Can't I even hug him???

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{Important Note :- Mostly the next update will be the continuation of the main story. But if it's a Special ...even those who have been skipping the Specials (I don't know if anyone is skipping them or not) I would like them to read it.

The Next Special is pretty special *lol bad joke*. It will be split into two parts and will be updated back to back.
One,  because it deviates from the show/book (it's completely different from the book).
Second, it partly explains Lan Zhan's actions in the present.
Third, it's kinda hot.

{Not so Important Note 2 :- I saw snippets of the Untamed concert and I cried a lot. So to express my feelings I might write a YiZhan one shot. I hope you guys will check it out. I will mention it here when I post it. I am aware I am not so good at writing but that's just about the only way I can express my feelings. And why am I mentioning it here?  Simple, because I don't have many followers... Lol.

Thank you for reading this rant.
Sorry that the rant was long.

Looking at things taking a turn for the worse Wei Ying holds Lan Zhan's arms and pulls him towards himself.

"Lan Zhan... Isssss!" Wei Ying winces.
Lan Zhan immediately turns around and sits next to Wei Ying gently holding his arm....carassing it.
All though of confronting Jiang Cheng disappear from his mind.

Wei Ying touches Lan Zhan's cheek, "He will not hurt me Lan Zhan... he is my brother... he just has been like this since we were kids."

Lan Zhan holds the hand touching his face and leans into it. His eyes soft.

Wei Ying smiles.

Jiang Cheng again feels like an intruder in his own home... Once again he feels like he has no business being here.
He takes a few steps back.

"Hanguang Jun, I am sorry if I worried you. I promise I won't ever hurt Wei Wuxian again... I merely got agitated at what he had said."

Both men realise that they were not alone and this kind of intimate behavior could make anyone uncomfortable. Lan Zhan nods at Jiang Cheng and distances himself a bit from his husband.

Wei Ying continues explaining, "Jiang Cheng the part which you held was the most important part. That part had the power to make the Seal whole again. That part also had the power to break the enchantment in the cave."

Jiang Cheng continues to look confused.

"Chenqing..." Lan Zhan murmurs softly.

Wei Ying smiles.

"Jiang Cheng, my Chenqing is the fifth and most powerful part of the Tiger Yin Seal." Wei Ying explains.

"But it's a flute... " Jiang Cheng says still not getting the complete picture.

"Yes it's a flute... before that it was a sword. I had it with me when you found me in the cave unconscious... I was grabbing on to it... do you remember?"

"That was the seal?" Jiang Cheng asks.

"Mn... I didn't know it then. It was only later when Xue Yang told me that I understood it's true worth." Wei Ying says holding out his hand to Lan Zhan and Lan Zhan passes Chenqing to him.

"Jiang Cheng, I think that Meng Yao suspects that you have my Chenqing." Wei Ying voices his thoughts.

"That fucking bastard!" Jiang Cheng curses.

"Calm down Jiang Cheng. We can't lose our cool now." Wei Ying says pleading with his eyes.

Jiang Cheng calms down and takes a seat.
"Why did you stop Lan Wangji from exorcising the demon?" Jiang Cheng asks.

"Ok... so I was thinking why all of a sudden Meng Yao wanted to come here, and then when I came to know that the demon was planted here by Meng Yao I realized that maybe...Su She was told to keep an eye on Yunmeng... to protect the Yin Seal. Su She probably put some people here to keep an eye on the atmosphere here. When Su She was informed that the corpses had been eliminated and the cave too had been disrupted he sent a message to Meng Yao and he decided to come to Yunmeng."

Wei Ying stops to catch his breath again before continuing,"He already knows that the other trap...that is the corpses have been destroyed, so he will definitely want to check if the demon is still here or that too has been eliminated. He already suspects that you have Chenqing, if he finds out that the demon has abandoned Lotus Cove, then he will either think that you are collaborating with me or that I came here and you did not stop me... In both cases he will brand you as a traitor.....But if he sees that the demon is still here he will continue thinking that even if I came to Yunmeng, I never set foot in Lotus Cove."

"So you didn't exorcise it to protect me." Jiang Cheng says in a soft voice.

"I did it to protect my brother and my home." Wei Ying says with tears in his eyes.

Jiang Cheng tears up too and walks towards Wei Ying to give him a hug.

Lan Zhan blocks his way once again.

"Lan Wangji... can't I even hug him???" Jiang Cheng asks getting slightly irritated.

"No. You can't." Lan Zhan says resolutely.

"What!?" Jiang Cheng's temper rises.

