What is this feeling???

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{Note :- This update is a little out there. Please don't hate me.
Mildly mature content. Start and End marked by A/N}

Without giving Jiang Cheng anytime to understand or react Wei Ying leans into Lan Zhan, capturing his lips.

{A/N for content and language}

Jiang Cheng gets shocked and gets off the bed immediately... but his eyes remain fixed on Wei Ying.

Jiang Cheng watches as Wei Ying's hands come up to cup Lan Zhan's face.

Jiang Cheng watches as Lan Zhan gets startled for a second before giving in.

Jiang Cheng watches as Lan Zhan pulls Wei Ying into his lap deepning the kiss.
'Did Hanguang Jun just put his tongue inside my brother's mouth!?'

Jiang Cheng's eyes widen as Lan Zhan's hands land on Wei Ying's hips pulling him closer.

Jiang Cheng's breaths become shallow. He continues to watch as Wei Ying's hands move to Lan Zhan's hips all the while kissing Lan Zhan...

Jiang Cheng watches as Wei Ying rolls his hips and both men moan.

Jiang Cheng's heart starts beating in his chest like it will jump out of his body... yet he wonders why he can't bring himself to look away.

An involuntary gasp leaves him... and Wei Ying's eyes... dazed and filled with lust and want ....meet his.

Wei Ying's eyes widen with realization....but before he can say anything Lan Zhan's lips land on his shoulder blade and a wave of pleasure hits Yiling Patriarch.

Wei Ying throws his head back and moans.."Lan Er gege.... Ahh!" loud and dirty.

Jiang Cheng comes back to his senses and turns away. He feels hot. His face is flushed... he is panting a little... his heart is thumping in his chest.... And he is hard as fuck!

'What the Fuck Jiang Cheng....what are you doing... why are you still here... Wei Ying told you to look away... Why didn't you look away...' Jiang Cheng wonders reprimanding himself.
But there is more Jiang Cheng doesn't understand , 'Why am I in this state... This should repulse me....and yet... '

Jiang Cheng feels confused... Clearly, he saw things he shouldn't have.. How was he going to face his brother now...how was he going to face Lan Wangji now. 'Lan Er gege... Ah!
Wei Ying's moan echos in his mind.

Nope he is never going to call the light bearer by that name ever again.

"Lan Er gege... Lan... Ah" Wei Ying moans again.

{A/N end}

This seems to do the trick and Jiang Cheng puts his hands over his ears and runs out of the Jingshin.

Jiang Cheng doesn't stop running till he reaches his room. He throws the door open. His eyes land on Jin Ling.
"Get the fuck out right now...and take that dog with you." Jiang Cheng roares.
The young boy gets startled.

"Uncle, where would I go?" Jin Ling asks trembling. 'Did Senior uncle and Uncle Cheng have a fight again?'

"Go to your room...Now. And close the door on your way out!" Jiang Cheng says turning away from the young boy.

'It's best not to question him.' The young boy thinks and holding Fairy's leash he walks out of his uncle's room.

Jiang Cheng feels like he is drowning... He wants... He really wants to... He is doesn't know what he wants.
'What is wrong with me?' Jiang Cheng thinks sitting on the bed.

He hits the head board hard. "Fuck!" he says out loud... He is in pain....he is angry... 'Why am I angry though?...Why does my heart feel strange!?'
Jiang Cheng's hand goes to his heart... 'What is this feeling???...Maybe I am just stressed... Yes that has to be it... But why did I get so Fucking hard!!!???'
He looks lower and Nope. He is still hard.
'I must meditate' His brain suggests.
He sits cross-legged and tries to concentrate...
It doesn't work.
His mind fills with the sounds of moans he had just heard. He closes his eyes shut... Tight. There is darkness... Then there is a soft... gentle... beautiful voice 'Jiang Cheng, no harm will come to your people. I promise that Lan clan will stand with you.'

Jiang Cheng opens his eyes and whispers, "Zewu Jun... Lan Huan... "

Jiang Cheng's mind drifts to the older Lan. He tries to shake off the feeling. The thought of Lan XiChen brings a smile on Jiang Cheng's face.

Jiang Cheng closes his eyes again... 'Lan Er gege.... Ah!' Wei Ying's moan echos in his mind again... he can feel it in his heart... 'Lan... Lan... Lan.. gege'

Jiang Cheng tries to control his irradic breath... he tries to calm down his heart... he ties... he wills his erection to go down... 'Lan Er gege.... Ah!'
He fails.
"Zewu Jun.... " Jiang Cheng mouths. Jiang Cheng's mind fills with the older Lan's gentle touches... His soft and beautiful eyes... his elegance... his gorgeous smile... 'Lan clan will stand with you.' .....'Lan Er gege... Ah!'

