Chapter Twenty-Eight: Imitator

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"M-Mari..." Adrien watched as his friend, the one who'd never do anything to hurt anyone else, who was under the control of his father, reached down to take the miraculous off of Chloe's head. He saw a purple butterfly cover her beautiful bluebell eyes, and could hear his father's voice speaking to her.

"That's it imitator. Take the miraculous of the bee, and you will be returned to your friends and family." Adrien growled, and could see her trying to fight it. On any given day, he would bet that she could escape his grasp, but Marinette had to be weak and tired. There was no way she could fight it in this condition. He was right, and saw her succumb to his influence. She took the comb out of Chloe's hair, the strands being pulled with it. Her de-transformation was quick, leaving regular Chloe on the ground. Marinette's face was slick with shock.

"No!" Imitator looked up, the miraculous of the bee was in her hands. If this was even possible, the look of shock on her face worsened when she saw Ladybeetle. "Marinette, please. I know you! You would never-"

"How would you know? I'm protecting Marinette, something you clearly didn't do. She needed saving from this hell, and Hawkmoth allowed me to rise up and help her. I'm going to get her out of here, and replace her with you." Imitator leapt at him, and he used his yo-yo to block her arms.

"Uh, Rena?! A little help here!" Alya was struck out of her daze, seeing her best friend for the first time in a year.

"Right, sorry!" Alya threw herself into battle as well, aiding Ladybeetle in pushing Imitator back.

"Well well well, look what the cat dragged in... or do you prefer fox?" she had been trying to go easy on her friend, but that comment ended all the leniency on this akuma. Rena used her flute as a spar like Chat Noir would have, and tried hitting the cheap copy of Marinette, but she was using her arms to shield herself. "You're not going all out, because you think you're going to hurt Marinette." Imitator realized. "So... if I were to... do this, you wouldn't hurt me." Imitator stepped forward, testing her theory, which was half incorrect. Rena shot forward again, hitting harder and with more force. Imitator pulled something from her back and snapped it forward. It was a whip. When Adrien saw it, he almost threw up. Some sick-head his father was to akumatize a girl suffering at his hand, and then give her a weapon that she was tortured with. Imitator fought back against Rena's blows, and all Ladybeetle could do was stand there. 'What is wrong with you? Move god dammit!' He yelled at himself in his head, but it didn't really do anything until Rena landed at his feet. He leapt into action as her head collided with his booted leg.

"Imitator, let Marinette go."

"I'm not going anywhere, I'm protecti-"

"Oh, sorry." Imitator was clearly annoyed at being interrupted. "I meant, Gabriel. Let. Her. Go." Imitator looked at him with wide eyes, and a purple butterfly covered her eyes once more. This time, Hawkmoth spoke to Ladybeetle.

"How do you know who I am? And who are you?"

"You would think a father would recognize his own son, but I guess when he's messed up enough to kidnap about twenty teenagers just for some dumb wish, then maybe, just maybe, he wouldn't." Adrien could sense his father's anger through Imitator.

"I see you have come into possession of the miraculous of yin. I currently possess yang." Imitator went limp and fell into Adrien's arms. A purple and black goopy substance snaked streamed down her body as she retransformed. The akuma flew out of a yellow and teal bracelet, the one Adrien had made her, and flew out of sight. Adrien held Marinette close to his body, wanting to give her warmth in the cold and empty catacombs. She was shivering, and he saw that she still clutched the bee miraculous. Adrien held her with one arm, and took out the earrings one at a time out of his own ears. The wounds in his ears were bleeding now that the hole had nothing to close it, and they stung with pain. He carefully took the earrings and put them where they belonged: on a girl. He had no idea that he was actually returning the earrings to Ladybug of course. He believed them to be safer on the ears of Marinette.

"Adrien." Chloe was up now, her hair disheveled, and a scrape on her knee. "I-I'm sorry I listened, I just... my mother is never coming back to Paris. I wanted to believe that it was her." He nodded and took the miraculous from Marinette's clenched fist, and handed it to Chloe.

"Rena's hurt, knocked out cold. We need to get her up again. I feel... anxious."

"What just happened?"

"I talked to my father through Imitator, and, she... de-evilized."


"She just... her akuma came out." Adrien looked down at Marinette's beaten, sleeping body. She muttered 'Chat...' and continued to sleep. A hot blush formed on his face, and he smiled down at her. It was nice to have her back.

"So... Marinette, huh?" Chloe looked down at the sleeping blunette with a sad smile on her face.

"What do you mean?"

"Do you like her?"

"W-what? Of course, I like her! She and I are really close."

"But, do you like like her?"

