Chapter Twenty-Five

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Dante's POV

Alpha Harry, my mate's father, slashed his sword outward, nearly slicing my cheek. Had I not caught the wind of Amabelle's scent I would not have faltered against his attack. Almost rendered defeated, the small ample time I staggered, Harry had been able to recover before I could end his life with the edge of my sword. Growling, I swung my sword so hard I knocked his blade out of his hands and at least ten feet away from him. Harry stumbled back, his eyes wide and his face pale.

She came back.

"Amabelle," I growled out under my breath, only making Harry's eyes increase in size.

Harry paused, his eyes dancing around the garden in horror. I did the same, my wolf snarling, only wanting to finish ripping the alpha challenging him apart. Part of me was still filled with blackout rage at Harry, for attempting to kill me and my people. That fury only grew knowing that Amabelle had come back, placing herself in harm's way to get to me... Had she not wanted war?

"Please, she doesn't know what she wants, don't take her from me," Harry interrupted my thoughts, his pathetic whimpering voice igniting my anger further.

Was he indicating that Harry had taken that choice from Amabelle, that Amabelle did truly love me? That Harry himself had come of his own will to destroy me, despite what his daughter wanted?

A blinding, ferocious rage was filling my lungs, my heart, making it so hard to breathe. I wanted to scream as loud as I possibly could, yet I stayed silent. Harry was planted by my feet, begging me. The alpha that had come to exterminate my family and I was at my feet.


Beyond frustrated and confused, I grabbed a hold of Harry by the chest plate of his armor and lifted him to eye level. Though he may have had the brown, crisp absorbing eyes of Amabelle, his lacked a passion that I had only seen in hers. With every look Amabelle could bring me to my knees, whereas Harry's probably wouldn't intimate even a toddler. At least not right now, as there were desperate angry tears in his eyes.

"If you betrayed your own daughter, I don't care who you are, I swear to the moon goddess herself, I will make a rug out of your pelt," I snapped, my vicious words barely audible through my growl.

Harry's eyes bulged, the fear in them evident as his bottom lip wavered. "Do what you must, but I won't let my daughter be enslaved to a beast for the rest of her life."

Snarling in raging fury, I tossed Harry back onto the ground. He fell to his knees once more, scrambling for his sword. I kicked it away with ease, making him peer up at me in horror. Harry must have realized by now his struggle was futile.

"Is that what you think?" I bared my teeth, scowling.

My shoulders heaved, my breathing growing deeper with every huff of frustration. Infuriated, the familiar scarlet shade of anger was slowly creeping in, like the calm before the storm. I had no intentions of beating my mate's father bloody, but I would if I had to.

Perhaps Amabelle would forgive me, perhaps she wouldn't.

Right now, it wasn't my priority. Though it likely should have been, I was consumed in bitterness. My heart had been shredded into pieces when Amabelle left me, and now that she was back, the pieces were trying to find their way back together, but it was difficult when her father was still attempting to kill me despite my mercy and kindness.

"Do you honestly think I somehow forced her to love me? Do you think that I hurt her while she was here?" I questioned, stepping on his ankle to prevent him from crawling away.

He let out a strangled cry of anguish, trying to hold it in, but not being capable. "You turned her against me, my little girl, you must have threatened her, or us--"

Growling, I crushed his ankle with my foot, causing a sickening snap to fill the air, and making him howl out in incredible pain. Part of me was thrilled, the old me that wanted to make him turn the ground red with his veins opened.

"Listen to me, alpha, I didn't make Amabelle she do anything she didn't want to, and I most certainly NEVER threatened her. I love your daughter, as difficult as that may be for you, but I would sooner sacrifice the world, my world, for her than let any harm fall on her." I roared, releasing my foot off his now broken ankle.

Harry let loose a few tears, whether it was sorrow, pain, anger or desperation, I couldn't be sure. "So... what are you telling me? I-I..."

