40. The Reincarnation of the Vision Lord : A Crime

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Three weeks had passed since Darshan came to know about his direct connection with the Divine beings of Naarook. His relationship with Yash had become a lot easier and tension free, having lunch and dinner, small walks ; life had become a blessing for him.

Accepting his true identity not only helped with his daily life but also with his mentality, his capacity to restrain unwanted visions, vulgar thoughts increased a lot, but still he couldn't lock his mind completely and he knew that he would be able to do that only when he would gain back his divine soul.

Yash had told him that they would find a way to help him in that but to do that, they would be needing someone very experienced. In Naarook's member list there were not many people who had experience in such cases.

Though he knew that impossible task already had been succeeded by the youngest member of the vision family, he was still doubting if she would be able to do it, after all Darshan's divine soul had been detached for eight thousands years.

With an exciting mood, Darshan was walking out of the university campus as it was Saturday and his classes ended for the week, and he had a lunch plan with Yash. More to be added, Yash had told him that they were going to meet some important people regarding his soul restoration problem and he was looking forward to see those people.

When he opened the glass door of the restaurant V's , Vinay was already at the door, waiting for him. Acknowledging him with a small bow, Vinay gestured him to follow, and he could guess that they were special guests for that day.

The private cabinet was dimly lighted, and four people already were present there, lost in their own course of thoughts. Bhargav had a sickening expression, tension and fear was shouting all over his body, even after becoming a fully immortal again couldn't help him.

Divya was continuously comforting her second senior brother, and Yash looked like he forgot how to gulp down saliva, his throat scorching with dryness. While the other person, present there wasn't moved at all, as if she would just take the consequences as a piece of cake.

Entering the cabinet, at first Darshan's gaze fell on that person and in spite of himself, his voice called


He himself didn't know how to react after seeing his own mother so long after, his heart clenched with frustration, his eyes madly seeking for explanations, and Shweta could only assure him with silence.

Suddenly Darshan felt a heavy, warm hand on his shoulder, as if pressing him down to relax, when he averted his gaze, it fell on the same face of his own, that face was giving him chance and reason to calm down.

Darshan couldn't hold back, he blurted, "it seems that Lord Bhargav has regained his divinity."
He was awed and happy at the same time.

Giving a nervous smile, Bhargav remarked "all gratitude goes to this sister of mine", his eyes fixed on Divya.

At once Divya stood up, taking Darshan's hands in her hands, she forced him sit beside Yash who had an unimaginable guilty expression. To Darshan the atmosphere had become suffocating, Yash had never warned him about his mom's presence, more to be added, he was the only mortal present there.

Gathering all of his courage, Yash kept his cold hand on Darshan's clenched ones and Darshan looked up. As their eyes met, Yash could see complete disbelief in Darshan's gaze.

To change the atmosphere, Bhargav spoke first "Lady Shweta, I think it'll be more convenient for you to talk first."

Shweta was minutely watching Darshan's expression who sat there like a statue, without any sense of presence.

Unexpectedly, her words were not directed to Darshan but to Lady Divya, "is it possible? "

Giving a wide smile, Lady Divya answered "Yes, my Lady. It's possible."

Only then Bhargav and Yash looked at each other with relieved expression and Darshan understood why Lady Divya had to force him to sit down. They were all afraid of Darshan's opinion moreover if he had a second thought of running away then they would be so done for.

Lady Divya's smile assured them that not only it would be possible, but also it would be easy. In Darshan's mind Lady Divya's assurance rang with an excitement but still he had an unknown fear, poking his back brain.

Lady Shweta asked Darshan with a concerned voice "Darshan, are you sure about it? "

Hearing that question, Darshan had a critical expression, with a mocking chuckle, he replied "It's not like you guys have left another option for me."

Bhargav's expression became stiffened, he extended one of his hands to warn Darshan but before that hand could reach him, a maniac laugh was heard and that came from Lady Shweta. 

Her normal caramel brown eyes were glistening with tears yet her face was twitched with an increasing laughter. Both Darshan and Lady Divya had shocked expression on their faces, Yash's face somehow had returned to its former guilty ones and Bhargav at once went to Lady Shweta's side to calm down her.

Still laughing hysterically, Lady Shweta spoke "Bhargav, did you hear him? I didn't leave any option, I?"

Bhargav had a total helpless expression, still he tried his best "Shweta, please calm down first. He doesn't know what you've gone through. Please understand his side too, after all we never told him anything."

Lady Shweta retorted "and wasn't it better that way? So what if we're facing problems? What if we're having excessive pressure upon us? Couldn't we menage for last eight thousand years? "

Her laughter was long gone as well as the tears, rage was clear in her expressions. Darshan clearly detected his mother's hurtful emotions in the outburst. Leaving Yash's side, he went straight for his mother's side. As he sat beside his mother, Bhargav looked up from the other side and when their eyes met, he knew Darshan could handle the situation.

