The Disguise

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"Are you fucking kidding me Jiang Cheng! There is no way I am going to pretend to be a woman...that too your woman!" Wei Ying says.

Jiang Cheng smirks, "Pretending to be my woman would grant you safe passage."

"Jiang Cheng, why do I feel like you are enjoying yourself a little too much. " Wei Ying says pouting.

"Wei Wuxian, think of it as a play. And you are the princess." Jiang Cheng says walking closer to his Senior brother.

"Jiang Cheng, but it's not a play and I am not playing a princess...if anything, I am playing a whore!" Wei Ying says, color rising to his cheeks.

"Wei Wuxian I guess there is a first time for everything. Just treat it as a new experience." Jiang Cheng says leading Wei Ying towards Yenay's quarters.

"Wei Wuxian, A Jie's cloths will fit you with a little ultration...This new body of yours feels smaller than the one you had earlier." Jiang Cheng says giving Wei Ying a once over.

"Jiang Cheng, don't look at me like that... Hanguang Jun doesn't like anyone looking at me." Wei Ying says before winking.

"Wei Wuxian! Everything changed but your shamelessness is still the same." Jiang Cheng says closing the door to Yenay's quarters.

"Jiang Cheng, why can't we follow our original plan?"

"I got a news sometime back that they are thoroughly checking every man that is leaving lotus cove. They are following them even after they are dropped." Jiang Cheng says his brows knit and he continues, "If you leave in a carriage with Feng and enter the brothel they will not follow you in. And you can sneak out later."

"Jiang Cheng, your idea makes sense, but how will you pass me off as a lady?" Wei Ying asks smugly.

Jiang Cheng drags his Senior brother in front to a full length mirror and removes the shawl he has been wearing on the pretext of feeling cold ,"Wei Wuxian, I hate to admit it, but you have always been cute.... But now... " Jiang Cheng takes a few steps back, "Now... like this... We only need to fix your hair and outfit...maybe some other bits... I am sure you will pass off as a lady."

Wei Ying looks at himself properly, his cheeks have a light tint, his lips are a little swollen and he has bite marks all over his neck.
"Fuck." Wei Ying mutters.

He has nothing else to say.

"I will let Hanguang Jun know where to find you. The brothel, it's the nearest brothel to Yunmeng... It's very reputed as well." Jiang Cheng's smirk widens.

"And why will they let me enter it? It will be my first time there." Wei Ying says trying to find a loop hole in the plan.

"I already sent someone there to inform that a Lady will be arriving there... Ammm, I have informed them that you will be having only one visitor...a young master who wants to protect his reputation so he is seeing you in secret." Jiang Cheng's face flushes a little as events of the night before flash through his mind. He drops his gaze.

Wei Ying stands there contemplating on how this will affect his plan.

"I have a feeling Hanguang Jun will not mind." Jiang Cheng finally says looking up and smirking again.

Wei Ying makes a sour expression before saying, "Jiang Cheng, aren't you enjoying yourself a little too much!?"

"That's just your imagination. I am a mature Clan leader. I don't take pleasure in someone's pain." Jiang Cheng says fringing seriousness.

After a minute or so, Wei Ying smiles wide, "Jiang Cheng, if I am to be humiliated like this I must share it with are afterall my brother...and a mature Clan leader."

Jiang Cheng's smile drops. He knows, if Wei Wuxian is smiling like that... It can't mean anything good!

As Wei Ying explains the modified plan.. Jiang Cheng's face turns redder and redder.

"Damn it Wei Wuxian!" Jiang Cheng says before he asks Yenay to enter.

She gives a knowing look to both men before starting to fix Wei Ying's hair and dressing the Yiling Patriarch in his Senior sister's cloths.
She makes a few alterations to show off Wei Ying's neckline which exposes a few more bite marks.

Wei Ying's face flushes like a new bride about to be touched for the first time on her wedding night.

"A Xi'an, no need to feel embarrassed. Hanguang Jun really loves you and I can see how happy he makes you. Never feel embarrassed for what you do behind closed doors. You are married. And if anyone says anything don't take it to heart. They are ignorant and have probably never felt or been in love." Yenay says in a soothing tone while fixing Wei Ying's hair.

Once she is done, Yenay covers Wei Ying's body with a shawl and walks him to the carriage which is stationed at the west gate of Lotus Cove, where Feng is waiting for him.

Jiang Cheng follows Wei Ying to the carriage and gives Feng some instructions.

From the front gate of Lotus Cove a cart carries what looks like a few men... battered and bruised.

Two men discreetly follow the cart.

The other two men walk closer to a smaller gate 'Western Gate' where they see a few women discreetly bring a lady clad almost entirely in red towards a carriage. They see the Clan leader walk towards the woman who has her face hidden under a veil.

This makes the spying men curious and they try to get close... to understand what is happening, a little better.

The two spies watch as the Clan leader looks around before lifting up the veil. They watch the Clan leader pull the woman into his arms before his head disappears under the veil as well.

After a few moments, the Clan leader let's go of the Lady and she enters the carriage.
The spies look on as the Clan leader drops his shoulders and walks back inside Lotus Cove.

"Did we just watch the Clan Leader see off a woman?" The shorter man said.

"That was most definitely a woman... and from the looks of it, a very beautiful woman. Did you see her waist... I would definitely want a piece of that." The taller man says looking impressed.

"But Master has asked us to check thoroughly. And there may still be something fishy. I think we should follow them." the shorter man says as they follow the now moving carriage at a distance.

"Yes, it may give us something to report back to Master." The taller man says and falls silent.

The men follow the carriage through less crowded streets of Yunmeng and stop at a house.

The men watch as the woman who had been accompanying the Lady in the carriage, gets down and goes inside the house, only to return with an old woman.