He let out an exasperated breath, looking all around him, at his dead soldiers that littered my garden around the two of us. All around us, both his and mine, our men were fighting, the only sound being swords clashing and yells of agony from either injury or death. More tears came, a horrified gleam in his petrified eyes.

Knowing what that loss can feel like, I suddenly felt a small ounce of empathy for the man writhing before me. War meant bloodshed and loss, and I had never wanted that for my people, despite my rage, and despite what my father had instilled in me. The grief from loss can cripple you, even if it is loss caused indirectly by your own actions.

"Are you telling me that I did this--all of this--for nothing? My people, my men... oh goddess, what have I done?" Harry was hyperventilating, close to a breaking point.

I was not in the comforting, nurturing type of mood, not even for Amabelle's father, yet I did step closer, and only frowned knowingly. Unfortunately, I knew all too well what happened as an alpha if you let your emotions get the best of you. And though Harry was older, he had nothing on me; I had a lifetime of bad decisions to live with.

"It's not too late, I will tell my people to stand down, with your surrender," I told him gently while still keeping my tone sharp, and kneeling slightly.

Harry opened his mouth to speak, but closed it as whatever he was watching behind me perplexed him. His eyebrows knitted together in confusion, causing me to turn to gaze upon what Harry was viewing. When I did, I was shocked to see both our peoples dropping their weapons without any prompt from us. I expected them to be facing us, waiting for our word, but instead they were all memorized by something or someone glimmering their way through the crowd.

"Patience?" Harry whispered, his tone laced with sadness and regret.

I blinked a few times, unsure of who he was talking about. Not answering, I continued to watch as the golden armored warrior marched through the bloodied garden. I too, was captivated by whoever was hidden under the perfectly crafted weaponry. The sea of soldiers and warriors parted for them, like they recognized them.

Then it hit me.

A heavenly familiar scent of roses, warm vanilla, and honeyed lily washed over me like a tidal wave. I breathed in deeply, my eyes gluing to the curved outline of the golden figure striding right through the battlefield with their back to me.


I took a shuddering breath of air, my feet launching before I could think. Unintentionally, I bumped into people as I went, shoving past a little rougher than I wanted. People began to part for me right when Amabelle removed her helmet, her long locks of beautiful brown hair spilling out and bounding in the breeze.

She was majestic, a handcrafted warrior gifted by the moon goddess in her gold perfected armor she wore. It sparkled in the sunlight, mystifying each individual as she walked by. Whether it was a gown or armor, my mate would never cease to bewitch me or anyone for that matter.

I smiled, moving closer to her. In that moment I couldn't help myself, I wanted to grab her around her waist and kiss her. I needed to take her to my bed chambers and remove her armor, piece by piece so that I could worship every inch of her. Show her how much I missed her, and how much I loved her.

I would mark her this time.

She would be mine forever. I couldn't live without her smile, her laugh. Her never ending wisdom and courage. It was all addicting, and I could never get enough of it.

Amabelle had become my anchor to this world, and without her I was cast away and lost.

Abruptly, just as I had almost reached her, her body froze. In turn I also stopped, not sure what she was seeing that caused her to halt so suddenly. Then she screeched, an unearthly scream that sent shivers down my spine.

She took off, her legs carrying her faster than I thought possible. I gazed over to where she was running, alarm spreading through me. There, just a few yards away was Xavier, about to end a soldier's life. I didn't understand the significance until I saw the disarmed man's face. His helmet had been knocked off, revealing his eerily recognizable features. He had a dark head of hair, and those same big brown eyes that Amabelle and her father shared.

My stomach fell, and my eyes widened in realization. The resemblance was too strong.

It had to have been one of her brothers.

"NO!" Amabelle's voice thundered over the crowd.

I watched her miraculously get to her brother in time, blocking the blow from Xavier's sword with her own. Internally I flinched, imagining the strength it would have taken to sustain the attack of his weapon. His sword ricocheted off of hers, their eyes locking. He must have realized who she was, as he was immediately apologetic, moving closer to her.

