Chapter 2: The Last City

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Third Person POV 

Y/N flew the ship as Isabella was checking on Maria. While Y/N was flying the ship, Ruby was drooling over his weapons. 

Ruby: Its so cool. 
She said as she reached for it. 

Y/N: Don't touch. 
He said as he took the weapon away. 

Ruby: Aww. Why? 

Y/N: I don't need you blowing a hole in the ship. 
He told her. 

Ruby: I-I wouldn't do that. 
She told him. 

Y/N: You disobeyed a direct order. So I don't trust you with a firearm that could level this ship. 
He said to her. 

Ruby looked down as she heard his harsh words. 

Yang: Don't you think that was a little too harsh? 
She asked him. 

Y/N: Whatever. 
He told her. 

Blake: What gotten into you? 

Y/N: Hmm. I don't know. The mission. Maria. And of course you four. 
He said as he continued to fly the ship. 

Blake: But we didn't do anything. 

Y/N: I don't know. How about the part I told you all NOT to come. 
He said to them.

Weiss: Why do you act like you're top notch. Like seriously. 
She said to him. 

Y/N: Shut it ice queen. 
He spat at her.

Weiss: NO. I want to know. 


Weiss's eyes widen as she saw a knife beside her head as Y/N looked at her. 

Y/N: Why don't you shut up. Before I put a damn bullet in your head. 
He said as he aimed a gun at her. 

Weiss stayed silent as he held his gun at her head. 

Y/N: You don't shut up. I blow your head off. And I don't care if Atlas comes after me. I'll kill them off as well. 
He said with venom. 

Weiss didn't say anything as Y/N went back to chair and continued flying home. The four girls stayed quiet as Weiss watched Y/N with fear in her eyes. 

Blake looked at Weiss with anger in her eyes. 

Blake: Why couldn't you just shut up. 
She told Weiss. 

Weiss looked at Blake with hurt in her eyes. As the four girls stayed quiet, Isabella came into the room and stood behind Y/N. 

Y/N: How is she? 

Isabella: Maria is slowly recovering. 
She answered. 

Y/N: Okay. 
He said as he continued flying. 

Isabella: You know. We should get a drink when we get back. 
She said to him. 

Y/N: I'm done. 
He said to her. 

Isabella: Lovely. 
She said as she put her arms on his shoulders. 

The four huntsmen watched as Isabella held onto Y/N as he continued flying. 

Ruby: What is she to him? 
She asked herself. 

Yang: Why does he like her more than me? 
She asked herself. 

Isabella's POV 

I could feel the glares coming from the girls as I held Y/N close. 


This is what they get for hurting him. 

"So what do you want to do when we get home?" 
I asked him. 

Y/N: I don't know. Maybe train more. 

"But we do that every day." 
I told him. 

Y/N: How about a movie then? 

"I'll love that." 
I said as I laid my head in the crook of his neck. 

To Team RWBY 

The four girl were watching Isabella was getting touchy with Y/N. As Isabella was laying her head on Y/n's shoulder, Yang was fuming at how the two guardians were close. Weiss looked at the two with a sad expression. Ruby looked at the two with hints of jealousy. 

Blake: I wish he treated me like that. 
She said to herself. 

Isabella: I'm going to check on Maria. 
She said as she left to go check on her teammate. 

Y/N nodded as he continued to fly the aircraft back home. As the guardian kept flying, RWBY kept looking at him with worry and sad expressions. As the flight was quiet, there was a sudden beeping. 

Ruby: W-What is that? 
She asked. 

As RWBY were looking around in confusion, Y/N's ghost formed in front of him. 

Y/N: Tell them we're home. 
He told his ghost. 

Ghost: Zavala. We're home. 
He answered into the radio. 

Zavala: Got it. 
He responded back.

Y/N continued to fly until he reached a dock. Y/N slowly drove the ship into the dock and slowly landed. 

Y/N: We're home. 
He said as he got off the seat while his ghost disappeared. 

Weiss: W-W-Where are we? 
She asked. 

Y/N: The Last City. 
He said as he went to help Isabella with Maria. 

Maria: Guh. 
She groaned in pain. 

Y/N: Don't worry Maria. We're home. 
He told her. 

Maria: Finally. 
She said. 

The three guardians walked out of the ship and were met with a few people. 

???: Welcome back guardians. 

Y/N: Hello Amanda. 
He said. 

Amanda: Jesus. What happened to her? 

Y/N: Hive. 
He answered. 

Amanda: I see. Who are these four? 

Isabella: Four girls that came with us on the mission. 

Amanda: Really now. 

Isabella: And were the ones that caused Maria to get hurt. 

She yelled at Isabella. 

Amanda: Okay. Okay. There is no need for yelling. 
She told them. 

The three guardians walked to the infirmary as team RWBY watched. As the two guardians watched their teammate be worked on, they leaned against the wall with their arms crossed. As the four girls were watching, they saw technology they never saw at Atlas. 

Ruby: What happens now? 

Y/N and Isabella didn't answer as they stayed quiet. 

Ruby: What happens now? 

The two guardians didn't answer. As Ruby was about to repeat the question once more, the nurse came out of the room. 

Nurse: She'll be fine. One or two days she should be fine. 
She told them. 

Y/N: Thank you nurse. 
He told her. 

The nurse nodded and started walking down the hallway. 

Isabella: So what do you want to do? 

???: Hello guardians. 
They heard a male voice. 

The girls and Y/N turned to see a man with hunter armor. 

Y/N: Son of a bitch. 

???: Hey. 

Y/N: Cayde. You son of a bitch. 
He said as he brought him into a hug. 

Cayde: Good to see you guardian. 
He said as he hugged Y/n back. 

Cayde: Hello Isabella. 
He said as he hugged her too.

Cayde: So who are these girls?
He asked as he saw Team RWBY. 

Y/N: Team RWBY from Beacon Academy. 
He answered. 

Cayde: Oh. I see. But isn't she too young? 
He said as he pointed to Ruby. 

Ruby: HEY! 
She pouts. 

Y/N: Yeah. 
He said. 

Ruby: I just got in early. 
She told them. 

Cayde: So what made you come back here? 

Y/N: Just got back from a mission gone wrong. 

Cayde: Well. Still glad you're here. 
He said as he put his hand on Y/N's shoulder. 

Cayde: Since they came with you, you have to watch them. 
He told him.

Y/N: Oh great. 
He said. 

Cayde: Come on Y/n. You know I can't deal being the baby sitter. 

Y/N: Obviously since you couldn't deal with the thralls. 

Cayde: That was one time. 
He said to Y/N. 

Y/N: Okay fine. 

Cayde: See you later Y/N. Take care. 
He said before walking away. 

Isabella: So what do you want to do now? 

"Going to relax." 

Here is Chapter 2 of The Lone Hunter! Hope you all enjoyed this chapter! What do you all think so far? 

What do you all think should happen next? 

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