"Zewu Jun... " Jiang Cheng whispers again. Lan XiChen's voice echos in his mind again 'I will be there in Lotus Cove by day after tomorrow.'

Jiang Cheng closes his eyes again and his senses are assaulted with moans again. 'Lan Er gege.... Ah'...he doesn't shy away from it anymore...
"Zewu Jun... I will wait for you." Jiang Cheng whispers as hands travel to the sash holding his lower garments.
A small, but beautiful smile graces the Clan leaders face.
The jingshin is empty but his heart is full...

*Cloud Reassess*
*Central Courtyard*

It had been a long day. Meng Yao's men had searched the entirety of Cloud Reassess without success. They had only spared the Sacred cave by the cold spring and The Western courtyard as instructed by Meng Yao.
He had accompanied Lan XiChen everywhere...all day long.

When Meng Yao had asked Lan XiChen to write a letter to Clan leader Jiang Cheng informing him that he would be accompanying Lan XiChen to Lotus cove, the older Lan had gotten worried.

He had written the letter with a heavy heart. He had asked Meng Yao about the change in plans and Meng Yao had come clean.
"Second brother, maybe clan leader Jiang Cheng was right... maybe the Yiling patriarch is really hiding in Yunmeng" Meng Yao had answered and added, "I am sure Jiang Cheng knows nothing about it.... Second brother, you know how wicked that Wei Wuxian is... I think we should help Clan leader Jiang Cheng as he had requested."

There was nothing Lan XiChen could have said to Meng Yao to stop him or change his mind without it sounding suspicious... so Zewu Jun had kept quiet.

What had surprised Zewu Jun the most was that Meng Yao had changed his mind even before he had searched Cloud Reassess....even before he had made sure that Wei Ying and Lan Wangji were not there.

It was night now...and quite late at that. The two men had parted ways finally. Meng Yao had been reluctant to leave Zewu Jun's side even then...but there was nothing else Meng Yao could do.

"I will see you in the morning." Meng Yao had said with a heavy heart while holding on to the older Jade of Lan.

"A Yao... control yourself, I am sure the person responsible for giving you pain will be caught soon." Lan XiChen had said in a soothing tone while making small circles on Meng Yao's back.

Meng Yao had stepped away from Zewu Jun and walked into the guest room.

Lan XiChen had sighed and started walking towards his jingshin. But before he had entered his room, he had taken a turn and disappears into the night.

*Western Courtyard*

"Clan leader, are you really not going to check what's inside." Su She asks Meng Yao.
"I was going to but not anymore. I am sure the Yiling patriarch is not here. I think they are in Yunmeng." Meng Yao starts walking away from the courtyard and adds, "The men you had left behind to keep an eye on Yunmeng arrived in the morning and informed that the people are rejoicing because some cultivator took care of the undead corpses problem.... Only Yiling patriarch has that kind of power."

"Clan Leader, if you are so sure then why don't you leave in the morning itself...wouldn't that have given us a better chance of capturing them?"

Meng Yao's eyes soften and his hand comes to rest on his heart, "Minshan...there are things a man does for his heart that he can't explain."

When Su She doesn't speak, Meng Yao continues, his eyes hardening again. A wicked almost sinister smirk appears on his lips, highlighting his beautiful dimples, "Minshan... I have wanted to bring down the Jiang clan for a long time. If Yiling patriarch is indeed in Yunmeng and if I can convince the other sects that the Jiang clan is supporting the Yiling patriarch, that will be the end of Jiang sect."

"Clan leader, what about Jin Ling?" Su She asks curiously.

"Jin Ling is like a son to me. He looks up to me... and he has not done anything against me..... yet. Moreover Jin Ling is Jiang clan's weaknesses. As long as he is in my care no one from Jiang Clan or Jin Clan will try to go against me....Jin Ling is afterall the Legitimate son of the Jin clan....The Apple of my late father's eyes."

"Clan leader, I think you should go to Yunmeng tomorrow morning." Su She begs.

"Su She... What's the harm in spending another day in such beautiful company... afterall I have lost my wife... won't it be good for my heart to stay here and recuperate?" Meng Yao says in a silky smooth tone. He misses the way anger flashes in his subordinate's eyes.
The two men walk away.

A few minutes pass before Lan XiChen comes out of hiding from behind the closed doors of his late mother's jingshin and sighs.

He had lost his parents very early in life... his brother had shut himself off to the world... his sworn elder brother's passing had come as a shock to him and today... today he had lost his best friend... his confidant... his A Yao.
Today, he truly felt all alone.
"Jiang Cheng... I am sorry I couldn't be of any help." The Older Jade of Lan whispers as tears leave his beautiful almond shaped eyes and make their way down his cheek.

{Note :- Hopefully this update did not offend anyone. JC just had a realization. He is not a pervert. He was just in shock..
And as a result he froze.

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Thank you for reading.
Have a nice day}

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