Smiling, I started towards Amabelle again. She
amazed me with confidence, her bravery every time, just like now. Amabelle had taken a huge risk with no thought of how it would hurt her, just jumped in to save her brother. That's who she was, she didn't think like the normal person, she did everything by how she felt. Sometimes that could be a flaw, but for Amabelle, it was one of her biggest strengths. Amabelle would sacrifice everything for those she loved, even herself. It was one of the most important lessons she had taught me.

I wasn't too far from her when I noticed the masked soldier behind her inch closer, his sword drawn. At first I wasn't concerned, not thinking too much of it. But I knew something wasn't right when the soldier whipped their head at me and I could see his strangely eerie light eyes. The soldier winked at me, for some reason I felt sick. A shiver shook me, making me walk quicker until I was almost running at them.

Something wasn't right.

I could feel it, and my wolf could feel it.

Still watching me, the soldier moved just slightly closer to Amabelle. The others around him grew a little on edge, also beginning to get closer to him. It appeared they were just as suspicious. Xavier was shaking his head, and moving his hands about in front of Amabelle. He was likely still in shock that he had almost killed Amabelle's sibling. Maybe he was generally surprised to see her standing in the kingdom again.

That made two of us.

Either way he wasn't paying attention to the soldier behind Amabelle. No one, not even me, was prepared for what the soldier did next. I opened my mouth to shout, to yell something, but the words got stuck in my throat as the soldier did the unthinkable.

The only thing that could ruin me.

The traitor plunged his sword into my mate's chest.


No. No. No. No. No.

My wolf fell silent, his soul tie to Amabelle snapping in half. Even her lovely sweet scent faded, like a dying flower.


I would bring that son of bitch to hell's gates even if it killed me.

All I could see was red, the roaring anger ripping me apart. My sanity tore at the seams, falling to the ground as my feet carried me faster than I had ever run before. The fury inside me morphed into a beast, the monster that I used to be taking on flesh. In no time, I was the old Dante again, which only made the flame of my anger reach higher, soaring into the sky.

If Amabelle was—

It didn't matter, I refused to accept that she was gone. She couldn't be.

She wasn't.

"AMABELLE!" I heard her sibling cry in a soul shattering painful voice.

I couldn't breathe.

Then I saw the betrayer remove his mask and I decided I would commit one more murder today. I would pull his limbs apart one by one, crush his beating heart in my fist, and smash his skull into the dirt until it looked like a squashed pumpkin. Letting out a supernatural growl that sounded like I had already shifted into my true form, the crowd silenced, all gazing at me in horror.

"YOU," I snarled, staring at Kamil with burning hatred.

Kamil ignored me, peering down at Amabelle, who was choking as she lay on her back. Her brother kneeled next to her, tears falling from his dark eyes.

"I told you Luna, I would spill your blood," Kamil sneered, his cocky expression making my claws slide out, ready to slice him to ribbons.

"You," I heaved a breath, seeing my darling mate coughing, being strangled by her own blood.

Tears prickled in my eyes, the fear of losing Amabelle appearing out of thin air. Snapping my gaze back to Kamil, the fury to destroy him was abruptly outweighed by terror of Amabelle dying. Kamil didn't even blink, his eyes callous, cold and evil. His calculated stare and smirk across his lips made me imagine burning him alive.

"You bastard, you miserable, worthless, entitled bastard," I seethed, my men surrounding us.

They all appeared almost as angry as I was, their backs rigid and weapons drawn, ready to strike him down given my word. Unsheathing my own blade, I took a few steps closer to Kamil, my venomous glare not intimidating him in the slightest.

"I will end you—" I growled, my breath inches from Kamil's face, but got cut off by a loud, appalling cough, and sad, hoarse voice.

"Dante?" Amabelle's broken voice made a tear roll off my cheek.

Her brother was grasping her hand and holding her up so she could see me. He looked up to me expectantly, his eyes wide in dread.  When I met eyes with his sister, my world came crashing down. Uncontrollable tears welled up in her eyes and spilled out, the blood drained from her usual rosy cheeks.

