All of you is Important

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"What the FUCK Jiang Cheng!" Wei Ying shouts at the man who had dared to enter unannounced.

Jiang Cheng approaches the bed and asks in his usual irritated tone, "When have I ever knocked before entering your room?"

"I could have been naked!" Wei Ying says pulling a blanket to cover himself... he is fully dressed.

"Well you were not... and even if you were it doesn't matter, we grew up together I have seen you naked ...." Jiang Cheng starts angrily but trails off when his eyes fall on Lan Zhan sitting next to his brother... even though all looks decent, Jiang Cheng notices that both their faces are flushed and their laps are strategically covered.

Jiang Cheng lowers his eyes and takes a few steps back.

Wei Ying is a master of creating awkward situations. A mischievous smile appears on his lips.
He looks innocently at Jiang Cheng and says, "Jiang Cheng... you may have seen me but I don't think Lan Zhan who have appreciated being seen like that....or you seeing me like that."

"Wei Ying!" Lan Zhan reprimands.

Jiang Cheng gulps. 'So I did catch them at a wrong time... Fuck my life... Even a dumb Fuck like him has a partner but I don't... I will probably die a virgin!'

"Lan Zhan... I don't think we should hide things from him." Wei Ying shamelessly continues, "Jiang Cheng, do you want to know.. "

"Wei Wuxian!" Jiang Cheng bites out and tries to control his anger. His face flushes and he bows to Hanguang Jun.

"Lan Wangji, I am sorry to have entered unannounced an inconvenient time.. but there is an important matter that needs both your attention right now." Jiang Cheng informs.

The playful atmosphere in the room takes a turn and becomes serious.

Jiang Cheng blurts out, "I just received a letter from Cloud reassess."

"Brother?" Lan Zhan asks.

"Yes and no. It's written by Zewu Jun but it feels too formal... like Meng Yao was around when Zewu Jun wrote it." Jiang Cheng answers his brow creasing.

"What!?...What does it say?" Wei Ying asks worried...Lan Zhan puts a hand on Wei Ying's knee to calm him. Wei Ying looks as Lan Zhan and the older man smiles. It's soft and heartbreakingly beautiful. Wei Ying calms down.

Jiang Cheng doesn't miss the way both men look at each other. 'They don't even need words!???...Wait... Did Hanguang Jun just smile at my brother... What the actual fuck... Since when does Hanguang Jun know how to smile like that!?...Both brothers have a beautiful smile... Wait... Why does Zewu Jun keep popping up in my mind'

Jiang Cheng panics for a few seconds, 'It's probably because I am worried about his safety.. He is afterall the kindest most beautiful person I know... Not beautiful.. Good.. Good person... Lan XiChen is a good man... That's it.... I don't like the way Meng Yao calls him or stands unnecessarily close to him... That needs to stop... '

"Jiang Cheng!  I asked you, what does the letter say?  Why did you zone out on us right now?  Did something bad happen?" Wei Ying asks, when the clan leader doesn't answer for a few seconds.

That makes Jiang Cheng snap back to the situation at hand.

Jiang Cheng explains, "Before I came here, I made sure that Meng Yao doesn't suspect you both to be here... but the letter here says that he would be accompanying Zewu Jun here tomorrow. I don't know what changed...According to the letter Lan XiChen will be arriving with him tomorrow evening."

"Well fuck." Wei Ying curses and turns to Lan Zhan, "I knew it... I felt things were too good to be true."

Lan Zhan nods solemnly.

"Jiang Cheng, we will take care of the demon problem right now and leave in the night." Wei Ying informs his brother.

"No." Lan Zhan interjects.

"Lan Zhan, what is it?" Wei Ying asks,  he knows that there is something on his husband's mind.

"If Meng Yao has informed that he is coming here, there is a good chance that Lotus Cove is already under surveillance by his men... I think he just has a doubt now.. but if we try to leave... " Lan Zhan trails off.

"Meng Yao will know for sure and it will effect Jiang sect." Wei Ying finishes Lan Zhan's sentence.

There are a few seconds of tense silence before Wei Ying says resolutely, "We will take care of the demon problem first, then decide what to do next. I am sure Zewu Jun is fine... Meng Yao respects him... Zewu Jun too believes Meng Yao to a certain extent... so we don't have to worry about that at the moment."

With this Wei Ying starts walking out of the room followed closely by Lan Zhan and Jiang Cheng. They walk towards the eastern part of Lotus Cove... towards Wei Ying's room.

"Jiang Cheng, I think you should write a reply welcoming both the men here... Ammmmm... make it flowery.. and ask them to get a few more men... just in case." Wei Ying directs Jiang Cheng.

"Are you stupid? More men means we have to fight more of them!" Jiang Cheng says irritatedly.

"And that is exactly what Meng Yao will think and let his guard down. In any case I don't intend to bring Jiang sect into this situation. There will be no fighting. " Wei Ying says smugly.

A small proud smile graces Hanguang Jun's face before disappearing like it was never there.
Wei Ying was really smart. That was one of the reasons why Lan Zhan had fallen for him so early on.

Jiang Cheng understands now, "I will do it right away. I will also thank him for changing his mind." Jiang Cheng adds smugly.

"What I am more concerned about is the fact that why he wants to come here now..." Wei Ying voices his thoughts.

Before the three men leaves the room Jiang Cheng speaks, "Hanguang Jun, Subian doesn't belong with me. I know Wei Wuxian can't use it... but I don't feel right keeping it with me."

Lan Zhan understands and willingly takes it back and bows. "Thank You Clan leader Jiang."

*Eastern part of Lotus Cove*

They reach outside Wei Ying's room.
Wei Ying immediately instructs, "Lan Zhan and I will go in. The demon can affect anyone not protected. So you need to stay here Jiang Cheng."

