I Don't Dance

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C H A P T E R 5: I Don't Dance {Beau's POV}

S O N G: I Don't Dance By High School Musical Dance Cast

Q U O T E: "Some days I need the music and some days I need the lyrics." -Unknown

The bell rang, alerting me that I had to go to PE and dress out quickly. Moving swiftly through the crowd of unnecessarily rude teenagers, I made my way to the locker room. 

Boys filed in quickly, chattering loudly as they changed. Like usual, I made my way to my small, chipping PE locker and changed as fast as I could. The other guys took their time as they check their phones and talked about girls that they want to "bang." I rolled my eyes at their incessant prattle and made my way out to the gym.

I was one of the first out there, sitting on the bleachers and unconsciously humming to myself. As the time passed, more and more students came out, boys and girls alike. 

Mrs. Wilson came out as all the students sat on the bleachers and waited for her to speak. She had a wide smile - or smirk, I'm not sure - that seemed off in some way that I couldn't quite put my finger on.

A presence was felt beside me, throwing me off guard. I looked at the person sitting next to me.

Carrie. It was Carrie. I should've known. Her hair was now in a high ponytail as she had changed into her PE shorts and shirt. 

Two guys, walked in and sat beside Carrie, greeting her and completely ignoring me. Not that I cared.

Carrie glanced at me before looking back at her friends. "Guys, this is Beau." She gestured to me and then looked at me. "Beau, these are my other friends Timmy and Simon." She gesture at the two guys, one smiling and waving slightly and the other nodding in acknowledgment. 

"Hi." Was all I said, not really expecting to be introduced to new people.

She turned to them. "So, where were you guys during lunch? I was looking all over for you." I had nothing else to do, so I decided to ease drop.

The smaller guy that I assumed was Timmy spoke. "Um, we were..." he looked at the other guy, Simon. "Simon! Tell her what we were doing."

Simon scoffed at Timmy and looked at Carrie with a sheepish smile. "You see we were...studying?"

She gave them a bored look. "Uh huh, sure." She rolled her eyes.

Timmy blushed a little as Simon smirked. "It was some very intense studying too." he nodded his head and winked at Simon.

My eyes widened a bit, not expecting that. I shrugged it off, not really caring as I continued to watch the three interact. A glint of amusement played in Carrie's eyes as she talked animatedly with Timmy and Simon.

Mrs. Wilson blew her whistle, the high pitched ringing causing most of the class to cringe. "Alright, class!" she yelled throughout the echo-y gym. "Today we will be doing something completely different than what we usually have! Now, this is a requirement so don't complain to me because you know what I'll say?!"

The class replied as a whole, mocking Mrs. Wilson's voice. "The office is quite lovely this time of day."

She smiled. "Glad we understand each other! So, today we will be dancing!" the class groaned loudly. "I can feel the excitement." She said sarcastically. "Get into groups of four and find a spot on the floor!" Our teacher blew her whistle and everyone immediately started moving.

A poke to my shoulder made me turn to whoever the culprit was. 

"Hey, wanna join our group?" Carrie asked, smiling slightly.

I shrugged. "Why not." I followed her into a corner where Timmy and Simon were standing, Simon smirking as Timmy blushed a scarlet red.

"Um, what happened while I was gone?" Carrie questioned, raising an eyebrow at the two.

"Nothing..." Timmy muttered as he blushed wildly. Simon glanced at him, his smirk only growing wider.

She narrowed her eyes suspiciously. "You better not be bringing your dirty talk around."

Simon bit his lip and shrugged. "I don't know what your talking about."

I ran a hand through my hair, furrowing my eyebrows. "Are you two dating?" I asked, pointing at Timmy and Simon.

Simon crossed his arms and tilted his head while raising an eyebrow. "Yeah,...is that a problem?"

I shook my head and raised my hands in surrender. "Not at all, I was just confused."

"Oh." he said, smiling at me. "Well, any friend of Carrie's is a friend of ours." Great, two more friends I didn't ask for.

