What did you do!?

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As the evening draws closer the men start their journey back to Lotus Cove. They visit the Midwife at her daughter's place before continuing towards their destination with a heavy heart. Wen Ning doesn't follow them.

If only they could delay going to Lotus Cove, they would... but they are pressed for time.
Wei Ying holds Lan Zhan's hand the entire time till they reach the market.
He let's go then.
Wei Ying knows being a cut-sleeve is still not something that is accepted by people. People who have such tendencies are looked down upon... some think that it's a curse that can be lifted off or a disease that can be cured. No. This was not the time to make the world know that his heart held, only one man.
They cross the market and Wei Ying's eyes linger on the boats tied to the docks. He smiles, "Lan Zhan, we still have to return the boat I borrowed a few days back."


"Let's return it before we leave Yunmeng Ok?"


"Lan Zhan, why do you carry Subian with you? I told you that I can't really use it to win against any cultivator." Wei Ying says sincerely...his eyes are sad.

"It's yours. That makes it important to me." Lan Zhan answers simply.

"Fuck!" Wei Ying says stopping in his tracks and adds, "How the fuck do you manage to say such sweet things like... like this!"

Wei Ying looks around. They have just left the market. He spots a quiet nook between two establishments and pulls Lan Zhan with him.
"Wei Ying, that is not the right way to..." Lan Zhan says while being pulled by Wei Ying forcefully...but before he can complete his objection his is backed up against a wall and Wei Ying's lips land on him and start peppering his face with child like innocent kisses.
Wei Ying's hands come up to cup the older man's face and he pauses, "Hanguang Jun... what are you doing?" Wei Ying asks against the older man's lips.
He doesn't wait for the older man to answer and starts kissing him again. He breaks the kiss again, "Hanguang Jun... answer me!"

Lan Zhan is at a loss for words. He needs to know what he did. He starts, "Wei... "
Nope. That was not something he should have done. Because that made him open his mouth and gave Wei Ying's tongue a chance to slide in.
Lan Zhan gasps as the kiss loses it's innocence and turns sinful. Lan Zhan looses himself in the kiss so much so that he forgets where they are. Out of habit now...his hands find their way to Wei Ying's hips... he pulls the younger man closer.
The play of tongues leads to the sway of hips creating friction and both men gasp.

There is a sound nearby and Lan Zhan reverses their positions...hiding the younger man with his body.
"Excuse me Young Master... are you alright?" A young woman's voice floats towards them.
Lan Zhan breaks the kiss, "Fine.. I am fine. Thank you." he says without turning his head.
"Ok then young master. We are leaving first." the voice floats towards them again and then they hear footsteps walking away.
Lan Zhan sighs.
"Hanguang Jun... Did you just protecting my virtue? " Wei Ying smiles and adds, "Don't say sweet things to me so casually... it does things to my heart....and then my body reacts to it... You almost had us get caught you Fuddy Duddy!" Wei Ying says in mock anger and smiles again.

They regain there composure, walk out and start towards Lotus Cove again.

On arriving at Lotus Cove, they are greeted by a familiar face. It's the same older boy they had seen before they had left for the cottage. They bow to each other.
"Where is Aunty Yenay?" Wei Ying enquires.
"Senior, I will escort you to her." The young boy says and leads them to Yenay's quarters.

Yenay is sitting at the table doing what looks like the accounts of the household. She looks up when there is a knock at her door.
"Young masters, you are back." She smiles.
"Yes aunty, I hope there were no further incidents here." Wei Ying enquires.
"No. I had informed everyone not to go to the eastern side and no one dared to do otherwise. So all was well." Yenay informs.
"Aunty, we are going there now. I am not going to put a silencing charm on the room since it's going to be dangerous and even though I will avoid calling for help...but, I may need to." Wei Ying says hesitantly.

"So you have returned to Lotus Cove."
Comes Jiang Cheng's angry, irritated voice and all of them look towards the door.

"A Cheng!" Yenay exclams and tries to go to him.. but Jiang Cheng raises his hand, gesturing her to stop. She stops dead in her tracks.
Lan Zhan looks accusingly at the old woman. 'She betrayed us.' he thinks scornfully.

Wei Ying's eyes are fixed on his brother. He tries to smile... but it doesn't reach his eyes.

"Jiang Cheng, I can.. " He starts in a low soothing tone but gets cut off.
"What can you explain? Why did you come here Wei Wuxian? To mock me?" Jiang Cheng asks, his temper and tone rising.

Lan Zhan steps in front of Wei Ying.
"Jiang Wanyin, we did not come here to cause trouble." Lan Zhan speaks his voice is restrained.

"Ha! Lan Wangji... Of course you are never far behind if it has anything to do with this fool." Jiang Cheng says moving towards the two men.

"Lan Zhan, it's Ok." Wei Ying says, stepping in front again.
"What do you think I will do to your precious Wei Ying, Lan Wangji?" Jiang Cheng mocks.

"Jiang Cheng! That's enough." Wei Ying says getting frustrated.
"Oh yes... How could I forget about your great friendship... Ha...one gave up his morals and betrayed his family and the other didn't care about his or his brother's reputation... What a great duo you are." Jiang Cheng continues to proceed towards the other two men.