Lady Shweta completely ignored Darshan's presence , taking one of his mother's hand , with a quivering tone, he said "mom, I'm sorry. I'm still not sure if I can handle it. You're understanding, right?"

Seeing his mother's silence , Darshan tried to pry again "mom, please say something. Okay, I agree that you didn't want me to get involved in this chaos that's why you never told me anything. But mom was it really a right choice? I mean with my supernatural life, it could've been easier for me, if I knew everything beforehand..."

Darshan wasn't finished yet, when his pleading eyes met with Lady Shweta's sorrowful ones, he didn't let go of his mother's hand. Lady Shweta looked like she was saying something but no word reached Darshan's ears.

His eyes were blurred with a hazy curtain which was getting clearer, few voices were heard but strangely those voices were not known. When the curtain finally vanished, Darshan was no longer in the private cabinet of the restaurant.

It looked like a small hall room of some family, not so classy but well furnished and decorated, like the family was preparing for someone's welcome; a familiar atmosphere.

A shrill woman voice was heard from a room "Why did you agree with them?"

Immediately a soothing, gentle voice of a man consoled her "Shweta, please calm down first, okay? You should not be worried in this condition."

There was a moment of silence and Shweta came out of the room, she gently sat on a sofa in the hall. Her features were elegant as ever, she looked beautiful in her oversized gown but her breathing was uneven, profoundly sweating.

She gulped down a whole glass of water in one go, only then she looked relaxed. The person who followed her right away from the room just held his patience in a barrier and he was none other than Shweta's husband, Ishaan.

Ishaan was still in his light green robe, his warm brown eyes were anxious , the more he waited, the more calm he looked. But the small beads of sweat on his broad fair forehead was indicating that he was getting restless inside.

When he felt that it was safe to talk, he came over to Shweta's side. Sitting down on the floor, he took Shweta's hands in his hand and checked the pulse.

Sighing a relieved breath, he complained "the more nearer you're getting to the delivery time, the more careless you're becoming. Don't get worried about me now, it's time to worry about our baby."

"I don't care! " outraged, Shweta exclaimed.

As if the baby also could sense its mother's agitation, it moved violently and Shweta screamed in pain. Ishaan was petrified there, he could not decide what he should do at that moment. He knew that the delivery date was still five days later, but seeing Shweta in pain so earlier, his mind completely had gone crazy. You can't blame him for this; their baby's soul wasn't strong enough to survive the labour, let alone to survive later on.

With Lady Amrita's consultation they had reached for a way to give the baby a safe birth but to do that Ishaan would have to loose his life. Shweta was obviously against it, she could not handle the lose of her soul mate and that was the real reason for her outraged state in the early morning.

The Lords and Ladies of Naarook were divided in three teams at the moment; Amrita, Bhargav, Yash and Aayudh, all of them wanted to take the risk as it might have been the first and last chance to have Darshan back.

While Rashmi and Prakriti were totally against the idea, Rajani stayed neutral and Shanath had his reason to go against them, after all taking away a life to save another was a huge crime. Shanath knew what would be the consequences of loosing another divine being, for the last eight thousand years they all had to suffer a lot and that was already enough.

Still there was a hope; if they could bring back Darshan successfully, then Ishaan would return with Darshan's help and that was the only reason, they all agreed to do it even it was a crime.

Ishaan's brain still did not work in right way, when four figures materialised in the hall; and they were Bhargav, Amrita, Aayudh and Yash. Amrita immediately went for Shweta to stabilise her condition and Aayudh accompanied her. Bhargav had a tensed face but Yash knew how much pain he was going through, they both went to Ishaan.

The way Ishaan looked, it frightened Bhargav, hesitantly, he marked "She'll never forgive me for this."

As if Ishaan was hit by some heavy force, he grasped Bhargav's shoulders and said "neither me."

Bhargav's expression went blank for a moment, then suddenly he moved to Yash and said "Let's go back to Naarook. We can't do it in this way and there is really a mere chance for that person to come back properly."

Before Yash could nod in agreement, Ishaan retorted "no, no, no. You can't back away from it now, my Lord. Please understand the situation, we got this chance after eight thousand years! And the Celestial World knows when another time will come. We can't let the situation go more astray."

What he said was a bitter truth indeed, the way the condition of Pranheena was being handled in those eight thousand years, was nothing but a huge chaos. The souls and spirits were becoming  more restless and the formation was totally messed up.

Pranheena should not have existed in the first place, if the Celestial World could work properly, but with the owner of the Celestial World gone, the condition became out of the margin.

The souls and spirits always had been brought to the Pranheena for temporary stay before their judgements were held and once they were judged, they would get their final destination. Among the souls some had been given chance to be worker under Naarook's system and some had been given the chance to be reincarnated in the human world; but they all had to go through the Celestial World in order to do so.

