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There was still one hour left before lunch time and Yash was in his room , excitedly getting ready for his scheduled lunch date . It had been six days since Yash had received that call from Darshan , just after Amrita's and Aayudh's departure . He was relieved to know that Darshan was finer and his awkward behaviour was only effect of his new capability update . Darshan had promised him a lunch date after he got back to Utkalgarh as an apology for his rudeness .

It was obvious that their communication got frequent and the overprotective mother , Mrs. Sinha didn't interfere , neither did the unconscious Fate Lord in Yash's room . Since Lady of Life herself assured that the soul of Bhargav was stabled and he could stay near him , Yash had no objection in sharing the room . It was quite difficult for him to convince Manohar about the real reason of keeping his so called "ex-boyfriend" in his room , at last Manohar reasoned enough and accepted it .

Yash was lost in his thoughts when a dry yet quite familiar voice entered his ears

"Manohar is coming to the door , he is going to ask Yash about ride ."

Though he heard each word crystal clear , he still couldn't make out any relatable clue about what Bhargav said just after waking up from his six days long slumber .

Yash was confused and as if to clarify each word , he asked

"what did you say ?"

Bhargav seemed to be lost at that moment , in some kind of daze , Yash went to his side and heard two slow knock on the door .

Yash examined the door for seconds , and answered with a loud voice
"Yes ?"

Manohar's voice was heard from the other side
"Senior , there is still time before lunch , if you want I can give you ride to the restaurant or are you planning to go by bus ?"

Then Bhargav's each word sank into his brain , Bhargav already had predicted this just few seconds ago , he looked at Bhargav who was just out of the daze and looking at the closed door .

Yash quickly answered
"I'm not ready yet , Manohar . You go ahead first , I'll manage ."

Manohar said
"Okay , senior . Enjoy your time ."

When the sound of closing door was heard , Bhargav gasped and said with an awe

"Did he really ask about ride ?"

Yash was sure that Bhargav still could tell future but it seemed that he was spilling uncontrollably .

Concerned about Bhargav's mental state , Yash said
"yes , he did . First tell me how are you feeling now ?"

"Well , I'm fine . Feeling a little bit heavy and my breathing is a little faster ."

"Hmm . Lady Amrita said that you will need time to adjust in your human body ."

"That's alright . But what about my this power ? Why am I still able to see the future ?"

Yash was about to say his guess when three violent smacks were heard on the door , whoever was behind the door was overly tensed .

When Yash opened the door , he saw the tensed and concerned Amrita , her all time travel partner Aayudh with a mischievous grin on his face . Yash's brows knitted, he badly wanted to ask what was wrong this time , but stopped himself as he saw the third person , behind himb; it was Lady Shweta . Lady Shweta didn't look any closer to tensed , but frustrated and Yash knew that she was there for official work . He let the three enter the room and checked that the main door was locked , the three of them directly materialised in front of his room .

The inner atmosphere was kind of suffocating for Aayudh , he simply stood near a window , Amrita started checking Bhargav thoroughly and patiently ; while Lady Shweta took the chair from the study table and sat a bit further , scrutinising Bhargav . Aayudh felt Amrita's soul lifted and that meant Bhargav was well , he also felt Yash's tension that was directed to Lady Shweta . He couldn't help but throw a reassurance feeling to Yash , and immediately Yash felt lighter , he looked at Aayudh who was smiling at him .

When finally the inspection was done , Lady Amrita gave a hmph and said

"You're quite fast at adopting this life , congrats !"

Bhargav's face somehow lit up , bowing shortly he sincerely thanked the Lady of Life .

"Excuse me , if you all are done then I should start my duty ."

All heads turned to the owner of the voice , obviously it was Lady Shweta and all the smiles from every face vanished .

Bhargav still gave a small awkward laugh and said ,
"well , isn't my sister little impatient today ?"

Lady Shweta wasn't in a mood for silly argument at all , she took out a scroll from the side pocket of her robe . To everyone's surprise the scroll was not white with golden border but black with a golden border , neatly bound by two golden tassels , very opposite of the scrolls of Naarook and everyone knew it was a call for truce offered by the Lord of Karma from Shinnai . Lady Shweta's frustrating expression was not reasonless .

She looked at Bhargav and said
"The Lord of Karma has decided to return your divine soul and the souls that he had collected for carrying out his mission ."

Bhargav stretched out his hand to have a look at the scroll , Lady Shweta snorted and said

"don't worry he didn't write any heartwarming , sincere words of apology . I was even surprised that the criminal himself sent us the truce , how daring ?"

Hearing the word criminal Yash took a sharp breath while Bhargav spoke up

"my Lady , it's his generosity that he sent the words of peace not of war for crumbling down the Shinnai volcano . And I hope that everyone already knows what actually happened and what unintentionally was done ."

