Special 3: What happens in the Library, stays in the Library.

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{Note :- Part 3 of the sub story arc. It continues from where Part 2 left off.
Once again it's Lan Zhan's POV.}

{Note 2 :- The next Special update is not something that happened in the show, but it will tie up with the main story.}

*Cloud Reassess*
*16 years ago*

It was going to be the first time in many years that Wangji would be attending class with the new students.

'I absolutely will not look at Wei Ying today.' Lan Zhan had thought resolutely before walking out of his room.
But his resolve had broken the moment he had entered the class.

"Hey Bro!" The Boy has said trying to approach Wangji... Wangji had ignored him and looked away.

'There it is... that damn smile... His eyes disappear when he smiles like that... It's sweet... Wait!...There is nothing sweet about that rude, rule breaker.' Wangji had decided and started to stare at his uncle who was about to start introductions.

The Wen clan had arrived with two students... siblings. The Wen clan leader's son had caused trouble... Lan XiChen had handled it.

The boy from Nie sect, Nie Huaisang  had arrived with an attendant.. Meng Yao.
Wangji had watched as his brother had interacted with this attendant.
Wangji had noticed how the attendant and his brother had looked at each other.
'Why is brother smiling like that... Did he just touch the attendant's hand??? What was that look that they had shared?' Wangji had not understood anything.
'I hate touching people. I don't know how Elder brother can tolerate it!'

The class had been dismissed then.

Wei Ying had conviniently disappeared after the class.
Wangji had looked everywhere for him.. To keep an eye on the mischief maker obviously...
Finally he had seen him speaking to the Wen Girl.

Wangji did not know why... but he had really wanted to hit that girl.
Which according to Wangji himself was absolutely stupid because Lady Wen had been nothing but civilized.

'Maybe they are plotting something.' Wangji had thought going closer but they had already finished their conversation.

Wangji had followed the boy secretly.... To keep an eye on him of course...he had totally not had anyother intention.

The boy had caught fish.. Two of them to be exact...
The boy had gotten wet.

Drops of water had clung to his hair.. Face... Neck... And fingers. The water had socked the boy's cloths thru and thru...his robes had clung to his body.
Wangji had noticed every bend.. every curve.
'How messy...he should get rid of his robes.' Wangji had thought... Of course that would be the right thing to do... The Boy had been rude and boisterous... but Wangji did not want him to fall sick!

The Boy, Wei Ying had had the same idea. He had gone into an area that had been surrounded by trees.
Wangji had naturally followed him.
The boy had lit a small fire. He had put the fish to get cooked and had promptly begun to undress.

Before Wangji could have looked away, the boy had done away with his outter robes.

'His inner robes are wet too...' Wangji's mind had supplied... Wangji had blushed and turned away.... But he had not been able to walk away.
He had waited for the boy to make a move.

When the fish was done and the cloths had dried, the boy had walked to where his Sister and brother were.

Wangji had watched as Lady Yanli had mediated between the two brothers.
Wangji had smiled when she had gently touched The Boy's head.

'Pure.' Wangji had thought before remembering a similar scene... only Lady Yanli had his mother's face and the boy in front of her was a small Lan Wangji.

"Mother... " Wangji had muttered under his breath and a tear had rolled down his cheek.

Wangji had left the happy siblings like that. Lan Wangji had felt very alone... after a very long time.

The next day formal classes had started .

It had only been a few minutes when a red puppet had run up his sleeves and before he could intercept it, it had landed on his cheek...and Kissed him!

Wangji had known where to look to find the culprit.
The boy had smiled brightly and waved.
Wangji's heart had felt odd at that gesture... and he had stared the boy down trying to intimidate him all the while trying to calm his heart, which had wanted to leave his chest and walk away.

The boy had pouted at being stared down and Nope...Wangji could not keep looking.
Wangji looked away...a look of disinterest visible on his face... Hiding his loudly thumping heart.

The uncle had questioned The Boy. And he had spoken his mind without getting intimidated. It's like his mouth had no filter. He had spoken what he had thought.... No pretences.
'A clear conscience.'

The Boy had been punished.

