Those who are born and those who are Wed

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When Aunty Yenay finally arrives at Wei Ying's jingshin the men ask her opinion on the matter currently bothering them.

"I will go to Feng now and ask her to accompany me. A Cheng you are doing this in secret. Is it dangerous? If it is then you have to promise me that whatever you are planning will not put Feng in danger."

Jiang Cheng just looks at Wei Ying. Wei Ying is the only one who knows what Feng needs to do.

"Aunty, Lady Feng will be safe." Wei Ying reassures.

Aunty leaves to fetch the young Lady. Jiang Cheng goes with her to make sure that the premise is safe.

"Wei Ying, what are you planning?" Lan Zhan asks walking over to the bed.

"Lan Zhan, can you help me fix my appearance." Wei Ying says innocently.
"Mn." Lan Zhan pulls Wei Ying's top garments a little firmer and makes the sash neater. Then unexpectedly Lan Zhan removes Wei Ying's hair ornament.
Wei Ying's hair fans out on his shoulder and covers half of his face.
"Lan Zhan! Are you trying to scare the poor woman?"

Before Wei Ying can continue Lan Zhan's hands find their way into Wei Ying's silky hair. He leans in towards Wei Ying.
Wei Ying gasps when Lan Zhan's lips land on him... Soft and gentle. Wei Ying holds Lan Zhan's wrist softly and breaks the kiss.

"What is it Lan Zhan?" Wei Ying says totally surprised.

"Don't forget who you are."

"And who am I exactly Hanguang Jun?" Wei Ying asks mischievously.

"Mine... you are mine." Lan Zhan answers and captures Wei Ying's lips with his.
Wei Ying breaks the kiss almost immediately. But he is already breathless.
"Hanguang Jun... I am yours... I won't forget that. But right now I need to make a good impression on Lady Feng. We will need her help.. So husband... " Wei Ying pauses and takes Lan Zhan's hand in his and adds "Make me look nice."
Wei Ying traces Lan Zhan's lips with his fingers and whispers against Lan Zhan's lips , "And later we can do what you want.. ok?"

"Mn." Lan Zhan nods and fixes Wei Ying's hair. By the time he is done, there is a knock on the door.
Jiang Cheng enters followed by the two women.

Lan Zhan who had already left the bed bows to Feng.
It's the first time Feng has seen the two men in the room.
She bows and totally ignores Wei Ying. Her eyes seem stuck on Lan Zhan.
Wei Ying understands. Afterall his husband is a very good-looking man.

"Lady Feng, " Wei Ying addresses the woman who finally looks at him, "Do you know who we are?"

"You are the young masters from Nie sect that Aunty Yenay told us about." Feng answers confidently.

"Good... that's right. But Senior master Yuan here, " Wei Ying says pointing at Lan Zhan, "is the one who fought all the undead corpses plaguing your parents house."

Feng's eyes widen in surprise and admiration.

Wei Ying continues, "He is also the one who paid for your parents accommodation near your house."

Feng bows to Lan Zhan again, "Thank you Master Nie.... I am very grateful... If there is anyway I can repay your kindness... "

Wei Ying cuts her off, "Lady Feng, you can indeed repay the debt to this young Master."

Feng turns to Wei Ying.

"All you need to do is...lie a little if you are questioned." Wei Ying pauses hesitantly continues, "I promise no harm will come to you or your family."

Feng remains quit for a few seconds and if contemplating something and then confidently asks, "What do I need to do?"

Wei Ying smiles, "You need to accompany me outside Lotus Cove. Since I am quite wounded and unable to walk I will be carried in a cart."

Feng looks at Wei Ying properly for the first time. 'He really does look a little pale... Maybe his wounds are hidden beneath his garments.'

Wei Ying gives her a few seconds and continues, "If no one asks you must take me to the nearest inn and leave me there. You must also pay for my stay....Now if anyone stops us you need to tell them that I had been caught by Clan leader Jiang a few weeks ago during a night hunt because of suspicious demonic practices. And that I was held in a cell and tortured, but because I was stubborn and didn't admit to the charges I was being discreetly removed from Lotus Cove."