As for the spirits, those with the less blackness had given the opportunity to refine their Karma by being the officials of the Prison of Eternal Punishment, while the others had been punished in the cells of the Karma Lord's horrible Prison.

Since Darshan was the one who handled the records of memory part as it was his power, the Celestial World was his own special domain. With him gone, no one knew how to take care of that job, so the dead souls ended up waiting for eternity and gradually fading away into the unknown automatically, reincarnation decreased and gradually became a total legend in the current days.

Lady Amrita kept her job in a well margin by creating each new soul everyday, though it always had been burdensome and much draining, she never complained. They all had tried their best to balance everything but no one could stop the once a colony like Pranheena to grow up into a continent like Pranheena.

Bhargav's helpless expression became more painful to the eyes, Ishaan had a hopeful demeanour to think that the Lords would think it over and Yash looked like numbness had engulfed him completely and he was simply paralysed there.

Suddenly they all heard a course of shouting from the bedroom where Shweta had been moved before and immediately they hurried to the room. What they saw totally dumbfounded them, Shweta was chewing one of Amrita's hand, Amrita was shouting wholeheartedly and Aayudh was using his whole might to loosen Shweta's iron grip on Amrita's hand.

Ishaan exclaimed with a horrified expression "Shweta, you shouldn't do this kind of behaviour! "

Only then Shweta left Amrita's hand.

Clutching her now swollen wrist, Amrita sighed a relieved breath and assured Ishaan "Don't get her wrong, Ishaan. She doesn't know how to fight with me in this condition so she applied for that way."

After seeing everyone's peculiar questioning gazes, she added "She wanted to see Ishaan immediately after we came in and I dared to stop her, and then you saw what happened. It's really okay, after all we are sisters and it's quite normal to happen this kind of quarrel once in a while. No worries, really."

After listening to Amrita's explanations, the other three relaxed a bit.

Staring at Shweta with a blank expression, Ishaan requested to Bhargav "my Lord, can I talk with Shweta for a moment in private?"

Nodding once, Bhargav gestured everyone to leave with him.

As they were left totally alone, Ishaan bent down infront of Shweta, her face was already contorted with pain, seeing Ishaan's action she gasped loudly. Before she could utter any word, Ishaan took her hands and  comforted her with gentle rub on her palms, and Shweta knew that the time had come and the man infront of her wanted a lot to say.

Gathering all of his courage, Ishaan started with a very soft voice, "Shweta look at me."

As their eyes met, Shweta already had a suppressed sorrow all over her face, Ishaan became more careful with his words.

Looking straight at Shweta's eyes, he said "Will you really regret it?"

As Shweta shook his head slowly, Ishaan continued "I knew it. You're a brave woman, Shweta and I know you'll be a brave mother too. Please take good care of him while I'm gone. Don't ever mention me infront of him, I'm afraid with his characteristics he'll find out the truth sooner or later, still try to do your best."

Shweta was maintaining both her breath and emotions well, fidgeting with Ishaan's fingers, with a slow, quivering tone, she asked "Ishaan, will he really be able to return you to me?"

Without any doubt, Ishaan prompted "of course. Don't forget it was him who saved me when I was on my deathbed. I'm just returning back what was his from the beginning. Now, don't get swayed by my problems, think about him now. You must be a good, caring and protective mother to him. Okay?"

Shweta could not control her tears from rolling down, she vigorously nodded her head and Ishaan engulfed her in a warm hug. Without wasting another moment there, he stood up and went out of the room, only then the others tensed people calmed down.

Bhargav had a questioning look on his face, and Ishaan nodded in assuring. Immediately Amrita went inside the room to take care of Shweta and Bhargav gestured Yash to make the move.

Ishaan needed to say his goodbye to them, bowing low to Bhargav, he requested "my Lord, please take good care of her. You're his best friend and the person whom she trusts the most after me, please keep her in your wings."

Then turning to Yash he bowed again and said "for all these years you've taken good care of him, I hope you'll be able to do that for few more years."

Bhargav's face showed clear confusion and suspension, ignoring him completely, Yash nodded his head reluctantly. Then he reached for his Whip and gestured Ishaan with his eyes, as he nodded in agreement, Yash handed over the Whip to Ishaan.

As soon as Ishaan touched the Whip, his expression became stiffened, he was sweating profoundly, his complexion was becoming more and more pale, his eyes were blurred with tears. If Aayudh was not present there, then the situation could have been difficult.

Bhargav couldn't watch more, he blurted out "can he handle it?"

Yash looked at Bhargav with a critical expression and simply nodded.

Ishaan's skin became totally paper white, his fast breathing turned heavy and slower, the glow in his eyes had vanished a long ago. As the Whip continued to suck out life from his body, his body started to fade and gradually it became transparent.