Bhargav's tone made it clear that he was not going to tolerate any word against Shanath .

Lady Shweta however did not care , she continued
"Then you owe us an explanation . What exactly made you trust him to that extent that you don't even regret anything ?"

Bhargav looked at Aayudh and shook his head while Aayudh looked apologetic and gestured that everything was alright . Bhargav checked on everyone's face ; Yash was visibly tensed and worried but not raged or frustrated , Amrita looked rather enthusiastic and happy , but Lady Shweta was pissed and not happy . Everyone just assumed it already and was trying hard to accept the fact and reason with Bhargav's point of view ; for that he had to explain .

He took a heavy breath and said

"you guys don't have to worry about it , I'm doing it in my own will . Neither he pressured me nor you guys have to think that I was threatened . He did threatened me about the battle , but you all know how short tempered he is . If someone was in fault then I should be the one as I didn't agree with his proposal . What could I do ? I just don't want to let the broken relationship between Yash and him get more complicated . And he is not wrong with his way , it's just his extremely bad fortune that brings the worst outcome ever . Every time this happens , he tries to extreme to not make more trouble . And this time......... I think he is suffering more than ever and now he will think twice before doing something ."

Awkward silence filled afterwards , it's true that Shanath never had any ill intention and never tried to do anything gruesome , and even if he did there always had been solid reasons . One might think of him as cruel , cold and unapproachable , but being the Lord of Karma and the ultimate punishment giver , who could expect him to be easily emotional or soft-hearted ; and after Rajani's much persuasion to see him through his point , everyone knew he was certainly careful with Bhargav's state whether it was mental or physical .

It was Aayudh who felt more suffocated , as always talked first

"my Lady, Lord Bhargav and second senior brother are really on terms of good relation till now and they will resolve this issue within themselves . We kind of have to keep our patience on both . And here my first senior brother will be late for his date if we stay few more minutes ."

Before Lady Shweta could response anything , Bhargav interrupted

"wait ! They are going on a date ? I mean when did this development happened ? Hmm , not bad my Lord . You're certainly his Yashraj , aren't you ?"

The teasing was absolutely inappropriate infront of Lady Shweta , yet she didn't react . She just folded back the scroll and was about to get ready to leave , Yash interrupted

"wait my Lady , we still have something to discuss ."

Every eyes turned to him and Bhargav knew what the matter was .

Yash simply stated
"Bhargav still can see future and it seemed that he had no control over it and kept spilling . He just saw what Manohar was going to do before you all arrived ."

Lady Shweta nodded in understanding while Lady Amrita sighed , both knew what the cause was .

It was Lady Amrita who gave the answer
"Of course , he can see . After all he is the Fate Lord ."

Bhargav countered ,
"sister Amrita it's not like I rule over the Fate . Fate is of course the bound decisions of universe , I just can see them beforehand and record the Fates as they are shown . Even if I want to change something , I have to make up for the loops in the permanent flow and that's really a tough work . And obviously that all happens because of my divine soul but how come I still can see them without my divine power and moreover I can't control it !"

Lady Amrita kept her patience and answered with a serene tone

"Bhargav , can you see Lord Anthraj's upcoming events ? It's still early to say anything about it but I'm pretty sure that you will be able to see the future of mortal human not ours ."

Bhargav understood what 'ours' meant , he nodded , yet he wasn't clear about the cause .

Yash spoke up his thought
"my Lady , why is he still capable , can you clarify ?"

Amrita was surprised , but answered anyway

"Lord Anthraj , it's the same reason as Darshan . Both of their core soul essence is Vision which can not be erased even from their weakest soul form . As you know Darshan still has the capability which he always had in his divine life . Even without his divine soul , even in his weakest form he still is the owner of Vision , and we still count him as one of us , respect him as the Lord of Vision ."


Woah! So long chapter and late update! !!!!!!! Don't ask me how much packed this week was and how difficult it was to complete this chapter 😩😩😩
I'm totally drained now. .....!
Again Monday? !!!!
No. Not Monday. I swear I started typing last night and then. .......
Then whattttt? !!!!!
I slept over it! !!!!!😕😴😴😴
MY phone's battery life is going to end now but still I typed the left and now it's OUT! !!!!!😧😧😧😧😧

I hope you enjoyed the chapter 😉
So Darshan's original identity is revealed and he is also a LORD! !!!!
Wow! Getting more exciting!

What happened to him in his divine life? When he will be able to remember everything? How is going to be the date between him and Yash?

Keep bearing with me, as it's going to be rewritten again and the plot will be analysed. ......
Till then

It's 6.22 in the morning here so GOOD MORNING, everyone. Have a nice day ❤❤❤

               ................Anasuya Raj

8th - 9th November, 2020

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