Feng's expression turns first confused and then sad and ultimately horrified. She looks at Jiang Cheng but addresses Wei Ying, "Master Nie, how did you know about that!?"


Jiang Cheng's eyes look anywhere but at Wei Ying. His face looks like it has been engulfed in shame and guilt.

"How did you know about keeping people in cell..and disposing them off like that." Feng continues.

"Jiang Cheng!" Wei Ying says... his voice rising, "Did you really do that?"

Feng, realizing her error and interjects trying to defend her master, "It's not what you think Master Nie, Clan leader is a good man. He just can't tolerate evil doers. It's true that he has caught quiet a few men who he thought were practicing evil things.. but he never killed anyone and if the charges were proved wrong, he paid for their treatment as well."

Wei Ying knows that this is not the right time to address this issue so he let's it go. He calms himself down and smiles at Feng.
"Oh... is that the case... then, are you the one who always escorts them out?" Wei Ying asks.

"I have done it a few times but I am not the only one." Feng answers honestly.

"So you know what you have to do then? Will you do it for us? " Wei Ying asks.

Feng nods.

Wei Ying smiles before continuing sweetly , "Lady Feng, there is also something that I.. I mean Master Nie here would like to convey to your parents. So he will give you a letter that you simply need to deliver to them.. Ammm. Can you do that for him?"

Feng nods again. Her eyes fall on Lan Zhan yet again.

Lan Zhan keep his eyes on Wei Ying the whole time.

Jiang Cheng rolls his eyes.

Wei Ying smiles again.
"Thank you. Could you give us a few minutes to discuss the details please?"

Feng nods and walks out of the room with Yenay.

Jiang Cheng starts to speak but Wei Ying holds up his hand to stop him.

"What time do you usually throw the suspects out?" Wei Ying asks without looking at Jiang Cheng.

"Whenever I am done." Jiang Cheng answers in a small guilt ridden voice. His heart fills with regret. 'I am ashamed now.. But I can't even apologize... I will fix things.. I will apologize to all I have wronged.'

Wei Ying takes a deep breath and begins, "We will put our plan into motion tomorrow morning."

Both men look at Wei Ying, giving their full attention.

"If we make a move tonight it will look suspicious. Tomorrow morning a few of your men will take me out on a cart. Feng will accompany me."

Wei Ying turns to Lan Zhan next.
"Lan Zhan you know the way we came in right. You will take the same way out. But we will have to make you look ordinary... Hehe.. Lan Zhan that is the most difficult part of this plan." Wei Ying giggles again.

"Wei Ying, which way did you enter Lotus Cove? I was wondering about it earlier." Jiang Cheng asks curiosity getting the best of him.

"It's a secret... the lesser you know, the better." Wei Ying answers.

"Fine. But why can't you leave with Hanguang Jun? That way we won't have to involve Feng."

"Not possible. It will be more suspicious and draw more attention if we are together." Lan Zhan answers reading Wei Ying's mind.

"Precisely. Also there is more to the plan. I need Feng to go to her parents personally. I don't trust anyone else to do that." Wei Ying elaborates.

The three men discuss the plan in depth to make it as fool proof as possible.

"Wei Wuxian, where will you go once you leave here?" Jiang Cheng asks. Wei Ying had not mentioned anything about what they are planning to do once they leave Lotus Cove.

Wei Ying doesn't speak for a few minutes. He had indeed not given it much thought.

"Mianmian." Lan Zhan says matter-of-factly.

"Mianmian? Who is that?" Wei Ying asks looking lost.

'He got branded for her and he doesn't even remember her... she was not important enough to him remember.' Lan Zhan thinks and a small smile appears on his lips.

'Why is he smiling like that while thinking about a girl??? Who is she? Does he like this Mianmian?... Where have I heard this name... Oh. Wait. Mianmian...Hanguang Jun said she was a married woman....But.. Why is Lan Zhan smiling?' Wei Ying wonders.

