Welcome to Heaven

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Crowley...he is very uneasy about this. It took quite a little while, Crowley thinks it may have taken Lucifer a little bit of time to deal with this mess that they are in and are trying to get in contact with Heaven. But eventually, they were able to. But the Extermination is now just...a single month away, and this is making Crowley worried very greatly, because he has no idea how he can deal with this mess that he and the others are in. Right now, he is inside the room with Charlie and Vaggie, as Charlie is shown to be packing something up. Vaggie sits on the bed, looking troubled because Charlie is overpacking a lot of things to the point she has a closet-sized suitcase, a guitar case, two extra large suitcase luggage, and a small handbag, as Charlie spoke out

"Ok, I have my warm weather clothes and my cold weather clothes. I have a light jacket, flak jacket and rain jacket- wait, does it rain in Heaven?"

Vaggie pinches her nose a bit, as she spoke out to Charlie.

"Charlie, you're only going to heaven for a few hours."

Charlie stands up and paces a bit, as she spoke out to Vaggie, as Crowley crossed his arms a bit.

"Vaggie, we are only going to heaven for a day. And I just want to be prepared! It's our last chance to convince heaven a soul can be redeemed."

Vaggie nodded her head, and began to speak out to Charlie, but her voice began to waver for some reason, and even Crowley is a bit puzzled.

"Yeah, I wish I could come, sweetie, but I have that...thing."

Charlie looked confused, as she spoke out to Vaggie.

"What thing?"

Vaggie tried to say something, but she cannot find the words to say it, and it annoyed her badly.

"The thing with the.. thing uhm.. fuck, gah, I'm such a bad liar.

Charlie takes Vaggie's hand, as she spoke out to Vaggie in an attempt to encourage her to come along.

"Vaggie, you're my partner, I need you there with me. Crowley is going to come along. I'll need him as well to help me on this."

Crowley narrowed his eyes, as Vaggie sighed a bit, agreeing to Charlie.


Charlie smiled, as she spoke out happily.


Charlie hugs and kisses Vaggie's cheek. Then she goes to Crowley, and notices that he has a troubled and unhappy look on his face, in which Charlie spoke out.

"Crowley, are you okay?"

Crowley looked down, as he then spoke out to Charlie.

"I...I don't know how to feel about this. I mean...I should be happy and joyful to be able to visit Heaven...but...I don't feel that way. I don't know why I'm happy with this."

But that was a lie. Crowley knows why exactly he has an unhappy expression on his face, especially with what had happened a year ago with his brother, Set. He has no idea why Heaven did not come for him. Charlie goes to Crowley and takes his hand, as she smiled warmly at him.

"Don't worry, Crowley. I'm sure that Heaven will be able to make you happy, once we're able to convince them."

Crowley looks at her and hesitantly nodded his head, before Charlie then kissed him in the cheek, as the both of them went downstairs. Back at the main hotel, everyone watches as Angel Dust stumbles into the lounge with exhaustion, and pain as well, and he then cursed out angrily.

"Oh, fuck."

Niffty pokes her head out of a plant pot with a feather duster before coming down to see him, in which she then spoke out to him.

"You look messy! What happened to you?"

Angel Dust looks at Niffty annoyed, as he then spoke back to her.

"It's who happened to me, and the answer is everyone! Twice. Val had me working 16 hours straight on a fucking whim. The absolute dickbag. UGH!"

While Angel is explaining this, he pulls his hands back to straighten his backside with crackles of bone being popped. He collapses on the couch to rest or sleep for the night. Charlie and Vaggie come into the scene with Vaggie holding two luggage suitcase with all of a sudden, the wall explodes, freaking Angel out of the couch. Angel gets annoyed that it's the second or third time the same wall that was fixed was blown up again, as he looks to see where the explosion had came from.

"Argh! What the fuck is with that wall?!"

As that happened, a female outline appears from the red smoke in the now-destroyed hole on the wall, holding a bomb in her hands.

The female figure is a sinner of some sort, is a slender yet curvy-figured, white-skinned cyclops-like demon with a singular eye which has an X-shaped light yellow pupil and a Sunkist-coral sclera. She sports freckle-like spots on her skin and long, strawberry blonde-pink hair with platinum-blonde accents, kept in a high half-ponytail by a black ponytail-holder. Her mouth has black lips and sharp pale yellow teeth inside. Her makeup includes a large amount of mascara and eyeliner, and she has several Sunkist-coral designs of bombs, explosions and swirled-lines, tattooed on her right arm and wears a one-shouldered black bra under a similarly-designed pinkish-red torn crop-top with four pale yellow spots around the black X located on the left, and a set of severely ripped black leggings under a torn miniskirt that sported the same color and style as her top, and also wears shoes that are both colored in a pinkish-red but differing in type; on her right is a simple-pointed flat, while on her left is heeled cowboy-like boot with a multi-pointed off-white star on it. She also has two different sets of fingerless Sunkist-coral gloves; a regular-length glove on her right hand and an arm-length black-trimmed glove on her left hand, as the female demon spoke out.

"What up hoes? Hahahahaha!"

Angel Dust hears the laughter and immediately gets up from the couch with excitement, as he recognizes who it is.

"Holy shit! Cherri Bomb? Long time no see, baby!"

The demon holding the bomb, Cherri, jumps into the room as she spoke out to Angel Dust.

"Angie, ya bitch! You been texting me depressin' shit all day! Figured we could tear shit up like old times. It's been fucking forever!"

Cherri, however, upon saying this, senses Charlie coming up behind her and gives the bomb to Charlie, as she shouted out.

"Here, hold this."

Charlie, realizing what she had grabbed, freaks out a bunch and plays hot potato with the bomb, as she panicked a lot

"Ah! Oh my god! Oh my god!"

Charlie tosses the bomb back and forth in her hands until Crowley decided to speak out.

"Hang on. I'll deal with that.

Before Charlie realizes what was about to happen, Crowley jumped into the air and spun around, as he used his tail to whip the bomb away out of the open home, where it exploded safely, as Vaggie spoke out.

"Got style. Nice."

Crowley smiled a bit, as Angel Dust spoke out.

"I love seein' ya Cherri, but I'm too tired. I need to pass out."

Angel tries falling back down onto the couch in order to rest up for a bit, but Cherri catches and pulls him up, as she spoke out to him.

"You can sleep when you're double dead, fuckhead! Come on, what you really need is a recharge! A reinvigoration, a re—"

Charlie then spoke out, as she realizes what is needed

"Responsible night on the town! That is a great idea! Hi!

Charlie goes and shakes Cherri's hand, as she spoke out to her.

"Charlie! That's my wall that you just blew up. It's so nice to meet one of Angel's friends! Agh! He never brings anyone around."

Cherri Bomb snorts a bit, as she spoke out.

"Wonder why."

Charlie then acts obviously at this, as she then spoke out to Cherri.

"Yeah, me too. Anyway, Angel and everyone else have been working so hard, I think they deserve to have a little fun."

This made Cherri blink with her single eye, as she spoke out.

"W-w-wait, they?"

Charlie waves over to Husk and Niffty. Husk doesn't seem to care much, but Niffty is shaking so fast that shaking rattling sounds can be heard from her body, as Charlie plays a very cool game of acting.

"Yeah! Hi, everyone! Angel and his friend are taking you all out for a night of fun and relaxation!"

Cherri mistakes Charlie's suggestion and tries to make her understand, as she spoke out in an odd panicky voice.

"Wait, I'm only here for Ange—"

Charlie hands Cherri Bomb a large stack of money, and seeing this, Cherri Bomb actually shuts up, as she spoke out.

"-Ooh! Never mind, Let's GO!"

Charlie then spoke out to Cherry Bomb.

"Make sure they have the best time tonight! Anyway, the portal to Heaven should be opening right about..."

