Confronting Emotions

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[Kindly read the note at the end of the update.]

*Cloud Recesses: Physician's waiting Chamber*

Jiang Cheng had just informed Elder Bao about Wei Ying regaining consciousness when the doors had opened, and Lan XiChen had entered looking slightly flushed and nervous, "Jiang Cheng!" He had exclaimed, his eyes landing on the Yunmeng clan leader's back. Only when both Jiang Cheng and Elder Bao had turned had the older Jade realized that Jiang Cheng was not alone in the room.

Fumbling, the older clan leader had bowed and addressed the healer, "I meant to call you... " He had trailed off, making the old man quirk his brow and enquire, "Zewu Jun, are you here to tell me that the Yiling patriarch has come to?"

Zewu Jun had just nodded and lowered his gaze.

Elder Bao was highly observant. He had noticed how Jiang Cheng's eyes had widened before looking away from Lan XiChen. 

 The two men needed to talk. After all, even though it was temporary, their cores had merged.

The physician had gestured XiChen inside, and looking between the two, had suggested, "Now that the Yiling patriarch is out of danger and has regained consciousness, you both can rest easy." He had looked at XiChen and continued sincerely, "The ordeal with your cores mingling...It was the first of its kind as far as I know. Zewu Jun, there may be some minor aftereffects, even though your cores are not attached anymore."

"What do you mean, Elder?" Zewu Jun had enquired, hoping that the things he had been feeling maybe the result of the core mingling.

"It's just my guess, but your core energy circulation may be affected. For instance, you may find it hard to control your spiritual weapons properly. But there is no need to be alarmed; it will stabilize in a day or two."

"What about emotions? Can they be affected as well?"

"I don't think so, Zewu Jun. Cores affect cultivation, not the matters of the heart or mind." Brows knitting, the physician had questioned, "Why do you ask?"

Once again, Zewu Jun's cheeks had colored, "Nothing, I guess I am just so happy for Wangji that... " He had paused and changed the subject, "Elder, you should go and check on Master Wei."

Realizing that he had already delayed the visit, Bao had rushed out after offering courtesy bows to the clan leaders. Jiang Cheng had tried to follow, but no sooner had Bao left, XiChen had called Jiang Cheng, making him stop dead in his tracks.


Once alone, Jiang Cheng turns to face the older Jade.

"Jiang Cheng, I need... "

Jiang Cheng interrupts, "Yes, I remember, Clan leader." He says and pulls out a box from thin air and hands it to him, "I apologize for keeping it with me for so long. I did not mean to do it; it truly skipped my mind." He elaborates while XiChen opens the box and pulls out his headband from it. "Oh."

Jiang Cheng bows and continues, "Please forgive me for wearing it around my neck. I don't know why I did that. It was wrong."

"Jiang Cheng... "

"Please let me explain, Zewu Jun." Jiang Cheng interrupts again, "Your headband, it saved my life. And I am eternally grateful for what you have done for Wei WuXian. You were there for him when I wasn't. You believed in him when I didn't."

Pausing, Jiang Cheng turns away. He fists his fingers; clutching his purple robes, he tries to get everything out without losing his courage. 'This might be the last time we are together like this.' He thinks before continuing, "I have fucked up a lot over the years. I have hurt many innocent people; I was ignorant and proud, selfish even. What I am saying is that I understand why you don't want me here. Zewu Jun, in the in-between realm- Ah!"

XiChen turns Jiang Cheng around to face him with more force than necessary. Instead of letting him go, the older's grip on his forearm tightens, "Let me speak!" He almost yells, and as an afterthought, adds, "Please."

Startled by this unexpected move, Jiang Cheng finally shuts up. His eyes take in the storm raging in Zewu Jun's usually calm eyes, 'Do you hate me and my audacity to embrace you; kiss you. Will you despise me now. Will you not stand by me anymore. Am I beyond pardon, beyond redemption?' the younger man wonders.

*Lan XiChen's Jingshin*

"No need to thank me, Yiling patriarch." The old man says, checking Wei Ying's pulse, "Now that I know the truth, I feel guilty for having such a wrong opinion of you. All these years of ignorance-" The physician shakes his head, feeling disappointed. 

 "Anyway, I am just thankful to the almighty that I could redeem myself at least a little by being of service to you." He adds humbly.

Wei Ying smiles. He doesn't miss the way the physician's eyes take in his appearance, "Elder, are you worried that I might have some amount of resentful dark energy lingering on me still?"

Bao nods, "Yes and no. I am curious as to what you did in the in-between realm that needed you to risk your soul and summon the dark energies. I am sure you are well aware of the consequences of using such powerful magic, and yet, you did it."

Wei Ying shakes his head, "I had my reasons... " He replies, not wanting to expose his and Lan Zhan's relationship.

"I am aware that you are cultivation partners, and more. The core that runs through you, young master, I am sure you know who it belongs to." He looks between the two cultivators, "This kind of bond is not easily formed even between lovers..." He trails off. "I need to know what you did for purely medical purposes. I can already guess that you did it for Hanguang Jun. Would you please reconsider telling me?" He finishes.

