Chapter Twenty-Six

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Amabelle's POV

I thought dying would feel more like flying.

I couldn't have been more wrong.

Instead I was free falling down a dark tunnel toward a small spec of pale blue light. I wasn't scared, in fact I didn't feel much of anything. The darkness enveloping me hugged me tightly, like invisible arms embracing me. Closing my weary eyes, I rested in the pull of their warmth. I felt safe trapped in the hall of night.

When I opened my eyes again, the small teal circle was much larger, beginning to create an opening of sorts. A balmy breeze brushed across my cheeks, an earthy, crisp aroma snaking around me. It was oddly familiar and completely new at the same time. For some reason that comforted me, lulling my body peacefully.

I closed my eyes once more, stretching my arms out as I continued to fall. Moments later I crossed through the teal hued entrance. Whatever it was, it felt like a rebirth into a new body. Shocked awake, I opened my eyes gasping. My eyes took a few moments to adjust to the new pale lilac skies in front of me.

Sitting up, I realized I was lying on deep forest green grass. Sliding my fingertips through it, it felt like a million threads of silk.

"Wow," I breathed, taking in everything around me.

The lavender colored skies were mesmerizing, with shining stars dotting the limitless atmosphere. Despite all of the gorgeous stars, I didn't see the moon. For some reason, it didn't bother me. I felt at ease wherever I was, almost as if it was impossible to feel anything else but peace.

Next to me was a long winding creek, with pink flowing waters, and big looming weeping willow trees. The waters seemed to glow, or sparkle, but when I stood to see them, I saw that the sparkles were simply the reflections of the stars in the sky.

Peering down at myself, I saw myself for the first time since arriving to... where I was. My wound was gone, like it had never been there. Replacing my mother's golden armor was a beautiful long gown. It was a light lime green dress with hints of mint green sheer cloth, and flower strands of lavender decorating my waist and up around the top of the dress. Left completely sheer and see through was my mid drift, but there were long light green puffy sleeves that kept my arms warm.

Stunned, I blinked a few times. This gown appeared to have been crafted from magic itself, the material lightweight and shimmering in the midnight light.

I closed my eyes, feeling another gush of air fly past me and through the leaves of the trees around me. There were sounds of unknown creatures hidden in the woods but I didn't exactly feel inclined to go searching for their origin. For the most part it sounded like birds singing, but there was a something different about their sounds, something new and supernatural.

Across the creek were dozens of lilies, roses, lavender, petunias, all kinds of flowers. Something about the way they danced in the wind, and how simply beautiful they were made me want to lie down in them. I pictured myself sleeping soundly for days, just breathing in their lovely scent. I leaned into the images so intently I questioned whether I truly did lie there for days, if it was a memory, or just my imagination.

Smiling, I breathed a heavy sigh. This world was light, even though the sky seemed to be painted permanently as late evening. The sunset skies were serene, and I couldn't help but feel relaxed. It was tranquil, like nothing bad could happen here There was no pain here, no death, no worries, nothing to think about, or do.

Then something turned in me. My wolf who had been silent, or perhaps I had stopped listening to her, began howling in protest. She was howling so loud I couldn't ignore her any longer. She was beyond frustrated with my naive mind. It was like she remembered something I didn't, or maybe she knew where we were. I wasn't sure until she spoke, that's when my stomach dropped.

But Dante isn't here, my wolf reminded me, breaking through my trance.

The thought shook me, making my head spin. A panicked rush of air left my lungs as I spun around in search for Dante. Everything came flooding back in, the need to tell Dante how I felt still trapped inside me.

I had to find him.

Save him.

Abruptly my peace was gone, and I was overwhelmed with fear. My eyes flew around the calm, mysterious lands, trying to find my bearings. Wherever I was, my wound had healed, and I was completely alone. There was no sign of my pack, or Dante's. In fact, other than the sound of distant animals or creatures, there was no one else around.

