Hold me, please

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"I wanted to make you smile." The light bearer replies, his face colors as he continues, "I wanted you to be happy, I guess."

"Lan Zhan, did you have such feelings for me then too? We were kids, Lan Zhan." Wei Ying giggles. His trademark naughty smile tugs at his lips, "Hanguang Jun, and here I was, thinking you were... "

"Wei Ying," Lan Zhan puts a hand on his husband's mouth, "Don't interrupt when-" Lan Zhan gasps, the tips of his ears turn scarlet, and he immediately removes his hand. He looks at his now moist palm and narrows his eyes. Wei Ying chuckles, "Don't act like I hurt you. I merely licked your palm. Now, Go on. I am listening."

"Your core had newly awoken. You had probably not even started learning about circulating the spiritual energy. Still, when you saw that I had exhausted my spiritual energy trying to heal the saplings, you helped me." A smile tugs at the corner of the light bearer's lips at the old, yet precious memory, "You must have seen someone transfer core energies and you tried to imitate the act. Of course, it did not work. You pouted. I think you were frustrated."

"Yes, I was." Wei Ying recalls, nodding, "I had seen uncle do it somewhere and was aware that transferring spiritual energy was a way to rejuvenate the other person's core."

Lan Zhan nods and continues, "That is when you pulled out a piece of candy from the front of your robes; I think it was the only one you had. You probably treasured it and yet you gave it to me."

"Hanguang Jun, if I remember correctly, I did not just give it to you, I fed it to you. Forcefully." Wei Ying reminds, a smile flutters across his face before it is replaced with curiosity, "Lan Zhan, were you forbidden from having candy!?"

"Mn." The light bearer nods and smiles, "That was the first time I had broken a rule." He replies fondly.

"My apologies, Lan Zhan. It seems I have been making you break the rules since I was a child." The younger man says, his brows creasing, "You should have refused!"

Lan Zhan shakes his head, "I couldn't refuse you. I didn't want to refuse you. I guess I have never had it in me to refuse you, Wei Ying."

Wei Ying looks at the empty bowl of soup and gulps, for he really couldn't keep looking at his husband without disregarding the physician's orders. He wanted to throw himself in Lan Zhan's arms and kiss him senseless!

Lan Zhan holds the younger's wrist and continues, "That day, I wanted to ask you your name, but before I could, your sister arrived. You looked up at me and smiled... "

"I told you to wait for me. But when I returned, you were gone."

"Yes. Brother had come looking for me, and we had to leave. I couldn't ask him to wait. I wasn't sure if you would return... "

"I am sorry, Lan Zhan. I should have made myself clear."

"It was not your fault. I was the one who left." The light bearer states, finally looking at his husband. "Wei Ying, your smile, I carried it back with me to Gusu. I carry it still..." Lan Zhan whispers, moving his hand over his heart. "I never wanted to forget it, so I started composing a song."

Tears stream down Wei Ying's face as he continues to listen to his husband pour his heart out for the first time, "The song was special. Every time I played it, it made me happy. So I thought that it would make mother happy as well." Lan Zhan's voice breaks. He pauses and looks at the latter, who is smiling through his tears. "What's wrong, Wei Ying? Does it hurt a lot? Do you need..."

"Just go on, you fuddy-duddy! I am fine." Wei Ying interrupts. He pats the side of his bed, beckoning his husband closer. When Lan Zhan obliges, Wei Ying rests his head over his husband's shoulder and intertwines their fingers.

"A few days after our visit to Yunmeng, when it was time to visit mother, I decided to surprise her with the song I had composed, even though it was incomplete at the time." A soft smile graces the light bearer's face as he fondly recalls the incident and narrates it to the latter. When he finishes, his eyes are brimming with tears, "Wei Ying, when I played it to her, she smiled. It was the first and last time I saw my mother smile, truly smile. It was beautiful and perfect."

"Did you ever finish composing it?" Wei Ying enquires, looking up and into his soulmate's eyes; Lan Zhan nods, "Mn."

"Lan Zhan," Wei Ying pouts, "that's not fair. You composed a song about me, and you never played it for me!" He cribs.

Lan Zhan smirks, "How about this, if you follow everything that Elder Bao has told you to, I will play it for you as soon as..."

"Lan Zhaaaan!" Wei Ying drags and pouts harder. It earns him a quick peck on the lips. The Yiling patriarch huffs, "Lan Zhan, I will have you know that this, what you just did, does not qualify as a kiss. The least you can do is kiss me properly!" He complains and leans in, puckering his lips, but instead of fulfilling his wish, Lan Zhan pauses a finger on them, "I am sorry, Wei Ying. But I can't."


"Because now that we have no secrets left, nothing is stopping me from taking you. I am afraid that if I kiss you now, I will hurt you."

Though disappointed, Wei Ying for once listens to reason, "So no fucking or fooling around for next thirteen days, then, hm?"

Lan Zhan nods and pulls Wei Ying closer. Kissing the top of his head, he strokes his forearms, "Brother has readied mother's jingshin for us. It's secluded and close to the cold springs." He pauses and leans away, "I will take you there after Elder Bao has had a look at you."

Wei Ying nods, "Lan Zhan, about A Yuan... " He starts, but Lan Zhan interjects, "I have informed him that we will be staying here for two weeks."

"Lan Zhan, you are a great teacher."

Lan Zhan's eyes lower, "Mn."

"You are a better father." He continues, and Lan Zhan's eyes snap up. Wei Ying smiles, "The way A Yuan speaks of you... he loves you, Lan Zhan."

"He loves you too."

"Hehe, I know. Like father, like son." Wei Ying states, kissing the latter's cheek and pulling him closer. Resting his head once again on his husband's chest, he demands, "I missed you last night. Hold me, please. Hold me till Elder arrives."