"Jiang Cheng... Lan Zhan means to say that you can't hug me because I am bruised all over and am hurting." Wei Ying clarifies.

"Oh. Sorry." Jiang Cheng gulps feeling guilty and steps away again.

"It's fine." Wei Ying dismisses it and adds, "Now for the problem, I am injured and strong as Lan Zhan is, he can't defend me against everyone. So we need to leave Lotus Cove."

"But you said that you can't... we are being watched." Jiang Cheng says thinking about the problem.

"That is true as well.... So we need to make sure that we leave in a way that will not raise suspicion."

"Do you have a plan in mind Wei Ying?" Lan Zhan asks. He knows Wei Ying is smart.

Wei Ying smiles.

"Jiang Cheng, we need your help. Previously I did not know you would be here so I didn't think about it but now the circumstances have changed and Meng Yao is himself going to be arriving here so I need to come up with a good plan if we are to survive without harming anyone." Wei Ying says and a mischievous smile appears on his lips.

"Mn?" Both men ask at the same time.

"Jiang Cheng, there is a woman who works in your household, Lady Feng." Wei Ying says.

"Yes, she works under Aunty Yenay. Why?" Jiang Cheng answers.

Wei Ying smiles.
"I need to talk to her. I know it's late, but I need to speak with her. Will you let me speak with her?" Wei Ying asks sincerely.

Meanwhile Lan Zhan has already drowned himself in a jar of vinegar.

'Mine.' his mind screams. He really doesn't like it when Wei Ying talks to or wants to talk to any woman...or man for that matter....Hanguang Jun has never liked it.

"What are you planning on doing Wei Wuxian?" Jiang Cheng asks curiously.

"I can only tell you once I get Lady Feng's approval." Wei Ying answers.

"Wei Wuxian, she is just a house help... she is not a 'Lady'." Jiang Cheng corrects his Senior brother.

"Jiang Cheng... I too am son of a servant but Shijie never could tolerate anyone calling me that. So my status and Lady Feng's status are not really so different are they?" Wei Ying smiles.

Jiang Cheng gets it. His brother had not changed at all... even after being killed by him,  Wei Wuxian still had only love for him and his Clan.
"Do as you please then. I will send her.. " Jiang Cheng starts but is cut off by Lan Zhan.

"No." Lan Zhan interrupts.

"What is it Lan Zhan?" Wei Ying asks innocently.

"It's late. She must be in her quarters now. If word spreads that she met a young Master so late at night, he reputation will be spoilt." Lan Zhan explains.
"Oh dear... I didn't think about that at all. That would not work then." Wei Ying says and looks at Jiang Cheng.

"Don't look at me. I am the Clan leader. It's worse if I approach her so late." Jiang Cheng gives his excuse.

"Wei Ying, how about we ask Aunty Yenay to call her to her quarters." Lan Zhan suggests.
"Lan Zhan you are so smart. That is exactly what we should do. And if all three of us are in Aunty Yenay's quarters no one will say anything." Wei Ying agrees.

'And Wei Ying won't be talking to a girl alone so late at night.' Lan Zhan thinks happily. Afterall Lan Zhan is a jealous man.

"But... I don't think Wei Wuxian is in a condition to walk." Jiang Cheng points out the unfortunate flaw in the plan.

"Fuck! I forgot about it. Sorry Hanguang Jun, but I don't think your plan will work." Wei Ying informs his husband.

"How about Aunty Yenay call her outside her quarters and send her here?" Jiang Cheng suggests.

"Jiang Cheng what kind of Lady will enter men's quarters at night?" Wei Ying says as if explaining something to a child.

There is an awkward silence then for sometime before Lan Zhan finally speaks.
"We must asks Aunty for help."

The other two agree and Chu is sent to call on Aunty Yenay.

The men in Master Wei Ying's jingshin couldn't be blamed... Not really.

One was a flirt who was until very recently someone who hadn't even kissed lest that is what Wei Ying had thought.

The second, was a man who had been in love with his best and probably the only friend for over a decade... Pining and longing... Playing enquiry everyday.

And the third, was a person who had scared anyone and everyone with his horrible attitude...except two people.

One was his nanny who had raised him and was his mother's close confidant and...
The other was.....Zewu Jun....who was.. someone who the Clan leader had been thinking about a lot lately.

Thus it fell on Aunty Yenay to deal with this awkward problem.
It was a sad state of affairs really.

{Note :- Sometimes men just don't know how to approach a situation 😂
At least these men.

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Thank you for reading.
Have a nice day.}

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