Special 15 :- A Cave and A Brothel

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{Note :- Special arc. Wei Ying's POV. Starts where special 14 left off. Next update is main arc.}

After having received the beating for consumption of alcohol, Wei Ying had felt guilty.... He had once again decided, not to bother his....very very innocent.... friend Lan Zhan.
But as was the case with all his decisions, this one too had crumbled within no time.
On his way to have the lotus rib soup with his dear Shijie, he was stopped and suggested to go to the cold spring to heal, by none other than Zewu Jun.
Wei Ying, had jumped at the opportunity and run off to the cold spring by the sacred cave.

When Wei Ying had arrived there, he had been extremely happy.. seriously happy to see a half naked Wangji healing himself in the spring.
'Wow.... ' Wei Ying had thought checking out his Wangji Bro... Of course, Wei Ying had not expected Wangji to be this beautiful under all the five layers of clothing that he had always seen the younger Jade wearing....Well, it was not like Wei Ying had ever imagined Lan Wangji without cloths at all... That would have been ridiculous, because everyone knew that Wei Ying was one hundred percent straight... He was not a cut-sleeve after all.

When Wei Ying had joined Lan Zhan at the spring, Wangji had tried to leave. The younger Lan's displeasure was clearly visible... or so Wei Ying had thought.
Wei Ying had once again tried to get closer to Wangji, but Wangji had wanted none of that... much to Wei Ying's disappointment.
But before anything more could have happened Wei Ying had been pulled into the water and found himself in a secret cave. Moments later, Wangji had joined him.
Two things had happened then, first Wei Ying had...unknowingly, yet successfully... bound himself to Wangji... Yes it was the Lan headband.
Wei Ying knew that it was important...and when Wangji had tied it around him, Wei Ying had felt a strange warm feeling pass through him even in the middle of the cold cave. 'Am I important to you Lan Zhan?' Wei Ying had wondered for a split second but before he could give it a serious thought, they had come across Lady Yi and she had passed on a part of Ying iron to Lan Zhan.

Wei Ying had not been used to the cold. He was feeling miserable and with Lan Zhan pulling him all over the place in search of a way out of the cave, he had felt drained and exhausted.
He had finally asked, "Lan Zhan, I am tired. Can we please sit for a while?"
As expected, Wangji had bitten out a "No." and pulled him with extra force.

Wei Ying had winced, "Ouch... Ah. Lan Zhan, it hurts."
It was then that Wei Ying had felt Wangji's eyes on him and Wei Ying had thought that Wangji looked like he was feeling guilty!?
But that could not have been possible... Could it?
Lan Zhan, could not have been feeling bad for the way he had dragged Wei Ying just then... Could it? Wei Ying had thought but then had dismissed it.
Afterall the thought that Wangji would actually care about him was ridiculous!

After a second of contemplation, Wangji had left the water and guided them to a spot away from water told Wei Ying to rest... 'Wait... What!?' the younger boy had wondered but not said anything. He had just followed Wangji's instructions.
But Wei Ying had been feeling cold.. freezing actually, so he had started to rub his arms and legs.
Wangji had snapped at him again but had immediately calmed down when the younger had expresses his discomfort.
Wangji had not even been rude with him when he had shifted closer seeking warmth.

"Are you feeling cold?" Wangji had asked and after confirming that Wei Ying was cold, Wangji had done something totally unexpected and out of character!He had pulled young master Wei, in his lap and hugged him.

Of course, Wei Ying had been surprised, shocked even. And the first thing that he had thought was that Wangji had had enough of him and was about to beat him up.
But Wei Ying had been wrong... So very wrong.
For Wangji had snaked his arms around Wei Ying's waist and pulled him closer... Made him feel warmer.
Yes, cold had indeed left Wei Ying's body and his soul as warmth had spread through him... Heating him from within.
"Lan Zhan... what are you doing?" Wei Ying had asked, wanting to understand Wangji's out of character behavior.
"Warm." Wangji had answered and where there was warmth... now there was fire... there was heat.

'Why is it that my heart is heavy once again?' Wei Ying had thought before returning the embrace and pulling himself closer...just to get a reaction out of Wangji.
It had worked, Wangji had gasped.