Just as Charlie predicted, and realizing what is about to happen, the portal to Heaven opens in the middle of the lounge, as Charlie screams with delight.


Charlie grabs Vaggie and Crowley with both arms and throws them both into the portal, and as she steps a foot inside, she turns back to the guests and workers with Cherri Bomb, waving them goodbye for the day.


Charlie enters the portal and vanishes on the spot just before Sir Pentious walks by with a drink in his mouth. He notices Cherri Bomb and spits out his drink in shock, as he spoke out to the one that blew up his past ship long ago.

"Well! If it isn't my arch-nemesis! Have you come to meet your fate in battle, Cherri Bomb?"

But Sir Pentious spoke too soon, as he doesn't notice one of Charlie's discarded luggage in his way and ends up tripping over while Cherri Bomb doesn't seem to mind about him, as she spoke out in a rather annoyed tone.

"Apparently, I'm going out with Angel and I gotta drag your sorry asses along."

Cherri Bomb takes out a piece of gum and starts chewing. Sir Pentious hears her well, and is flustered by Cherri's suggestion. He immediately goes over to her and seemed nervous while Cherri faces him and blows a bubble, as he then spoke out to her.

"Oh, oh, you and me are going out like for fun? I... I didn't think this would ever happen. What-What do I do? What-What do I wear?"

Sir Pentious grabs Cherri's shoulder for suggestion, but she doesn't like Sir Pentious touching her and grabs his claw to the point it seemed like she's crushing it, as she spoke out angrily at him.

"Don't fuckin' touch me, ya munted dickhead.

And with that, Cherri leaves behind the flustering Sir Pentious who is blushing red after Cherri touched his hand.



Crowley said, surprised at what he is seeing, as they are shown to be at the Gates of Heaven. And needless to say, the sight is insane and shocking to say the least. It was bright, golden, and glorious, as Charlie spoke out excitedly.

"Vaggie, look at this place! It's so clean! Isn't that amazing?"

Vaggie, not very happy about it this, spoke sarcastically at the area that they are both in.

"Yup, super cool. Heaven. Wow."

Crowley, Charlie, and Vaggie then looked and saw someone at the counter, as they approached him.

It is an angel that is a pale-skinned and slim with curled, short pale-blonde hair, turquoise eyes with no pupils, and sharp-styled eyebrows colored royal blue. As an angel, he sports a white halo above his head, and a pair of large feathered wings on his back which are celeste blue and cream-colored. He wears a light blue vest over a pale yellow shirt with the long sleeves sporting dull golden cuffs, and a light blue skirt with dull golden detailing that forms into a cross at the hem over a high-collared. He also wears a pastel red bowtie, and for footwear, he wears dull golden flats. The angel greets them, as he spoke out.

"Hiya! Welcome to Heaven! Can I get your name please?"

Charlie then spoke out to the angel.

"Oh! Uhm, uh, Charlie Morningstar!"

The Angel then began to opens the book of reservations that are supposed to be a list of names they've cataloging for those who are to enter heaven.

"Charlie Morningstar, hmm..."

The angel mumbles through the list of names, and when he sees no one on the book, he spoke out.

"I'm not seeing you on my list here, that's so odd."

Charlie then looks down and spoke out nervously,.

Uh, uhm, my dad got me this meeting, so maybe...

The Angel, who heard this, spoke out.

"Oh, Dad! Okay!"

Charlie then began to speak out, but she said it in an awkward tone.

"Try Lucifer... Morning... star?"

The angel then realizes who Lucifer is, and began to panic and became nervous, as he then spoke out

"Oh, fuck! Yeah, hoooo, hehe. Yikes, am I right? Are you sure you're in the right place? Because I think you might be a little lost."

Peter nervously flies down from the desk to Charlie, Vaggie, and Crowley. Vaggie is unamused of St. Peter, crossing her arms in disappointment, as Vaggie spoke out, groaning a bit in annoyance.

"Oh, here we go."

Crowley facepalmed a bit, and he spoke out unhappily.

"This is not good, is it?"

Charlie then goes out to try and correct him on something.

"No, uh... we're, we're here for a meeting."

Just then, high above the three of them, and Crowley looks in awe and surprise at what he is seeing, or rather...who he is seeing.

seeing. Up above are 2 angels in their true forms, both of them have blue eyes, but one of them is larger than the other. The larger one has a slender owl-like body with light skin, straightened gray hair, along with grey sclera, and large dark blue irises. She has six white, bigger wings on her back and a very large halo hovering above her head, resembling a tiara. A white eye with a black pupil floats below it. She wears a white and gray goddess-like gown with wavy ends, which has celestial eyes on it. She also has these eyes on her shoulders and wings. The other one her head is a white oval with three eyes, which is a third eye with the same blue iris and a black pupil on her forehead, no hair, no nose and blue lips. She has six white feathered wings behind her head and the halo has a white eyeball and black pupil instead of spikes. Her white gown has a large blue eye with long lashes at the center of her chest replacing the star. Her puffy sleeves are white, while the hem is adorned with bigger periwinkle diamonds above the dark blue pattern, with both of these patterns resemble eyes as well, and longer white-outlined navy blue diamonds inside it, all marked with a single white line in the middle. She also has a white feathery neckline and petticoat.

Then, they both changed into their more human-looking forms, as the larger one has a normal human face and the smaller one has grey skin, the extra eyes all over their outfits are gone, as they landed into the ground and and the larger one spoke out to the angel.

"St. Peter. We can take it from here."

The angel, St. Peter, nodded, and Crowley recognized the name, as he spoke out.

"Wait, St. Peter, as in, one of the 12 Apostles of Jesus Christ or something?"

St. Peter looks at Crowley, as he shrugged and spoke out.

"I studied Christianity back when I was human."

St. Peter looked nervous, as he spoke out.

"Well, something like that, though not exactly what I am described as in reality."

Crowley looks at the ground for a bit, before he then spoke out.

"Wonder if Jesus Christ exists in Heaven."

He shook his head, as he looks at the large angel, as she spoke out.

"Greetings, daughter of the Morningstar. I am Sera, the high seraphim of heaven. You are gifted to be here."

The other angel is super-excited to see outsiders from Heaven that she squeals and comes forward to greet them, as she spoke out.

"Hi! I'm Emily, the other seraphim, though you can call me Em! Emmy, E, whatever you want, I go by whatever. Hehehehehehe, Welcome to Heaven!"

[There should be a GIF or video here. Update the app now to see it.]

Welcome to Heaven

Peter flies overhead to get the gates open, with the gates open to reveal to Charlie and the unamused Vaggie and a cruise Crowley of the world of Heaven, a beautiful, clean paradise that is the complete opposite of Hell. Even the Angels looked completely different than the demons, as St. Peter sang, going past through the angels, which shows then having various eyes all over the place, more then ever the demons themselves, some of them having drinks, the cities look like they are made out of beautiful crystal, Crowley was in awe at the sight.

(Dearly beloved, it is my pleasure to say onto thee... Welcome to Heaven, oh oh!

Where the virtuous reside, 24/7, oh oh!

People are happy that they died, cause here we got no worries, got no burglaries, no strife. It's the perfect afterlife! Welcome to Heaven, oh oh!)

St. Peter flies amongst many advertisements in Heaven, all of whom resemble animals, before he flies away for a bit and gets some stuff off of the floor, as well as show a billboard of something scientific.

(Check out our sick decor! The spirits leaven, oh!

Please keep your brimstone off the floor, we've got the best and brightest, the politest of the lot.)

St. Peter poses with lots of other angels, that are rather muscular, and sang out something that seems a bit inappropriate in a way.

(And ev-ery-one is hot!)

Emily joins into the song, as she began to sang out happily greeting them, with Charlie and Crowley looking in awe, as well as shaking both Charlie and Crowley's hands, with Vaggie looking in jealousy at the sight, restraining herself as to not rip Emily off of them.

