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{Note :- The part in Cloud Reassess happens before ie. Early afternoon and things in cottage happen in late afternoon.
Also I will mark Mature content with A/N}

*The Cottage*

It's late noon when Lan Zhan is finally able to free himself from Wei Ying's octopus like grasp.
He prepares lunch and goes outside. Lan Zhan finds Wen Ning in deep thought.

Lan Zhan approaches the Ghost General.
"Wen Ning."
"Master Lan, is everything okay?" Wen Ning asks in a concerned tone.

"All is well... Wen Ning, we will be making our way back to Lotus Cove in some time. You can't follow us there." Lan Zhan instructs the Ghost General.


"Wen Ning." Wei Ying calls.
Both men turn to look at Wei Ying who has also come outside.
Lan Zhan frowns but a big smile appears on Wen Ning's face.

The ghost general bows to his master and gives him a once over.
"Master Wei is looking much better."

"Yes, I am feeling better. Thank you for helping us in the cave." Wei Ying pauses and adds, "Wen Ning, I need you to keep an eye on the cave. I have a feeling that there is more to it than meets the eye."

Lan Zhan interrupts, "Wei Ying, what do you mean?"

"Lan Zhan, remember the old man said that they had heard a flute sound before they faced the undead corpses situation?" Wei Ying refreshes Lan Zhan's memory.


"I have been thinking about that....amm...who could do that?...Whosoever it was it goes without saying they have something to do with the things in the cave as well as the undead corpses....and... maybe also the demon at Lotus Cove...of course it's all speculation at the moment." Wei Ying finishes explaining.

"Mn....what do you want to do about that?" Lan Zhan asks.

"I was thinking, if Wen Ning could keep an eye on the cave, in case anyone came to check on it we would be able to get more clues." Wei Ying says and walks over to Wen Ning.

"The only problem is that he can't come to Lotus Cove to inform us even if he has anything to tell us... Ammm....Lan Zhan do you remember, once you bonded our minds." Wei Ying asks...a small sad smile plays on his lips for a second before disappearing.
'Happier times' Wei Ying's mind whispers.

"Can you link my mind with Wen Ning's?" Wei Ying enquires.

"No. Not possible. Too far." Lan Zhan informs... Wei Ying's face falls.

Lan Zhan has a weakness... he can't bare to see his husband sad. He give the problem a serious thought.

"Wei Ying, how about we take help from uncle and aunty?" Lan Zhan suggests.

"What do you mean?"

"I told you earlier that I sent them out." Lan Zhan pauses and continues,"Actually, I bought this house from them. They have moved near the market area where their daughter stays...If Wen Ning can let them know about the problem I am sure they can convey it to us."

"You bought this house?" Wei Ying asks his eyes going he can't believe it, he continues, "Why did you do that Lan Zhan?"

Lan Zhan gulps.
"Wen Ning could you excuse us for just a few minutes... Better yet, go to the cave and see what the situation is out there and then come back right away." Wei Ying orders the Ghost General, who clumsyly runs towards the cave.

*Cloud Reassess*
*Early Noon*

When Lan XiChen arrives at the Cloud Reassess he is immediately called to the meeting hall by a Junior member.
Lan XiChen accompanied by Meng Yao go to the meeting hall.

Lan Qiren is waiting for his nephew. He looks to be in a very bad mood.
Both the men enter and bow to Lan Qiren.
"Uncle, what is the matter?" Lan XiChen asks in a concerned tone.

"XiChen, I heard that Wangji has run off with that good for nothing Wei Wuxian. Is that true?" Lan Qiren asks irritated and angry.

Lan XiChen looks guilty and doesn't answer.

"Senior Lan, It was not Wangji's fault. He was brainwashed by that evil man.  I am sure he will return when whatever spell the Yiling patriarch has cast on him wears off." Meng Yao answers instead of Zewu Jun.

'Oh... is that so... well then I hope the spell wears off soon....I have waited sixteen years already a few days more won't hurt.' Lan Qiren thinks.
He nods and takes a deep breath. Lan Qiren rather not think about Wangji and that rule breaking friend of his.

He changes the subject, "As you already know I just returned from isolated meditation this morning. On my arrival I was given some very unfortunate news."

Lan XiChen's  brow creases, "What is the matter uncle?"
"Lan Shaen's wife to be died a few days ago while visiting her brother in Lotus Cove." Lan Qiren says looking remorseful and adds, "He was wondering if he could accompany you  the next time you visit Yunmeng. He wants to know what happened."

"Uncle, actually I am planning to go there tomorrow." Lan XiChen informs.

Lan Qiren's eyes widen at the news.
"Why?" the senior Lan asks.

"Ever since Master Wei Ying became friends with Wangji, Jiang Cheng has had certain misunderstings...I simply want to mend our relations." Lan XiChen says truthfully.

