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The Shinnai volcano had crumbled down a few moments ago , the splashing Holy Lava destroyed the recruited spirit soldiers . The portals nearest to the volcano were all closed and the further portals were reinforcing spirit soldiers .

But after a while all of a sudden waves of water came through the portals from the other side , and started dissolving the army of the Lord of Karma . Seeing the action of the water , he knew what went wrong in the attack . He immediately closed all the portals and just in time the High Saint entered the premise of the Prison of Eternal Punishment .

Kneeling down before the Lord , the High Saint with a trembling voice said
"please.....please forgive me.... my Lord , I've failed you . The Fate Lord called for the Holy Water of  Martaksha . I...I couldn't restrain it's power ."

Then he looked at his Lord's face . Lord Shanath's light brown eyes were as cold as ever , totally expressionless . The High Saint thought the Lord was so angry that he could not even shout at him . If he were to lose control , the High Saint would be turned into vapour in no time .

But to his utter astonishment the Lord laughed out loud and said
"of course . He loves to collect tricks and use them perfectly . Such a trickster !"

The Lord said that in such a tone as if he was praising his adored one .

That laughter sent goosebumps all over the body of the High Saint .

Trembling he blurted out
"my Lord , if you didn't forbid me from attacking Lord Bhargav when he was on his knees , he would have learned a good lesson by now ."

The Lord of Karma was not caring about his defeat at all nor he cared for his dissolved army but stopping the march at that time was quite a surprise . The Lord looked at the kneeled man in front of him in disbelief , his facial expression changed to hostile from laughing .

Then with gritted teeth he said
"how dare you to talk about a Lord like that ? Don't forget you're saying those words right infront of me and I definitely will not tolerate it . Now off  you go , or I don't know if I can leave you unharmed ."

The High Saint didn't need to see the face this time , but he knew that he should have kept his mouth shut . After giving a short salute, he left the place .

Shanath kept watching his retreating spirit army , yet his mind was lost somewhere else . He was thinking about his argument with Bhargav just two weeks ago . He kept pressing on Bhargav for giving him  "The Book of  Memories and Ancient Records"  and Bhargav stubbornly denied every request .

Since his request didn't work , as a short tempered person he threatened Bhargav that he would definitely get what he wanted and even in order to get that he would go to any level . As he expected , Bhargav didn't back off and as a same leveled stubborn as Bhargav , he kept his mind set to attack . But the attack was a false alarm to divert attention and he had full belief on Bhargav that he would make his plan successful .

Thinking about Bhargav , he remembered that how Bhargav looked when he was on his knees . Shanath couldn't help but feel a stinging sensation in his heart . That man could suffer himself , but would not let others to feel even a bit of uncomfort . Even this time he went to the extent of using his own soul power to protect others . Shanath admired this person a lot for his protective caring personality , but also was disappointed for his stupidity . Most of all , his stubbornness annoyed Shanath a lot .

Shanath could not stop blurting out
"what do you get after doing all these ?"

Suddenly a countered question was thrown to him
"what do you you get after harming him to that extent ?"

Each word was said with suppressed rage .

Shanath looked at his side , the Night Lady in her dark violet robe stood there with complicated expressions of rage , disappointment ,  sympathy . Shanath was quite surprised to see the Night Lady or Lady Rajani there , as she was unexpected there at that moment at least . Though he gathered his mind at once and kept calm , he could not just argue back instantly as she was his elder sister after all .

Keeping his voice low , the Lord of Karma asked
"if he doesn't move away from my way , what can I do ?"

Rajani didn't control her tone at all , outrageously she said
"watch your words , Shanath ! Look at you , how over ambitious you are ! Tell me , why just why you had to harm him ? If you really wanted something , then you should've requested him , or just simply take that thing . Why do you have to kill him ?"

Shanath couldn't tolerate anymore , he was being accused of something which he definitely didn't want to cause .

Still keeping his tone in control , he said
"sister , you know how stubborn he is . I requested him with my utmost patience , but he never agreed to give me 'The Book of Memories and Ancient Records' . Moreover , I never intend to kill him for such a trivial matter . You think if I don't get anything from him , I will get it over his deadbody ?! Sister have some faith in me . I can't even tolerate when people demolish him . How can I........."

Shanath's voice drowned into choked disappointment . He couldn't understand what was the cause of such unreasonable accusation .

Lady Rajani was totally confused , she knew her brother wasn't lying but then she had to clear the matter .

Calming down a bit , she said
"you know why he didn't allow you to take that book ? That book needs to be awakened before use and the awakening tool isn't easily accessible . If brother Anthraj comes to know that his own brother tried to invade that palace , what would be his condition ?! Did you ever think thoroughly ? Shanath , Bhargav doesn't want you to fight against your elder brother !"

"I know . He already told me that a thousand times and I'm not backing off  from my way ."

Shanath's voice became firm as if he was gathering courage to give himself confidence .

"Shanath , I'm warning you , if something goes wrong with Darshan like last time , we will not give you a chance to stand ."

Shanath's expression became solemn , he sincerely talked
"if something goes wrong this time , I'll be the only one to suffer . I promise , sister ."

Lady Rajani didn't stop his younger brother from fighting against her elder brother , as she knew her every try would be in vain .

She returned to the previous matter
"Now explain one thing . If you didn't want him dead , then why 'The Fate Designing Tablet' of the Fate Lord was taken away ?"

Immediately Lord Shanath's expression became shocked , he said with a dry voice
"the Fatebook was stolen by the group of souls which I sent there ?"

"Don't you know ?"

Lady Rajani watched his face carefully , but there was only confusion , fear , pain .

"Sister , believe me , I didn't order them to take the Fatebook....."
Shanath was at lose of words .

However Rajani didn't act harshly , she immediately knew what went wrong .

She spoke with a tender tone
"how can you forget that 'The Book of Memories and Ancient Records' , and 'The Fate Designing Tablet'  both has the twin soul trace ? It's not surprising at all that they wouldn't be separated from each other easily ."

Shanath kept silence with this fact , he was so much drowned into planning that he missed this vital point . The situation made him culprit in everyone's eyes again .

When he spoke , his voice sounded raspy
"how is he now ?"

"Fainted , cold , breaths are almost faded , looks like a corpse ."

The pain in Lady Rajani's voice was clear and the man in front of her wasn't in better state either .

The next questions of the Lord of Karma was in whispers
"where is he ? Who is with him ?"

"Lady Shweta took him to brother Anthraj's place . She said that she will wrap up the other things . And 'we' don't have to worry ."

Shanath knew what the Lady meant , he simply nodded . Lady Rajani couldn't find any right words to console her brother .

She went to the straight warning again
"don't stir up any chaos for few weeks . Let the judgment held up first , clear your name . Don't worry much about Lord Bhargav , he will be okay . And I hope his judgement for you will not be unfavourable for you ."

Shanath still kept silence . Lady Rajani looked at him for a long time , he seemed lost .

Letting out a sigh , she said
"I've to leave now . Take care ."

With that she left the place and her brother alone .

Hey , Readers !

So finally the Lord of Karma is infront of us. 😉

This mission really went wrong for him , moreover it almost costed someone special's life. 😦😯😮

So what's actually the tension between Lord Bhargav and Lord Shanath . 😧

How Lord Bhargav will be okay ?😦

Let's find out in the upcoming chapters. 😉👍

Till then stay safe , stay healthy , and enjoy reading . 😊

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               ...............Anasuya Raj

14th September, 2020

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