Wei Ying, who had been thinking that something must have been wrong with Wangji for allowing him this close, was once again reassured that everything was OK.
That Wangji was still disgusted with him.
Wei Ying had felt disappointed but he had wanted Wangji to feel comfortable with him, so Wei Ying had said, "Relax Lan Zhan, you are safe with me. I won't do anything to you."
"Mn." Wangji had replied and to Wei Ying's surprise, the young master Lan had pulled him closer.
'Heat... Warm... Closer!' Wei Ying's mind had demanded but he had known that it was wrong.
To distract himself from what he had started to feel, Wei Ying had joked, "Lan Zhan, what will happen to your reputation if anyone sees us like this?"

Wei Ying had been sure that Wangji would push him off then and there... But Wangji had done none of that, he had replied expressionlessly, "Don't care." and started rubbing soothing circles on Wei Ying's back.

'Warm.. More.' Wei Ying's heart had demanded and he had given in to it. Wei Ying had buried his face in Wangji neck.
Wangji had gasped and once again one thing had led to another.
Wangji had cupped Wei Ying's face to keep it warm.
Wei Ying had felt his heart beat faster. 
It had felt right...to be touched and held like that... Comfortable... Familiar...
Many emotions and feelings Wei Ying had never experienced, had run through him then and before he could stop himself he had kissed tip of Wangji's nose.
As expected Wangji had bitten out "Wei Ying!"
Wei Ying had giggled and Wangji had closed his eyes and gone back to ignoring the younger boy.

Wei Ying had expected this... But it had hurt him. He had pouted.

One that the young master Wei absolutely did not like was when he was ignored... he especially did not like it when he was ignored by Wangji.
'Lan Zhan... Lan Zhan... If you think you can ignore me and get away with it, you would be wrong!' Wei Ying had thought... Of course, it had absolutely nothing to do with the fact that every passing second was making it difficult for Wei Ying to not touch that which was so close...right there... 'his Lan Zhan'

Wei Ying's actions had betrayed his emotions then, as he had taken in Wangji's face and posture. He had touched... caressed Wangji's neck with his fingertips.
'Beautiful... gorgeous.' Wei Ying had thought, trailing his fingertips over Wangji's warm moist lips tracing them... wanting more.
He had voiced his thoughts then.
He had leaned in and crushed down his want to nip Wangji's ears and whispered, "Lan Zhan, how can you be this beautiful?"
It was not a question it was a statement. For, Lan Zhan was just that... He was beautiful. The most beautiful person, Wei Ying had ever seen.

'What am I doing!?' Wei Ying had thought then. 'Stop... I should stop... But I don't want to.' Wei Ying had felt conflicted. He had not wanted to stop and he had not wanted to let go of Wangji.
Wei Ying had buried his face in Lan Zhan's neck once again and murmured, "Lan Zhan, the headband is scared right? Only parents, children and significant others can touch it right?.... Then what am I to you?"

At that moment Wei Ying had felt possessive. He had felt like he wanted Wangji only for himself.

When Wangji had continued to ignore him, he had pressed on, and poured his heart and his feeling out. He had told exactly how and what he had been feeling right at that moment, to Lan Zhan.
Wei Ying had been ready to be pushed off by Wangji, when he had lost control of his feelings and emotions and in the spur of the moment, he had kissed Lan Zhan's lips.

He had immediately realized his mistake. Teasing was one thing... But what he had done just now was unethical. He had instantly tried to leave Wangji's lap but before he could, Wangji had once again done something unexpected. He had not let Wei Ying get away. Wangji had stopped him from leaving.

"Don't go." Wangji had requested the younger man. The request was pure and innocent.

'He doesn't hate me...' Wei Ying had realized. He had wanted to touch Wangji's lips again and he had done just that.
He had traced Wangji's full lips and asked for permission to kiss them.
"Lan Zhan, can I kiss you again?"

When Wangji had agreed, it had made Wei Ying feel ecstatic. He had gently and carefully kissed Wangji again. 'Is this right? Did I do it right? Was it horrible?' Wei Ying's mind had filled with self doubt. And he had once again looked for confirmation, "Lan Zhan, how did it feel, was it gross?"

Wangji had directed the same questions at him and Wei Ying had answered truthfully, "I liked it." he had said, feeling completely confused... Because how could kissing a man feel so wonderful when he was straight man who liked women?!!

Wei Ying had not been able to contemplate anymore though. Because the very next second, Wangji had cupped his face and brought their lips together...Wei Ying had wanted to moan. He had not wanted Wangji to stop. He had wanted Wangji to do much more.

But Wangji had let go.

