Prologue: Rejected

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Third Person POV 

In Vale, there was a guardian by the name of Y/N L/N. Y/N was no ordinary huntsmen. He was a hunter, one of the three classes from The Last City. A city where guardians resided in. Y/N and his team were some of the few guardians that was asked to participate in Beacon Academy, one of the notorious academies throughout Remnant. Currently Y/N was walking with his two teammates, Maria and Isabella as they were walking towards Beacon Tower. On their way there, Y/N had his hands in his pocket as he kept walking while Maria had her on his shoulder. 

Maria: It'll be okay Y/N. 

Y/N: Yeah. I know. 
He said with a montone voice. 

Isabella: It's not the end of the world Y/N. 

Y/N: Yeah. I know. 

Why was Y/N acting like this? Well. Y/N asked out the girls of Beacon Academy a couple of days ago. Such as Team RWBY, Pyrrha, Nora, Coco, and Velvet. However, they all rejected but promised to be his friend. As if being rejected wasn't enough, the boys picked on him for being so desperate for a 'lover'. 

Y/N's POV 

I kept walking towards Ozpin's office as I walked with my two teammates. As we walked, I remembered their words repeating themselves in my head. 

RWBY: We're sorry but.......we just don't feel the same way. But we can be friends right? 

Pyrrha: Oh....Sorry...I-I just don't feel the same  way but we can be friends right? 

Coco: Oh....I-I think we're better off being friends. I'm sorry. 

Velvet: I-I'm sorry! 
She nervously said and walked away. 

???: Y/N! 

I was knocked out of my train of thought, hearing Maria call my name. 

Maria: You okay? 


Isabella: You'll surely find someone out there someday. 
She said as she put her hand on my shoulder. 

"I guess so." 

Third Person POV 

The three guardians kept walking until they reached Ozpin's office. The three walked in and saw Ozpin sitting in front of Team RWBY. 

Y/N: Oh great. 
He said to himself. 

Maris: What is it you need to call us? 

Ozpin: Team RWBY. You four are to assist the three guardians as they do their mission. 

Ruby: Wait. What mission? 

Ozpin: They'll be facing enemies that are different from the grimm. 

Yang: Okay. I'll be looking forward to kick their butts. 
She said as she pumped her fists. 

Maria: These are different. They work in numbers. 
She told him. 

Yang: We'll take them on. Right girls? 

The other three members nodded as the three guardians rolled their eyes. 

Ozpin: So team RWBY will assisting you three. 

Isabella: What did the details say? 

Ozpin gave a folder containing the details of the mission and Isabella grabbed it. 

The three guardians went through it and they looked at Ozpin with anger. 

Maria: You're sending kids with us! 

Weiss: Hey! W're not kids! 

Maria: Professor Ozpin. You can't send them with us! That's suicide! 

Blake: What's suicide? 

Ozpin: I can assure you that you'll need help so I'm sending help with you three. 

Y/N: As much you think they can help. You're sending a group of kids to pit where the fallen and hive have been fighting at! 

Ruby: We can take them. 

Y/N: No. You can't. 

Ozpin: That's why I'm sending Team RWBY with you. 

Y/N: You don't understand. The hive have numbers. The fallen have tech better than Atlas. And you're only solution is bring a team of kids. 

Weiss: We're not kids Y/N. 

Y/N: Ozpin. We're not going there with team RWBY. We're going there by ourselves. 

Ruby: Wait What! You're not going there by yourselves! 

Y/N: Ozpin. Maria, Isabella and I are going there by ourselves. 

Ozpin: Fine. 
He said, giving up. 

Y/N: Let's go you two. 
He said as Maria and Isabella walked out of the room. 

Ruby: Aw. I wanted to go on that mission. 

Yang: Professor. How come you're letting them go but not us? 

Weiss: Yeah. Why? 

Ozpin: If they said not too. Then I can't do much. 

Ruby: Why not? 

Ozpin: Because Y/N and his team have been taught to kill since they were young. 

Weiss: But can you let us go on the mission! 

Ozpin: I guess I'll allow you four. Just don't get in the way. 

Ruby: Thank you Headmaster Ozpin! 
She yelled as her team walked out of the office and took the elevator down. 

Blake: Did you guys see how Y/N reacted when he saw the details? 

Ruby: Yeah. 

Weiss: Hm. All guardians think their top notch. 

Yang: Yeah. 

Ruby: Maybe he's just still trying to move on. 

Weiss: Doesn't give him the right to treat us like kids. 

Blake just rolled her eyes as she started reading her book. 

To Y/N 

Y/N was standing with Maria and Isabella as they stood in front of their ships. 

Maria: Well. Hope we make it through this mission. 

???: HEY LOSER! 

Y/N groans in annoyance and turns around to see Jaune with Sun and Neptune. 

Isabella: Ignore them Y/N. 

Y/N: Let's just get this mission over with. 
He said as he walked into the ship. Maria and Isabella got into their own ships and took off as Team RWBY saw the three ships take off. 

"Please be safe Y/n." 

Here is the prologue of The Lone Hunter! Hope you all enjoyed this chapter! What do you all think so far? 

Who should Y/N be paired with in the future? 

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