"Mn." With that, Lan Zhan wraps his arms around his husband, taking care not to hurt him, and closes his eyes, "I missed you too, Wei Ying."

*Cloud Recesses: Mess Hall*

After Lan Zhan had informed him about Zewu Jun's whereabouts, Jiang Cheng had rushed to the mess hall. He had found the older Jade busy giving instructions to the younger disciples.

Jiang Cheng had waited for him to finish his chores before approaching him. Of course, the older Jade had failed to notice him till then, thus is surprised when they come face to face unexpectedly.

"Clan leader," Zewu Jun exclaims and bows, "What brings you here?"

Returning the bow, Jiang Cheng notices many eyes on them. 'I can't discuss about us now.' he contemplates and lies, "I was hungry. I can come back later..."

Zewu Jun grabs hold of Jiang Cheng's wrist, "I am sorry, Clan leader. I have been a terrible host." He looks at his oldest disciples, "Yun, I trust you have understood what you need to do."

The young man nods.

Lan XiChen turns to Jiang Cheng, "There are things we need to discuss, clan leader. Why don't you wait at Elder Bao's chamber? I haven't had my meal either. Let's talk about it over breakfast, shall we?" He suggests; Jiang Cheng nods and leaves. No one notices how the older Jade's eyes linger on the latter's lips before the latter had turned away. 

After Jiang Cheng has completely disappeared from his line of sight, the Lan Clan leader accompanies Yun to the kitchen, and giving instructions, sets off towards the physician's waiting room.

He is almost in the waiting room when he finds Jiang Cheng standing outside his jingshin in conversation with Elder Bao and joins the two men. 

 "Elder, did you check up on Master Wei?" XiChen enquires, giving Elder Bao a courtesy bow.

"Yes. Master Wei is recovering. It is slower than I had expected. I have given Lan Wangji instructions on how to proceed with the treatment. After all, he was one of my most promising students once upon a time." The physician replies and looks at Jiang Cheng before continuing, "Your senior brother is in good hands, clan leader. They are lucky to have each other." He pauses and smiles.

"Elder tells me that he wants to return with me to lotus cove. Wei Ying asked if he could find a way to help Wen Ning cleanse his soul from the effects of negative energy." The Jiang clan leader informs Lan XiChen.

"Jiang Cheng, I would feel better if you would stay here till master Wei has recovered." 

 Once again, the physician doesn't miss the dejected-look the thought of Jiang Cheng leaving brings to his clan leader's face; he interjects, "I concur. He is my patient, and his condition warrants me to be approachable if things don't go as planned. Moreover, the ghost general's situation is stable at the moment. Once master Wei has recovered, I will go to him."

The two clan leaders nod, and the physician informs them that Lan Zhan will be moving Wei Ying soon, and once he has checked his vitals, Lan Zhan can take care of the rest. 

 "So, you won't be checking up on Wei WuXian anymore after today?"

 "Not exactly. I will need to look at Master Wei from time to time to check his progress." He clears his throat and continues, "There is also a chance that they might indulge in things they shouldn't be indulging in and disrupt the recovery procedure, in which case, I might have to pay him a visit."

The Elder notices the color rise to the younger men's faces but decides to refrain from voicing his other concerns. "I will take your leave now." He states instead and leaves.

Once the physician disappears from their line of sight, the clan leaders go to the waiting room; they leave the door open.

"The breakfast will be here soon, Jiang Cheng. I am sorry I should have been more attentive." The older apologizes; Jiang Cheng shakes his head, "Please don't apologize. The reason I came to the mess hall was to look for you." He hesitates, "What we did last evening, Zewu Jun, I don't regret it." 

"Neither do I."

Jiang Cheng sighs, "But I know how complicated it would be if we decide to take it any further. One of the reasons I held back from opening up to you was because of this. Hanguang Jun and Wei WuXian are free. We, however, are tied, bound by responsibilities and expectations." He catches XiChen's eyes, "And I know you agree with me. I can imagine how difficult it must have been for you to steal a few moments for yourself."

Jiang Cheng takes a deep breath, "Zewu Jun, what I am trying to tell you is that despite what happened between us, or how we feel, I wouldn't blame you if you were to... "

"There is no need for that, Wanyin. I know what I want." XiChen blurts out and puts a handout, stopping the latter from commenting. Jiang Cheng's eyes widen, just then, there is a knock on the door, and Yun enters with two others and serves them breakfast.

"Yun, close the door on your way out and inform the others that I am in an important meeting and am not to be disturbed."

"Yes, clan leader." The young man bows, and XiChen continues, "Keep a carriage ready outside my jingshin. Master Wei will be residing in my mother's jingshin till he recovers. Mother's jingshin and the springs will henceforth be off-limits to all disciples of Cloud recesses, till the time I say otherwise. Please inform all the concerned elders." He finishes; the latter nods and leaves.

As soon as Yun and others leave, Jiang Cheng places a silencing charm on the room, "Zewu Jun, what were you trying to say earlier?" He demands.

{Note:- That's it for today's update.
I will be on a break from WP till 28th (it is not a holiday, it's just that I am going to be super busy till then. Unfortunately I have fallen sick, probably due to the weather so it will take me some time to draft Mine as well but I will try my best to do publish it before 28th). I will reply to all the comments when I can. Please let me know how you liked this update.

One thing I have been meaning to tell everyone is that this book is based on The Untamed and I have not read MDZS barring a few chapters *wink* so any close similarity in certain situations / scenes are purely coincidental.

And Vote to show your support for this update if you have enjoyed it.

Thank you for reading.
Have a nice day.}

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