Chapter 1: The Mission

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Third Person POV 

Y/N, Maria, and Isabella stepped out of their ships to see a cave. 

Y/N: So this is the location? 
He asked his teammates. 

Isabella: According to the details. 
She said as her ghost showed the mission details. 

Maria: Well. Let's get this mission over with. 
She said as she equipped her weapon. 

Y/N: Yeah. Let's this over with. 
He said as he held his rifle. 

The three guardians went into the cave, planning on completing the mission. 

To Team RWBY 

Ruby: Hey Weiss. How different do you think Y/N's mission are different from ours? 

Weiss: They're most likely the same. Sm. Y/N thinking he's all big because he's guardian. Smh. What a joke. 

Blake rolled her eyes as she kept reading. 

Ruby: But what if he said was true? 

Weiss: Think we can do better than that team of his. 
She said. 

Ruby: Oh......Okay. 

Not too long after, the bullhead landed and the doors opened. 

Ruby: LET's GO! 
She yelled as she rushed out of the bullhead.

Yang: Ruby wait. 

Ruby: What? 

Yang: Just wait for us. We don't know what's waiting for us. 

Ruby: Okay. 

Blake: Let's just not get in the way. 


They suddenly heard a gunshot go off somewhere. 

Ruby: Where did that come from? 

Blake: It sound like it came from over there. 
She said, pointing to a cave. 

Yang: Let's go check it out. 
She said, walking towards it. 

Ruby: I-I don't think that's a good idea.


Blake: Sounds like they're in there. 

Yang: Well. What are we waiting for? 
She said as she started walking in there. 

Ruby and the others slowly followed Yang into the cave, not knowing what horrors awaits them in the depths. 

To Y/N 

The three guardians held their weapons high as they slowly dove deeper into the cave. 

Maria: Something's here. 
She said as she held her pulse rifle high. 

Isabella: Yeah. Something doesn't feel right. 


The three guardians turned around to see an enemy that towered over them. The enemy shot a laser that them, making them separate. 

Y/N: A fucking Orge. Just great. 
He said as he equipped Borrealis. 

Isabella took a shot at the Orge and got its attention. Maria took this chance to shoot it in the head. As she lined up her shot, Maria was suddenly grabbed and taken into the darkness. 

He yelled as she struggled to get the thrall off of her. 

Y/N: Isabella follow me. 
He ordered her. 

The two guardians followed Maria, who was taken. 

Team RWBY continued walking deeper and deeper into the cave as they heard yells. 

Ruby: I-I-Is that Y/N? 
She asked as she heard a yell.

Yang: Probably. 


The four girls quickly turned around as they heard a roar. The four gasped as they saw multiple thralls looking at them. 

She yelled as she held Crescent Rose. 

Blake/Weiss: I don't know. 

The thralls started running at them. 

Yang: Whatever they are. Just get rid of them. 
She said as she charged at them. The four girls went to fight the multiple thralls while Y/N and Isabella continued to run after Maria. 

Suddenly they heard a scream of pain. The two guardians started sprinting towards the scream as it got louder. As it got louder, Y/N and Isabella came into a chamber. And their they saw a witch attacking Maria as she backed up. 

Y/N shot Sunspot at the witch, getting it attention. The witch screeched and fired a pod at him. Seeing this the two guardians quickly dodged the shot as it produced a black aura in the area. Suddenly the area was being filled with Thralls and Fallen.

Y/N: Son of a bitch. 
He said as he held Sunspot in his hands. 

Seeing the hive and fallen in one area, Y/N quickly rushed over to Maria, who had a slash at her leg. 

Y/N: Let's go. 
He said as he helped Maria up. 

Maria pulled out her revolver as Y/N carried her. As Y/N carried Maria, a cursed thrall was walking towards them. As it got closer, Isabella quickly grabbed Y/N and Maria and teleported away from the thrall before it detonated. 

Y/N: Thank you. 
He said as he started heading for the exit. As he started heading towards the exit, the thralls and fallens started following the three guardian. Suddenly a purple light filled the area. A purple light came from Isabella's body. Isabella jumped back and she held her hand out. 