Seeing as the Elder was open-minded and was accepting of their relationship, Wei Ying caves, "Elder, everyone has things that they want to keep secret, Lan Zhan is no different. But his inhibitions run deep. He doesn't-" Wei Ying stops, feeling Lan Zhan stiffen next to him. Wei Ying decides to only state facts and continues, "To protect Lan Zhan's memories, I reached out to the resentful energy; I knew it wouldn't be hard, for they were already lingering on me. They were there since the time Zewu Jun attacked me at the temple. When I first entered the in-between realm, I could feel my wounds. I knew I was severely injured. I could feel the resentful energy surround me, but for a while now, I have been carrying Lan Zhan's headband on me. So I unknowingly drew power from there. With its help, I was able to numb the pain. Had it been the mortal realm, I could have dispelled the negative energy, but I found it impossible to do so there. That's when I realized that I had lost my core again. I wondered what kept me alive, for only cultivators would survive the kind of damage I had sustained. Then it dawned on me that when I pulled energy from the headband, Lan Zhan's core found me- It was, after all, his core that had awakened this body's core in the first place so, when it saw that I was going to perish, it came to me; kept me alive."

"Please stop." Lan Zhan interrupts, wiping the tears that had escaped his partner's eyes without notice.

"Hanguang Jun is right. We can talk later." The Elder suggests, but Wei Ying refuses, "Elder, let me finish." He pauses and looks at Lan Zhan with eyes full of affection, "I drew from him without knowing. He always gives without expecting anything in return. I know how reluctant he is of letting others touch his core. So, just before Zewu Jun and Jiang Cheng's core approached us, I called on the resentful energy and shielded his mind. I shielded all our minds. To open our hearts and minds to others must be our choice, don't you agree?"

"Weren't you scared that you might lose your memories? What you did was risky."

Wei Ying chuckles, "What can I say, Elder. I have been like this since I was born. I do stupid things."

"Selfless." Lan Zhan corrects, "He doesn't even think about his well-being. Wei Ying, you are not stupid. You are selfless."

Wei Ying lowers his gaze. His cheeks coloring, he clears his throat and continues, "But this time, I took a calculated risk. I have known for a while now that Lan Zhan is my anchor. As long as he doesn't let me go, I will not lose myself." He looks at Bao, "I am sorry that I scared you, Elder."

The old man shakes his head, "Truly remarkable." He says, impressed. "I am glad that you are well; that both of you are fine." He looks at Lan Zhan, "I haven't let the truth about your relationship be known to anyone from the sect. I can tell that if the truth comes to light, they will not accept it. Especially Qiren."

"Elder, how long will it take for Wei Ying to regain his strength? I think he lost his core when Brother- when senior Nie's spirit attacked him. Can he... "

"I am afraid not, Hanguang Jun." The physician answers before the latter has finished asking the question, "His soul has lost its core twice. There is no way to regain it." He replies, lowering his eyes, but then suddenly his head snaps up, "But he is not mediocre by any standard. I doubt that you will ever leave his side. So, he won't need a separate core. As for your other question, the flesh wound has healed externally, but the internal bleeding and the damaged organs will take at least a week to heal."

"What!?" Wei Ying exclaims, "I have to wait a week more!?"

"Is there something that demands your immediate attention?" The Elder demands. Wei Ying shakes his head. "No. not really... I mean, yes. But it can wait. I mean, I can wait."

"That's good. Once the internal injuries have healed, it will take about a week more before you can indulge in activities that require you to exert yourself." Bao adds, looking away from Wei Ying and clears his throat.

Lan Zhan gets a coughing fit at this very moment, and Wei Ying's pulse starts racing.

The old man walks over to the table, "If you don't wait..." He starts but pauses before pressing on, "I would have to add a week to the recuperation period if you chose not to heed my advice."

He turns and hands a cup filled with dark brown liquid to Wei Ying, "Master Wei, I suggest you refrain from all kinds of physical exertion for the time being." He warns, before looking at Lan Zhan, "Hanguang Jun, I will come every morning to check on him."

"Elder," Wei Ying calls, making the old man turn towards him, "Yes?"

 Yiling patriarch sighs and shakes his head, "I misjudged you, didn't I?"

 Bao quirks his brow, and Wei Ying continues, "You are no better than the rest of them, aren't you... Cold and heartless." He says, burying his face in his hands.

"I am but a humble physician, young master. I am doing my best. I am sure meditation will help control your urges." The old man clears his throat again and bows, "I will see you tomorrow. Please meditate and try to strengthen your core. Perhaps that might help you get better sooner." He chuckles and shakes his head, "Ah, to be in love." He sighs and leaves the two cultivators alone.

{Note :- That's it, I understand that there are two cliffhangers but well,  🤷‍♀😅😂

I will try and update as soon as I can. As you might have guessed, the next part will also concentrate on both the pairs.

Please Vote to show your support if you have enjoyed it.

On another Note :

The new fan fiction that I had mentioned in the important announcement chapter has been published. It's called Chu Wanning's Second Chance, it's based on the novel: The Husky and his white cat Shizun. Incidentally, this book is going to be made into a series called 'Immortality', produced by Tencent, the same company that produced our beloved show The Untamed. It stars Leo Luo and Arthur Chen.

I wanted to clarify a few things, first that I will not start writing this in full swing till I am not done with TLB. So rest assured, my priority is to first complete The Lonely Bridge.

Second, just like there is no need to have read MDZS or watched the untamed for understanding Dusk and Dawn, there will be no need for you to have read Husky and his white cat Shizun to understand 'Chu Wanning's Second Chance'

If you have read the announcement, you will know that this book will be different from my other works as I am trying to get over certain inhibitions and apprehensions when it comes to writing certain things *cough*

And in case anyone is still wondering, Yes, it is BL.

Thank you for reading.
Have a nice day.}

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