Always Hoping... Always Waiting

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Wei Ying doesn't want to answer. He wanted to take this secret to his grave. He knew the truth would only bring pain to both the men... but he had no choice.
He closes his eyes and when he opens them, there is something akin to resolve in them.

He looks at Jiang Cheng first, "When I rescued you and found out your core was gone I kept it a secret from Senior Sister. I tried to search for a cure... I knew how important it was for you... you could never live like a mediocre person... your core was your everything.... but even after searching for many days... going through tons of books... I found nothing. Till one day I found a way... the only way to bring the core back. Transfer of core if done right had a fifty percent chance of success... A fifty percent chance is better than nothing... so I decided that it was good enough... I knew there was a chance of failure and I knew being so proud you would never accept my core. Wen Qing and I made a plan..."
Jiang Cheng cuts in and finishes, "You decided to do the core transfer... I suppose you needed Wen Qing because of her medical expertise...And then I.. like a fool took your core thinking it was mine...and gave you a hard time about not using your sword... And you said nothing... You would have said nothing today either if I wouldn't have been able to summon I right?"

Wei Ying stays silent.
The three men remain silent... all of them hurt... all of them in pain... enduring it... living with it.

Another thought crosses Jiang Cheng's mind and he asks, "At Nevernight... when you used Chenqing, it didn't hurt Yunmeng sect before... What happened for you to lose control?"

"It was not me. I never wanted anyone to die... I... I was just trying to scare everyone. That day before... Shijie... when Shijie was looking for me I heard someone else playing a different flute melody... I didn't see who.. It was very subtle, but it was there."

Jiang Cheng sighs... then he remembers something else. He looks at Wei Ying again, "You turned to demonic cultivation because you had no choice... that was the only way you thought you could help... You took all the blame... All the pain... All the mockery all on yourself... You distanced yourself from us to protect our Clan name... And I.. I... didn't... I..."  Jiang Cheng's heart feels heavy... He finds it hard to breathe... How can one apologize??? How can one thank???  This burden was too great.

'You are a fool Jiang Cheng... Now you know why father always loved Wei Wuxian more and why mother always hated him... And why Shiji always dotted on him... He has always been the better man.' Jiang Cheng thinks as tears of regret roll down his face.

Jiang Cheng sighs again and finally looks at Lan Wangji. Lan Zhan's eyes are bloodshot. Tears are freely flowing from his eyes, a clear testament of how much Wei Wuxian means to him. His hands are trembling. He is holding Wei Ying and gently stroking his arm.

Jiang Cheng had always hated Wangji's guts. Jiang Cheng thought Wangji to be cold and unsociable... high headed even. 'Ice Prince' uncaring... unloving.
Jiang Cheng was wrong... so so wrong.
'The two Jades of Lan are not so different after all. Only difference is one shows all on his face and other hides all in his heart....I see it now... I see his heart... Wei Wuxian... you did not choose wrong... you chose the best.' Jiang Cheng thinks and he stands up.

"Hanguang Jun, if you still want me dead I will not resist... God knows I deserve it." Jiang Cheng says remorsefully.

"Jiang Cheng that is not true... I made a promise to madam Yu." Wei Ying tries to cut his words but Jiang Cheng holds up a hand and continues to address Lan Zhan, "But first, we need to take care of Wei Wuxian. He looks a little pale." Jiang Cheng says as he bows to Hanguang Jun... and this time he bows, not because he has to... Not because he is required to... Not because someone is looking... This time Jiang Cheng bows to Hanguang Jun because he wants to... Because when the world abandoned his brother, Hanguang Jun stood by him... Protecting him... took care of him...went against the world for him.
He owes Hanguang Jun that bow.

"Jiang Cheng... I am fine." Wei Ying says weakly.
"No, you are not fine you dumb Fuck!" Jiang Cheng scolds and looks at Lan Zhan apologetically and says, "I mean no offense but he is a self sacrificing dumb Fuck....I hate that about him... I am sorry."

"Mn." Lan Zhan just nods and agrees.

"Lan Zhan!... Why are you agreeing with Jiang Cheng??? I am not a self-sacrificing dumb Fuck." Wei Ying says sounding like a child making an illogical argument.
Jiang Cheng motions Lan Zhan to follow him.