(Gosh, I'm so pleased to show some outsiders around. After you see our realm, you'll never wanna go back down!)

Sera then takes the chance to sing out with the other 2, as she sounds almost mournful.

(Of course it is just temporary, I'm sorry you can't stay.)

Emily and St. Peter grab hands and fly up together, before falling back down and posing with some other angels, as the both sang out.

(Cause every single day in Heaven is a happy day! Welcome to Heaven!)

St. Peter then decided to finish the song with one word.


He pants after finishing the song, and he is a bit exhausted, as Crowley then stepped onto Charlie's shadow, and all of a sudden, he began to drop darkness, as he sank into it.

Charlie, Vaggie and Emily run hurriedly, unexpectedly passing Adam, who is drinking a soda, and Lute. They both immediately pause as they see Charlie and Vaggie, with the both of them not too happy to see this, as Adam voiced his displeasure at the sight.

"Holy fucking shit balls, am I seeing who I think I'm seeing?"

Lute, disgusted at the sight of Vaggie, spoke out at this.

"What is she doing here? How did she even get up here?"

Adam, not caring about this, shouted out.

"Who cares? I'm handling this shit right now."

Adam goes to challenge Charlie and Vaggie, but Lute stops him, not wanting to start trouble now, as she spoke out to him.

"Wait! You want to start a fight on the promenade in front of everyone?"

Adam, eager to take Charlie's blood, spoke out to her.

"Better than waiting for the fucking extermination!"

Lute immediately grabs Adam by his collar and pulls him to shush him harshly, before reminding him of something that he had forgotten.

"SHHH. Sir, what was the Seraphim's one rule?"

Adam, feeling annoyed at this, spoke out as he remembers what it is.

"Uuughhh, 'No one but the exorcists can know about the exterminations'. I know fine. Don't fucking shush me, bitch.

Adam slurps on his drinks as he said that, but just before they can settle this, Sera suddenly appears behind them both, teleporting them to an office-like building with just one sway of her wings. The light goes white on the screen before reappearing to show Adam and Lute being confronted by a stern Sera, as she spoke out.

0You should listen to your lieutenant, Adam."

Adam turns around and looks at Sera with shock and panic, as he jumped and spoke out.

"Fuck! Sera! You can't sneak up on a guy like that, jeez."

Lute, feeling she needs to know, spoke out to her.

"Your highness, forgive me, but what are the hell-spawn doing here?"

Adam slurps his soda, as Sera spoke out.

"Well, you failed to control the demons' unrest, and now Lucifer is involved, setting up an audience for his misguided daughter. I never would have agreed to your...'yearly activities' if I thought it would bring trouble to our doorstep. Keeping Heaven safe was my only reason for allowing it."

Adam, after he had finished slurping on his soda, spoke out.

"What do you want from me? I'm just one guy."

Sera looks at Adam sternly, as she spoke out to him.

"I want you to do whatever you need to do to keep this problem from getting any worse. Are we clear?"

Adam, feeling he has no choice and cannot refuse, spine out.

"Yeah. Got it."


Vaggie and Charlie are shown in their hotel room, Vaggie putting their big tons of luggage down as Charlie sits on the bed excitedly, and Crowley re-emerges back outside as soon as the coast is clear.

Okay, I love Heaven! Vaggie, did you see the ice cream shop? They had sprinkles made of rainbows!

Vaggie rolled her eyes, as she spoke out.

"Those are just rainbow sprinkles."

Charlie stands up excitedly, as she spoke out.

"Emily's going to take me to a zoo where all the animals are actually soft! You coming?"

Vaggie refused, as she spoke out.

"Uh, I need a break. But hug a koala for me."

Crowley looked unhappy, but then, Charlie grabbed Crowley; as she spoke out.

"O.M.G! Can you imagine an actual koala? Eeeeeh! see you later!"

Charlie zips right out of the door with Crowley in her hand, leaving Vaggie alone for herself. She lays on the bed and sighs, but there is a knock on the door a second later. She answers it, revealing Adam, barging right in to greet her.

"Hey there Vag-asaurus!"

Vaggie, not in the mood for this, spoke out.

"Charlie will be back soon, you need to get out now."

Adam enters the room, Lute behind him, as Adam spoke out to Vaggie.

"I'm not looking for the blonde, babe. I'm looking for you."

Vaggie looked confused, as she spoke out.


Adam smiled dangerously, as he spoke back to her.

"Maybe 'cuz you left the band; you tried for a solo career, or I guess it's more of a... duet!"

Vaggie, continuing not to know what Adam is talking about, spoke back to him

"I don't know what you're talking about."

But Adam was persistent in what he says, as he spoke out.

"Do you really think I wouldn't recognize one of my top girls just cuz you're out of uniform?"

Vaggie immediately grows pale when she realizes how Adam has never forgotten her, as she recalls something to a past Extermination. Exorcists come flying down with swords and spears as they hunt and kill every Demon Sinners they find. Screams can be heard as many demons are being massacred by the Angels. An Exorcist flies down and kills a demon, before taking her helmet off,

revealing it to be Vaggie with a shorter hair, her left eye intact, and having exorcist wings present, as Adam spoke out.

"You were on the front lines, I wouldn't forget a bad bitch like you. It's why I named you after the best thing ever. Vaggie."

Vaggie, who is annoyed, spoke back to him

"Actually, it's pronounced Vaggie."

Adam hummed a bit, as he spoke back to her.

"Hmmmmm- no. Anyway, you sure fucked up, didn't you?"

Back involving a last extermination, Exorcists kills a demon, a sinner child is running away while being chased by a vicious Vaggie as an Exorcist. The child runs into an alleyway where he reaches a dead end. He turns, and starts crying where he is prepared to meet his demise. However, Vaggie hesitates, seeing the innocent child right before her eyes crying in fear. She reconsiders her decision, as she spoke out.

"Go, run. Now!"

The sinner child flees from Vaggie right before Lute's shadow appears behind herr. Vaggie realizes she has been spotted before Lute stabs her eye out. Vaggie screams in pain. Her eye falls before Lute steps on it. She steps on Vaggie, as she spoke out.

"Sinful filth like you has no place in heaven."

Lute brings up Vaggie's head and rips her wings off. Vaggie pants as she watched Adam appear before her in a shadow silhouette before Lute throws her discarded wings away and sword before she and Adam leave. The scene then changes to Vaggie stumbling down an alleyway, now with only one eye. She collapses against a dumpster, before Charlie, in the past, spots her. She puts a bandage over her missing eye, and Vaggie smiles. In return, Charlie smiles back, as Adam spoke back to her.

"To think someone as worthless as you landed Lilith's little hottie, as well as a mere strong demon. 'Grats on that I guess."

Lute looks disgusted at her as the recalling of the past extermination ended.

"Their love is vile and blasphemous."

Adam, however, spoke back.

"Hot as fuck though. But I wonder what your bitch would think if she found out you are actually one of us, hmmm?"

Vaggie, fearful of this, spoke out to him.

"What do you want?"

Adam smiled dangerously, as he spoke back to her.

"Simple, you work for me again and at the hearing, you're gonna help me shut this kindergarten snowflake bullshit down for good."

Vaggie, however, thinks not of that, as she spoke back to him, for her love of Crowley and Charlie is far greater.


Adam shrugged a bit, as he spoke out dismissively.

"Oh yeah, you know, that's totally cool. I guess I'll just tell little miss butterflies and rainbows that she's been fucking someone who's killed- thousands of her people. I'm sure your relationship will be fine. See you in court!"

Adam and Lute leaves the room, Vaggie scared at what Adam is about to do next, and needless to say, she does not like it.

Heaven Court

Crowley was nervous, as he looks up to see that he is in what seems to be an angelic courtroom, where Charlie and Vaggie are sat down.