Where was I?

Walking a few steps into the soft grass, I realized I wasn't wearing any shoes.


Squishing my toes, the feeling of the soft grass beneath my feet was strange. What happened to my boots? And where did this gown come from anyway?

Just as I was beginning to question my reality, out of the corner of my eye I noticed a flash of white in the willow trees across the winding creek. Glancing in that direction I saw the silhouette of a towering, gorgeous woman walking right next to the creek, but much farther down. I blinked a few times, watching as she stepped into the river, and began traveling down it barefoot. Frozen in place, I was bewitched, stuck staring with my immovable feet. She was enchanting, a glow of white emanating off of her.

Who was that?

My wolf was just as spellbound as I was, maybe more so. Go, follow her, my wolf encouraged me with no further explanation. I fought her for answers, but she wouldn't budge, only reinforcing her first response which was to follow the stranger to wherever she was leading us.

There was a strange sense of familiarity to her, and the closer I got, the further she seemed. I forced my stubborn legs to move, despite their protest. Luckily, the water of the creek was not cool, it was warm. Its current was not rapid and the creek was not deep. Thankfully, I was able to make my way through it, even with the gown.

"Wait," I called out, the perplexing individual wading faster down the creek.

The weeping willow trees seemed to multiply the further I walked, making it increasingly more difficult to see the woman I was following. She was moving quicker than I was, my legs and feet seemingly unable to run. My whole body was slower than normal, like my heightened senses from my werewolf attributes were non existent in this world.

Pushing myself to go further, I noticed the creek was widening, and the current was picking up speed. The water had grown to up around my waist in depth, making it even more difficult to move through. Groaning, I forced my solid limbs to tread through the rosy clear pink waters of the creek.

After curving around a large bend, we came to a clearing. My mouth fell open in awe at the majestic waterfall in front of me. The waterfall was unending, starting at the top bridge of a mountain rage that kissed the sky, barely touching the stars above. Though tall, and massive the waterfall was not loud. The water was almost an optical illusion, changing from pink, blue, and purple as it fell. Reflecting
off of it, the stars gave it a supernatural, mystical effect.

"Come, my child."

Nearly jumping out of my skin, I glanced all around for the delicate, feminine curling voice that spoke. Seeing no one, not even the glowing woman from before, I blinked several times confused. Had I gone mad?

I waited a few more moments, peering out around the weeping willows, and the creek but I saw nothing. There was no one around, I was by myself. Still, I knew what I heard, even if my mental state was fragile. Swallowing a little nervously, I turned my attention back to the waterfall.

Dipping my fingertips across the warm water, I found myself drawn to the cascading falls. It was as if it was calling to me, beckoning me to come closer. Tiptoeing across the smooth, rocky sand bottom of the creek, I slowly made my way to it. The ground directly in front of the waterfall was strangely elevated, flat, and there was no water. I wondered how, or why there wasn't a pool instead of the solid ground.

Curious, I practically crawled my way there, grunting as I pulled myself up. The dress had become heavy as it was soaked, which in turn had made it very difficult to move. Yet, once I was on dry land, my dress dried, the material returning to its light feel again. Twirling in disbelief, I blinked a few times.

Did I imagine walking through the creek?

No, I couldn't have.

Could I have?

"Where am I?" I spoke aloud, again glancing around the fantasy like escape.

It was so pretty here, so unbelievably harmonious. I sort of felt like I didn't belong here, a stranger in someone's house. I kept trying to recall how I got here, or where I was. Every time I was met with a blank wall, emptiness. I had no memory of what happened, all I could remember was running after Dante. I had arrived at the battle, found Xavier and Adrian, and after that I had no recollection of what happened.

Was I dreaming?


You died, my wolf interrupted my thoughts, making a shiver run down my spine.

That's ridiculous, I urged her in a snappy response. I couldn't be dead. I wasn't, I would know if I was dead... wouldn't I? Though, being dead was more believable than being teleported into a magical new world for some unknown reason. Regardless I refused to believe that I was dead. I refused to even think I might have have been killed.