Lan Zhan doesn't say anything. He quietly lifts his dumb Fuck of a husband in his arms gently and follows the clan leader.

Yenay can see both her boys smiling a little and her heart fills with joy.

Jiang Cheng escorts both the men to outside a room.
"Jin Ling come outside right the fuck now!" Jiang Cheng shouts at the door.

Wei Ying doesn't want to be seen being carried in another man's arms in front of his nephew.

"Put me down right now Lan Zhan." Wei Ying orders.

"No." comes the simple reply.

"Hanguang Jun, what will Jin Ling think?" Wei Ying tries to argue.

"He will not think anything... If he does I will break his legs." Jiang Cheng says confidently.

The door opens and Jin Ling walks out along with Fairy.
"It's that fucking dog again." Wei Ying shouts and buries his face in Lan Zhan's neck.
"Lan Zhan, protect me." Wei Ying adds pulling himself closer to his husband.

Both Jiang Cheng and Jin Ling stare at the grown man act like a child... but think it better not to say anything because the man who is holding the man child is staring down at both of them as if the next person to comment on the situation will have to go up against Hanguang Jun one on one. And ... No one...absolutely no one is brave enough to go up against the light bearer.

Jin Ling looks away from the two men  who are in what looks like an awkward embrace and asks in an irritated tone, "What is it now uncle?"

"You are moving in with me... for..." Jiang Cheng pauses and looks at Wei Ying and continues, "for a day or two."

"Why? This is my room." Jin Ling retorts stubbornly.

"Because I am the Clan leader and your uncle and if you don't pack your things right the fuck now and get out I will break your legs... Is that a good enough reason for you?" Jiang Cheng answers authoritatively.

Jin Ling makes a face but nods and goes inside to get his things. He is out in a few minutes.

"Good. Take it to my room." Jiang Cheng orders and Jin Ling leaves.

"Hanguang Jun, please stay here for the time being... all the other rooms are taken. I am sorry for the inconvenience." Jiang Cheng says and bows.

"Jiang Cheng, why are you not speaking to me directly? And why are you being so nice to Lan Zhan all of a sudden?" Wei Ying finally asks.

Jiang Cheng ignores him and continues, " I will send aunty Yenay over to check on him." He pauses and adds, "Aunty told me about the demon that has been causing problems here and how you were planning to take care of it tonight... but I am afraid that because of my rude and inconsiderate action sometime back... "

"Thank you Clan leader. We will accept this room and your hospitality."Lan Zhan says and bows.

The angry lotus smiles and nods.

"Your brother... Zewu Jun... will be here by tomorrow night hopefully... He is dealing with Meng Yao's men who are in cloud reassess looking for the both of you." Jiang Cheng informs.

"Brother is in Cloud reassess with Meng Yao's men?" Lan Zhan asks worried.

"Yes he is. But I don't think there is anything to worry about yet.....Meng Yao... he will not hurt Zewu Jun...he respects him least enough not to harm him. And Zewu Jun has never done anything to incur his anger." Jiang Cheng's face as well as tone softens when talking about Senior Lan.

Lan Zhan nods in understanding. And without saying anything further Jiang Cheng bows and leaves.

The two men enter the room. Lan Zhan finally puts Wei Ying down on the bed and closes the door.

"Lan Zhan, I am feeling fine... really." Wei Ying chirps.
Lan Zhan ignores the younger's words and speaks expressionlessly , "Wei Ying... " his hands go to his sash. He starts to undress himself and adds, "I need you now."
"Lan Zhan...." Wei Ying hesitates, his hand subconsciously travels to his chest, he scoots a little away from the older man and he adds, "we just arrived... am I so appealing to you that you can't keep away from me for even one evening." He finishes and tries to smile in his usual teasing way... but Lan Zhan can see the younger man is in pain.
Lan Zhan discards his top garments, climbs up on the bed scooting closer to his husband, takes his hand and places a kiss on his palm, " I want you.  You said you were fine... are you already bored of being with me Wei Ying?" Lan Zhan says looking lovingly at his husband.
Wei Ying gets it now. He understands what Lan Zhan is trying to prove.
Wei Ying sighs and admits defeat,"Fine... You win. I am not OK...There. are you happy now! I am in pain... I will not mention dealing with the demon till I am completely fine."
Lan Zhan smiles affectionately, covers himself up again and adds, "Thank you. I promise we will deal with the demon as soon as you are up to it...Now rest. Aunty will be here soon. I am going to discuss something with Jiang Cheng."
With that Lan Zhan gets off the bed and goes outside, closing the door behind him.