Jiang Cheng stares at the two men. 'Why the fuck is Hanguang Jun smiling??? Is he cheating on my brother!?' Jiang Cheng thinks as a frown appears on his face.

Lan Zhan finally speaks, "Mianmian, the girl you got branded for. She stays near Yiling. She was loyal to you then.   We have kept in touch over the years. Her husband is not a cultivator. They live a simple life. As far as I know she has nothing to do with any sects anymore. No one will suspect that we would go there."

Wei Ying considers it for a few seconds.
"Lan Zhan, that's good enough. We will take shelter there for the time being and once Meng Yao leaves we will take care of the demon and leave Yunmeng."

"You know you can stay here... it's your home." Jiang Cheng says hesitantly.

"We can't Jiang Cheng. You are too high profile. I can't come back till I have found proof to clear my name." Wei Ying says with sad eyes.

Jiang Cheng understands. He doesn't force Wei Ying.

"So where will you go after?" Jiang Cheng asks.

"I haven't thought about it yet." Wei Ying says and smiles. The smile doesn't reach his eyes.

"So how do we communicate once you leave from here?" Jiang Cheng asks.
Wei Ying had been thinking about this problem too but he had not been able to solve it yet.

"I can teach Clan leader Jiang the Lan code of communication....but it only works for Lan clan members...." Lan Zhan starts but seeing the flaw in that plan, he doesn't continue.

"What do you mean by Lan Clan members?" Jiang Cheng asks.

"Those who are born and those who are wed into... " Lan Zhan trails off again.

"Lan Zhan, Jiang Cheng is my brother. In my heart he is....also my core runs through him so we are connected. And, you and me... we are...close....So maybe it will work. In any case there is no harm in trying." Wei Ying says with a hint of excitement.
'I never thought of that. Maybe it will work.' Lan Zhan thinks and approaches Jiang Cheng.
"Clan leader, I want to try something."  Lan Zhan says.

He walks over to Jiang Cheng.
He points his finger to the Clan leader's forehead and mutters something under his breath.
He takes a look around the room and finds a parchment paper on the table.

Lan Zhan picks it up and with spiritual energy makes a few strokes. He folds the parchment and closes his palm. When he opens his palm a glowing butterfly appears on it. Lan Zhan looks at the butterfly, and nods.

The butterfly flies towards Jiang Cheng and lands on his shoulder.

"Clan leader please hold out your hand and open your palm." Lan Zhan instructs.

Jiang Cheng does as he is told.

The butterfly lands on Jiang Cheng's palm and transforms into a parchment paper again.
Jiang Cheng opens it and reads, "Wei Ying." The parchment self combusts and disappears.

Wei Ying's face flushes and he drops his eyes to the floor.

Lan Zhan smiles. Only part of it is because their experiment was a success.

"Clan Leader, now you are connected with the Lan Clan. Anytime you want to send a message just think of me or Wei Ying after you have written it. This is a secret method. No enchantments can stop it. Also it will not revel itself to anyone but you." Lan Zhan explains.

Jiang Cheng takes a deep breath. He feels better about the situation now.

"Ok. So it's settled. You both will leave tomorrow..." Jiang Cheng pauses and hesitantly adds, "Wei Ying, if it's ok with Hanguang Jun I would like to help you heal."

"No need. I am fine." Wei Ying answers.

Jiang Cheng snorts. "Are you kidding me right now! I hurt you and then the demon hurt you....Wei Wuxian, I have  to take responsibility. I am sure Hanguang Jun already has plans to heal you. If I transfer my power to you too then Hanguang Jun won't have to use more energy. If by chance things don't go according to plan tomorrow, do you really want to leave your husband defenseless?"

Wei Ying's face flushes, "Lan Zhan you told him about... us? "

"Yes, I know about you. And I am happy for you. Hanguang Jun is a good man... your Shijie too would have approved." Jiang Cheng says without looking at either of the two men.