"No. Me and Marinette as just friends. My heart belongs to Ladybug." Chloe sighed and looked down, seeing Marinette was leaning on Adrien.

"Um, Adrien?"


"Give a girl some decency will you! Carry her."

"Oh, right..." Chloe rolled her eyes as he scooped Marinette up bridal style, cupping her light body close to his chest. Her head lolled back, and her hair went over Adrien's arm and towards the floor. "Are you able to carry Alya?"

"I don't know. I think at the very least, I can drag her over here."

"Then we could bring her over here, and wait to re-group." Chloe nodded and went to retrieve Alya, who, like Chloe guessed, couldn't be carried by herself. Alya indignantly was dragged to Adrien and Marinette. As soon as Chloe had brought Alya to Adrien, a booming voice shook the cathedral.

"I have released the girl from my control as a peace offering, Adrien. Join me. With the miraculous of the ladybug and the cat, we will be able to bring your mother back! We could be happy again." Adrien turned about the room until he locked eyes with his father. He was not transformed as Adrien would have expected, and Adrien could see his miraculous on his father's finger. He'd been fooling Adrien into thinking the miraculous was his wedding ring. That's why the real one was in his office. "Combine yin and yang, and we can be a family again." It sounded so perfect. He could have his mother back. He could be happy. But at what cost?

"Father... I... that's all I've ever wanted." Adrien's eyes formed thick tears, and a smile was evident too. He set Marinette down carefully on the ground, and began to walk to his father.

"Adrien! H-how could you?! You've dedicated your entire existence to helping Paris, and you'll throw it away so you can be happy?" Chloe was angry. Who was he, and what was he thinking?

"Can't you just be happy for me? I finally get to have the family that I lost. That you lost. If my mother came back, yours would too! Her best friend would be here, and she'd find more reasons to stay than just her family."

"That should be the only reason she wants to stay! She shouldn't want to stay because her best friend is here, she should want to because her husband and daughter are here. Adrien, no.... please..." He growled at her and stepped closer to his father.

"Chloe, if you don't stand with me... you're against me."

"Adrien, no!" Gabriel looked his son in the eye, and could see genuine emotion in his eyes. When Adrien hugged him, he took no time in returning it.

"I love you father." Adrien continued to hug his father. It had been so long. "and I'm sorry." As he pulled away, his hand was secured firmly on his ring. He fell backward with the strength of his pull, and his other hand was thrown out to try to grab the moth miraculous, but he missed and continued to fall backwards.

"You've tricked me. Adrien, I will make my wish, no matter if you help me or not." Gabriel stood in front of Adrien, casting a shadow on his face. 'Where's the ring, where's the ring?!' Adrien searched frantically for his miraculous, spotting it at Marinette's foot. 'gotcha!' he dove in Marinette's direction, landing on top of her on accident. Marinette, getting the wind knocked out of her, woke up as Adrien landed on her. She watched as he scrambled for a silver ring, slipped it on, and screamed 'Claws Out!'. Adrien no longer stood in front of her. It was Chat Noir. He had tears in his eyes, and a grimace on his face.

"Marinette!" Tikki spoke from somewhere in the room. "Transform!"

"W-what? Tikki? Tikki!? You're okay!" Tikki flew up to Marinette faster than lightning. They cuddled, and Adrien heard the laugh he'd been missing for so long. He was also confused. She knew Tikki? "I... but he'll know..."

"You just saw him transform, and there's no time to hide it. Come on..." Marinette sighed and tried to stand on her own, but needed Chat Noir to help.

"Spots on." She weakly cried out. Adrien and Chloe were blinded by the pink light of Ladybug's transformation. The light caused Alya to awaken. Her eyes shot open, and she saw her best friend. Marinette didn't even see her, but she could hear her sobs.

"Marinette!" Alya threw herself up and into Mari's arms, stroking her hair and keeping her close. "I love you. I love you so much! Oh my god, I've missed you so much. I'm so sorry. Are you okay? Do you need anything? What can I-"

"Alya." She said breathlessly. "I-can't-breath."

"Oops... sorry." They laughed just like old times. They didn't even notice Gabriel slip away. Ladybug pulled away from Rena Rouge's arms.

"I like the hair. It suits you."


"I think I should go short too."

"You think?"

"Yeah. Change is good. Keeps me on my toes." Marinette looked over at Chat Noir. It was Adrien this whole time! No wonder it never worked out. She left Alya, looked Chat straight in the eyes, and hugged him. It took him a second to register, but as soon as he did, he hugged back, pouring everything he had out on the table.

"M'Lady." Was all that he said.

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