically.

Niffty: Fighting bugs.

Mimzy nodded her head, as she then spoke out to her.

"And uh, how's that going for ya?"

Niffty turns to one of the bug she sees, as she sadistically pulls out a large knife with an insane smile.

"They're winning, but not for long."

Mimzy nodded her head as she spoke out.

"Uh huh..."

Husk then gives a glass to her, with Mimzy deciding to insult and thank Husk at the same time.

"Thanks, pussy cat!

Husk, not very happy, spoke back to her.

"Oh, fuck you."

As Husk leaves the bar, Angel and Pentious takes up a seat right next to her, with Crowley standing near her as well, kind of curious as to why an associate of Alastor has decided to appear inside of the Hazbin Hotel, especially if it involved interrupting a song that both Lucifer and Alastor were doing, which is a very strange way to do it, as Angel Dust spoke out to her.

"So uh, you and Alastor are like, what? Friends?"

Mimzy looks at Angel Dust and spoke back to him.

"Well, that's your word, not mine, but I think it fits. Why so surprised?"

Angel Dust then spoke out the reason why.

"Well, just didn't know he had any of those. He's been here a while and is still a big, creepy mystery. What's his deal?"

Mimzy was glad to talk about it, as she then recalls a tale of Alastor, but in her own way.

"Well, you probably heard the stories. He appeared in Hell suddenly, making a splash quicker than anyone had ever seen. At first, people wanted to dismiss him. but soon, overlords started going missing, and not small ones neither. We're talking heavy. hitters."

Mimzy then recalls the time in the Dark Age of the Industrial Revolution, where a shadowy demon is seen holding a drink, which Alastor then takes out of his hand, in the next scene, Demons are seen dismissing him as another sinner, but then, in a dark alley, an unnamed Overlord is cornered by a sinister-looking Alastor, before it cuts to a female overlord, presumably Alastor's next victim. One by one, more overlord Demons disappeared, leaving only Alastor to reign supreme over all the others. Then, a radio tower sends neon green signal waves all over hell.

"No one knew what happened to 'em, until these strange radio broadcasts started going out. All you could hear were screams. Every time an overlord went missing, there'd be a new voice screaming in the broadcast! That's when Alastor revealed himself as the radio demon, and anyone that would mess with him... hehehehehe...well, let's just say, his broadcasts never lacked new voices."

Crowley looked unease at that. Although he has heard of Alastor, he never knows what acts he had done. Although, because of what the information is, he has a good idea on what he might have done to the Overlord, and he knows that it is not good. Mimzy then decided to finish the story off a bit.

"That's the story most people know, but underneath it all... he's a total sweetie! Put on some jazz and pour a couple fingers of rye and he becomes a kitten!"

As Mimzy concludes her story, Angel and Pentious were spooked by Alastor's dark history in hell while Mimzy doesn't seemed bothered by their disturbance, with Crowley only looking uneasy, as she spoke out

"Stop with the looks. He hasn't done any of that in a while.

Mimzy then raises a glass, as she speaks out to Husk.

"Can I get another one of these?"

Mimzy realized that Husk is nowhere in the bar or in the lobby, much to her annoyance, as she shouts out annoyed.

"Oh what the fuck!"

Crowley, deciding to be polite, spoke out.

"Hang on."

Crowley snapped his fingers, as another beverage fills the cup, which made Mimzy surprised, but realized that Crowley is not some mere demon.

"Wow. Thanks. And I guess you're another Overlord, right? Crowley, I believe Alastor said! He talked about you to me before. Heh, somehow manage to give Alastor humongous trouble in a deal he tried to make with you."

Crowley then crossed his arms, as he spoke out.

"A deal that I would not accept and did not want to take."

Mimzy smiled a bit, as she spoke out.

"Heh, gotta say, that's a very impressive thing you did there, even getting into a messy fight with him that tied. Not many can do that."

Crowley rolled his eyes, clearly not happy at being reminded of that.

"Don't need that in my head again."