The Lady steps out of the carriage gingerly trying to cover herself but the bite marks on her neck are clearly visible.
The Lady steps into the house accompanied by the two women.

"What the hell is happening?" The taller man says trying to find a way to peep inside the house.

"What the hell are you doing? We will get caught!" The shorter says, panicking a little.

"I need to see her... I mean I think we should be through in our investigation." The taller says as color rises to his cheeks.

The taller man finds a small opening and he peeps inside.
He finds the Lady sitting on the bed.
He can only see her back, neck and shoulders.
'Is she the clan leader's woman? If the Clan leader is indeed the one to have marked her like that, then I am jealous of him.' The taller goon thinks savouring the sight of the Lady's exposed shoulders.
The lady turns her face to a side. Her face is still veiled but her lips are visible.
'What a beauty! Look at those bow shaped lips.' The taller man thinks before the shorter man joins him as well and they watch.

"Look at how rough he was with her. She can barely walk! And now you want me to make sure she doesn't conceive? Isn't that something the Clan Leader should have thought about before he took her?" The old woman says looking flabbergasted.

"Please help her. She is a keep. She belongs to someone else... The clan leader saw her and was captivated. Please don't misunderstand him. This is the first time he has done something of this nature... He was truly sorry... But as I mentioned she has a master and he visits her regularly. No one knows who he is or which clan he belongs to... He will visit her today. She isn't supposed to have the Clan Leader's child...please help her." The woman says sounding desperate.

"There is something I can give her, but it's at my home. Child, I will give you something for the pain and something that will stop you from conceiving." The old woman tells the Lady, holding her hands.

The Lady nods and covers herself.

"You have to be careful in the future. You can't work for a few days. Ask your madam to keep you away from men." The old lady says, sounding disappointed.

Then she turns to woman now, "The ingredients are at my home. The earlier she takes the medicine the higher chance she has to avoid the conception."

"Please take us there immediately." The woman says helping the Lady walk out.

The men watch as the three women enter the carriage. After after crossing the market and a small section of woods the carriage finally stops at a small house.
The younger woman and the old woman leave the Lady in the carriage and go inside the house.

"Let's take a look inside." The taller pervert says walking towards the carriage which has been left unattended by the men who have walked away for a bit to have a drink.

They lift up the cover slowly.

"Who is it?" The Lady asks shy and timid.

"It's us, the carriage drivers. We wanted to know if you are comfortable my Lady." The taller man says catching a glimpse of the Lady's fair skin.
His mouth waters.

"Thank you kind sir, I am comfortable. For a keep to be called a lady... I am truly lucky." The Lady says politely.

"Who are you?" The young woman asks sternly, coming out of the house.

The two men get startled and run away.

Wei Ying finally gets out of the carriage and stretches his legs.

The old woman walks out too.

"Young master." She says and bows.

"I am sorry to have bothered you again. Please forgive me." Wei Ying says bowing back.

"Please don't mention it. And don't worry about anything. We will do as instructed in the letter." The midwife says smiling sweetly.

Wei Ying bows again and returns to the carriage from where he has an uneventful journey till he arrives at 'The Chun Hua' the famous brothel in Yiling.

As instructed, The Madam at the brothel doesn't ask many questions. Wei Ying calls himself 'Liqin' when The madam asks.
She promptly puts Liqin in a room separate from others.

Wei Ying looks around. He feels a sense of Deja Vu.
Even though he was an incorrigible flirt in his youth and many believed him to be a regular brothel visitor, the truth was that Wei Ying had only ever visited a brothel once in his life and it had been an experience that he had wanted to forget.

'It looks similar to what I remember. It may even be the same room.' He thinks to himself before making himself comfortable on the bed.

He closes his eyes to feel his surroundings. Now that his core is active he can feel the intent of anyone around him towards himself if he concentrates hard enough.

He can feel it then. He can feel the same two people. He can feel them close. He can feel lust and want emitting from them in waves.

Wei Ying thinks that a killing intent would have been easier to deal with than the unholy intentions the men now harboured towards him.

'Wei Ying why did you have to go overboard and seduce them like that.' Wei Ying reprimands himself.

He waits for the men to leave but they don't go too far. Like they are waiting.

'Why aren't they leaving?' He wonders.
Then it hits him.
'Fuck! Are they waiting for nightfall? Are they waiting for the brothel to open?' Wei Ying panicks.

If the men see him, they will know that he is not a woman and all of his plans to keep Jiang Cheng out of it will be ruined.
As the time to open the brothel to visitors approaches closer, Wei Ying's heart grows heavier.

He becomes restless.

He can feel more men join the two spies. He can't differentiate between the people anymore. All are giving off the same intent.

He closes his eyes and tries to meditate.
'Jiang Cheng has instructed the Madam not to let anyone else near me... Maybe I will be safe.' Wei Ying thinks trying to calm himself down.

In a few minutes, there is a knock on the door. He pulls on his veil again and opens the door. It reveals a girl carrying Wine.
"Madam has asked me to deliver this to you." The girl says placing two jars of wine on a small table.
The girl turns to leave but before she can do more Wei Ying calls her,

"What is it? " the girl asks disinterestedly.

Wei Ying asks in a timid, shy tone, "Can you do me a small favor?"

{Note :- Finally I have updated. Sorry for the delay.

If you have enjoyed this update please Vote to show your support.

I appreciate those who are still supporting this story after the previous update.

The next update will be of Us and Them in a couple of days.

Small rant ahead :-
Taking this opportunity to thank each and everyone of you who is reading, voting and supporting 'Dusk and Dawn' in spite of it having a complicated / confusing start. But since it is already nine chapters in, I can safely say that it's not that confusing anymore 😅 so if you left it after two chapters, please give it another chance...if you can spare time.

Thank you for reading.
Have a nice day.}

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