Wangji had been happy that he would not have to deal with The Boy again.... But as fate would have it, uncle had instructed Wangji to supervise the punishment.

'Damnit Wangji... you really can't seem to catch a break.' Wangji had thought kicking a wayward rock on his way to finding The Boy....who had disappeared once again.

Wangji had found the Boy lurking near the forbidden area of Cloud Reassess.
"Wangji... I need to tell you something" The boy had said before leaning towards Wangji, "I think someone snuck in the back hill."

Wangji's heart had skipped multiple beats because of the closeness.
But he had stood his ground and dragged the boy to the Library Pavilion.
Wangji had sat as far away from The Boy as physically possible without loosing sight of him... To keep an eye on him...obviously.

The boy had been quite for a few minutes before he had walked over to Wangji and sat next to him.
The boy had tried to attract Wangji's attention by calling him Wangji Bro, Wangji, Master Lan and finally when all else had failed he had called...No. the boy had almost shouted
"Lan Zhan!"
Wangji had looked up then... Just to see that beautiful smile.

"Hey.. I called you by your formal name because you were ignoring me." The boy had said, almost pouting.
Then he had sat down and added, "You can call me by my formal name too."
And Wangji had.
From that day forward Lan Wangji had never called Wei Ying.. 'The Boy'.

Wei Ying had complimented him, then praised him and then apologised to him.... And had then turned around and blamed him again...and had appologised once again.
Wei Ying had then proceeded to put his face very close to Wangji and whispered ,"I will even go on my knees for you."

Young Wangji had felt as though a hot wind had entered the Library Pavilion because he couldn't be the only one feeling that hot right?

In the years to come Wangji had thought about that a lot...he had thought about Wei Ying on his knees often.

Wei Ying had stated blabbering again and Lan Zhan had used the silencing charm on him... again.

The next few days had been very difficult for Lan Zhan.

Lan Zhan had made a new resolution. He would not look at Wei Ying again.. unless absolutely necessary.

Wangji had looked at Wei Ying within a minute of them settling down in their respective places....every single day.

Some days were better than others.
On good days, Wei Ying had entered and finished his assignment for the day and left.. Other days had proven hard... Very hard.

To this day, Lan Zhan believes that him looking at Wei Ying in that instance had been because he had wanted to know what mischief the rude boy had been up to...nothing more.... It had especially not been because Wei Ying had been intermittently chewing and sucking on his Quill... Nope... Not At All.

And that had absolutely not bothered Lan Zhan... At all... At least not on the outside.

Lan Zhan's insides were a different matter however.

Something about the way Wei Ying had hollowed his cheeks and taken the tip of the pen into his mouth... Sucked on it.. And had taken it out...before putting it back in and sucking... had made Lan Zhan feel things...things he could not have mentioned to anyone... Ever.

The boy had been immersed in writing out the Lan sect principles.

The boy had not looked up even once.

'Why aren't you looking at me?' That is what Lan Zhan had thought , but he had not understood why he had wanted Wei Ying to look at him...to look at him... and smile.

Wei Ying had looked up suddenly then.
Wangji's reflexes had been the best in Lan clan, so Wei Ying had not realized that he was being stared at just moments ago.

Wei Ying had there after just dropped his eyes back on the parchment and continued to work.

"See you tomorrow Lan Zhan." Wei Ying had said before walking out of the library.
Since he had been in a hurry to get out of the boring place, he had failed to heard Lan Zhan's soft reply, "Yes, I will see you tomorrow Wei Ying."

Wei Ying had also failed to see the small smile that had played on Lan Zhan's lips.

Than night, just like the night before, Wangji had tossed and turned in his bed.
But luckily, Wangji had finally fallen asleep... Unlucky however, Wangji had woken up to find wetness between his legs.

His eyes had widened. 'How could I have... Why did I?'
No sooner had he thought about it.. Wei Ying's smiling face had entered his mind.

"No." Wangji had said out loud.
'Yes.' His brain had supplied.

Wangji had felt utterly scandalised....by himself.

{Note :- The next update will be the main story arc.

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My WangXian feels go into hyper drive when I write these Specials.
So share you favorite WangXian scene with me. I may get inspired.

Thank you for reading.
Have a nice day.}

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