The tables are golden and the seats are blue, and the entire room is very large, so much that he can go giant in his full demon form and won't hit the ceiling. Crowley, he wouldn't like to admit it, but this is a first time for him, of being inside of what seems to be a court, much less one that is in Heaven. Crowley, however...looked around and saw the various angels present...and felt something. Anger, because of his brother. So many angels, so many to help innocent lives, and yet not a single one came to save Set. And Crowley cannot help but whisper out to himself, and no one is hearing it.

"Why? Why did not one of them come to save him? He did nothing wrong. There is even so many that found even take the chance at doing so."

Crowley clenched his fists, as he gripped his pants, and Charlie, noticing this, spoke out to him.

"Crowley, are you alright?"

Crowley nodded his head, as he decided not to trouble and worry her.

"Yeah, I'm alright. Just...worried about...you know...is being able to succeed in this."

Adam walks by on his way to his seat with Lute,

who now has her helmet off, showing her white hair, yellow eyes, and beautiful, yet dangerous and sickening face, and Charlie realizes what this meant, as she spoke out.

"Oh no, not him again!"

Adam flies up and sits down beside Lute, as Crowley facepalmed a bit at this, as he then spoke out.

"Adam is gonna try and pull real dent in our desire for redemption."

Adam then spoke out to the trio before, mainly at Charlie.

"What up, baby? Saw that you went to my manager. Low blow, Karen."

Sera, who is at the top and sitting on what seems to be a judge stand, spine out.

"We are gathered here today to determine whether or not a soul in Hell can be redeemed into the heavenly realm via means of this "Hazbin Hotel". Princess Morningstar?"

Charlie sighs, as she spoke out to Sera.

"Haaa...Thank you, Seraphim. Ahem. Webster's dictionary defines redemption as—"

Adam then interrupted her, as he spoke out.

"Objection, lame and unoriginal."

Crowley then spoke back to Adam.

"Adam, you are rushing and not hearing her out. You, interrupting someone, is also lame and unoriginal."

Adam looked unhappy at this, as Sera spoke out.

"Sustained. No further dictionary, references please."

Charlie, a bit nervous at this, spoke out.

"Right, ok, uh, uh... uhhmmmm..."

Charlie shuffles through multiple cards, all which have various dictionary references on, as Adam spoke out.

"If you have actual evidence, then show it already."

Charlie, having an idea, spoke out loud for everyone to hear.

"We have a patron right now who is making incredible progress!"

Adam was curious, as he spoke out.


Charlie smiled, as he spoke out.

"Angel Dust."

Adam, who has clearly heard of this demon, spoke out.

"Oh yeah, the porn demon. He's totally worth being redeemed."

Adam blows a raspberry, but Crowley then laughed for some reason, and Adam looked confused, in which Crowley then spoke back to Adam.

"Oh, I wouldn't count that out just yet, Adam."

Charlie smiled, due to Crowley having defended Angel Dust, as she spoke out to him.

"Well, if you know so much, what do you think it takes to get into Heaven?"

Adam, for once, is beginning to stumble on his words, as he then spoke out.

"Uhmm... w-well... Uhh..."

Crowley, decided to mock him a bit, pulled his eyelid down, as he stuck his tongue, which made Adam look bad, as Sera spoke out.

"Is everything ok, Adam?"

Adam, annoyed at this, spoke out.

"Give me a fucking minute, ok?"

Adam mutters a little bit, as he scrawls something down on a golden piece of paper, before teleporting it over to Vaggie, and Vaggie read it.

"'Act selfless, don't steal, stick it to the man'. Are you fucking serious?

Vaggie looked annoyed at this, as Adam, not wanting to look bad at Sera, spoke out.

"Uh, yeah. Sure got me here, didn't it? Hehehe. Right, Sera?"

Sera then spoke out about Adam, as if stating the obvious.

"He was the first human soul in Heaven..."

Charlie grinned in confidence a bit, as she spoke out to everyone.

"Well, I bet Angel is doing all of those things right now!"

Adam, deciding to take the chance and hope that it is false, spoke out.

Then let's fucking see it bruh!

Adam snaps his fingers, as aspying orb appears in the middle of the courtroom, and Charlie spoke out a request to Sera.

"Your honor, may I present: exhibit A."

The scene of the orb changes, transitions to the nightclub Angel dust and his group are at, as Cherri Bomb spoke out.

"Woo! Isn't this place the fucking best?"

Husk shrugged a bit, as he spoke out to her.

"I'll admit, "Consent" is a good name for a sex club."

Sir Pentious nodded his head, but he then looks down at Niffty, as he then spoke out to her.

"Niffty, dear, what are you doing?"

Niffty is shown to be holding onto a broom of some sort, which seems a bit to big for her, and she looks annoyed at this, as she spoke out complainingly

"I'm sweeping! Ugh, look how icky it is in here!"

Sir Pentious then spoke out to her to remind her of where they are inside of.

"That's because we're at a club, dear."

Niffty blinked a bit, and realizes that this was different, as she giggled out to him.

"Oh! I thought the hotel looked different! Hehehehehe!"

Sir Pentious leans over to Cherri Bomb, a blush present on his face, as he spoke out to her

"Ms. Bomb, I-I'd like to buy you a drink."

This made Cherri Bomb confused, as she spoke out to him.

"Why? Didn't you say we're arch rivals?"

Sir Pentious panicked a bit, as he tries to come up with an excuse.

"Uhm... uhh... because I'm buying everyone a drink!"

The crowd behind the group spoke out.

"Free drinks! I love alcohol!"

Angel Dust nodded, as he spoke out to the others.

"Good, I need a drink after today. You know, Val, he's into this waterboarding shit now, I don't know, it's a kink."

Cherie Bomb holds out 3 pills and spoke out to him.

Angel, enough with the Val talk. He already ruined your whole day, don't let him ruin your night too. Here, take one of these and you won't be worrying about nothing."

Husk sighed, and spoke out.

"Here we go."

Cherri Bomb looks at Husk, as she then spoke out to him in a sarcastic way.

"Oh look! The drunk sobered up long enough to judge us."

Husk then spoke out to Cherri Bomb, as he hopes that Angel Dust chooses the right way.

"I ain't the one trying to get into Heaven. Look, you want to fuck up all your progress? Be my guest. I just...haaa...I just thought you were better than that."

Cherri Bomb, annoyed with Husk, spoke back to him, and then to Angel Dust.

"Thanks, Captain Buzzkill. Come on, Angie, let's get fucked up! It's been too long!"

Angel Dust, looking down at this, spoke out to Cherri Bomg, rather hesitant at this.

"I uhh... I don't know, it's been a long night and I don't need to go too wild."

Husk approved at this, as he hummed a bit at what Angel Dust decided.


Cherri Bomb looked annoyed, as she spoke at him.

"Come on, bitch. If you've really been working that hard, you deserve a little R and R, some THC, or maybe PCP with DMT. Aw, fuck it, let's see where the night takes us, huh?"

Sir Pentious slithers back into frame, as Angel Dust spoke out hesitantly again.

"I.. I guess?"

Sir Pentious, getting close to Cherri, is shown to be holding something in both of his hands, as he spoke out to her.

"Cherri, I bought you a shot. B-because I bought everyone another shot! Hooray! Hehehehe!"

Cherri Bomb looks and smiled, as the crowd spoke out.

"Yeah! Another drink! I love alcohol!"

Angel Dust, after a bit, takes the shot, and spoke out at this.

"ah... Fuck it, let's do it."

Husk sighed at this, and back at the courtroom, Crowley sighed as well, clearly not happy that this is showing nothing, as Adam spoke out.

"Heavenly people, what more do you need to see? The porn star chose a night of debauchery. That's not a soul worthy of being in Heaven!"

Charlie then spoke out, as she made an awkward comment of some sort.