Lan Zhan finds Jiang Cheng in the yard talking to a few young men. They are training. Jiang Cheng likes to be prepared for the worse... always.

When Jiang Cheng sees Lan Zhan walking towards him he instructs an older boy to take charge and asks Lan to follow him to the main hall. The hall is used mostly during festivals and official meetings and therefore is empty at the moment.

The two men sit in front of each other but none of them wants to speak first.
A kind of heavyness hangs in the air.
Finally Jiang Cheng speaks sincerely , "For the past few days, I have been in contact with Zewu Jun, he was worried about you.... Lan Wangji... I need to confess something to you and I need to know a few things too before we get into other matters."


"When did you realize he had lost his core?" Jiang Cheng asks.
"The day Jin Ling stabbed him." Lan Zhan answers honestly.

"How long have you two... " Jiang Cheng hesitates... It's none of his business actually but he wanted to know.

"A few days." Lan Zhan answers.

"Aunty told me that Wei Ying visited the shrine with you." It was not a question but Lan Zhan knew want was being asked.

"We took our vows in front of them." Lan Zhan says confidently.

"What about your Clan? Will they accept it? Will they accept him?" Jiang Cheng's tone gentle and sincere.

"It doesn't matter. If they don't accept him I will reject them. Wei Ying is my family now... " Lan Zhan pauses and adds, "My brother... he will accept us... Uncle will not. I am prepared to leave Cloud reassess if it comes to that."

"How long?" Jiang Cheng asks curiosity getting the best of him.

"Cloud reassess... Lanterns" Lan Zhan informs simply.

Jiang Cheng's eyes widen, "That long?"

"Always hoping ... Always waiting." Lan Zhan says matter-of-factly.

"But he died.. I.. I killed him." Jiang Cheng mutters under his breath as tears start leaving his eyes.

"Yes... And I hated you for it... But I hated myself more because then I could not stand by him.. I did not trust him fully... I lost him... I don't intend to lose him again." Lan Zhan says looking directly at Jiang Cheng as if challenging him to say anything.

Jiang Cheng says nothing.
They sit in silence for a few minutes.

"Zewu Jun said you found the Tiger Yin Seal. Is that correct?" Jiang Cheng asks.


"Are you planning to use it?" Jiang Cheng asks curiously.

"I am not... but Wei Ying might have other ideas." Lan Zhan says shaking his head.

"He is a handful... isn't he?" Jiang Cheng smiles.

"Yes." Lan Zhan says.. a small smile playing on his lips.

"You think that Meng Yao is involved somehow?" Jiang Cheng enquires.

"Mn...Wei Ying saw Senior Nie's head hidden in the hidden chamber in jingshin....that is what we wanted to show everyone at Lanling. But he was one step ahead. And Wei Ying got exposed instead." Lan Zhan explains.

"And how are you planning to deal with the demon?" Jiang Cheng asks curiously.

"Wei Ying wants it to enter him....Once it possess Wei Ying's body I will question it and then exorcise it." Lan Zhan says sounding agitated.

"I take it you are not ok with this." Jiang Cheng gusses.

"No. He is putting far too much at stake.... I have a feeling he is hiding something from me... but he is stubborn." Lan Zhan doesn't explain further.
Jiang Cheng understands. He grew up with Wei Wuxian. He knows when Wei Wuxian decides to do something.. no one can change his mind... Jiang Cheng sympathizes with Lan Zhan for the first time that day.

"Hanguang Jun, can you please let him know that I am sorry for all the things that I have blamed him for... that he did not deserve?" Jiang Cheng asks hesitantly.

"I think... you should tell him yourself." Lan Zhan says simply and gets up.
"I must return to my.. to Wei Ying." Lan Zhan informs and bows before walking towards his room.

{Note :- Another emotional update....but not as much as the earlier one.

Please share your thoughts and feelings with me if you can spare the time.
I love WangXian so if you feel like obsessing over them, message me.

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Thank you for reading.
Have a nice day.}

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