The area exploded as the nova bomb collied with the ground, annihilating the hive and fallen altogether. Isabella quickly left the area and started following the other guardians. 

Currently Team RWBY are backed into a corner as they were holding their weapons in front of a bigger group of thralls. 

Ruby: Guys. I don't have anymore ammo. 
She said as she looked at her teammates. 

Blake: There's too many of them. 
She told them. 

Weiss: Obviously. 


They suddenly heard a roar and the thrall suddenly backed up, hearing this roar. 

Ruby: W-W-What was that? 




As the thuds got louder and louder, they finally saw the thing that made the roar. 

RWBY: Oh my god. 


The orge looked at them and a purple started to shine. 

Ruby: Uh. I don't like the look that. 

Then the area exploded as the Orge shot its beam at team RWBY. The four girls fell to the ground as the Orge kept trying to shoot at them. Weiss immediately creates a shield to shield them from the attack but the orge kept firing at them. 


A shot went off in the area and the orge's arm disintegrate as it roared in pain. 

The four girls turned to see Y/N holding a golden gun in his hand. 

Ruby: Y/N! 

Y/N didn't answer as the orge looked at him and roared. Y/N didn't hesitate to take another shot at it, shooting it in the chest. The orge staggered back form the shot as it roared in pain. Before it could react, Y/N blew a hole in its head killing it. Y/N started walking away as he carried Maria away. 

Weiss: Hey! Wait!
 She yelled. 

Y/N didn't answer as he carried his injured teammate. 


Blake: Weiss. 

Weiss: HEY! 

Maria groaned as she felt her wound. 

Y/N: Hey. You'll be alright. 
He said as he carried his injured teammate. 

Suddenly a thrall charged at them from behind but was vaporized as Isabella slammed a ball of void into it. 

Isabella: Why the hell are you four here. 
She said with venom. Blake, Yang, and Ruby all gulped as they heard Isabella's tone. 

Weiss: Well. We wanted to prove- 

Isabella: Prove what. Prove that you're better for this job. 
She said as she stepped up to Weiss's face. 

Isabella: Trying to prove that you *touches her chest* That you're cut out for the job. 
She spat in her face. 

Weiss: Yes. 

Isabella: Then here. Take my gun. And walk back down there and finish the mission. 
She told Weiss. 

Weiss: Are you crazy! I'M NOT GOING DOWN THERE!

Isabella: Then you're no damn use in this job. YOU think the huntsmen and huntress are cut out for this damn job! But you all struggle to deal with the white fang and grimm ALONE! 

Weiss: What makes you better!? 

She yelled. 

Y/N: Isabella. Let's go. 

Isabella turned around and walked to the ship where Maria and Y/n were. Isabella entered the ship as Y/N stood in front of Team RWBY. 

Weiss: Y/n. You  should control- 

Y/N: Shut the hell up. 

Weiss: WHAT?! 

Y/N: I said shut the hell up. I specifically told you all to not come. But what the hell did you all do. You all came anyway. At the last city, that would labeled as Insubordination and you'll be kicked off. 
He said with venom. 

Weiss: Then stop treating us like children! 

Y/N: Yet you're disobeying a direct order. 

Weiss: From who! 

Y/N: From me. I told you all not to come. Now get in here before I leave you all here. 
He said with venom. 

The four girls went quiet and they all walked into Y/N's ship. The four girls sat down while Y/N went to the cockpit. 

Isabella: She's pretty bad. 

Y/N: How bad? 

Isabella: We'll have to cut it off if she doesn't get treatment. 

Y/N: We might have to head back home. 

Ruby: W-Where? 

Isabella: Yeah. It seems like it. 

Y/N: Then let's get going. 
He said as the ship took off. 

Ruby: W-W-Where? 


Here is Chapter 1 of The Lone Hunter! Hope you all enjoyed this chapter! What do you all think so far? 

Shipping CLOSED 

Results: Isabella and Maria 

Isabella AND Maria: 10

Neo: 6

Ruby: 5

Velvet: 2 

Winter: 2

Raven: 2 

Coco: 1

Penny: 1 

Blake: 1 

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