"Uhm, objection! Are you really telling me you've never had a drink with friends at the end of a hard day?"

Adam looks back at Charlie, as he responds back to her.

"Uh, we don't have hard days? It's fucking Heaven, bitch. You seriously gonna sit there and pretend like this behavior is ok?"

Charlie growled a bit, as Crowley narrowed his eyes, and is starting to get madder, as he grabbed onto Charlie's hand, and held it tight, as Adam goes to Vaggie, a malicious intent present, as he spoke out.

"What do you think?"

Vaggie, in a panic, spoke out suddenly.

"I-I-I have to go the bathroom!"

Vaggie rushes out of the courtroom, as Charlie spoke out in a panic, but got frustrated, as she spoke out.

"What? Vaggie, can you hold it?! Angel will make good decisions, come on! We have to keep watching! Please?"

Sera sighed a bit, as she spoke with doubt present in her voice.

"Yeah, I don't know."

Emily, however, having faith that a sort of redemption could happen, spoke out to Sera.

"Yeah, let's give him a chance."

Sera thought for a bit, before she nodded and spoke out.

"Very well, the court will allow it."

Charlie then got a little carried away, as she spoke out.

"Fuck, yes! I mean... heh... thank you."

Crowley giggled a bit, as Charlie looked embarrassed at how indignant that she acted, as they continued to watch the scene down inside of the orb, as Cherri Bomb takes another shot, where the gang have had multiple drinks.

"Round 12, motherfuckers! Heels are coming off!"

Angel Dust, getting along, spoke out to her.

"Ho ho yeah! Keep 'em comin'! Come on, right here! Come right here to daddy."

Sir Pentious chuckled a bit, as he spoke out.

"Oh, it's wonderful to have friends! Hehehehehe!"

Niffty held the table, as her eyes became a spiral in a way.

"Everything's spinny! Hehehehe!"

Angel Dust, looking at her, takes the drink away from her grasp, as he spoke out.

"Ha, I think you're done, tiny."

Niffty, however, does not want to give up on it, as she shouted out, trying to reach for the drink, while Angel Dust gives it to Husk

"No! Gimme gimme gimme!"

Cherri Bomb, at this sight, spoke out with an annoyed look on her face.

"Oh come on, bitch! She can handle a little more!"

Angel Dust, speaking out of concern for her, spoke out to Cherri Bomb

"She's like 10 pounds soaking wet and— oh shit, where'd she go?"

Angel Dust looks around, as Niffty is shown to be shoving other patrons' drinks into a sack, which made him panic.

"Hey! Fuck!"

Niffty, in what seems to be a drunken state, spoke out, as she puts the drinks into the bag, making the demons unhappy.

"Dirty, dirty! Make it clean!"

Angel Dust, out of concern for her and not wanti the demons to attack her, gives them money, as they began to fight for it.

"Damn it, Niffty. Sorry fellas, here, next one's on me. Niffty? Shit!"

Niffty's digging through a supply closet, as she spoke out in a maddened way.

"Chlorine... Bleach..."

Cherri Bomb, not used to seeing Angel Dust like this before, spoke out to him and steps in front of Niffty.

"Angie, the fuck you doin'? You're supposed to be relaxin', not playin' nanny!"

Angel Duat then spoke out to Cherri Bomb.

"Look she ain't used to this scene, I-I just dont want her to end up in the gutter like I used to."

Cherri Bomb, scoffing at this, spoke back to him in an annoyed tone.

"Pfft, WHATEVER, NERD, just catch up when you're done!"

Cherri Bomb moved out of the way, as Niffty continued to laugh, but Angel picks Niffty up, as he spoke out to her.

"STOP! You can't take tha- GOD, Niff, why you bein' such a mess?!"

Unfortunatley, he said the wrong thing, as Niffty began to cry.

"I'm the mess...?"

Angle Dust, in sheer panic, but later takes a deep breath; spoke out.

"Oh, oh shit! Hey, hey, hey calm down. It's fine. Shh.. Hey, you wanna play with the kitty?"

Niffty, after she stops crying, spoke out.


Angel puts Niffty on Husk's head while she giggles about it, and Husk looked confused and annoyed with this, as he spoke out.

"The fuck is this?"

Angel Dust then spoke out to him.

"She's wasted, just go with it."

Husk looked confused, as he spoke out.


He then sees Niffty playing with his ears and wings and Husk groaned very annoyed in this way, as he spoke out.

"Ugh, get the..."

Elsewhere, Sir Pentious falling off his seat and slithering over to Cherri Bomb, who is sitting at a table, as he spoke out.

"Ahh... HEY, WOW! Hey, so... I see the club has a sex room, so I was thinking, maybe you'd want to, uhmm... do a... sssSEX with me?"

Cherri Bomb snorts a bit, as she spoke out.

"I'm sorry, why would we have sex?"

Sir Pentious, in an tntoxicated way, spine out.

Uh... uhm... because I'm having sex with everyone here! Hehehehehe

He laughs briefly before being grabbed, as the crowd cheers, before dragging Sir Pentious towards the 'sex room'. Many sets of eyes are visible inside, as Sir Pentious spoke out.

"Wait! Ahhhh"

Crowley, back outside, actually facepalmed a bit, but he smiled a little, seeing this as funny for some reason, due to Sir Pentious saying that at the wrong time. At the bar, Cherri Bomb spoke out to Angel Dust, who is arriving with both Husk and Niffty.

"You know, we can do this fucking shit every fuckin' night! You don't have to spend all your off hours 'working on yourself', you little bitch.

Husk then spoke out to Cherri Bomb.

"The hotel isn't a problem in his life, it's—"

Angel Dust looked and noticed someone he did not want to see, as he whispered one name.


Husk, mistaking it for something else, spoke out.

"Exactly. So why don't you-"

Angel Dust, however, elbowed Husk, and points as he spoke out.

"No, Valentino."

Everyone turned and they look to see that Valentino himself is at a large sofa-bench talking with some female demons, as he spoke out.

"Yeah, I'm here all the time, they know me. You're gorgeous, do you need a job? How many dicks can you suck? I could make you a star..."

Back at the courtroom, Crowley snarled in anger, as he looks down at the sight of Valentino himself. He had hoped he would never be involved in this. But he guess this is possibly the only way that Angel Dust can prove that he can be a good person and can follow the same criteria. Angel Dust, back at the bar, spoke out.

"Let's get the fuck out of here, okay? ...Where's Niffty?"

Angel Dust, before he even wants to leave, realized that Niffty is missing, as Valentino spoke out..

"OK, yeah, bring me another drink or I'll fucking kill you."

Unbeknownst to Valentino, Niffty is seen running towards Valentino, as she giggled and spoke out to him.

"Bad boy! Hehehehehe!"

Valentino, looking down at Niffty, spoke back to her with no concern.

"Yeah, a star. Porn star. Ok, yep, bring me another or I'll fucking kill you! I said I'll fucking kill you, and I will."

However, Valentino hears a familiar voice that he knows too well.

"Excuse me! Pardon me! Get out of my way!"

Angel tumbles onto the platform and grabs Niffty, who is still running in midair as Angel holds her, as Valentino spoke out.

"Holy shit, Angel Dust? What are you doing here, baby? You didn't get enough dick today?"

Angel Dust glares at Valentino, as he spoke out.


Valentino looks down at Niffty, as he spoke out about her to Angel Dust.

"Who's this chiquita? You bringing me fresh meat?"

As Valentino goes to touch her, Niffty bites at Valentino and Valentino yelps at this sudden act.


Niffty, with a bloodthirsty grin, spoke out.

"I just want a taste."

Niffty, observing Niffty, spoke out at this, as he goes to reach out for her.

"Weird, but there's a kink for that, I'm sure!"

However, before Valentimo could grab her, Angel stands up, still holding Niffty, as he finally spoke out.