Hotel Hallway

Inside of the oddly creepy dark hallways of the Hotel, which is not supposed to be creepy in the first place, Charlie was showing her father about the interiors of the hotel.

"So, once we have the proof that redemption is possible, this whole hotel will be full of demons wanting to check out into heaven! We just need a little time to prove it. The sharing circles haven't been working as fast as I hoped."

While Charlie was in the middle of explaining everything to her father, Husk calls his owner from out of nowhere.

"Hey, boss. Can I have a word?"

Alastor stops and twists his head 180 degrees to have his face turn to him before his body rotates, before he goes to him.

"What is it?"

Husk then goes to Alastor and spoke out about Mimzy.

"You and I both know Mimzy only shows up when she needs something. That bitch is trouble, and who knows what kind of demon she fucked with to come running to you this time?"

Alastor then spoke back, not feeling concerned about this.

"it's nothing I can't handle. Don't worry Husker. Who in their right mind would cross me?"

Husk then shrugged his shoulders, as he then spoke out.

"I mean, you've been gone a while, and it's not like anybody knows why.l

Alastor then spoke back to him, not caring about Husk's concern.

"They don't need to know, and don't you worry your fuzzy head about it."

Alastor rubs Husk's ears which angers him, as he spoke back to him.

"Grrrrrr...You may own my soul, but I ain't your fucking pet!"

Alastor then spoke chuckled a bit, as he spoke back dismissively.

"Hahahahaha! But you are! Haha!"

Alastor turns around to join back with the tour, and Husk whispered something to himself.

"Big talk for someone who's also on a leash."

But as soon as he said that, it caused a reaction to Alastor, who immediately halts after hearing this, his eyes turned into radio dials, as the lights in the hallway flickered from his anger rising, and the environment began to glitch with static. Slowly, Alastor looks over his shoulder to Husk, the fury within him barely restrained and held back.

"Aha, what did you say?"

Before Husk could even respond, realizing that he had fucked Homs led up when he had said that, as a green chain pulls his neck before he's forced down. He realizes what he's done and tries to come up with an excuse.

"Fuck! Nothing! I, uhm..."

Alastor slowly approaches him with the green chain twirling from his mic-stick, as his rage has finally is going near the breaking point. The more he steps closer, the lights flickers on and off from his anger, as he turns into his demon form partially, and he later speaks to Husk with his rage filled with unholy fury.

"If you ever say that again, I will tear your soul apart and broadcast your screams for every other disrespectful wretch who dares to question me!"

Alastor's threat makes Husk shiver in fear when he realizes he had crossed too far with him, as he then spoke back to him in a scared tone.


After he had said that, the lights then turn back to normal, and Alastor is back to his old jolly good self, acting like he had never said that response in the first place, although the anger is still very present and there, as he then spoke out.

"Lovely. Hahahaha. Good talk, my good man! Always nice to catch up."

Alastor leaves the shaking Husk on the floor. Husk was too scared to even move, and was left shivering in fear, but unbeknownst to him, Crowley is shown to be hiding from one of the walls, seeing this moment happen, as he spoke out.

"Glad I never took the deal that involved this. There is no way I'll help with that, Alastor...not with what you're attached to, as well as what you like and what you want."

Crowley glared at the retreating form of Alastor, his eyes all red with the red smoke coming out, as he then vanished back into the other room of the Hotel.


Vaggie was now taking her turn explaining more about the hotel's role to redeeming demons so they can go to Heaven, most notably Angel Dust, as Vaggie spoke out.

"And we've almost been able to find all of Angel Dust's drug stashes... almost."

Charlie nodded, as she spoke out to her father.

"So, once that's out of the way, it should be much smoother sailing!"

Lucifer, although a bit unsure, spoke out to them both.

"Well that certainly is, uhh... is-is something."

Charlie then looks at her father, wanting his opinion on the Hotel, as all of them are on the balcony.

"So, what do you think?"

Lucifer then looked confused at her, as he then spoke out.

"About what?"

Charlie looks at him, almost annoyed that he had forgotten that, as she spoke back to him.