Not after everything I had done to get back to Dante and save him.

Because if I was dead, Dante and I would be separated. He was would remain a beast forever, trapped in his werewolf form, immortalized by his curse on earth, while I... I would be stuck watching from above, in the stars. That was too cruel, too unfair of the moon goddess. I wouldn't let that be true. It simply was not allowed to be true.

The thought of being eternally separated from Dante made a tear well up in my eye.

"No," I murmured, closing my eyes and clenching my fists.

Almost as if in response, I heard the soft cries of a familiar voice. My eyes flew open, staring at the falling waters of the falls. Slowly, through whatever magic existed, I saw the image of myself in the waterfall. It wasn't a mirror, but the version of myself I knew and remembered. Slumped over my unconscious body, sobbing was Dante. His cries were raw, loud and painful.

He was mourning.

Gasping, tears falling just as fast as the waterfall, I fell a few steps back, cupping my hand over my mouth.




"This is some kind of trick, this isn't real," I shouted, shaking my head in disbelief.


"My child, please. Take another look." The voice from earlier had returned.

Spinning to my right, I saw the same woman I had followed and lost. She was incredibly, amazingly beautiful, even more so up close. Her shining golden glow, was almost too magnificent to face. She had dark bronze skin, big bold emerald eyes, luscious black curls and a commanding gaze that had me on my knees. Standing nearly twice or three times as tall as me, in a white greek designed gown that accentuated her curves perfectly, she was boldly intimidating.

I felt compelled to follow her directions for some unexplainable reason, like I didn't have a choice. Staring back at the waterfall, another tear fell from my cheek. It was me, the real me. I was in the golden armor my mother gave me, my brother Adrian sitting numbly beside Dante, Felix next to him too. My father was off in the background, on his knees, broken to pieces. And goddess, my poor Dante was begging, clutching my lifeless body to his chest. Locked in paralyzed fear, all I could do was watch them all grieve me.

Grieve my death.

I swallowed down the sob and flicked my gaze back to the mysterious woman next to me.

"You saved him," She told me, her eyes gleaming with pride.

Holding back my cries, I shook my head. "Am... Am I dead?"

The woman closed her eyes and paused before answering for several long moments. Then she smiled sadly. "Yes, my child."

I immediately choked on an inhale of air, crumpling to the ground and sobbing. Sorrow and misery came at full force, squashing me like a bug. Sinking to the ground in defeat, I covered my face shamefully. I had costed them everything. If I had just stayed, if I had just told Dante how I felt this would have never happened. I didn't save Dante, I was a failure.

"Do not weep, daughter," I felt the presence of the woman grow closer as she tried to comfort me.

Peeking up at at her, I was again enchanted with how regal she was. Despite how devastated I was, her smile and the simple light touch of her hand on my shoulder made the tears stop.

"Who are you?" I asked, my eyebrows knitted together.

The woman grinned. "I am the Mother of Wolves, some call me the Creator, but you know me as the Moon Goddess."

That explained a lot. If I was in the Moon Goddess' domain, that meant I truly was dead. It made me understand the incomprehensible calming peace I felt when I entered this place. My mother had always told me that if our souls were still in tact when we died, we would go to live in the afterlife with the Moon Goddess. Only the Moon Goddess could grant entry to your soul. She had said that the afterlife would be a Paradise like nothing we had ever seen, and to not fear death. Things had been much simpler then.

That was before I had fallen in love.

Now, I had too much too lose. I couldn't even afford death.

But here I was.


"Stand with me," The Moon Goddess commanded, holding out her hand.

Taking it, she pulled me onto my feet gently. Back in view of the waterfall, I again saw my dreadful fate. Cringing, I looked away, not wanting to see my dead body, or my loved ones crying and praying over it.

"Walk through," She instructed.


