Secrets, Doubts and Desires

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"Lan Zhan, that's cheating."

Lan Zhan smiles kissing Wei Ying's lower lip.
"Lan Zhan... There is something I need to...amm. " Wei Ying says hesitantly.

Lan Zhan's lips land on Wei Ying's mouth and the next words don't make it out.

Lan Zhan pushes Wei Ying into the bed without breaking the kiss.
The kisses are intimate yet innocent and full of yearning.

Wei Ying doesn't open his mouth. He doesn't want the kisses to loose their innocence, at least not yet.

Lan Zhan doesn't let the kisses get deeper or hungrier. He is slow and tender. Then he stops and opens his arms and Wei Ying rests his head on his husband's shoulder.

Lan Zhan's hand once again comes to rest on his husband's back and he pulls Wei Ying closer.

"I missed you. I was scared that something might happen to you.. that I won't be able to see you again." Lan Zhan finally says carassing Wei Ying's cheek and shoulder looking affectionately at the man in his arms.

"Why did you think that you Fuddy Duddy? You know I am a handful even without my core, but now, thanks to you, I have a core. Not just anyone can take me away from you." Wei Ying says tracing Lan Zhan's lips with his fingers.

"You can choose to leave me Wei..." Lan Zhan starts but Wei Ying closes his mouth with a finger on his lips.

"Lan Zhan, I'd rather die than leave you. Haven't you understood that by now?" Wei Ying places a fleeting kiss on Lan Zhan's shoulder before continuing, "This soul and this body have come to be dependent on you."

When Wei Ying looks back at Lan Zhan, there are tears in his eyes.

"Lan Zhan...what is it?" Wei Ying asks embracing the older man.
'His heart is pounding so hard... Why?' Wei Ying doesn't understand.

"Wei Ying... there are things I regret.. I.. have done things... " Lan Zhan starts to say but once again Wei Ying stops him with a finger on his mouth.

"If it's in the past let it stay buried. Lan Zhan there are things I need you to tell me... Things I want to know. To me only those things matter. Do you understand?"


Wei Ying doesn't speak for a few seconds. He is in deep thought, then something else comes to him.
"Lan Zhan, when we bound Jiang Cheng to Lan clan, you said that the message system works for those who are born and those who are Wed in the clan, but then how is it that it's still a secret?"

"So you noticed it." Lan Zhan smiles.
"I did not tell the complete truth at the time, Wei Ying. For that method to work, the bond between the people has to be very strong. There should be loyalty, trust and love for it to work... Both ways."

"Mn?" Wei Ying is a little confused.

"Wei Ying, when we bonded Jiang Cheng with the Lan Clan it proved that what he felt for you was pure. That there was no hate. That he had forgiven you, that he trusted and loved you.... But there is more... For the bond to form so effortlessly Jiang Cheng has to feel deeply for our Clan too and there should be acceptance from our Clan too."

"What do you mean by Clan exactly?"

"A personal connection with born member of the clan."

"That is interesting... Jiang Cheng has never liked you Lan Zhan... Hehe." Wei Ying smiles mischievously.

"I think Jiang Cheng has someone." Lan Zhan informs his husband.

"Lan Zhan, Jiang Cheng is many things but he is not a romantic sort of person... he doesn't even have a cool personality like me. Who will be able to take all that attitude and still be with him? By the way, why do you think he has someone?"

Lan Zhan tells Wei Ying about how he had received a message from Lan XiChen and what had transpired between them the night before.

"Lan Zhan, is there any lady in Lan clan who is a natural beauty, has a gentle personality and has infinite patience?"

"I don't know about ladies Wei Ying. I never paid any attention to them." Lan Zhan says, irritatedly.

"I think you are right. He has someone... someone from Lan Clan." Wei Ying zones out thinking about who could have captured Jiang Cheng's heart.
He gives up after a few seconds and once again looks at Lan Zhan. His eyes hold questions.

"There is something else that is bothering you, isn't it?"

"Lan Zhan, how did my core get activated?" Wei Ying asks the question that has been on his mind since last night.

"I was wondering about the same thing.... When Jin Ling stabbed you and I tried transferring energy to you.. your body rejected it. You were unconscious at the time... The second time I transferred the energy your body accepted it... But there was resistance. The third time, there was lesser resistance, your wound had almost healed. And this time, only the wound left by Zidian took more energy. There was no resistance... actually your body was drawing power from me. It was easy... I did not want to stop. It's like something in you was calling to my core... Does that make sense?"

Wei Ying beings to think. He tries to recall all that he had learnt about the Golden Core, like trying to put the pieces of a puzzle together.
Then it comes to him.
"Lan Zhan, even after I lost my core, I could still draw Subian, but couldn't fight with it. I think because my core was transferred and not crushed, Subian still responded to me. Maybe when I got this new body the core was buried deep... it was so dormant that I couldn't even feel it. So when I was unconscious and you transferred energy this body rejected it, but the next few times I was conscious and as our bond grew stronger... this bodie's core started accepting you... Or maybe it was that you transferred too much. So when both Jiang Cheng and you transferred your energy, my body welcomed both the transfers. It accepted Jiang Cheng's energy because it belonged to me in the first place... and it welcomed yours because in our hearts we belong to each other." Wei Ying finishes and looks up at Lan Zhan blushing furiously.