An expression of guilt passes over Wei Ying's face and he takes a couple of steps forward towards Jiang Cheng. He extends his hand to reach and touch Jiang Cheng's arm but the other man doesn't see it like that.
Jiang Cheng thinks that he is going to be attacked and he pushes Wei Ying. His palm makes contact with Wei Ying's chest and Wei Ying stumbles a few steps and almost falls to the floor before Lan Zhan's strong arms hold him... steady him.

Wei Ying spits out blood.
"Wei Ying!" Lan Zhan says worried and concerned.
"Oh... So Yiling patriarch has been drinking so early in the evening... You sure haven't changed Wei Wuxian....look at you. Can't even keep your balance." Jiang Cheng mocks.

"Enough! That is enough Jiang Wanyin ." Lan Zhan says unsheathing Bitchen.

"Lan Zhan...please no." Wei Ying says weakly. But Lan Zhan doesn't hear it.

Jiang Cheng unsheathes Sando and the Two blades clash with each other. Both Yenay and Wei Ying take cover.

Realizing that it's a stupid idea to have a duel in a room both Lan Zhan and Jiang Cheng take the fight outside.
Jiang Cheng is very good... but Hanguang Jun is better.

Within a few blows Sando abandons Jiang Cheng and gets stuck in a nearby door frame. Before Hanguang Jun lands another blow Jiang Cheng summons his sword and... It lands in his hand and stops Bichen.
Both men pause at the same time and look at the swords.

The sword that has stopped Bichen is not Sando... But Subian.

Jiang Cheng takes his hand off of Subian like it has burnt him and it falls to the floor.

"Why does it answer to your call?" Lan Zhan asks... he doesn't sound angry... He sounds hurt.
'Why does my husband's sword answer His call??? Why does it unsheathe and protect Him?' Lan Zhan's head hurts to think about it.

"I don't know." Jiang Cheng answers... he is more surprised than Lan Zhan.

Lan Zhan runs into Yenay's room only to find Wei Ying sitting on the floor with Yenay holding him up.

"Wei Ying, why does Subian answer to Jiang Wanyin's call?" Lan Zhan asks perplexed. Yenay moves away and Lan Zhan takes her place helping Wei Ying sit up.

Wei Ying gulps and lowers his eyes.
"Lan Zhan... that's not important anymore." Wei Ying avoids answering.
"It's important to me. You know I have the right to know." Lan Zhan says sternly.

'He is right. He should know.' Wei Ying thinks and adds sincerely, "I promise I will tell you.. but not here... not now."

Before Lan Zhan can say anything Jiang Cheng arrives and asks, "Wei Wuxian, why does your sword protect me?" His tone is not as inconsiderate as before.

"I remember... I remember it well. When we got our swords back that time... Lan Wangji tried to unsheathe Subian but it did not bulge. It had locked itself...Even Meng Yao could not unsheathe it... And yet it came to me... Wei Wuxian... What did you do?" Jiang Cheng asks moving closer.. his tone becoming gentler.

Lan Zhan moves to block Wei Ying's body from Jiang Cheng but Wei Ying stops him.

"Jiang Cheng... It's not important." Wei Ying says smiling.

"Why did you not carry Subian when I returned it to you? Even in Nevernight... you did not touch your sword... It was always Bichen that protected you... always Lan Wangji and his Bichen... " Jiang Cheng asks as a flicker of doubt enters his mind.

Jiang Cheng kneels in front of his Senior brother and looks at him. Truly looks at him. Taking in his whole appearance.

"You are not drunk are you?" Jiang Cheng's voice is barely a whisper now.
He extends his hand to touch Wei Ying's chest... the place where he had hit him with his core strength, just some time back.

Lan Zhan swats the hand away.
"Don't touch him." Lan Zhan practically growls and holds Wei Ying closer.

Jiang Cheng's eyes move between the two men. Yenay's words come back to his mind... 'Isn't that , what one should do if one is in love A Cheng?'

'They are in love... my brother is in love with his best friend.' Jiang Cheng realizes as he takes in the soft way Wei Ying's hand is caressing Lan Wangji's. Trying to talk volumes through his eyes alone.

He looks a Lan Wangji now....looks at how the light bearer is gently holding the other man in his arms... how worried he looks... how he is trying hard to understand the unsaid words that Wei Wuxian's eyes are trying to get across to him.

'I have known for a long time that it was Wei Ying.. Hanguang Jun had said and then sided with Wei Wuxian confidently.' Jiang Cheng recalls.

'Hanguang Jun had forsaken all... for his friend... No. He had forsaken everything for the man he loved... I was wrong all along.... what else was I wrong about?' Jiang Cheng thinks... doubt and guilt plague his mind.

Tears of regret leave his eyes. He feels like he in intruding on something private... He steps back.

"Wei Wuxian, we were brothers once. My sister gave her life for you... she loved you... For her sake... For the sake of the woman who loved you unconditionally... who took you in her heart and cared for you... For her sake tell me... Tell me why your sword answers my call?" Jiang Cheng asks sounding like a defeated man who is clinging to the last shred of hope.

{Note :- It was an emotional chapter to pen down... I felt drained after it. But the story required it.

Please let me know how you felt about it.

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Thank you for reading.
Have a nice day}

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