Special 1:Out of sight,out of mind

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{Important Note :- This is separate from the main story. A sub story arc if you will.

This is my take on how it had all started from Lan Wangji's point of view. This will also help to clarify why Lan Zhan is the way he is in my story.
It will probably be linked to the main story later on.

In future, all the updates which are sub arc will start with the name 'Special' followed by the serial number so that those who don't want to read it, can skip it.
This update is number 1}

*Sixteen years ago*
*Cloud Reassess*

Today was the day when the new batch of disciples were scheduled to arrive. Lan Wangji was really not looking forward to that.

He had been avoiding such days for the past few years.
These were the days when the Lan sect was infiltrated by immature boys and girls  most of whom had come there, more to be associated with the Lan sect than to learn.

"How preposterous!" Wangji had repeated these words to himself many times.
He had even suggested his uncle and brother to hold entrance exams to choose only the best and most worthy candidates to enter the sect as disciples.

But his idea was shot down.
"We don't discriminate Wangji." his uncle has said looking a little disappointed with Wangji.
Lan Wangji had not brought it up again.

Instead he had done everything in his power to go into hiding for a few days, for one reason or another to avoid these unruly new kids.

The girls were especially scary. It had started a couple of years ago. These girls... they used to stare at him whenever he was around. Some smiled at him while fixing their perfectly groomed hair! Some even tried to strike up conversations with him... and then there were those who used to bump into him... he had thought maybe it was his fault initially and had apologized for it. But later he had realized that he was not to blame.
The boys were less scary. They just stayed away from him most of the time...Some who tried to make friends with him were quick to realize that Lan Wangji was not someone they could get along with. They felt judged and thus left him alone.

One day, a couple of years ago he had stayed back to help his brother prepare for the new arrivals so he been unable to leave Cloud Reassess.
It was also precisely this unfortunate year when a girl had entered the library on the pretext of being lost.
At least that is what Lan Wangji had thought after the whole ordeal was over.

This girl... she had seen Wangji standing in front of the bookshelf reading sincerely.
She had approached him and tapped on his shoulder.
Wangji had almost had a heart attack when he had turned to find a girl standing too close to him, in what was his scantuary...his hiding place... No one came to the library unless they had been punished.

He had stepped away in panic and hit the bookshelf.
Then the most humiliating incident of his early teen age years had happened.
A book had fallen off the shelf at the impact. And it was heading straight for the young lady's head.

As a reflex Wangji had put his hands on top of the girl's head to protect her.
That was a mistake he had thought regretfully after the whole ordeal was over.
Because the young lady had just put her arms around his neck and hugged him!
'How Rude!'
Wangji had pushed the girl away like he had been burned.
The girl had fallen to the floor and started crying....and Wangji... Wangji had just run off.

'I am sure she is just faking it. I did not push her hard enough to hurt her.' Wangji had thought to himself... Totally unaware that the reason for the lady crying was not pain but humiliation.
The next day there was a rumor going around Cloud Reassess.
Wangji had now over heard from two different disciples, "Did you hear, Some boy tried to take advantage of Lady Kim...It was lucky that she got away."

At first Wangji was angry he wanted to seek justice for the lady. He was on his way to seek permission for the same, when he had overheard a third group discussing, "Oh.. That too in the library! How shameless!"

Wangji had stopped dead in his tracks.
"But who could have done something like that?" one of the men had asked looking scandalised.

"Lady Kim is refusing to answer... It won't do her reputation any good... She is trying to protect her dignity is all.. Well whoever it is I hope they burn in hell for doing something so horrible." another boy from the group had answered.

Wangji had been stunned. He had gone to his room instead of his uncle's.
He had sat there wondering why this had happened.
Then, behest unknown to him tears had started rolling down his cheeks.. falling on his perfect robes...staining it.
He had craved for his mother then... his father even...but he had realized he was all alone.
'This...wanting someone... anyone... it just brings pain... it's better to not feel anything.' Wangji had thought to himself in his jingshin... all alone.