"The hotel."

Lucifer, realizing this, spoke out to her.

"Oh! Yes! It does- it does look much better now, doesn't it? Hehehehe You know, but I'm thinking this railing needs work, one good push and you'd just go right over the edge! Whoopie! Bye bye! Hehehehehe."

Charlie, finally not too happy with this, and spoke out to him and went straight to the point in the discussion.

"What? No, no, the plan, Dad! What do you think about using the hotel to help sinners?"

Now matter, the main point and purpose of the Hotel, and in how much Lucifer hates to admit it, he wants Charlie to get one thing straight about what her plans are going, as he adjusts his collar a bit.

"Haaa...Alright, I mean, look, I love that you want to see the best in people, but these sinners, you know, they're just the worst. I, I don't know how much you can realistically expect from them, and Heaven? Hohooo boy, Heaven, is not exactly as carefree as you might think. Yeah, they have rules, lots of rules, and they aren't very open minded as you'd hope."

Charlie, however, has unwavering faith in this, as she spoke out.

"These are our people, Dad, I... I have to try!"

Lucifer, however, doubts this, as he spoke back to her.

"Our "people" Charlie, are awful! They got gifted free will and look what they did with it! Everything's terrible! Heeee...I just don't want you to put yourself on the line for people like—"

Lucifer was interrupted when a loud thud shakes the hotel, rocking the three of them on the balcony, which caught all of them by surprise, as Vaggie shouted out.

"Geez! What now?!"

Lucifer noticed something, and he looks unamused at the sight that is shown before his eyes.

"Well, like that."

To prove his point, Lucifer gesture to a dozens of loan shark demon mafia on the ground holding a battering ram. The loan shark mafia were armed to the teeth with guns, melee weapons, and a battering ram as they ram the front door open. The leader of the loan shark mafia looks up at the balcony, as the loan shark leader spoke out.

"Mimzy! We know you're in there you lousy bitch!"

Inside, the lobby, Mimzy realizes that the loan shark mafia found her and cartoonishly goes down in a sheepish wince, now already busted, as she spoke out at this mess she got the hotel in.

"Oh shit."

A portal opens up by Lucifer and all three of them return to the lobby as the loan shark mafia continues to ram the front door, but it is not working due to the shield that Crowley had made before, as Crowley is not very happy, and Vaggie. shouted out.

"Que Carajo?!" (English: What the fuck?!)

Charlie, in a bit of a panic, shouted out.

"What's going on?!"

Mimzy, realzing thar she is caught, decided to admit what she had done.

lI maaaaaay be in trouble with some loan sharks. I may or may not have borrowed 50 grand from—Eep!

Scared at hearing a loud thud from out of nowhere, Mimzy cowards behind the bar counter to hide before peeking up to Charlie and Vaggie, as the loan shark shouted out.

"You better come out!"

Minzy then continues on with her explanation.

"And I may have also stolen a car... and crashed it... into the loan shark's girlfriend, but that bitch had it coming!"

Crowley looks at her, as he spoke back.

"Yeah, well now the Hazbin Hotel is gonna pay, for your idiocy!"

All of a sudden, multiple explosions were heard, as fireballs hit the Hotel, but the Sigil of Lucifer that is on top of the Hotel's roof glowed, as it made a shield that stopped the fireballs. But it still causes shaking Crowley almost irritated at this, as his eyes leaked out demonic blood, as he spoke out.

"Thank goodness that the Sigil I used is doing its works, but it's getting annoying."

Charlie nodded, as Vaggie held onto Crowley's arm to steady herself, as he spoke out.

"You said it, Crowley. This is just fucking ridiculous."

More and more booms are heard, as Crowley snarled. Although he does not feel anything bad from the shield getting hit, it is seriously annoying him to no end. The Loan Sharks know that there is a shield that is before them that they cannot break through under any sort of circumstance, even with the weapons that they have. And yet, somehow, they are not stopping. They are still continuing to keep on moving and firing, in spite of the fact that they cannot get in. Lucifer then takes the chance to call Charlie out for what she thought.

