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Since the battle had started again , all the technical workers went inside the office to their own duties . But to their unbeknownst , the whole soul army of Naarook was being destroyed by the High Saint of The Prison of Eternal Punishment . When a new army of soul soldiers marched infront of them for reinforcement , only then they knew that something bad had come upon them . Biswadev still had to recruit his fellow workers on their own places , but he thought of checking the outside before recruitment , in case they needed new plans .

The outside totally stupified Biswadev at one place ; the spirit soldiers already had reached the front half of the office . The most front line of the Naarook's army was totally being controlled by the ground bound tribesmen , the skybound tribesmen were all released for severe attack , while all the soul soldiers were marginally kept behind .

The Fate Lord , the War Lord and the Lady of Knowledge were at the most front of the soul soldiers , it looked like that they were helplessly afraid of something . The three supernatural beings had to use their own personal shields to protect themselves including the soldiers .

The string of the War Lord's bow was making a continuous buzzing sound , as it was being pulled continuously . The weapons had been changed from sowrds to bow and arrow though it was quite difficult as the sky was busy too . The Lady of Knowledge at other point was in meditation mode , she was chanting something very loudly and a faintly visible white energy sprouted around her covering all the soul soldiers of her side .

In the middle of the half circle was the Fate Lord , he wasn't using any weapons or chanting any word , his posture was as calm as ever , he simply stood there and the paleness made him look like a perfect statue . But when Biswadev watched carefully , he saw that a blue transparent curtain was drawn from him which was connected with the War Lord's body while the other side was connected with the Lady of Knowledge .

Biswadev clearly understood what they were doing ; the War Lord's string sound was creating a crimson coloured shield , while on the other side the chanting of Lady Shweta was creating the white shield and both of the shields were connected with the Fate Lord's blue shield . They had made a shield with their own powers to protect the front half , but a question popped up in the mind of the engineer's soul :

"Why can't I hear the sounds of the other side , the side beyond the joined shield ?"

When he stood at the gap between the archers , he could clearly see who was leading the opposite army . A tall , pale man in white dress , wearing a single string of beads around his neck , was continuously muttering something , it looked more like a chanting . He immediately recognised the person and wanted to drop dead again at the spot . He knew why the shields of the trio were soundproofed .

At this moment the Fate Lord's shield gradually became darker and bigger , he was outraged , yet he never moved from the place . The darkening shield spread to a limit and then it exploded , a rain of blue dust covered few lines of the marching spirit soldiers and they all dissolved .

The High Saint stopped chanting and the marching stopped , including the soul soldiers' arrows . The Fate Lord was on his knees , heavily breathing , his hands tightened in fists . Lady Shweta immediately ran to support him , the shields were down , but it was strange that for some reason the High Saint didn't continue his march .

Suddenly a slow quake shook the ground , something big was coming towards them , while over them the sky darkened with cyclonic clouds . This time no portal opened nor any Lava gushed , but as the rumbling cloud over them striked its first thunder , the whole night became white as daylight and then all saw the cause of the quake .

The War Lord's sharp consciousness again worked at the right moment . He loudly ordered all the soldiers , tribesmen to retreat . Just when they retreated to the threshold of the office , big waves of water hit the whole premise , destroying all in their way . The electronic shields were destroyed , the whole spirit army dissolved ; the Shinnai creatures were still a threat but then started the lightening , few dozens of thunderbolts and the whole ground was clear .

For a few more minutes the water entered through the still open portals , until they were closed . The High Saint of The Prison of Eternal Punishment escaped through one of the closing portals and with that the battle finally ended .

Lady Shweta , who was still supporting Lord Bhargav to stand , spoke first
"that was your idea , Bhargav ! Using the water of Martaksha Sarobar !"
She was awestruck .

The Fate Lord , who just could stand with very difficulty said in a low voice
"see , am I not brilliant ?!"

"No , you are not . Who told you to use your soul power as a shield ?! It's only to protect yourself ."

"Well , if I'm able to serve even with my last breath , I will fight . But I didn't hope the water idea will work . Since it worked that means the day of soul purifying hasn't ended yet . Their timing of attack was wrong ."

The War Lord amusingly said
"if I'm not wrong , the Sky Lord was a back up plan , right ?"

The Fate Lord still panting , answered
"Yes , if they attacked after midnight , the water would have been useless ."

Just then from the reception area , the chiming of the clock was heard , it was midnight and the Lord of Fate collapsed in Lady Shweta's lap .

Beyond everyone's eyes , a very unfortunate incident already had happened . When the ground shook for the waves , all insiders again ran outside and they did not return for the awestruck view of outside .

A group of soul soldiers entered the office through the back door , but they were not soldiers of this office . They were there to fulfil the original plan of their Lord , the Lord of Karma . They were supposed to steal a very precious book from the library .

The library had only one entrance , but various exit doors and each exit door opened in any of the Lords' private rooms . So it was very hard to steal anything from there as one would be caught for sure and this time the exit door opened in the Fate Lord's room .

The soul soldiers already had the thing they wanted ; but the shinning object on the bookshelf caught their attention . They were all confused whether their Lord wanted that thing as well , so they decided to take that shinning object too . The thing , they took away with them , actually was the "Fate Designing Tablet" of the Fate Lord .

Hey, Readers!

So the battle had finally ended . 😧

But what outcomes are waiting for the Lords and Ladies of Naarook ? ...... 😯😯😯😯

Bhargav seems to be in a worn out state , what exactly happened to him ?!!!! 😦😦😦

and finally Is the Lord of Karma successful in his plans ? !!!! 😱😱😱

Let's see what are waiting for them in upcoming chapters. .........😉😉😉

Till then stay safe , stay healthy , and enjoy reading . 😊😊😊

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                 ..............Anasuya Raj

7th September, 2020

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