"Fuck off, Val."

Valentino, not happy with this, spoke out.

"Excuse me?"

Angel Dust, not wasting a single second, spoke out.

"I said fuck off! I may have to put up with your bullshit, but you ain't fuckin' with any of my friends!"

Valentino, in response to this, summons his red smoke chain and grabs Angel with it, pulling him close, with Angel Dust, this time, staring defiantly at him, as Valentino spoke out

"You forget who you're talking to? I own you, bitch."

Angel Dust, however, remembering Crowley and Husk, having been there to comfort and emphasize with him at his weakest moment, spoke out

"Yeah, you do, in the studio. And you can do anything you want to me there, just like our deal says. But out here, I get to do what I want. So once again, FUCK. OFF!"

Valentino, not liking the response that he has made, smacks Angel, sending him tumbling to the side and hurting him, as Valentino walks over and threatens him.

"Enjoy the rest of your night, bitch, because I'm going to enjoy making you pay for it tomorrow."

Cherri Bomb, seeing this, spoke out an insult to the Overlord.

"Fuckin' dickhead..."

Angel stands up and walks back to his friends, as he snarled a bit at this, at the pain that he had felt.

"Fuck it. It was worth it."

Husk smiles with a look of pride on his face, as he puts a hand on Angel's back as they walk off.

"Way to go, kid."

Hoeevwr, before Valentino knows it, Niffty had suddenly reappeared to tear off a part of Valentino's fur, as Valentino helped in pain.

"Ow! What the fuck?!"

Niffty smiled, as she spoke out with glee on her face.

"For my collection! Hehehehehe! Wait up, guys!"

Cherri Bomb, impressed by what Angel Dust had done, spoke out.

"Did you just call these cunts your friends? Thought that was my job."

Angel Dust smiled at her, as he then spoke out.

"There's room for everyone, and ya know... you could come crash with us too."

Cherri Bomb, a bit touched by this, spoke out to him.

"Okay, look, Angie, I'm glad this hotel shit is workin' for you, but you know me, bitch, I'm doin' just fine! In fact, I'm gonna fuck the next guy I see, okay? But if you need me, you know where to find me, yeah?"

As Cherri Bomb walked off, Sir Pentious, who had been able to escape the sex room, goes to the group, as he spoke out to them, while panting

"is Cherri still here?

Sir Pentious, however, he then notices Cherri walks into the sex room with another demon, and got a bit frustrated, as he realizes that he missed his chance, and can only shout out.


The scene had ended, and Crowley, he felt relived. Seems luck manage to go for Charlie's side, as Angel Dust manage to fit the criteria that Adam had mentioned to them, and Charlie spoke out.

"See! He did everything on your checklist! He was selfless, he stopped Niffty from stealing and he stuck it to that moth man!"

Adam, however, realized something, as he then spoke out.

"Uhhh... well, uh... then why isn't he here then? Hm?"

Emily, who is also confused at this, also spoke out at the sight.

"Yeah, why isn't he here?"

The angels observing the court all murmur together, and Charlie, realized that something is wrong, spoke out.

"Wait... none of you know what gets someone into Heaven?"

Crowley, however, not very happy at this, spoke out.

"Oh nuts. Seems we hit a dead end."

And Sera, in response to this, spoke out, clearly not convinced at the sight that she is shown.

"This questioning stops now. We know when a soul arrives, we know when they pass divine judgment, it is our job to ensure these souls are safe."

[There should be a GIF or video here. Update the app now to see it.]

You didn't know

However, Emily, wanting to believe that there is some form of redemption that can happen, sang out to Sera in what she believes can be possible.

(But she was right, Sera

She showed us a soul can improve)

Emily flies up and shows the orb with the scene of Angel defying Valentino, all just to protect a friend that Angel Dust cares about a lot.

(He saw the light, Sera

Checked all the boxes that you said would)

Emily flies with the orb and asks the other angels observing the court, as she doesn't think redemption is impossible.

(Prove a person deserves a second chance

Now we turn our backs, no second glance?)

However, Sera thinks otherwise, as Emily flies to Sera, who takes her by the hand.

(It's not as simple as you think

Not everything is spelled in ink)

Charlie, who is not happy, with Vaggie having reappeared, as Charlie sang out to her.

(It's not fair, Sera)

Vaggie steps forward and puts a hand on Charlie's shoulder, in order to calm her.

(Careful, Charlie, keep a cool head)

Charlie, however, is not very happy with this result, as she pulls away from Vaggie and looks at Sera.

(No! Don't you care, Sera?

That just because someone is dead

It doesn't mean they can't resolve to change their ways )

The orb shows multiple images of Angel and the others., as Charlie continues to sing out.

(Turn the page

Escape infernal blaze)

Sera, however, does not believe it, as she then spoke out to Charlie.

(I'm sure you wish it could be so

But there's a lot that you don't know)

As that happened, Lute and Adam takes action, as Lute puts on her exorcist mask and sang out.

(What are we even talkin' about?

Some crack-whore who fucked up already?

He blew his shot, like the cocks in his mouth

This discussion is senseless and petty)

Both Adam and Lute fly up in front of Charlie, before flying over to and landing on the orb, as they both sang out together.

(There's no question to be posed

He's unholy, case closed

Did you forget that "Hell is forever"?)

Adam flies off of the orb and gets closer to Charlie, who briefly turns into her full demon form, as Adam is starting to get carried away.

(A man only lives once

We'll see you in one month

Gotta say, I can't wait to)

Sera goes out to try and warn him of revealing the secret.


But Adam didn't listen, as he spoke out.

(Come down and exterminate you!)

Unfortunately, he should not have said that, as Emily then spoke out


Adam, however; realized what he had done, and it is too late to take it back.


Emily then goes to Adam and Charlie, as she sang out to them.

(What are you saying?

Let me get this straight)

Emily flies down and lands in front of the orb, staring sadly at what she is seeing.

(You go down there and kill those poor souls?)

Charlie, surprised at this, sang out to Emily in the form of a question.

(You didn't know?)

Adam, realizing the fuck up, can only speak out.


Even Lute cannot help but sing out this.

(Guess the cat's out of the bag)

Adam, however, shrugged at this, as he sang out.

(What's the big deal?)

Emily looks up at Sera, as she sings out to her.

(Sera, tell me that you didn't know)

But Sera proves otherwise, as she sang out to her.

(I thought, since I'm older

It's my load to shoulder )

But Emily refused to believe it, as she shouted out.


Sera flies down to Emily and takes her hands.

(You have to listen

It was such a hard decision

I wanted to save you, the anguish it takes to Do what was required )

Sera takes Emily's hand and forces a smile, the fire from the orb reflecting in her eyes. And in the eyes of Crowley, Sera looks more horrible than the demons that are in hell. But Emily thinks otherwise, as she sang back.

(To think that I admired you)

Emily tugs out of Sera's grip and flies upwards, and is now partially in her true Angel form.

(Well, I don't need your condescension

I'm not a child to protect)

Emily turns in the air and questions Sera directly, as everything she was taught is a lie.

(Was talk of virtue just pretension?

Was I too naïve to expect you

To heed the morals you're purveying? )

Charlie, who is now frustrated at this, sang to Emily, as she approaches her.

(That's what the fuck I've been saying!)

Both Charlie and Emily fly onto the orb as they both point out the hypocritical nature of Heaven in how they see mortal souls and alignment.

(If Hell is forever, then Heaven must be a lie!

If angels can do whatever, and remain in the sky )

Sera, panicking at what Emily is doing, spoke out to her.


Emily and Charlie fly off the orb and move out of the way, showing an Exorcist murdering a demon.

(The rules are shades of gray when you don't do as you say

When you make the wretched suffer just to kill them again )

Adam and Lute, at the sight of this, for enraged that they are being called out on, as the members of the court are shown to be horrified, as they see that they were not living in such a happy life as they expected to live in, as Charlie sang out.

