The battle and friends

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Jacks POV

I wake up next to Andr, I saw a couple of marks on the sheets, then kissed Andr on the forehead, she was still asleep but smiled after I kissed her, I got changed into some blue jeans and a black shirt, then headed down stairs, I saw Blazette walking at the bottom of the stairs, so I walked behind her and slapped her ass, to which she turned to me and started to blush.

"Hahaha, that's sooo cute" I teased, "sh-shut up, o-oh your so dead" she said to me as she began to chase me, I ran through the he kitchen with Blazette close behind me, her arms reached out in an attempt to grab me, "come here, you little bastard" she says in and angry and mocking tone, I ran past Skelly who was washing some plates in the sink, she laughed slightly, then I jumped on a chair, ran over the kitchen table and jumped through the doorway into the dining room, Zoey and Vanessa were at the table, just watching me run from an enraged Blazette and then I saw Winter the wither skeleton, practicing some sword fighting techniques with Misty, the zombie pig woman, I saw that they had blocked my way through and they couldn't get out of the way, but I saw a way and threw myself on my chest, skidding between Winter's legs, "excuse me, coming through" I shout and quickly got up and ran through the house, then heard some crashing sounds, and saw Blazette on the floor, on top of Winter, "haha, I thought that you weren't into that kind of stuff, Winter, especially you, Blazette" I teased, but then Winter got up and started chasing me with Blazette in close pursuit, Misty was laughing her head off, I would have too, but I noticed that Winter was WAY FASTER then Blazette and was gaining a lot of ground on me now, "OH SSSHHHIIITTT !", I shouted and ran faster, but Winter had jumped tiger would to its prey, and she caught the back of my waist, tackling me to the ground, we started rolling like a ball, but (somehow) I ended up facing a deviously smiling Winter, who was on top of me, then I saw Blazette come from behind Winter, with an even more devious smug on her face, shit, "well, let's deal with him, your room or mine ?" She says, clearly addressing Winter about which of their bedrooms that they would drag me to, "hmmm, I'll go with... Yours" she says, and gets off me.

"Noooooo!, WHY ME ?" I say as Winter grabbed my legs and starts to pull, but when we got to the stairs, I held on for dear life, until Blazette grabbed my hand and they both carried me up the stairs, I was past the point of no return, then we moved through Blazette's door, Blaztte let go of me and locked her door, then placed her key in the cabinet, then Winter threw me over her shoulders and onto Blazette's red silk bed, it was queen sized, I was disorientated for a second till I saw a naked Winter and a naked Blazette crawl onto the bed, Christ, what have I done ?!, I wondered. I hope Emma is having a better time then me.

Emma POV

I was talking to Lindsey when when Herobrine ran through the door, "we have a serious problem, look out side" he says, just as Steve walked through the door and so did Cupa.
Me and Lindsey look out the door and see what must have been hundreds of armed villagers and a few black iron golems, "what the... , it that Maria ?" Lindsey say, and I look to were she pointed, then all of us stand outside the house, clearly outnumbered.

Maria was in the front of the crowd, she had a sword in hand, some of the villagers had bows and arrows, and even some guns, "we can't take them all" says Steve, "don't doubt" says Hero, then I remembered what Jack says to me, so I grab me blue Eye of Ender and think to Jack, 'Jack, me and my friends are in for a hell of a fight, please help' I think and then grab my swords, I hope he'll come.

Jacks POV

After a hell of a morning, I managed to get to the basement when I felt a presence in my head, 'Jack, me and my friends are in for a hell of a fight, please help' it sounded like Emma, "God, it has only been one day" I say and get into one of my suits of power armour, then grab a Vulcan Mini gun and head upstairs, I grabbed my sword and pistol, a few grenades , then tell Andr, she teleports me to the portal and I tell her to wait, then jumped through the portal.

Third person

Andr waits by the portal, "be safe and return to us, Jack" she says, then sits down and waits.

Emma's POV

The army of villagers run at us but then a giant purple ring appears out of the sky, and then a giant metal figure jumps out, "what the heck is that ?" Says Lindsey as she punched a nearby villager in the face, "I have a feeling I know who that is" I say, my hopes were filled and then I focused on using my sword on the group of villagers that we're going for me.

Jacks POV
It didn't take a second to realise that the villages are trying to get Emma no her friends, I saw Maria leading some of them, but I large portion of the army were coming to me, "BIG MISTAKE, ASSHOLES" I shout, then opened up with my mini gun, spraying the attacking force into piles of flesh, a bullet just bounces off my armour, probably from a sniper, I turn and shot the sniper with my pistol, still holding onto my mini gun, "GOING TO HAVE TO TRY HARDER THEN THAT" I shout and focus on shooting up the enemy in front of me, one whacks my with a sword, but I reflect it with my hand, I then whack him... With the mini gun, sending him flying a few metres, it was kind of fun, I then drop my mini gun, most of the army are either dead, or running in the opposite direction.

Maria was walking to where Emma was, so I threw my mini gun at the group of villagers in between me and Emma's group, who were putting up one hell of a fight with swords and TNT, I then run through a group that tried to stop me, but in this armour, it would be like tiring to stop a rhino on a run away locomotive going down hill, and scattered them all over the place, I stop right next to Emma, and knocked the guy she was fighting  to the floor, he wasn't getting up anytime soon, she looked at me, "Hi Emma, this is a nice day to die, isn't it ?" I say, jokingly, "Jack, I thought it was you, you look like a golem in that suit" she says, smiling.

"Yeah but... Hold on, I'll deal with this golem" I say and ran to a dark iron golem, I punched it and it's head flew off and the body just fell back, I then deal with another, soon the whole fight was over, half the villagers were on the floor, dead, wounded or knocked out, and the other half had an away.

Maria was on her own "no no no, this isn't possible, you don't have a golem, what is that ?" She screams, pointing at me, I spoke to her, "it's me. (Easter egg, lol) and I'm not a golem, just wearing my armour" I say, I removed my helmet, she blushes, but runs at me, "I'll will have you, if I can't, then you wouldn't interfere with my plans" she screams, waving her sword.

Before Emma could say anything, I smile, and when Maria got close enough, I acted quick and hard, and I spartan kicked her in her chest, sending her flying, when she landed, Pitchi came out of nowhere, "well, well, your back, nice to see you too" she says, looking at me, I nod, then she grabs Maria, mutters something and teleports, in fact, she took all of the bodies and ruined golems with her.

I turn a face Emma and her friends, "well, that was fun, but I must get back, it's nice to meet you all, and you Emma, next time I come down, hope it isn't a fighting situation" and hugged Emma, "I have a mild sense of Daja-vu, have we met before ?" Herobrine asked, he looks younger the the Herobrine I knew, "in another dimension, yes, as well as you, Cupa" I say and she looked shocked, then the same ring of purple light came from the sky and was next to me, "I have some girls waiting for me, I'll be back soon, probably" I say, waving, then jump through the portal.

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