She nodded her head toward the waterfall and pointed over at it expectantly. Looking back at her incredulously, I raised an eyebrow. The sane version of myself would have known better than to question the Moon Goddess, but considering everything that I had been through, I didn't fault myself for being weary.

"Why?" I asked, planting my hands on my hips.

The Moon Goddess abruptly appeared to be fading. That's when I saw that the forest behind me was gone, leaving the waterfall the only thing left. Even the rest of the creek was missing. Swallowing, I wasn't sure what that meant, but it did make me slightly nervous. Swiveling back the Moon Goddess, she was barely there, her outline hazy and slowly disappearing. Though, I couldn't see her very well, I saw her smile once more.

"Walk through," She repeated before completely vanishing into thin air.

Once she had disappeared, I realized I only had one choice. And that was to walk through the waterfall. I didn't know what was going to happen after I did, but I knew that there were no other options. This world was fading out of my view, so I had to go through, wherever it would lead me.

"Okay," I whispered, and stepped in.

I expected the weight of the massive falls to crush me as I walked in. But that didn't happen, I wasn't pounded by water. Instead I walked straight back onto earth, my world. It was as if the waterfall had acted as a portal and placed me right where I had been when I died. I was back in the rose garden surrounded by both packs. However, I still had the weird glow of my body, and I was in the same green dress. I was still not myself.

But I was there.

I could see Dante.

I could see them all.

My heart was pounding as I stepped closer to Dante. He was still kneeling, my body now laying on the ground next to him. His face was hidden in his hands, so I couldn't see tears or his cries, but his body was still shaking like he was wailing. My brothers were both sitting in shock, staring off into the distance in silence. And my father, he was weeping like I had never seen him before.

Tears of my own rolled down my cheeks at seeing their despair. As I stepped in front of them, I realized I was simply a spirit in this world. They couldn't see or hear me. No one could, not a single person from either pack. They all peered through me like I was invisible.

Sitting down next to my body, my lips quivered. I wanted to apologize a million times over to Dante. All I wished was to do it all again, and this time I would tell him. I wouldn't hesitate, I would yell it if had to.

But I couldn't.

"Take your hands," I suddenly heard the Moon Goddess' voice in my head.

Glancing all around, I saw that she was nowhere to be seen, but that didn't mean she wasn't there. Sighing, and again left with no other option, I did as she commanded. Scooting closer to my body, I examined it to locate my hands.

What else did I have to lose?

Closing my eyes, I took a deep breath and grabbed each of my cold hands. At first there was nothing. Then all I could feel was fire. A raging hot fire that blinded me. It was like my soul was reabsorbing into my flesh.

F I R E.

My mind was b u r n i n g.

I was screaming.

Memories, so many memories of my past, present and maybe even future memories I did not recognize flashed through my vision. They overwhelmed me until I couldn't see anything but white.

All I could hear were the voices of my friends and family, and of myself. I heard laughter, whispered I loves you from Dante and from my family. I heard my own six year old self laughing. I heard the cries of my shadowed older self, and of people I loved. It was a storm of sound that drowned me.

Then everything went black.

"Wake, my child."

Gasping, my eyes flew open, breathing in air like it was breath gifted by the Moon Goddess herself.

I was awake, but better.

I was alive.


Author's Note

HEY!!!! (((((:

I had y'all so worried, I'm so sorry lol. But I'm a cheesy predictable writer, (in happily ever after stories ONLY lol).

We're getting to my favoriteeeeee part! *que the squealing* The next chapter will be posted SOON. Like maybe in the next few hours if possible or the next day or so. I'm spoiling y'all bc I will be on a trip out of state next week and probably won't be able to write. Sooooo yeah.

Anyway, love you guys! Have a fantabulous rest of the week, and I will see ya in the next update! (Hopefully here soon!)

Thank you for reading, voting and or commenting!! It means so much! Sending hugs. 💕

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