That is when doubt had crept in Wei Ying's mind. 'What if everything we are feeling is fake.... maybe it's the cave or maybe it the Ying iron!' This had scared Wei Ying and made him feel unsure of his and Wangji's feelings and actions.

But Wei Ying had never felt like this before, so the young boy had decided that even if it was not his true feelings... he would much rather have them, than not.

But this doubt was also the reason Wei Ying had stopped himself from doing more...asking for more.

Wangji had wanted to say something then... but Wei Ying had stopped him and hugged him.
Wei Ying had decided that holding Wangji close like this would be enough...

What Wei Ying had not realized was that Wangji had not been under any spell and he had not been under any either. No, it had not been any spell at all... It was love... Love, that had made them do what they had done.
Though they had been surrounded by ice, they had been warm... Warm in each others arms.

But maybe, that was not the time or the place for their love to come to light. Because when the boys had left the cave, they had forgotten everything that had happened between them inside the cold cave.


The day after the lantern festival, Wei Ying had been asked to return home. He had grudgingly agreed, but less than half way to lotus cove, Wei Ying had sneaked out from under Jiang Cheng's nose and gone back to Gusu. Afterall, Wei Ying had promised  Lady Yi that he will help Wangji.

As soon as Wei Ying had stepped foot in Gusu, he had seen Wangji leave Cloud reassess. It was evening. Wei Ying had wondered where Wangji had been planning to go at this time. Wei Ying had gotten curious, and had immediately decided to follow his friend.

Wei Ying had felt confused when Wangji had stopped in Yiling and worn the mask. And Wei Ying had been totally scandalised when The Pure Perfect Second Jade of Lan had entered a brothel.

There was nothing else Wei Ying could have done except follow his friend.
The young Master Wei, had had no interest in the beauties on offer there that evening. His eyes had been glued on Lan Wangji.

Wei Ying had gotten curious.
He had secretly entered the changing area and dressed himself in the spare cloths. Then he had entered a chamber full of young boys who had been in various stages of getting dressed.
Wei Ying had acted truly shameless that evening as he had seen the madam flutter around selecting the boys.
Wei Ying had then noticed the mask that the chosen boys had tied around their faces... Partially covering their face. He had picked up one and tied it on his face as well.
The madam had not noticed the extra boy in the chosen group.

When he had walked out with the selected group of boys and girls he had put his head down. He had just wanted to know what Lan Zhan was up to?
Wei Ying had thought that maybe Wangji had come to this place... A place that is clearly beneath the Light Bearer, undercover for some investigation...
But when Lan Zhan had chosen him, he had been shocked and surprised. There were many questions he had wanted to get the answers to. Why had Wangji come to a brothel? And more importantly, why had he chosen a boy? What had Wangji intended to do?
Wei Ying had not known many things, but he had definitely known that Wangji was an upright young gentleman who was very popular among the ladies.
Wei Ying had wanted to ask Wangji many things so he had followed his friend to the room.

The next thing Wei Ying had remembered was waking up in a bed alone. He was shirtless but it looked like he had spent the night alone.
He had taken in the surroundings and deduced that he was indeed in a brothel.
"Fuck." He had muttered then. He had reasoned that he had definitely had too much to drink again and had somehow managed to end up in this awful place. It had been his first ever visit to a brothel.

Wei Ying had tried to remember the events of the night before. But all he had been able to recall was that he had followed Wangji to Yiling.

Wei Ying had decided then that he would not drink so heavily ever again... obviously that was just another promise in the list of promises that Wei Ying had failed to keep.

Wei Ying had gotten dressed then and had jumped out of the window.
He had decided to go back to Gusu again. He had wanted to know Wangji's whereabouts, but as luck would have it he had once again found Wangji coming out of the cloud reassess.

Wangji had looked his usual disinterested self. Wei Ying had forgotten everything about their trip to Yiling then and approached Wangji to brag about his new invention.

{Note :- That was it. The last of Wei Ying's POV in special arc.

The next update will be a regular chapter.

Please let me know how you liked it.

I have updated 'Destinies : Connected by fate', a day or so ago. Please check it out if you haven't done so already ❤

Also I have written a WangXian inspired short story called 'Enough!' it's complete. Though it's very short, I have poured my heart into it 😭
So please give it a read if you can spare a few moments. And those who have already read and liked it, Thank you ❤❤❤❤

Please Vote to show your support for this update if you have enjoyed it.

Thank you for reading.
Have a nice day.}

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