"You see? This is exactly what I'm talking about Charlie. You build something nice, you invite people in and offer them everything and they just bring violence and chaos to your doorstep. It doesn't matter how well intentioned you are, they're always going to disappoint you."

Crowley snarled a bit, as he then conjured a rocky sphere, and cuts himself with his finger, as he made a symbol of Sulfur appear in his hand, before he made a portal and throw it outside, which detonated and exploded. But the Loan Sharks continued to fire back, as Crowley snarled.

"These idiots won't stop coming."

Crowley then made another portal, and fire a beam of blue energy from his hands, which hit a bunch of Loan Sharks and encased them into ice, but the other Loan Sharks used their weapons to free them from their cages, as they continued on with their assault. Crowley is getting even more frustrated at their relentlessness, and Vaggie is feeling the same thing, as she decided to act, her spear in her hands, and she spoke out to the others.

"All of you! Get a safe distance, I'll take care of this."

Before Vaggie could go out to deal with the mafia, Alastor, really in a bad mood and wanting to relieve it out of his systems, appears out of nowhere and places a hand on Vaggie's spear to lower it, as he then spoke out to her.

Alastor: No, my dear, leave it to me. It's time I remind everyone why I am here.

Upon saying those sentence, Alastor turns demonic with his eyes turning to a radio dial. Mimzy pops up from the counter, as she finally felt relived at this, in which she spoke out.

"Oh, finally! Took you long enough!"

Alastor goes into his demonic form as a green aura lights up from the outside. The mafia outside were just about to reload theri catapult when they notices the eerie greenish glow before Alastor turns to his sinister demon form.

"A reminder to all, not to mess with the radio demon! Hehehehahahahahahahaha!"

With Alastor now in his demon form, he expands his tentacle outside where one smashes the catapult, the other killing several of the mafia gangsters. The remaining gangsters panic at the sight of the radio demon's magic, as one of them was ripped apart by the strong tentacles.


Mimzy smiled, feeling happy that Alastor is finally out to attack, but she then moves out of the way, as Alastor's body grows larger and limbs become longer as he exists out of the Hotel, before exiting the front door with a sinister unmoving grin, tentacles come out of his back, as he looks almost as tall as the Hazbin Hotel itself, his teeth stuck together and glowed golden as he spoke, despite his teeth clenched together.

"I will devour each and every one of you!"

Alastor heads out to massacre the mafia for attacking the hotel. As he exits the front door, Mimzy, Crowley; Charlie, and Lucifer come out to watch the bloodbath, with Crowley looking surprised, as he spoke out.

"Huh, and I thought I am the only one in the hotel that can go giant, aside from Lucifer that is."

Charlie was totally appalled that Alastor is truly terrifying and maliciously monstrous. Lucifer nodded once to make his point. At this timing, Lucifer and Charlie have their backs against the interior walls of the front door, as Lucifer spoke out.

"Mhm, you see? What'd I tell you? Charlie, sinners are violent psychopaths, hell bent on causing as much pain and destruction as they can. There's really no point in trying."

Charlie, unhappy and looking outside to see Alastor eating a mafia loan shark, as she spoke out to him unhappily.

"Dad! Stop! He's defending this hotel! It may be a bit more sadistic than I'd hoped, but he's doing it for me! How come he can have faith in me but my own father can't?"

Lucifer, upon hearing this, felt hurt at that statement, as Angel, Pentious, and Husk saw the melodrama that was occurring between Lucifer and Charlie at the turning table, worn Angel Dust speaking out.

"Ooh, drama."

Excited, Angel gets out a bucket of popcorn to watch the scene unfold. Husk also picks up a handful of popcorn to eat.

Alastor, after he had finished taking care of the problem, shrinks back to normal size, as he spoke out.

"Oh, I missed getting to let off steam!"

Mimzy checks outside if the coast was clear before approaching to Alastor., as she then spoke out.

"Oh, Alastor! What a fantastic show! Bravo! As always. Thanks for helping lil' old me out of a tougher spot, you're always such a pal!"