(I was told not to trust in angels)

Adam walks nearer to Vaggie, as he then sang out.

(By her?)

Lute leans on Vaggie's shoulder, as she sang mockingly.

(Ha! She should know)

Vaggie walks over to Charlie, who takes her and Crowley's hands.

(We should go)

Crowley wanted to leave, since this is getting out of hand, but Charlie refused.

(No! Don't you see?

We've come so close

Look at them fighting; they're at each other's throats)

Crowley looks, and from up above, the scene is showing the angels all talking together and Emily refusing to listen to Sera. But Adam is not done yet, as he sang out.

(Don't you act all high and mighty

Did you ever think your little girlfriend might be a liar?)

Adam walks through the gap between Charlie and Vaggie and approaches the orb, with Crowley remembering something that Vaggie has described herself as being a bad liar, as Vaggie begged Adam.

(Don't, Adam, please!)

Adam, however, deciding to go a bit too far, then decided to sing out the truth.

(What's the fuss?

Why hide the fact that you're an angel)

Adam sinisterly turns while Lute grabs Vaggie and pulls her over to them.

(Just like us?)

The orb shows Vaggie in the past as an Exorcist, a shadow falling over the darkened courtroom as she spreads her wings, and both Charlie and Crowley...they loook horrified at this. Charlie falls to her knees in disbelief and shock at what Adam and Lute had showed her, at something that Vaggie had hid from her after all of these years, as Vaggie runs to her and Emily settles back by Sera, who breathes to keep her composure, as she spoke out.

"I'm sorry... but this court finds that there is no evidence souls in Hell can be redeemed."

Adam, who takes this as a victory, shouted out and insulted them.

"Oh, FUCK, YES! I WIN! SUCK IT BITCHES. You better save the date cunts, 'cause we're coming to your hotel FIRST."

Crowley looked down, as he sees the broken look of Charlie, who had witnessed Vaggie's darkest secret, being an exorcist, and Vaggie, who has look of misery on her face, as he desperately comforts Charlie for this. Crowley should be mad at Vaggie as well...but he cannot find himself being mad at her. Because he knows one thing...he doesn't care who Vaggie was back then, because it doesn't change that Vaggie, the person she is now...is a far better Angel then even Adam and Lute could ever be, especially since she reached out to him when he had fallen. And finally...for once, Crowley has lost his patience with Adam and Lute. But not just with the both of them, with Heaven itself, as something within him just...broke. He then moves and stands in front of both Charlie and Vaggie, as he spoke out before Adam can send them both back.

"Seriously? Is that the best thing you can offer, Adam?!"

This made Adam and Lute stop smiling, as Crowley spoke back.

"Because if that is the best thing you can come up with, that is beyond ridiculous! I always thought you were petty, but I never thought you would be so pathetic as to do this! It's mere child's play!"

This made Adam and Lute stunned, as they cannot believe that Crowley is still standing up for Vaggie, despite knowing her secret, as he spoke out.

"What?! The fucking shit you're talking about! Vaggie's a bitchy exorcist, like us! You should be pissing your fury at-"

But Crowley is not here to listen to him, as he spoke out, while swiping his right arm fast, a look of anger now present.

"Do you think that changes anything?! No! IT CHANGES NOTHING! And the fact that Vaggie had genuinely cared enough to help Charlie despite all that has happened, helped me desire the fact that she barely knew me when we first met, it doesn't prove that she is a bad person, even if she had done so many horrible stuff! No, it just proves that she is a far bigger and greater angel that you and Lute could ever be!"

This made Vaggie shocked, at the fact that Crowley is defending her still, despite the fact that he had became aware of her secret. But the mere hearing of that confession is enough to see that Crowley, no matter what happens, is never going against her, and is on her side. Adam was shocked by this, but then he became enraged and Lute is just as furious, as Adam takes the lead in shouting at him.

"You are a sly little bitch saying that, to the fucking first man to ever exist, you little cunt head!"

But Crowley shouts back, no longer buying it and finally takes over and does not give Adam the time to boast or insult him.

"First man! Hah, what a joke! There's nothing special about you, Adam! If anything, there's only something disgusting about you! All I see is humanity's first mistake and embarrassment! A shame and spit in the face of what it means to be 'human', something you've never bothered to realize, and instead act like a big manchild with an axe that insults people all because his reputation is in danger, or because of a cause of killing that he likes, all for the blood, and not for anything else! It is so childish to even think about that! Hell, you aren't even in Heaven because you are virtuous, especially since there is nothing virtuous about you! You are here because Heaven likes you for being the first human, not for doing any real good, you brainless sinful man!"

Adam snarled with fury, due to what Crowley has described Adam as being, in which Lute then shouted back at Crowley.

"You have no right to say shit like that to us, you little fucker!"

Crowley then insults back, as he feels red smoke beginning to leak out of his eyes, despite not being in his partial demon form yet.

"And why should I give a damn of what you said, you worthless bootlicker? Especially since you are just as pathetic as he is! All for a reason that never was true, that you angels deluded to into believing as!"

Lute felt outright explosive hatred, with Charlie and Vaggie stunned at the way that he is acting, never thinking he'd react in such a way, as Sera spoke out.

"It doesn't matter, Crowley. The decision is final, this is for the best of Heaven, for its protection against the demons in hell."

Then, Crowley turns to her and walks past the duo, as he then spoke.

"Heaven's protection? If it is for Heaven's protection, then why are the angels arguing about it?"

This made Sera confused, until she looked to see that the angels of Heaven are arguing about whether the Extermination is a good thing or not. This made Sera realize what he meant, as Crowley fired back, and this time, he has had enough.

"If it is for Heaven's protection, wouldn't they have asked and voted on it?! I'm pretty that if this is the case, the angels wouldn't have been arguing about it back and forth! But it seems you only made the decision, based on paranoid assumptions. Besides, even if us demons are able to get to Heaven and cause an upraising, where's the success in that?!"

This made Sera stop and look at Crowley, as he then spoke out.

"I have not seen one demon, not a single one, interest in Heaven, or want anything to do with it! They hate it, sure! But they never wanted to even be near it! If anything, they'd rather shoot themselves in the face than go near it! Us demons can't even kill you angels, no matter how much we try! And not to mention, they don't even have the power to go into Heaven! Only Lucifer does, but he never tried to go for an attack, even though he could have done so at any time! And based on Heaven's intact state, it's obvious that Heaven has not been attacked by Hell directly, not even once! Not a single bit of proof to show that you are right! All that you are doing right now is making assumptions based on your own fears and paranoia, without even giving out evidence that they are here to cause an uprising, nothing more!"

This made Sera somewhat stunned, as she has never heard of a demon fire back at her like that, but she is not here to back down, as she spoke out.

"No, I have seen what you demons are like! Redemptions cannot be possible! What I do for Heaven, I do it to protect the innocent! I do it to keep the innocent human souls safe and secure!"

Then, Crowley spoke back.

"Does that include, living humans on the verge of death?!"

This made Sera stop, as she did not expect him to make such a response, as she responds to Crowley in confusion.

"...What do you mean?"

Crowley, finally feeling his rage about to boil over and go past the breaking point, walks forward to her, as he spoke out. His voice forcefully calm, but it is distorted with his sheer rage and disbelief at what he had seen Heaven as like.

"When I was still 'human' before I became this, 1 year ago before becoming the demon I am now, I had a brother, a younger brother by just about 2 years, who was in hospital, after being involved in a nasty crash, and was slowly dying in succumbing to his wounds. When I had hope of Heaven, I had prayed, I prayed months, day and night, in hopes that someone in Heaven would at least come down to save my brother. I had kept praying, kept my faith in Heaven, and hope that by some chance, by some sort of miracle, someone would come down and would save his life, and lead him to something better. But do you know what happened, after all the months have passed, and my brother was on his bed, almost about to have his life taken away from his wounds, Sera?!"