They look into each others eyes. Tips of Lan Zhan's ears turn red and a small smile forms on his lips.
He leans in and presses his lips gently to Wei Ying's.
"Wei Ying, are you cold?" Lan Zhan asks stroking Wei Ying's bare shoulder.
Wei Ying realizes then that he never wore his top garments back. He smiles mischievously.
"Lan Zhan, I am cold... ammm... Why don't you warm me up?"

Lan Zhan knows that look.
He rolls over a little and putting one hand under Wei Ying's waist he shifts his body pulling Wei Ying under him.

"How do you feel now?" Lan Zhan asks expressionlessly.

"You are heavy Er gege... But I like it when you are pressing me into these sheets...I like it a lot." Wei Ying smiles brightly.

Lan Zhan can't help but return the smile.
"Is there anything else you want?"

"Ammm... Lan Zhan, my cheeks feel cold... How will you take care of it?"

Lan Zhan leans down and brushes his cheek to Wei Ying's before kissing it.

"Er gege, you are really smart." Wei Ying says pulling Lan Zhan towards him.
Lan Zhan resists.
"Wei Ying... don't."

"Why Lan Zhan?"

"I don't want to hurt you."

"You Fuddy Duddy.. you forgot that I have my core now, Lan Zhan.... I won't break that easily." Wei Ying says holding Lan Zhan's gaze.
"Lan Zhan, you know I love it when your are rough with me... Ah!!!...Hanguang Jun why did you bite me?" Wei Ying says looking at his shoulder.

Tips of Lan Zhan's ears turn red once more.
"You said you like it." Lan Zhan's hand moves to Wei Ying's lower back.
"Lan Zhan you really are fast and smart. I do..I love it." Wei Ying says subconsciously thrusting his hips up.
Lan Zhan eyes start to get a dazed look.
Wei Ying knows this look and he doesn't think it's a good idea right now. He removes Lan Zhan's hand and intertwines their fingers.
"Lan Zhan I don't think we should right now."

Lan Zhan brows knit together.

There is one more question Wei Ying needs an answer to but he doesn't ask it.
'Lan Wangji... I need to ask you one more thing... an important thing... but I know that now is not the time or place for it.' Wei Ying sighs internally.

"Wei Ying do you feel betrayed?"

Lan Zhan reluctantly tries to distance himself from Wei Ying.

"No, you didn't betray me. We were not together then." Wei Ying says pulling Lan Zhan close again.

"Then what is it?" Lan Zhan holds Wei Ying's hands in his.

"I have a bad feeling about what Meng Yao may do next."
"Lan Zhan, I think I should dress up as a woman for the journey forward." Wei Ying says getting off the bed and picking up the discarded robes.

"Not these." Lan Zhan says taking the robes away.


"They are red."


"I mean, you will attract too much attention in them." Lan Zhan says without meeting Wei Ying's eyes.

"Lan Zhan, are you jealous again...hehe. But on this one occasion I agree. We should dress in plain clothes. We need to blend in." Wei Ying says stroking his chin.

"Wen Ning." Wei Ying remembers.


"I had asked Wen Ning to keep in touch with the midwife. For her safety. I had told him to go check on her everyday. He must have met her now. She must have given him the message to meet us outside."
Wei Ying takes out the cloths he had carried from Lotus Cove. A set each of woman's and men's cloths. He hands over a set to Lan Zhan and they change.

They are farmers cloths.

"Lan Zhan, how can you look elegant even in these rags!!" Wei Ying doesn't understand whether he should be impressed or worried.

Lan Zhan doesn't know how to answer that. He walks over to Wei Ying and hugs him tight.

"Lan Zhan... what is it?"

"Let's not separate ever. I am not letting you out of my sight ever." Lan Zhan whispers burying his face in Wei Ying's neck.

"Lan Zhan... you did it again."

"Mn?" Lan Zhan says looking at Wei Ying questioningly.

"I told you not to say sweet things to me....fuck! I just got dressed damn it."
Wei Ying says backing Lan Zhan towards the nearest wall and capturing his lips. He pulls Lan Zhan closer by his hips.
Lan Zhan gasps as Wei Ying steps between his legs."Lan Zhan, will you let me touch you?" The younger man asks placing light kisses on his husband's lips.

His body stiffens and his lips purse. "Wen Ning!" He bites out.

{Note :- I have a question for you guys, now that Wei Ying's POV in the special arc is done, I wanted to continue with my usual specials, and taking the back story further. But I will refrain from doing so, if guys don't want that.
Also, I think this story will end before the end of this month, if I choose not to put the specials in.
So please let me know your thoughts.

I started writing a new WangXian story. It's dark and it has mature themes and content. It called 'MINE, To Protect and To serve.'
I have updated the intro and the first 2 chapters already.
Here is the cover. *please forgive my terrible editing skills*

*My boy is so freaking hot... Is he even real!!??*
And Yes, I am aware of my obsession with him 😅😅

As always, please Vote for this update if you have enjoyed it.

Thank you for reading.
Have a nice day.}

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