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Yash and Aayudh stayed in their own stream of thoughts , though Yash had gone outside time to time to handle some matters with his Death Messengers ; Aayudh remained in the hall the whole time , he was tensed . It was already past two and there was no response from the room , not even a single clue of something going wrong or right whatsoever . To Yash it was indeed a surprise that the normally restless Lord of War had enough patience to wait for the Lady of Life to come out on her own .

Being the youngest among all the Lords and Ladies , Aayudh was always treated with adoration and that made his character a bit childish . But he was also an exceptionally important person in handling emotional atmospheres ; even it can be said that he was an expert in that . He didn't need any words or actions , only his presence was enough to make the table turn . He might be called as the Lord of War , but he was always successful in keeping everyone's mind away from warfare except his second senior brother , and reasonably enough he also gained the title of the Lord of Peace .

More than half an hour later , when the door of the room was finally opened , Yash was finally relieved as he sensed that the smell of death had vanished completely . On the other side Aayudh was at once at the door only to catch the almost stumbling Amrita just in time . He helped the Lady of Life to sit on the couch while he and Yash took two chairs in front of her . She looked a little pale , but only after few minutes when she opened her eyes , the features of the two brothers relaxed as she was full of liveliness again .

Taking Amrita's hands in his own hand , Aayudh asked

"Is it successful ?"

Amrita's eyes lit up with a bit delight as if she wanted a support for a long time , looking at Aayudh's eyes she just nodded .

Yash was about to say something but Amrita interrupted , still keeping her gaze at Aayudh she said

"Aayudh , why don't you go for a wander ?"

Aayudh understood that Amrita needed to talk to Yash privately , but still he looked at Amrita questioningly , to confirm that if he was really that unimportant to stay .
Amrita sighed , obviously she knew the meaning of that look of Aayudh .

She firmed her tone a bit and said
"Aayudh , you're not overlooked but this talk is kind of forbidden to all except the Death Lord ."

Then looking at a frowning Yash , she said
"You can buy a lunch box for your elder brother , you know ? Look the lunch time is already over , you can make it up for him ."

And immediately enough a delighted Aayudh left the apartment .

When Amrita diverted her eyes from the door , Yash was still looking at her questioningly .

"I hope you didn't mind my rudeness back when I asked you all to come out ."

"It's a fact after all . Why would I mind ?"

Yash's tone was even but confusion written all over the face .

Lady Amrita still kept her tone firm
"I don't know what sister Shweta was thinking , but she shouldn't have kept the Night Lady in the same atmosphere with Bhargav . Moreover , you also should have been careful before entering the room , Lord Anthraj . Lady Rajani's presence still can be handled , but you are the Death Lord , your presence alone can attract death , and you were just near a dying soul ."

Yash knew that the Lady of Life was talking sense , but something still kept his mind disturbed .

Seeing his expression , Amrita added more
"I know you are confused about the other weak soul and how he reacts around you ."

This thing was not secret to Amrita , after all she was the one who saved the weak soul from dying in its birth . Yash just nodded .

"Then I guess I have to remind you that you have another powerful soul with you and fortunately that soul also just happens to be the origin of the other weak soul ."

Yash got excited as realisation struck
"you mean I will not cause him any life threat when I'm around him ?"

"Well , intentionally , no . Even your presence will work in a opposite way . It will make him more lively , more relieved . And I'm afraid it can also affect on his capabilities ."

In the last , she looked carefully at Yash who looked amused . Of course each of them wanted that person to come back among them .

Then she asked
"aren't you afraid that he can react in a opposite way after knowing everything ?"

Actually Yash was not afraid at all , he was preparing for the day when finally Darshan could know himself and accept himself as he truly was . This hope had grown up within Yash , since the first day he saw Darshan with his own eyes . From the very first time , he was excited to tell who he was actually , what was his relationship with him , how much he missed him . Keeping all the truth away from Darshan was never his choice , then again staying in the human world for almost 2 years taught him at least not to do things rashly . He even had to take the burden of Manohar's stupid suggestions on relationship matters .

It had been almost one month , since he knew Darshan with the help of his human form . Everytime he met Darshan , he was afraid of making himself an open book , and he intentionally tried his best to avoid any meeting until Bhargav was successful in his plans . To his surprise , Bhargav's plan always had been to make them meet and start a new beginning for which he was immensely thankful . When Yash understood how Darshan's human mind worked on everything , he at once knew how to handle with mortal emotions . Moreover Darshan had his own fear of being a misfortune in the other's life , but what he didn't know was that he was actually the sunshine of Yash's life .

Yash didn't know how Darshan grew up from his childhood , struggling with all his powers which definitely stood out of the normal human life . He couldn't dare to imagine how would've Darshan reacted when he first faced a spirit or how many times he was caught up with his throat like the first day of their meeting . He was so enraged that he almost swore to strangle every spirit with his Death Whip , at the same time he regretted for not staying with Darshan in those times . Those were all past after all , he had to focus on the upcomings and for that he was ready to be side by side of Darshan in every situation , he was not going to let him go again .

Confidently he answered Lady Amrita's question
"No . I'm not afraid of that . Even I think he will be able to take everything as it is . Being a human doesn't matter here , his brain surely works according to his suitability ."

And that fact was even known to the Lady of Life . She was more than glad that her contribution was not going to be wasted after all .

She changed the topic to the other brother
"did Aayudh tell anything about Bhargav's mental state ?"

This subject was in a typical mess , they were quite sure that Bhargav did keep things from them and he is the only one who will be able to explain everything , if not him then they were not thinking about the other person , involved in these . Seeing Yash's expression , she knew whatever Aayudh said was not pleasant at all . To lighten the atmosphere Amrita badly wanted Aayudh to show up immediately and that actually happened after more than twenty minutes of waiting in silence .

When Aayudh was at the door , he already felt the tension filled atmosphere so he didn't dare to say anything and kept the lunch box silently .

Amrita broke the awkward silence
"Lord Anthraj , Bhargav's consciousness will not return easily . Don't worry , he is just asleep . It will take a few days for him to wake up and get used to his human life ."

Yash looked towards his room for a moment then said
"Thank you , my Lady . For everything ."

"It's my responsibility and I'm glad to be in service . I will visit here in time to time . We should leave now ."

"Sure ."

Amrita indicated Aayudh for their cue to leave and Aayudh was more than glad . They both bowed to the Death Lord and left .

Hey, Readers!
Hope you all are doing well 😊

So the Lord of Fate is changed into a human 😱 and what consequences are waiting for this 😯😯😯😯😯

What they were telling about Bhargav's mental state ? What did he keep from them? ?!!!!😐😐😐😐

More to add why Darshan's soul weak and needed Lady Amrita's help for birth? !!!! 😯😯😯😯😯

Keep tight, VOTE , COMMENT & SHARE 👍 ✒ 👉

Stay safe , stay healthy , and enjoy reading 😊 😊

               ...............Anasuya Raj

1st November, 2020

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