Special 10 :- Stop Ignoring 'Me'

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Having felt guilty for entertaining thoughts of going to the brothel to seek relief, Lan Zhan had unexpectedly gone to the ancestral shrine.
He had prayed and burnt incense.

"Wei Ying doesn't know it but I took him as mine at the cave when I tied the headband around our wrists. I did it for myself more than I did it for him....Ancestors... I am sorry. I shouldn't have thought about visiting the brothel at all."

Wangji's heart had hurt at the thought of things he might have done if he would have actually acted on his impulse. He had continued to confess,
"I know now that what I feel for Wei Ying is not because of any curse. I did not know what I wanted and what I was doing that night." Wangji had thought remembering the things he had done to Wei Ying in drunken state. "I ended up hurting him... I couldn't even protect him from getting beaten up. I will try not to do it again."

Then Wangji had gotten ready to leave for finding the remaining pieces of Yin Iron. He had felt extremely alone. He had taken a detour and gone to visit the bunnies Wei Ying had insisted on hiding in cloud reassess.
Wangji had looked at the bunnies and he had missed Wei Ying more.

'Get a grip Wangji, you may never see him again, now that he has gone back to Yunmeng.' Wangji had tried to convince himself not to feel.

It had come as a pleasant surprise to Wangji when he had left Cloud reassess and had almost immediately bumped into Wei Ying.

"We can't be more than 4 meters apart... Lan Zhan... do you like it?" Wei Ying had said binding their wrists together with the cord he had invented.

"Boring." Wangji had said before dragging the younger boy with him.

"Aigoo Lan Zhan, I can never satisfy you... Lan Zhan what should I do to make you accept me....Lan Zhan, stop ignoring me." Wei Ying had blabbered again.

Wangji had felt happy... ecstatic even. Wei Ying's senseless talks had been like beautiful melodies to the Light Bearer's ears. But Wangji had kept pretending to be unaffected... detached.

The more Wei Ying had talked... the more Wangji's heart had stired.

They had been walking like that for a few hours when they had passed what had looked like an abandoned temple.
Wei Ying had gotten distracted.
"Lan Zhan, let's look around." He had said excitedly.

"Boring." Lan Zhan had muttered and kept walking.
Wei Ying had used the bounding cord on Wangji again and pulled him towards the abandoned temple.

Wangji had put up least resistance. He had followed the younger boy inside what looked like an abandoned mansion.
"Lan Zhan, it's not a temple." Wei Ying had observed.

"It's a mansion with a temple built on the premises." Wei Ying had said walking closer towards the temple.

"It's the goddess of love...hehe Lan Zhan, maybe you should visit here. You need to find a good woman who will make your life less boring." Wei Ying had teased.

"Don't want." Wangji had answered sounding very displeased.

"Lan Zhan, sorry. I will not talk about women. How about... men? Hehe... Lan Zhan...I am sure no one can refuse you." Wei Ying had held his stomach and laughed heartily.

Wangji had made a very sour expression at that and Wei Ying had fallen silent.

Wei Ying had gone inside the main mansion then and looked around.
Lan Zhan had followed quitely behind him a few meters away.

Wei Ying had unknowingly stepped on a block of wood then and door on the floor had opened up suddenly and both boys had toppled inside.

It had been dark.
"Ouch..." Wei Ying had winced in pain but then he had realized that there was no pain at all.

He had landed on Lan Zhan's lap.

Lan Zhan had immediately lit a small candleless flame.
"Oh.. Lan Zhan. Sorry." Wei Ying had said hastily getting off and away from Lan Zhan.

"It's fine. Let's go." Wangji had said trying to get away from Wei Ying.
Wangji's heart had been pounding and he had been afraid that Wei Ying would hear it.

Wei Ying had then released the cord that had bound them together.

"Lan Zhan, why do you think this kind of hidden room was made?" Wei Ying asks.

"Store secret documents, books, coins." Wangji had answered.

The door they had entered from had sealed itself.

"There should be a wooden block similar to what you stepped on. The sooner we find it, the sooner we can leave." Wangji had informed before looking around the small room.

"Found it." Wei Ying had said and proceeded to press it. A different door had opened and the boys had walked inside. They found themselves in the temple unexpectedly.
The inside of the temple had looked depressing. There was a rotting stench near the goddesses broken statue.
Cross signs could be seen all over the pillars.