Sera shook her head, as she spoke out.


Crowley, upon hearing, is finally pushed over the edge at this one single answer, in which he roared out with no warning.


His voice was loud and demonic, sounding like 7 million screams at once, the entirety of the court had began to shake violently from his mere shrieking, with Adam and Lute actually getting hurt from his voice, with Charlie and Vaggie caught by surprise, having never seen this reaction from him before, as well as remembering his sonic scream, as Crowley finally goes all out his rage to Sera.


Crowley began to morph into his demon form partially, red smoke and blood leaking out, as he continuously roaring out with immense rage and disbelief, his emotions finally started getting of control at what he is now feeling, due to seeing what Heaven is like, as occult symbols began to appear all over the walls and floor of the entire court.


Sera, hearing this, felt stunned and shocked. A demon who cared so deeply for his brother, and the angels did nothing to help him. The other angels are just as shocked, and Emily...she looked stunned at Crowley, seeing how he truly felt to Heaven, and Charlie and Vaggie, they did not expect for him to bring up his brother in the middle of nowhere, especially in the court itself, as Sera spoke out, trying to defend herself.

"I...I never thought...I just wanted to keep Heaven...keep all the innocent souls-"

But Crowley did not like this, as he is getting even more pissed off then ever before, almost to the fullest extent, his claws clenched into fists, and slowly he goes into his full demon form, as he went gigantic and towered over everyone, the 2 pairs of crow wings on his back sprout out, very large and spread out, his tail also grew on size and length, as his horns grew large and long, with it bending up a bit before coming down, a single spike present onto the curved part, his irises appeared now in the form of black pentagrams, with his voice now a lot more louder then ever before, in which he releases every single part of his rage, hate, and disbelief to Heaven for betraying his expectations, and more importantly, having betrayed both him and his brother when he was mortal, for abandoning them, with Charlie, Vaggie, and Emily looking in awe at what he is doing, and Adam and Lute looking panicked, as they realize that their victory, although they gained it, will not be as satisfying and happy as they expect it to be able to happen in, as Crowley then howls.


Crowley had never felt so enraged, so pissed this whole life. All that he had gotten through, all the hardships, all the frustration and desperation to keep his brother alive, and the way that Heaven has responded out to him and his girlfriends, he has finally exploded at this experience, his belief in Heaven had finally smashed to pieces, all because of Sera's decision to let the extermination happen and for reasons that he see a childish and pathetic, as well as reasons that Sera only made because she is a coward who could not go down and fix it, but Crowley, looking and seeing Charlie and Vaggie, fearing for him, finally calmed down as he took a deep breath, and he then shrunk back down to a somewhat normal size once again of 8'5, but he still is in his partial demon form, red eyes still leaking smoke and blood, as he again shouted, although not as loud as before and not in a demonic way, while he also is laughing quite coldly a little bit, as he spoke to her.

"Hehehehehehe...but...to my irony, if one can call it irony in such a way, Lucifer, the Fallen Angel you sent down from Heaven, having banished before, had to be the savior that my brother has needed, even though it costed me my soul and my normal human life. Very funny in your eyes, is it not? You, who claimed to protect the innocent and keep the innocent souls safe, have decided to leave my brother back there on his bed to die with no concern for his life, while Lucifer, the fallen angel you considered sinful for giving humanity free will...was the one to save him, this one lowly human, my brother, from death itself, even if there was a catch to what happens to me. Lucifer...he is honestly is a far braver man then you could ever be, Sera. And because of you...I can no longer see my brother again! I'll be forced to be separated from him, maybe even for the rest of my life, even to the day he dies of age!"

Sera shook at this response, and is unable to respond, but she atoll tried to make a response, perhaps to come up with an excuse that could calm Crowley a bit.


But Crowley, not giving her the time to defend and continues on with his rant, then stepped forward, and spoke out to her before she can even make an attempt at responding back.

"But if you don't believe that redemption could be a case, and never even brother to try and see if that is the case...then that means there has never been such things as good, or innocence, or anything like that, in the first place! All that has existed in the years since the beginning of everything, is only evil, and lesser evil, and nothing else! So now...I ask you this question...who is the greater evil here?! The angels of Heaven, who are so deluded and so blind and hypocritical to their own rules that they try to assure to themselves that they are doing good, continuing to live in a 'beautiful, yet deceptive lie', or the demons of Hell, who are very aware of their own evils, actually stay true to the principles that they never turned their backs on, and live in a cruel, yet necessary truth?!"

This...Sera and the angels...could not respond to that. Not once has a demon, let alone a mere Overlord, ask such harsh and difficult questions to ask. This made the angels who are not happy of the exorcists, that are against it, feel pity for Crowley for the suffering that he had to go through because of Heaven's neglect, realizing that not all is as happy as they seem, while the angels that are wondering if it is right...actually stopping to look for a bit, and see that this one demon, who was once human, is hurt and betrayed, by something that he had trusted and had so much faith in, only for said faith to spit back at his face for no reason at all, with the angels who are starting to think the exorcist is right even then beginning to wonder if the extermination is even worth it at all. And Sera...can only look down, her eyes wide in shock at this, as she cannot defend herself, nor does she know the answer to his questions, as she never thought that such responses could exist, nor did she even consider it. Emily looked heartbroken and sad, and Charlie and Vaggie looked at Crowley in stunned silence, not expecting him to lose his temper like that and showing such a furious side of him to an insane and extreme extent, but they both also felt sad for him, realizing what he had been bottling up this whole time in Heaven, as Crowley, with a look of being disillusioned on his face, then spoke, his voice filled with nothing but disgust towards the Seraphim herself.

"No answer?...that is what I thought, you coward."

Adam, enraged that Crowley had decided to ruin his victory, grabs him by the neck, and snarled at him, barely restraining from trying to rip his head off violently.


Crowley, however, done with this, and finally not afraid of him, spoke back.

"And if you come to the Hotel...your life will be in my hands! You arrive, and you will suffer for all the acts of cruelty and sin you have caused! So go ahead, first fiddle, try out your luck...and I will take your life when you arrive!"

Adam, so enraged at this, made a portal and threw Crowley, but he teleports and goes into it by jumping backwards, as a look of defiance is on his face, while Charlie and Vaggie are sucked in, but there is nothing for them to say, as they portal closed, as Emily spoke out.

"Charlie! Don't give up on this! I'll figure something out, I promise!"

Charlie heard it, and so did Crowley, but the portal closed before he can respond back, although Crowley did give her a thumbs up before he was completely in, and the portal closed. Adam, in such outrage at what Crowley had said and done, far more rage and hatred than he has ever felt in his life as an angel, due to Crowley having managed to shake the belief of the angels in the courtroom more then Adam could make the angels side with him, roared in a rage at the denial of a sweet victory, instead having gained a bitter one, as he flies away and out of the courtroom fast, with Lute following behind, so furious at what happened, due to a mere Overlord, who is beneath even Adam himself, going out to ruin all of that. The angels, shook by this, with now most of the angels feeling bad for Crowley, due to Heaven failing him, and not sure what to think, flied away, and Emily looked at where Charlie was, before she turned to Sera, and Sera looked at Emily.

But Emily merely glared at her in a disbelieving and hurtful way, her faith in Sera, who she had looked up to, smashed, having been betrayed and disappointed in what Sera had decided to hide from Emily this whole time, spitting against the very beliefs Sera had taught her, and finally, letting an innocent boy down, and damning him to Hell, when he had no option left in wanting to save the one person he loved and cared about, more then himself.

Emily, with one single glare for a minute at her, flies away, as Sera looks down, shocked at what she had heard from Crowley, as Emily looks up, determined to do whatever it takes to help out Charlie.

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