"Do as you please...Clan leader Yao please enjoy your stay at Cloud Reassess." Saying this the senior Lan leaves.
The fact that Meng Yao is involved Cloud Reassess to search for the two runaways has not been made known to Lan Qiren or any other senior members, who are under the impression that Meng Yao is just there to visit Lan XiChen.

Meng Yao and Zewu Jun proceed to the older Lan's jingshin.

*Lan XiChen's Jingshin*

Meng Yao is sitting opposite Lan XiChen.
"Second brother, you seem a bit distant lately... Have I done something to offend you?" Meng Yao asks taking Zewu Jun's hand in his and smiling sweetly.

"A Yao...why did you accompany me here?" Lan XiChen's face and tone are gentle. He really wants to know what had changed his friend's mind. It was never Meng Yao's plan to come to cloud reassess.
"Second brother... I had to make sure that my people don't disrespect any Lan clan members." Meng Yao answers still smiling... But Lan XiChen  sees through it.
'You are lying A Yao...but why are you lying to me?' Lan XiChen feels empty and alone all of a sudden.

"Meng Yao, why are you lying to me?" Zewu Jun asks looking hurt and a little disappointed.
Meng Yao is a little taken aback. His face falls for a second and he let's go of Zewu Jun's hand.

"Second brother... how can you say that. When have I ever lied to you. I just wanted to be with you for a little while...My wife was killed brutally by that evil man and he has also brainwashed Lan Wangji... we are both victims." Meng Yao starts tearing up.
Lan XiChen has always felt A Yao to be kind and generous. He always had Lan XiChen's back.
'I have to give him another chance... I am sure there is a reason for all he has done... all he may have done.' Zewu Jun thinks and puts a hand around Meng Yao's shoulder, trying to comfort him.
Meng Yao smiles. 'Of all the people I have ever met you my Zewu Jun are the most precious to me... You are the only one who makes me feel things I have never felt for anyone before... Once Lan Wangji sees the error of his ways. We will once again be how we were before... Maybe even more.' Meng Yao promises himself.
He looks up at Lan XiChen and smiles a sad smile. Zewu Jun being a kind man with generous heart gently wipes away his friend's tears.

They walk out of the Jingshin and Meng Yao instructs his men to conduct the search respectfully.
"Second brother, my men will not bother your people. And thank you for cooperating." Meng Yao says sincerely.
Lan XiChen smiles and adds, "Meng Yao... Your men can look around Cloud Reassess as they please but I would really appreciate it if the western courtyard remains untouched... It's where my mother stayed till she died. Me and Wangji consider it our sanctuary and go there when we feel like being with her. No one is allowed there except the two of us. I hope you can allow me this much."

Meng Yao looks directly into Zewu Jun's eyes and lies, "If it's so important to you, my men will not enter it."
'If you don't know about it... It will not hurt you my Zewu Jun.' Meng Yao thinks to himself.

Lan XiChen smiles. He knows Meng Yao probably lied to him just now but he needed to know if Meng Yao was the sort of person who would keep his words.

The two men walk around Cloud reassess for a while.
'This place is beautiful just like Zewu Jun... I wish I could live here forever.' Meng Yao thinks wishfully.
He looks at the man next to him with affectionate eyes and says what has been on his mind for a few hours now, "Brother there is something I needed to tell you.... it's about you going to Yunmeng tomorrow."

*Outside the cottage*

Once Wen Ning disappears from site Wei Ying turns to Lan Zhan and asks, "Lan Zhan, why did you buy this place?"

"Don't you like it?" Lan Zhan asks simply.

"I do but... "

"You grew up here... I thought you like it here. This.. this place is away from the main city yet if you ever want to visit your home you can...I thought you would like that... " Lan Zhan doesn't finish his sentence.
'Is he angry with me?  Did I do something wrong? Does it bring back bad memories for him instead of good memories... Did I make him sad?' Lan Zhan thinks and his eyes drop to the floor.

Wei Ying walks towards Lan Zhan and hugs him.
There are tears in his eyes when he let's go of Lan Zhan and looks at him with a sweet smile on his face.

"Hanguang Jun... Do you even realize what you just told me?" Wei Ying asks softly.
Lan Zhan has no clue what Wei Ying is trying to tell him.
"Wei Ying... did I upset you? Did I make you uncomforta..." Lan Zhan says hesitantly but is not able to continue when Wei Ying hugs him again.
"You didn't make me uncomfortable... It's just that in this life I never expected to find someone who...." Wei Ying pauses... He doesn't know how to put into words what he is feeling.
After a few more seconds of holding on to his husband, Wei Ying finally looks at Lan Zhan....gently caressing his face he says, "Hanguang Jun... you are making me fall in love with you all over again...Do you know how precious you are to me?"

