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Jacks POV

It was a long day, I followed the map to an old stronghold, but found nothing, then out of nowhere, there were armoured zombies and skeletons, some were riding on the backs of the spiders, they came out of the shadows and came towards me and Emma, who had an ender sword ready, we were completely surrounded by what seems to be thousands of mobs, "Jack , I hope you have a plan, or we are toast" Emma says to me, no even moving her eyes away from the mobs, "I have a plan, but I know it would have been easier with my power armour if I brought it" I reply.

I brought my Assault Rifle and a couple of magazines, in case we ran into any more problems like yesterday, "so, what's the plan ?" Emma asked, "easy, just going to kill all of the poor bastards" I say, and the moment I say that, the zombies start to run at me and Emma, with my weapon on automatic, I just hold the trigger down, with the rifle in my hips, and sprayed from left to right, then back to the left, mowing down a load of the mobs, Emma starts to swing her sword and cuts a few of the zombies heads off, she seemed abit upset about fighting, but I couldn't figure out why.

Emma POV

It's not that I hate fighting, I just didn't want to waste time with fighting these mobs when the portal is so close, but I won't leave Jack to fight on his own, he didn't leave me when I nearly got captured by Maria and Pitchi again, and gave me a place to stay till I could leave, I own him something, so fighting by his side is the least I could do to repay him.

I saw a creeper, it was about to explode, but I kicked hard as I could and sent it into a group of skeletons and zombies, it exploded only a moment later and blew the group to pieces. I then pull out an ender bow, that Andr gave me, saying she had a few of these and thought I could do with one, I fire a few of the arrows into as many of the skeletons that were firing at us as possible, I turn and see Jack on top of a zombie, pulling his sword out of its chest, "man, I missed this" he said, then looked at me, "how you doing ?" he asked, then turned to the remain mobs, "I'm fine, just want to get out of her so I can finally go home" I say, "don't worry, I'll see to it personally that you'll go through that portal" he says and pulls out his pistol and fires at some unseen target.

After 5 minutes, all the mobs are either dead or running away, I look back and see Jack beckon me to follow, so I followed him, "now, the portal should be fine, all you need to do is think about your friends, then you'll return to them after you jump through that portal, I can go, but only for a short amount of time before I'll be brought back here" he says, "how do you know about this ?" I asked, wondering how he got that kind of information, "I got it from that book, it has quite a lot of stuff about this world and stuff" he says. We continue to walk down a long corridor.

I see some light at the end of the corridor and saw a frame of an end portal but saw it was blue and glowed white, "I think we found the portal" Jack says, I just jump up and down, and nearly ran up to the portal, but wanted to seem calm to Jack so I walked at the same paces as I normally did and walked behind him by a couple of metres.

I stand at the edge, I am at the portal, I can go home, but I stop to look at Jack who smiled and then spoke, "really want to go without saying goodbye, and I also have a parting gift for you" he says, and hands me a thing that looks like a blue Eye of Ender, "if you shall ever need me, just say my name three times and tell me what's happened, I'll know about it and I'll come to you as fast as I can, but I'll only be able to stay in your world for about one or two days before I come back here, and wouldn't be able to return for a couple of months, if I come through" he says, I hug him.

"Thanks, for everything, I wouldn't have done it without you, Jack" she says, "same, now, I bet your friends are missing you, so go, goodbye miss Emma, may we meet again in a happier time" he says, and with this, I say "bye Jack, say goodbye to everyone for me" and wave, then think of my friends and jump through the he portal, it was bright and... Weird.

I wake up, as if I have been asleep and my friends surround me, "hey, what happened to you ?, we have been so worried" says Lindsey, I smile and show them the blue Eye of Ender, "well, it's a long story" I say, and tell them about Jack and his world and what I have been up to since I disappeared.

Jacks POV

I saw Emma jump through the portal after saying goodbye, there was a bright light and then she was gone, I smiled to myself then headed though the tunnels and out to the entrance of the cave, to my surprise, Andr was waiting but my bike, "hey Jack, I see everything is done then" she says, "yeah, Emma has hopefully gone home and now, so shall we, come on, I think you been wanting my company for a while now, aren't I right ?" I say as I jump on the bike, Andr holds on to my waist, "oh, you know how to please a girl Jack, yeah, let's go home" and with that, I ride off toward the nearly setting sun.


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