It was then that he had decided to close all doors to his heart.
It was then that Wangji had become all alone.
And he had stayed that way for the next few years... completely alone...cementing his reputation of being cold and uncaring.

Since the past few weeks, some older disciples had gone missing while night hunting. It had been happening consistently.

So, it had not come as a surprise to anyone when a day before the new set of disciples were about to arrive,  Lan Qiren had asked for volunteers to go look into the missing cultivators problem.
Wangji had been the first to come forward and volunteer.

"Wangji, are you sure you will be okay with taking so few members with you." Lan XiChen had asked in a concerned tone.

"Actually I prefer to go alone Brother." Wangji had pleaded.
The older Jade of Lan had just looked at his younger brother and sighed.

"Sorry brother. Yes,  I am okay with the arrangement." Wangji had said. He did not want to worry his elder brother.

Lan XiChen had smiled and nodded.

So when Wangji had returned late in the evening the next day only to find a few new disciples still begging to enter Cloud Reassess, he had been upset.
Wangji had been on his way to meet his uncle. They had been carrying an unconscious man. The reason for his condition was unknown.

"If you ask me, it's some kind of wicked sorcery!" one among the people standing outside had said.

This boy had a crystal clear voice.

After the initial introductions, the son of the clan leader had explained the situation.
Wangji's eyes had wandered over to the boy standing next to the clan leaders son for a split second... The one who has said 'Wicked sorcery'
before he had said, "No invitation, No entry."

The boy whose name was Wei Ying said, "We traveled and came till here before sunset...we are exhausted..just to be turned down. " then he had smiled and added, "Don't you think it's a little rigid?"

Wangji's heart had felt a little odd at the boy's smile.

He had ignored that feeling.
"No invitation. No entry." Wangji had repeated.
The boy.. Wei Ying had proceeded to argue their case, even after being denied...twice!

All the while Wangji's eyes had kept getting drawn to this boy's eyes... which seem to be speaking volumes more than what his lips were trying to convey.

Wangji had found it even harder to look away from this boy's beautiful lips.. 'They look like bows kept in our weapons room' his brain had supplied.

'And who even has a mole on the side of lower lip.. How distracting!' Wangji had thought getting agitated. He had suddenly had an urge to touch those lips....with his lips.

This thought had angered him more.
'How dare he....how dare I.... How dare he argue with me!'

"Find it and come back." Wangji had clarified.
Years of practicing restraint had made him seem unaffected... But that was very far from how he had been feeling.

Wangji had turned away from those captivating lips.
'Out of sight, out of mind.' Wangji had told himself.

The boy with bow shaped lips had continued to argue even when Wangji had turned his back on him.
"Second master Lan... In the worst case we can... "

'He needs to shut up... I want to shut him up...How would his lips feel while being held between mine?' Wangji had suddenly had a mental image of the scenario of doing just that.

Wangji's heart had skipped a beat before he had used the silencing charm and promptly walked away.

"Am.... Ammmmm.... Ammmmm... " the boy with beautiful lips had continued.

That was the first time Wangji had used the silencing charm on some...not only because he wanted to shut him up... It was also because the boy... Wei Ying, had stired something in Wangji's heart. Of course Wangji had not understood this foreign feeling...and tried unsuccessfully to ignore it..Forget Him.

It was after these unsuccessful tries that  Lan Wangji had set foot in the cold spring that evening,  not to heal himself.. but to cool himself down.
He needed to cool down...he was angry... the boy... Wei Ying had really gotten him hot and bothered.

'This is the first and last time that I let him bother me....last time that I let him get to me.' Wangji had thought to himself... He had been wrong... So very wrong.

{Note :- I know this is not the update you guys were looking for... I am sorry if I dissapointed you.

I hope you guys are not mad at me.

The next update will pick up where 'All of you is important' left off.

Please let me know how you liked this update.
If by chance you did enjoy it, please Vote and comment.
Thank you for reading.
Have a nice day.}

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