"Lan Zhan, has anyone ever told you that you are beautiful?" Wei Ying had asked all of a sudden.
Wangji had stopped dead in his tracks.
'Beautiful...'  Someone had indeed called him beautiful but Wangji had not been able to remember who it was or when he had been called as such.

"Wei Ying, we must leave. It's close to nightfall." Lan Zhan had said ignoring Wei Ying's comment and the boys had proceeded towards their yet unknown destination.

Wei Ying had stared blabbering again and Wangji had enjoyed his nonsensical, sometimes shameless and rude talks.

A few minutes had passed and the last rays of the sun had stopped illuminating the earth.

Wei Ying had suddenly shut his mouth in the middle of explaining how much he loved Lotus and pork rib soup.

Wangji had looked curiously at Wei Ying. He had wanted the younger boy to continue but Wei Ying had suddenly pulled on Wangji's wrist and guided them behind a huge tree.
Wei Ying had pressed himself close to Wangji.
"Wei... " Wangji had wanted to ask what was happening but Wei Ying had shut his mouth with his palm.

"Lan Zhan, can you sense it?" Wei Ying had whispered close to Wangji's ears.

Wangji would not admit it but all he had sensed in that moment was the heat radiating from Wei Ying's body. All his senses had been consumed by Wei Ying.

"Mn." Wangji had nodded.

"What do you think they are doing here?" Wei Ying had continued to whisper.

That is when Wangji had understood what the younger boy had been talking about.
The forest had been infested with the same walking undead corpses.

"Fuck! Lan Zhan, what should we do? They look different from the ones we encountered before. I don't think we should attack." Wei Ying had paused before continuing, "Lan Zhan, there are children in the crowd... What should we do?"

When Wangji had stayed silent, Wei Ying had gotten annoyed and bitten on Wangji's earlobe.
Wangji had in turn bitten Wei Ying's palm.
"Ah... Fuck... Lan Zhan why did... " Wei Ying had stared to ask and had realized his mistake.
How could Lan Zhan have answered him with Wei Ying having closed his mouth?
"Sorry, Lan Zhan..." Wei Ying had apologized looking at Wangji's fuming face.
When Lan Zhan had continued to look annoyed Wei Ying had added smiling mischievously, "Once we are out of this mess, I will let you bite me wherever you want."

Wei Ying had said that in jest. He had thought that if anything, the mighty Hanguang Jun would get more irritated.
Wei Ying had been shocked when Wangji had nodded as if accepting the peace offering.


"I accept." Wangji had said expressionlessly.

Wei Ying had gulped before asking, "So what should we do?"

Wangji had not answered.

"Do you think they react the same way the others did?" Wei Ying had asked looking around.


"Lan Zhan, I don't have my enchanted sheets. How should we make a run for it?" Wei Ying had informed. He had misplaced them the night before. A night he had no recollection of.

"Your chord, how far can it reach, can you aim it further?" Wangji had asked.

Wei Ying being the smart boy he was, had read Wangji's mind.
"Lan Zhan... I am impressed." Wei Ying had said looking at Wangji with a proud smile on his face.

Wangji's heart had skipped a beat at that.

"Lan Zhan, they are closing in on us....Do you have the Yin Iron on you?" Wei Ying asks.
Wangji had understood the unsaid words.
"Wei Ying, you should leave. Yin Iron is my responsibility." Lan Zhan had said.
"Lan Zhan, I told you already, in my heart I have accepted you as my person. I will not abandon you." Wei Ying had said confidently.

That was the exact moment Wangji had realized exactly how pure and loyal Wei Ying's heart was. Wangji had realized then that he had not made a mistake when he had chosen Wei Ying asks his soulmate.

Wangji had zoned out a little... He had gotten lost in thought.

"Lan Zhan, hiding on a tree will not work this time. We need a barrier between the Yin Iron and them." Wei Ying had said sounding dejected.

Then suddenly the same idea had occurred to both of them at same time.
"Mansion." Both had said at once.

{Note :- That is it for this update. The next update is also a special. Please brace yourself for it.

For those who are still supporting the story, I know the previous Special update was painful for some of you, but I promise that the reason for all the things will be revealed very soon.

If you have enjoyed this update please Vote for it to show your support.

Thank you for reading.
Have a nice day.}

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