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C H A P T E R 6: Jealous {Carrie's POV}

S O N G: Jealous by Nick Jonas

Q U O T E: "How is it that music can, without words, evoke our laughter, our fears, our highest aspirations?" - Jane Swan

"So," Timmy started, "that Beau guys kind of interesting. Not much of a talker is he?"

I shook my head. "No, not really." 

Simon looked at Timmy and I. "He's cool, I guess."

"I was asked by our Spanish teacher to tutor him so I made a deal with him. We're gonna try to be friends, or he's gonna try to be my friend, at least." I said.

As we walked, I spotted Beau, smiling a little at the memory of his small smile. It was beautiful. One could only imagine what his real smile looked like. I bet it was gorgeous.

I said my farewells to Timmy and Simon and walked over to Beau.

"Hey." I greeted with a smile as I stood next to him.

He glanced at me and then looked back in his locker, giving me a nod in acknowledgement. 

"I was thinking that instead of going to your place, we can go to mine and I can tutor you there." I suggested, leaning against my locker which happened to be right next to his.

He shrugged. "Sure. I don't really care where we study."

I smiled at him. "Great! Do you wanna go now or do you want to come over a little later?" 

"I guess we could-" He was rudely cut off by a voice behind me.

"Hey, Carrie." A masculine voice said.

I turned to face Liam, a little mad that he cut into our conversation so rudely. He was smiling down at me, occasionally glancing away to glare at Beau who was most likely glaring back.

"Hi, Liam." I said, glancing back at Beau. 

"So, I was wondering-" This time it was Beau who cut him off.

"Can't you see that we were having a conversation?" Beau growled lowly.

Liam looked at him, his soft stare becoming a hard glare. "I wasn't talking to you, Taylor."

"But I was talking to you, Hades." He glared back just as harshly.

His glare grew vicious, "It's Heyde."

Beau smirked at his irritation.

I pursed my lips and looked down awkwardly, wondering when this glaring contest would be over.

"Anyway, Carrie," Liam started again as he slowly looked back at me, "I was wondering if you, maybe, wanted to go on a date with me tomorrow night?"

I felt Beau's glare shift from him to the back of my head, making me nervous.

"You can't be serious..." Beau spoke through gritted teeth.

Liam rolled his eyes and glanced at Beau with a glare. "Butt out, Taylor, this has nothing to do with you."

And again, Beau was back to glaring at Liam. "Me? You want me to 'butt out' after you interrupted our conversation?" He laughed bitterly. "Yeah okay."

I just stood in the middle, thinking that if I moved slowly enough, they may not notice me leaving.  As I slowly moved my foot out to the side, both of their gazes turned to me, making me internally curse. 

Liam's glared softened but Beau's didn't. "So what's it gonna be, Carrie?" Liam asked.

"Yeah, Carrie." Beau mocked the way he said my name. "Are you gonna go on a date with this asshole?"

I stayed quietly and let my gaze drift back and forth between the two guys. "Um..." I started nervously.

Beau scoffed. "Whatever." He glanced at me with a weak glare and walked away, plugging his ear phones in.

"Beau, wait..." I said but stopped when I knew he either ignored me or was too far to hear me by the time I said it.

I don't know why, but my heart clenched at the sight of Beau walking away. I turned to looked at Liam, who had a triumphant smirk planted on lips, and glanced back in Beau's direction with a broken expression.

"Liam," I said quickly to grab his attention, "I'm really sorry, but I don't like you that way. But we can still be friends." His smirked faded and turned to a hurt expression that made me feel bad. "I'm sorry, but I have to go." I gave him one last look before walk/running in the direction Beau left in.

Beau was opening the door to his car and about to duck inside when I called his name. "Beau!" He looked around for who called his name till his eyes laid on me, immediately rolling as I stopped in front of him, panting like a dog.

"What do you want?" He glared at me. 

"I-" I took a few moments to catch my breath before continuing, "I just wanted to say that I said no, to Liam."

"So?" He narrowed his eyes, his glare softening a little.

I looked down, not really knowing how to respond to that. "Uh, I thought, you'd wanna know since you seemed pretty upset when I didn't respond..."

He scoffed. Surprisingly, his cheeks dusted a light pink. "I don't know what your talking about." He denied.

I gave him a weird look and stepped closer. "Why are your cheeks..." I gasped loudly.

It must've startled him because he jumped a little and looked at me with wide eyes. "What? What's wrong?"

"Your blushing." I accused, pointing at his cheeks. 

His cheeks became a little darker as I pointed it out. "What? No, I'm not." He pushed my hand down.

"Yes you are." I said in disbelief. "Why would you be blushing...?" I asked myself as I inspected him. My eyes widened a little with my conclusion. "Were you jealous?"

The tips of his ears and his cheeks became a flaming scarlet red. "No!" He protested. "I was not jealous."

I smiled teasingly. "I can't believe that I made you, of all people, jealous and blush."

He glared at me intensely. "I am not jealous of that asshole."

"Oh, but you are." I teased, narrowing my eyes slightly and a slight smirk.

"No, I'm not." He stated firmly.

I nodded and rolled my eyes. "Okay, sure, I totally believe you." The sarcasm was practically dripping from the words I spoke.

He scoffed. "Whatever." He shook his head and turned around to get back in his car.

"Wait." I said. "I'm sorry I teased you." He stopped and turned around, giving me a blank stare. "Can we just...go to my place and study for the upcoming Spanish quiz?" I pleaded.

He sighed and closed his eyes, shaking his head a little. "What time?" 

I smiled. "Anytime is fine with me."

After a moment of silence, he looked at me. "Get in." Was all he said before getting in the drivers side and starting the car. I hurried to the other side and got in, buckling my seat belt quickly as he drove out of the parking lot.


Hey :) How are you guys?

I have auditions for Coffee House, it's a thing for my school, and I want to change the song I was originally gonna sing. Ugghhhh, I have no idea what to do for it and I'm still trying to come up with a good, upbeat song. Through these days of looking for a song, I realized that there are a lot of sad songs out there. None of them are really what I'm looking for. I have a couple songs that are good but I'm very indecisive so this is gonna be harder than it actually will be.

I feel like Liza Koshy with all this late updating. Sorry again. Maybe I should change it to Sat & Sun & Mon but then I might end up posting on Tue lol.

Anyway, lets get to the question of the day:

How would you describe yourself in two words?

I would describe myself as: Simply Complicated 

So yeah, I'll be writing the next chapter most likely tomorrow if I have the time. I get to go to my first wedding tomorrow guys! I'm so excited! 

Thanks for reading my chapter and I'd appreciate it if you voted.

Follow me on Social Media:

Instagram: mmarisaalvarez

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Hope you have a good day!

-Marisa :)

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