"Dante, please, come here... I need you," Her garbled, strained voice choked me.

A maniacal laughter brought my attention back to Kamil who slid his sword out. Immediately my men lunged, waiting to attack him before he could attempt to strike me.

"Go and watch her die, Alpha," Kamil leered at me, his eyes twinkling sickeningly.

I closed my eyes tightly, wishing this was all a nightmare I could wake up from.

But it wasn't.

Amabelle was dying.

And Kamil was still standing in front of me, alive.

Gritting my teeth, I considered my options. I didn't have time to deal with Kamil, not with Amabelle's wound, and troubling condition. I needed to save her and fast. But I also wanted Kamil to cease breathing, so I had to choose. Kill Kamil, or help Amabelle before it was too late.

"Please, Dante," Amabelle begged, her voice cracking.

It was clear what I had to do.

Turning away from Kamil, with my fists clenched, I looked to Xavier and my men, snarling. "Kill him."

Xavier nodded, his eyes gleaming. "Gladly."

I casted one last look at Kamil, watching as every one of my warriors closed in on him. Kamil's eyes widened in shock. He was so lost in his pride and arrogance he had thought I would have fought him myself. It was lethal miscalculation, and I didn't feel one ounce of sympathy.

"Make his death long, make him pay," I ordered, my voice a monster's loud growl.

Kamil dropped his blade, his cowardly face a work of art. His screams were heard while my warriors dragged him away, his pleads for help satisfying the darkness in my soul. Part of me wished I could watch him be torn into pieces, but honestly all I cared about was saving my mate's life. I couldn't let her die, I couldn't stand to watch while her soul slipped away from me. If it tried I would chase after it, and take it back, just like I promised her I would. Our souls were intertwined and I would fight the moon goddess herself if she planned on stealing Amabelle away from me now.

"Mon amour," I murmured as I approached her.

She smiled, her lips wobbling over her teeth in strain to express her joy to see me. That alone made my heart feel hollow. Kneeling, I snuck a glance at her brother who was staring at me with panicked eyes. I tried to smile to soothe him, but it grew into a nervous grimace.

Just as beautiful as ever, Amabelle's angelic, dark eyes glimmered with fresh tears, her olive skin paler than normal from her wound. Her dark hair lied out in waves behind her neck. I took a shaky breath and looked down at her chest where the sword had speared her. I saw exactly what I was afraid of. The chip in her armor was bright red, blood pooling from the entry of the deadly wound. I wasn't sure if it had punctured any organs or not, but judging by the amount of blood still pouring from her wound, and by the stained ground beneath her, it was a deep cut.

Oh goddess.

This was bad.

Really bad.

"Dante, hey, can you please look at me?" Amabelle pleaded with me, her other free hand reaching for me.

I blinked, shaking my head. "No, no, this can't be, I have to get you to—"

"No, this... this i-isn't f-f-fixable," Amabelle forced the words out, a sob following it.

I bit my lip, trying to keep my cries inside. They begged to come out, to explode in both rage and desperation.

It had to be fixable.

It had to be.

My wolf whined in despair, making me take a big inhale of air. This couldn't be happening, I needed to transport her to the healing hall, to have the doctors work their magic. I had to do something, anything-

"Amabelle, oh my goddess, Amabelle?!"

I craned my neck to see Harry, Amabelle's father standing a few feet from us, his face broken. My own tears escaped, running down my cheeks.

This was all his fault.

Growling, I gave him a glare. "You did this, you have taken her from us both—"

I felt the zap of my mate's touch as Amabelle's familiar fingers caressed my palm. Whipping back around, I saw Amabelle's free hand clasped over mine tightly. Her eyes were wide, her cheeks somehow whiter. Fear and horror trampled onto me, a gasp releasing from my lips. An agonizing stab of pain made my rigid back slump and a cry to break free.