The Clan leader turns to Lan Zhan, "With your permission I would like to assist you in healing my brother."

Lan Zhan is in a predicament. On the one hand he knows he doesn't have enough energy to heal Wei Ying completely....on the other he doesn't want to expose his husband's body to anyone... In the end Lan Zhan puts Wei Ying's well being first.

"Mn." Lan Zhan agrees.

"Lan Zhan!" Wei Ying cribs. But it falls on deaf ears.

"The string has not broken skin. They will be easier. Zidian..." Lan Zhan trails off.

"I will take care of that." Jiang Cheng says confidently.

"No... You can't. My core... this body's core is almost invisible... or at the most doesn't do well with healing wounds. It takes a lot to heal wounds caused by spiritual weapons." Wei Ying says disappointed.

'Lan Wangji must have used his spiritual energy on him when Jin Ling stabbed him.' Jiang Cheng's mind supplies.

Jiang Cheng has many regrets.

"I will inform Aunty and Feng of what needs to be done tomorrow morning." Jiang Cheng says walking towards the door.

He is back in a minute to find, Wei Ying sitting up a straighter without his top garments and Lan Zhan sitting in front of him.

"The energy transfer to heal you will work better if you try to concentrate on the core." Lan Zhan says carassing Wei Ying's cheek before closing his eyes.

Jiang Cheng watches the sweet interaction. 'I want that... I want to feel this kind of tenderness too.'

Jiang Cheng feels heavyness in his heart...he feels alone... and out of no where Lan XiChen's face pops up in his mind. He dismisses it, 'It's because Lan Wangji is here...and because I am worried about Zewu Jun's safety.'

Jiang Cheng tries to convince himself. He is not a cut sleeve afterall.

He had had feelings for Wen Qing years ago...but that had amounted to nothing. He thinks regretfully.

Jiang Cheng is brought back to the present when Wei Ying calls him, "Jiang Cheng, did you change your mind?"

"No. I was just thinking about tomorrow. " Jiang Cheng lies and walks over to the bed.

He sits behind Wei Ying. Lan Zhan removes the bandages from around the whip wound.

Jiang Cheng winces, his brows knit together when he sees the damage his weapon has done.

He meets Lan Zhan's eyes and mouths 'Sorry' once again.

The two men signal each other and at once start transferring spiritual energy to the wounded man.

Wei Ying feels tingling sensation all over his body... He feels like the stinging pain he had been feeling all over his upper body for some time now had started reducing.

He tries to concentrate on his core. He thinks maybe Lan Zhan is right. Maybe there is still hope.
As more energy enters his body he starts feeling better and better.... Happier. He feels his core vibrant a little... But just before he can feel it's presence, he feels a dull ache in his chest. He opens his eyes only to find Lan Zhan drenched in sweat.

"Lan Zhan!  Enough." Wei Ying bites out in anger.

"Not enough." comes the immediate reply.

Jiang Cheng opens his eyes too. He sees that the wound has almost closed... It looks like a deep scratch now. The bleeding had stopped.

"Lan Wangji, the wound is almost healed." Jiang Cheng informs. He takes a look at Lan Zhan's condition and adds in a concerned tone, "You have done enough. If you press on, it will harm you!"

Lan Zhan ignores the warning.
Wei Ying's hands come up to hold his wrists.
"Stop it Lan Zhan. I feel fine... No. I feel great.. Please stop." Wei Ying begs.

"Not. Enough." Lan Zhan says stubbornly.

Anger flashes in Wei Ying's eyes.
"Jiang Cheng, look away." Wei Ying orders.

{Note :- So how was this update? I know it's a cliffhanger... Sorry.

If you have enjoyed it please Vote to show your support for the update.

Just FYI, I have tagged this story as Mature. Many things *cough* are going to be happening in the upcoming updates and I would really appreciate it if I don't get hate. Please stay away if you don't like such content. I will definitely mark it for those who want to skip it.

Thank you for reading.
Have a nice day.)

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