Jiang Cheng quirks his eyebrow at that and asks, "Protected?"

Lan Zhan takes out his headband and ties it around his and Wei Ying's wrist.

"We discovered last time that the head band is the only way to stop the demon from effecting us... It's a long story...I will explain later...You stay here...things may get loud...don't enter and don't let anyone else enter either." Wei Ying says as he and Lan Zhan enter the room and close the door behind them.

Once inside Wei Ying looks around.
"Do you feel the demon? Is he here?" Lan Zhan asks walking very close to his husband.

"That is not how it works Lan Zhan. I need to play my flute to know if the demon is still here." Wei Ying answers. He takes out the flute and starts playing an unfamiliar tune.

There is a a shadow that appears to make it's presence known just next to the window beside the bed.

Wei Ying's eyes follow it.

"It must have entered through the window and gotten trapped by the spell." Wei Ying informs and smiles triumphantly before his brow creases for a second.

He turns to Lan Zhan.
He sits on the floor, Lan Zhan sits next to him.  He starts explaining the plan to Lan Zhan, "Lan Zhan, after I have removed the band I will make it enter me. You will know it when that happens. Then you need to use the killer string to hold my possessed body and start playing the enquiry. We need to know how, when and why it arrived here, and why does it continue to stay, and if there is a connection between the undead corpses and it's appearance."


Wei Ying continues, "Once the enquiry is over, tie the band around me once more. The demon will abandon my body and then we will exorcise it."

"Wei Ying... " Lan Zhan starts in a hesitant tone, " What if the demon doesn't answer?"

"You need to make it answer Lan Zhan...use force." Wei Ying answers with a sad smile.

"I don't think I can do that... why don't we try the enquiry without it entering you?" Lan Zhan says in a low voice and adds, "The killer string... it will hurt you if I use force."

Wei Ying can see Lan Zhan backing out of the plan. He can't have that.
He holds Lan Zhan's hand ,"Hanguang Jun, you can't hurt me even if you try. I am sure of it. And if the demon really doesn't cooperate and you think our efforts are futile then just tie the band back on me."

Lan Zhan bites his lip... unsure...apprehensive ,"Nothing is worth hurting you. I love you... you love me... let's... let's just leave... Jiang Cheng will understand... He knows you owe him nothing."

Wei Ying knows how difficult it must have been for Lan Zhan to admit this. Lan Zhan is not a coward and yet he had just suggested running away and abandoning someone that really could use their help.

"Wei Ying, I think I should be the one to let the demon in... I think you can use your methods... whatever you want to...." Lan Zhan states when he sees that his earlier suggestion has not had the desired outcome.

Wei Ying sighs and says in a resigned tone, "Lan Zhan, you just used your spiritual power on me again just a while back... I did not want to say it earlier... Your spiritual power's precious..." Wei Ying's hand travels to his chest, "Don't waste it on me. I am not worth it. "

"You are worth it." Lan Zhan says simply and without hesitation.

"My body is not important Lan Zhan." Wei Ying says offhandedly.

Lan Zhan suddenly pulls Wei Ying on his lap and hugs him. Lan Zhan holds Wei Ying like that for a few seconds before he says in a soft whisper, "It's important. Every bit of you is important. All of you is important."

Wei Ying hugs Lan Zhan tighter. 'Of all the ways he turns me on this... this ...softness turns me on the most.' Wei Ying thinks and his hands cup Lan Zhan's face.

"Hanguang Jun... you did it again." Wei Ying says and his hands go to Lan Zhan's sash. He starts untying it.
Lan Zhan's hands stop him confused , "Wei Ying, what happened?"

"Hanguang Jun don't" Wei Ying says removing Lan Zhan's hold on his hands, "I warned you twice.. I told you not to say sweet things to me like this." Wei Ying adds and places an open mouth kiss on his husband's lips.

Wei Ying looks at Lan Zhan with intensity, "I don't have it in me to control myself when Fuck!" Wei Ying finishes and quickly discards the sash holding Lan Zhan's top robes.
Wei Ying pushes Lan Zhan's top garments to his hips. Before he can do more Lan Zhan holds Wei Ying's hands again and whispers, "Wei Ying, Jiang Cheng is right outside and the demon is lurking.."
But he is unable to finish. His next words get drowned in Wei Ying's mouth. 'This needs to stop... now.' Lan Zhan thinks sulking... He doesn't want this to stop either.
Lan Zhan breaks the kiss and controls his breath before cupping Wei Ying's disappointed face in his palms, "Wei Ying... I want to.. I really do... but I am not comfortable... it's not reasonable."

When the frown on his husband's face deepens Lan Zhan brings their foreheads together and says slowly... hesitantly...he gulps ,"I will let you do Anything.. Anything you want from me once we leave from here."

Wei Ying's eyes sparkle and he hugs Lan Zhan, places a kiss on the side of his neck and whispers very close to the older man's ear, "Hanguang Jun... remember this day... remember this moment... and remember what you promised. I am trusting you to keep your word. Anything means Anything."

Lan Zhan nods, closes his eyes and hugs Wei Ying back.

Wei Ying fixes Lan Zhan's dress, his eyes flicker for a second and he immediately gets off of Lan Zhan's lap and in a business like tone says, "Well, now that it's taken care of, let's start."

Lan Zhan thinks that he will never get used to the whiplash he gets due to Wei Ying's quick mood changes and he smiles to himself and despite his unwillingness, he nods and gets himself read for what's next.

{Note :-Lately wattpad is giving lots of errors and I am not getting notifications. So if I have not replied to the comments I am sorry. I was not able to see it. But I will get to them eventually.

Hope you guys are enjoying the story so far.

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Thank you for reading.
Have a nice day}

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