I nodded, not even trying. Mrs. Wilson blew her obnoxious whistle for the third time. "You should have a team of four by now, if you don't, I'll put you in one. Does anyone not have a group?!" she shouted throughout the gym. No body moved. "Alright! Let's get started!" she turned on some music that echoed off the walls. 

"We will be doing an old folk town dance, follow my movements!" yelled Mrs. Wilson over the music. She showed us the dance moves and we copied her. Soon enough, she told us to practice it until the end of the period.

Carrie, Timmy and Simon seemed to have the moves down perfectly, whereas, I looked like an uncoordinated seal having a seizure. 

After my fifth attempt, I gave up with a sigh. As I was just standing there, Simon and Timmy and Carrie danced, smiling and laughing at each other whenever they made a small mistake. Carrie looked in the corner of her eye at me and then turned to see that I wasn't dancing like the rest of them.

She walked over to me. "Hey, why aren't you dancing? Mrs. Wilson's gonna yell at you."

I shrugged, crossing my arms over my chest. "I don't dance."

"I know you can." she sang. I looked at her confused. "Wait, wait, wait? You've never seen High School Musical?"

"High School,...what?" I asked.

She gasped dramatically. "You have no childhood if you haven't seen High School Musical 1, 2, and 3."

I gave her a bored look. "It's not that serious."

"That, sir, is where you are terribly wrong." she protested, wagging her finger at me. "One day, I will bring you over to my place with Timmy and Simon, once you get to know them better, and we will binge watch all three, including other vital Disney movies."

I rolled my eyes. "I'm not agreeing to that."

"Oh you don't have to," she looked at me innocently, "because you don't have a choice."

"What? You can't do that." I protested, glaring at her slightly.

"I just did." she smiled at me sweetly before grabbing my arm and pulling me towards where Timmy and Simon were still perfecting the dance. We stood beside them, however, they didn't glance at us as they were smiling and dancing in their own little world.

"Okay," she stood in front of me, "so can you dance? Or do you just not like it?"

"I don't like dancing. I'm no good at it, so there's no point." I shrugged, looking anywhere else other that her emerald eyes.

"Well, I'm gonna teach you." I continued to look away from her. "Beau, if I'm gonna show you, you've got to look at me." I heaved a sigh before looking at her small figure.

"Fine. I'm looking at you, what now?"

"So what you do is get in the starting position, then you have to start counting off as the music plays..." She explained to me how to dance what the teacher taught us earlier and I sort of got the hang of it.

As we continually went over the dance, which was some sort of old time-y folk type of dance, the teacher came over and watched, most likely grading us on how well we performed it.

She nodded in content. "Good job, you four. You can stop and go to the locker rooms early." Mrs. Wilson waved us off.

The four of us began walking towards the locker room. Timmy and Simon were having an intense conversation that had Timmy blushing furiously and Simon smirking devilishly.

I looked at Carrie. "Thanks."

She looked at me in surprise. "What for?"

"For teaching me how to do the dance." I looked forward as we walked, glancing at her every now and then. "That was really nice."

"No problem," she said with a smile, "what are friends for?"

I gave her a small smile. She waved a little as she went into the girls locker room and I went into the boys.

I got changed as more guys started coming in, the noise becoming lively and vibrant. I felt a stare on my bare back so I turned around, only to find Liam glaring at me. I glared back harshly until he looked away.

What the hell was his problem? I haven't even talked to him, barely even gave him a second glance and yet he's glaring at me like I did something wrong? Which I haven't.

I decided to ignore him and put on my shirt before grabbing my belongings and walking out. 

The bell rang, signaling the end of the period and the end of our school day.

A sigh of relief left my lips as I glided through the mass of students with a hidden smile.


Heyyy, I hope you liked this chapter. Not as exciting but hopefully a little funny.

Today's question is:

Who is your favorite High School Musical character?

And if you haven't seen HSM:

Who is your favorite character from your favorite movie?

I'd appreciate it if you would vote!

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Hope you have a good day!

    -Marisa :)

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