A railroad debris falls close to Mimzy, making her back away in surprise, as Crowley appeared out of the hotel, as she spoke out.

"Oops. Heheh... sorry about the mess, but I'm sure the little bug can take care of it for you."

Alastor, however, not in the mood, spoke out to her.

"I think you should go Mimzy, now."

Minzy, thinking that he is being very funny and is here to kid with her, spoke out.

"Oh pff, Alastor, you're such a kidder you! Haha, you are so funny!"

Alastor, however, despite having his grin on his face, spoke out.

"I mean it. You deliberately brought danger to this place just to have me clean up your mess. I can't have that here."

Mimzy, still trying to play it off like it is cool, spoke out.

"But you love taking care of me! What, you don't actually give a shit about this tacky place, do ya? Come on, I know you."

Mimzy pokes his chest with every word in the sentence.


Crowley, not in the mood, goes to her, and simply snapped his fingers and sent Minzy away in the middle of Pentagram city, as he spoke out.

"Okay, you seriously have very weird and very ridiculous friends to have, Alastor. You even have one that had gotten the Hotel into trouble, and it would have been damaged if my shield didn't work."

Alastor then shrugged his shoulders, as he spoke out.

"Well, at least you sent her away."

Crowley glared at him for a bit, not finding this any sort of funny at all, before he goes back inside of the Hotel, where he sees Lucifer retreats to the lobby while Charlie follows him behind, as she begs to him.

"Dad, just... help me."

Lucifer, however, does not believe that he can help her, as he spoke out.

"I... I can't."

Charlie, confused, spoke out to him.

"Why can't you?"

Lucifer, now finally upset, grabs her by the shoulder and spoke out to her.

[There should be a GIF or video here. Update the app now to see it.]

"Charlie! You don't understand. Heaven never listens! They didn't listen to me, they won't listen to you!"

Lucifer walks away from her, but Charlie, not believing it, spoke back to him.

"You don't know that!"

Lucifer, hearing this, and the memories that flashed inside of his mind, spoke out to her.

"I do!"

More then Anything

Lucifer, with tearful eyes, closed them, as he then began to sang out to his daughter on how he truly feels, he walks away from her a bit, and made a ball of golden fire in his hands, which he swiped away from the air, as he landed in front of Charlie, who goes to grab it, but Lucifer grabs her hands, and made her stand up, as he sang out sadly.

(You didn't know that when I tried this all before

My dreams were too hard to defend

And in the end, I won't lose it all again)

Lucifer, unable to help but remember the higher ups that had banished him, all because he wanted to do something good for humanity, with Charlie looking saddened, as the weapons point at her, and Lucifer, eyes widening with a love never seemed he pulls her side, away from the aim, and sang his true feelings for her, seeing Charlie as the pride of his life.

(Now you're the only thing worth fighting for

More than anything, more than anything

I'll shelter and adore you more than anything)

Lucifer them hugs his daughter, but she then stepped back, as she spoke out to him.

"Dad, I don't need you to protect me from this"

Lucifer, however, spoke sadly to her, as he spoke out to her.

"I just don't want you to be crushed by them like—Like I was"

Charlie, seeing how sad her father is as he walked away from her a bit, spoke out to him sadly.


She looked down, and she then thought of something that will maker her father realize something romantic her, as she sang out, recalling something from her childhood.

(When I was young, I didn't really know you at all

I always felt so small)

Charlie, back when she was young and small, wearing a small red dress and a tiny black crown,

goes to Lucifer at his desk, who looked unhappy about something. But when Lucifer noticed her, he smiled and reached his hand out to her, as he then sets Charlie on his lap. He then shows a large golden gem, showing her a swan that is swimming in the water, as Charlie looked at this, as Lucifer talks a story to her.

(But I hеard your stories and I was enthralled

Thе tales about your lofty dreams, I listened breathlessly)

The swan then flies up a bit, as it then made 3 pairs of wings, as Charlie looked at the sight, her eye sparkles a bit.