Amabelle's chocolate eyes softened, her breathing sharp and fast. Still, she managed to give me a full toothed grin, a twinkle of delight across her sweet expression. Wiping my tears, I cupped the side of her face with my hand while continuing to hold her hand firmly with the other.

"You shouldn't have come back-"

"Dante, I need to tell you-" She started, her lips trembling.


I couldn't take this.

I swallowed, shutting my eyes for a moment. My throat was closing, the emotions struggling to remain inside me.

"Stop, I don't want you to say it, not if you're just going... g-going... going to l-leave me." I somehow got out without breaking, my chest aching.

"Please, I want you to know, I don't want this to be all for nothing," Amabelle pleaded, squeezing my hand.

Darting my eyes away, I swallowed, taking in a few heavy breaths. I would not do this. I didn't want to hear her tell me those three little words just to die in my arms. I would have eternity without her, an eternity to be alone.


"Dante," She choked, a sob making her start into a coughing fit.

Amabelle tried to catch her breath, her bother assuring to her breathe frantically. I sighed and turned my gaze back to her only to see her eyes closing.


No. No. No. No.


This could not be how our story ended.

I fumbled for her shoulders, shaking her a little. For what it was worth, Amabelle's eyes opened for a moment before closing again.

"Damn it, Amabelle, stay with me, please," I begged, more tears falling from my eyes.


"Amabelle! Open your eyes!" I wailed, praying for the moon goddess to give my mate back to me.

That couldn't be her last breath.

That couldn't be how we ended things.

"No, please... please!" I cried, shaking her a little more roughly.

Despite my tears, my pleading, the light had left my mate. Her eyes did not reopen, and her shallow breaths had stopped. She had left me, her soul leaving her body stranded and at my feet for me to dispose of.

"She's gone," Her brother concluded numbly, his own grief paralyzing him.

"No," I echoed myself once more, pulling Amabelle's limp, lifeless body into my arms.

Shaking, I began sobbing into her shoulder, imagining her awake suddenly in my embrace. That it was all a dream, or that she hadn't been stolen from me. I held her closer, her body still warm, yet I didn't feel the sparks anymore.

The sparks were gone.

I had never felt a loss so hard. So raw.

Part of me still couldn't believe it was real. I didn't want it to be, I didn't want to be stuck a beast forever without the one reason to keep living. Soon I would be left with nothing, and no one, my friends and family departed too.

It would just be me.

And my pain.

Peering up at the sky, I saw that the sun was starting to hang low in the sky, quitting for the day again. It would be a matter of hours before the last shift, a matter of hours before I was cursed immortally to live with my agony. In bitter shock, my whole body was trembling, the weight of my dead mate getting heavier by the second. It was like I could feel my sanity slowly slipping away.

She was gone.

That's when I began screaming. I was yelling so loudly my throat was burning, but I didn't care. My wolf howled with me, our pain a unified, muddled mess. It felt like my atoms were separating, splitting me in half. It made me want to slice myself into pieces with my sword, so maybe then this pain would stop.

Perhaps if I gutted myself, this agony would pass.

Closing my eyes, I realized that was a foolish thought. Now that she was gone, that she had left me here, Amabelle would haunt me for rest of my eternal life.

Laughing humorously, despite that this was not the time or place, it dawned on me that the witch had succeeded... she was going to get what she wanted. The big bad alpha she knew before was non-existent. What was left was a shell of the person I used to be. And without Amabelle, I was nobody.

I was nothing.

And now, it was over.

This was how it ended.

Author's Note

...duh duh duhhhhh!

I know that's not how y'all probably want me to leave this, but I promise the next update is already brewing and coming up soon! I'm so sorry to leave you with this kind of ending to a chapter! 🥲

Thank you for reading, and voting and leaving comments! I super, super appreciate it. It means a lot to me.

I hope you all have a great week! I'll plan to have another update by Wednesday or sooner if possible! Thank you for your patience! I love you guyssss. ❤️

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