The things Lan Zhan feels after hearing these words can't be put into words either.
Lan Zhan steps away and lifts Wei Ying in his arms and carries him inside. Even before he is able to close the door Wei Ying's lips are on his.
Lan Zhan tries to step away... Tries to tell him that the door is open... But Wei Ying is not even ready to wait that long.

{A/N for mature Language/Content}

"I don't care about anything right now. Just kiss me Hangua..Ah." Wei Ying moans as his back hits the wall and Lan Zhan slips his tongue inside his mouth.
Lan Zhan pulls him closer by his hips and his hands loosen the belts holding  Wei Ying's top garments.
Lan Zhan abandons Wei Ying's lips and proceeds to kiss and lightly bite Wei Ying's jaw.
"Fuck... Hanguang Jun... I am hungry.." Wei Ying says his voice cracking.
Lan Zhan stops and looks up, "Lunch is ready." he says gesturing at the kitchen.
Wei Ying giggles.
"Hanguang Jun... I am hungry for Fuddy...Oh... " Wei Ying doesn't get to finish his sentence because Lan Zhan has already lifted him up again and has captured his lips.

Lan Zhan doesn't break the kiss while putting his husband on the bed.
Lan Zhan bares Wei Ying's chest and his hands starts wandering all over the younger man's front.

Wei Ying moans low as Lan Zhan's mouth closes over his shoulder blade...while his hand moves to Wei Ying's lower back pulling the younger man closer.

"Lan Zhan... I want you... please... can we... Ah.. your mouth... I love your mouth Lan Er gege... " Wei Ying whispers against Lan Zhan's ears and pauses before continuing to crib, "Lan Zhan... how do you always get my clothes off but yours never come off...Ahh... Lan Zhan!...if you keep this up I will come...Lan Zhan."
Lan Zhan's brain only processes two words 'Cloths off'.

He proceeds to do just that.
His hands start undoing the sash holding Wei Ying's lower garments.
"Lan Zhan... I want to....i really want to but... I think we don't... Lan Er gege!" Wei Ying moans loud and deep when Lan Zhan's mouth latches itself on Wei Ying's pink bud and starts sucking.

Wei Ying forgets all about going to Lotus Cove....all about the demon... All he feels in Lan Zhan... all he wants is His husband.

Wei Ying's hands find their way into Lan Zhan's hair trying to hold him there.
Lan Zhan's hands move lower and he cups Wei Ying's behind.
"Lan Zhan... I want you to...can you..." Wei Ying's face flushes and he struggles to complete his sentence.
Lan Zhan stops and looks up at Wei Ying. His eyes are filled with lust... and his hair is disheveled.
'I did that... I made Lan Zhan look like this....his lips.. Fuck!' Wei Ying's mind screams.

Wei Ying forgets what he was thinking. He brings their lips together and starts kissing him again.

Lan Zhan's hands go to his sash to rid himself of clothing when he studdenly stops and gets off the bed.


A blue light emitts from his finger and the door to the cottage closes.
"Lan Zhan.... you can't stop like th..." Wei Ying starts to complain.

"Master Wei Ying, I looked around the cave....Master Wei...are you there?"

Then there is a knock at the door.

Lan Zhan looks furious.
Wei Ying leaves the bed as well and puts a hand on Lan Zhan's shoulder.
He mouths a 'Sorry'.

"Wen Ning, give us a few minutes. We are having lunch." Wei Ying shouts at the door.

"I will wait." Comes a soft reply from outside.

"Ammm... Lan Zhan... don't be mad. It's good that he showed up when he did... actually I am hungry... " Wei Ying tries to calm the light bearer down.
Lan Zhan glares at Wei Ying at that.
"Lan Zhan... I mean food... I am hungry for food.. Hehe. " Wei Ying giggles again.

Lan Zhan is soft for Wei Ying's smiles. He melts immediately. His eyes soften and the holds Wei Ying's wrist and pulls him to the kitchen.

Wei Ying opens the door and calls Wen Ning inside to join them.

They make plans for the coming days.

{Note :- For those, who are wondering why do WY and LZ  keep wanting to be close to each other *cough* all the time is.. One,  they love each other, Second they are each others support physical and emotional , Third, they have lost and found each other... also LZ has wanted to be with WY since they were in school together and lastly it's practically their honeymoon period. Also Lan Zhan is HOT... I mean can you blame WY for wanting to climb him like a tree all the time?
And those who still don't want to come across this kind of content, then you can always skip it...and proceed to the next update.
I just wanted to to make it clear why they behave the way they do... Love and desire can do that to people.

Please let me know how you liked this update.
Votes and comments are things that I look forward to. Please share your thoughts and feelings with me.
Thank you for reading.
Have a nice day}

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