(Imagining it could be me)

The, the mother, Lilith, her face blanked out and unseen, carries Charlie back, and Charlie looks to see Lucifer wave at her for bed, but he looked sad again, as the door slammed shut in front of Charlie.

(So in the end, it's the view I had of you

That showed me dreams can be worth fighting for)

Charlie, now done recalling the past, sang to him once more.

(More than anything, more than anything)

Everyone looked at her, with Husk looking as disinterested as usual, Angel Dust looked a little autopsied, and Sir Pentious looked teary-eyed. She then turns to Vaggie and Crowley, both of whom smiled at her, with Crowley even feeling a normal human tear about to leak out from his right eye, as Alastor and Niffty steps on.

Charlie then sang out to her father.

(I need to save my people more than anything)

Lucifer, with tears in his eyes, smiled to her at seeing the pride and joy that Charlie had become, as he then walks up to her with a smile present on his face.

(I've been dying to find out who you are.)

Charlie smiled back, as she sang back to him and walks towards him.

(I've been waiting, wanting the same thing)

Lucifer wipes his tear away, as he continues onward.

(Looks like the apple doesn't fall far)

Charlie and Lucifer got close, as they sang at each other.

(Took you a while)

(I've missed that smile)

Then, both Charlie and Lucifer, King and Princess, Father and Daughter, began to dance together with one another, as they both sang together.

(All that I'm hopin', now that my eyes are open

Is that we can start again, not be pulled apart again)

Lucifer then made a portal of some sort above them both, as his wings are shown to Charlie.

'(Cause in the end, you are part of who I am)

Lucifer then carries Charlie, as they flied into the portal and went all over, as Lucifer sang to Charlie.

(I'll support your dream, whatever lies in store)

Charlie smiled, as she sang back.

(And who could ask for more?)

Lucifer lowers Charlie into the golden liquid below, as she feels it when she extended her hand, as Lucifer then throws her up into the air, and Charlie posed with a spotlight aimed at her, and Lucifer quickly caught her.

(More than anything (Charlie: More than anything)

More than anything (Charlie: More than anything))

Lucifer, carrying Charlie, flies up into the light, as they both looked at each other trendily and happily, as they sang the last lyrics, while hugging each other with tears in their eyes.

(I'm grateful you're my daughter/father more than anything

More than anything)

As they sang the last part, they both lowered and went back inside inside the Hotel, as Sir Pentious spoke out at the scene.

"Aww, that was ssssweet."

Lucifer, finally changing his mind to help his daughter, finally decided to agree to her desire.

"Ok, I can get you the meeting but once you're in Heaven, I won't be able to go with you. Will you be ok?"

Charlie nodded her head, as she spoke out, confidence present in her voice.

"I'll be fine."

Lucifer looks at Charlie with a smile of pride on his face, as he then spoke out to her.

"That's my girl. Haaaa...Good luck kiddo."

And with that, Lucifer turns into a violet red mist before disappearing away from the lobby. Vaggie comes over to talk to Charlie with uncertainty, with Crowley following behind.

"This next part is going to be scary. You ready?"

Charlie looks at Vaggie and Crowley, and she hugged them both, as she then spoke out to the both of them, knowing that they will keep her company.

"I'm ready, cuz you'll both be with me."

This made Crowley surprised, and Vaggue looks reluctant, hoping she does not mean 'physically being in heaven', as she spoke out.

"In spirit, right?"

Charlie, however, spoke back in the same cheerful tone.

"In Heaven!"

Vaggie, although uncertain, spoke out to her.


Vaggie's face winced at the thought of going to Heaven and tells that it was not going to be a very good thing, especially when her face screams out, "Shit..." But Crowley...he knows that Adam will be waiting for him, and although he should be joyful that he'll be able to visit Heaven in order to see what it is like...he is not. Because there is one thought that still is inside of his mind, that he had been wondering for a year, while inside of Hell.

'Where was Heaven...when my brother needed them? When he was dying in his bed and I had prayed to them?'

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