A few moments later, there was nothing left except for a huge ball of blazing light and none of them dared to move from their places. As if the life source also could feel the situation, it forwarded to the room on its own will and the others followed it.

As they entered the room, they all saw the blazing light being absorbed into Shweta's bulged belly and Lady Amrita had her hand placed on it. Amrita was concentrating on the baby, realising the other's presence, she looked at them and with sharp eyes warned them to get out of there.

When they were getting out of the room, to their disbelief, another ball of blazing light followed them and Amrita froze there. That ball was not that big or glowing, it was rather small in size and its glow was very faint, as if some lost soul was just drifting away. Before Amrita could have hold of that soul, Shweta clutched her hands and screamed in extreme pain.

Amrita could not think about anything else at that moment , neither the other three could urge her to do something, so they simply left the room and the ball had vanished a long ago.

The waiting party were really in a critical position, Yash had become an unmoving statue since the ball had vanished, Aayudh was strolling infront of the door with a worried sick expression, and Bhargav looked like he was waiting for his death.

Shweta's loud groans did not help with the situation at all, with much tolerance they endured well and approx fifteen minutes later a loud cry of a baby was heard.

The waiting party looked at each other for confirmation to go inside the room, but no one took the lead. Few more minutes later, Amrita came outside of the room hurriedly and ran to the kitchenette, few seconds later she went inside the room again with a small tub of warm water.

Though no one had the chance to ask her anything, Aayudh felt her emotions which were positivity and joy and he assured the other two. Few more minutes later Amrita came out with a waste bucket and the small tub and indicated that she would be back after settling few things.

Approx more than twenty minutes after an exhausted, yet freshen Amrita came to the hall and quietly sat on the sofa, leaning on the sofa, she closed her eyes. Bhargav looked at Aayudh, his eyes questioning the matter with Amrita and Aayudh, with his gestures assured that Amrita needed some rest, nothing serious, so they all waited patiently.

Few more minutes later Amrita spoke up with a low voice "You guys don't have to worry now. Both the mother and the baby are fine, they are having rest."

Bhargav's expression became joyful, Aayudh was visibly grinning widely but Yash did not know how to express his feelings by facial expressions.

Bhargav asked with urgency "do you think we've got success?"

Amrita sighed heavily, and answered with a doubtful tone "I can't surely say so...."

The other three looked at her astonishingly, how a Lady of Life could not say something so mere was really surprising.

However Amrita continued "...I'm only assuming it as a success because of only one fact..."

"...can't detect his aura at all." Yash completed the left assumption.

Nodding her head in agreement, she asked Bhargav with a thoughtful voice "Bhargav, do you want to see him? I mean if you can confirm it?"

Bhargav was not sure either, still they had to testify, so they all entered the room again. Shweta  tried to sit, but Amrita and Aayudh both warned her not to do so and Bhargav went to the baby.

The baby was awake at the moment, his tiny fingers were fidgeting nonstop as if he was trying to grab something firm, his creamy complexion was exactly same as the Vision Lord. What shocked Bhargav the most were his eyes, they were glossy warm brown with a glint of gold, and they were staring right at Bhargav's eyes.

Bhargav thought that he was hallucinating, but he could not avert his gaze from those eyes as if they were piercing through his soul, just like his senior brother's used to do. A crackling sound came from the baby's mouth and Bhargav lost his focus.

Moments later, when he regained his senses, he looked away from the baby and the others looked at him in confusion. Bhargav's eyes did not meet with any of their surprised gazes, they were solely focused on the door and everyone else followed his gaze.

To their astonishment, it was not a person who came in but an ages old diary which was floating in midair without anyone's help. The peoples in the room had very shocked expression on their faces, as it was not a normal diary at all.

For an instance, Bhargav almost thought it was his Fate Disigning Book, the cresent eye, encrypted on it was glowing vigorously as if it was energised newly with some life source.

Shweta was the first one to raise her voice "This book should be in Ishaan's Library. What is it doing here?"

Sighing heavily, Amrita answered "It's Ishaan's dispersed soul which made it come here..."

Shweta had a pained expression, she wanted to ask something, but Amrita continued "the dim soul light which we saw earlier was Ishaan's, finally he has found his settlement for now."

Then looking at Shweta, she added "Don't worry, sister. He'll be safe within that book. Don't forget that the owner of that book always had been the protector of Ishaan."

Only then Bhargav got his mind at one place, it was not his Fate Disigning Book but his senior brother's Book of Ancient Records and Memories, and you can't blame him for getting confused as both the books had the same aura.

Shweta spread out her hands and the book flew to her and rested on her lap calmly, Shweta had a smiling face while caressing the book.

Two small knocks on the door averted all their gazes, and there stood a very unexpected guest, the Lord of Karma. Shanath's demeanour was cold as ever, his posture straight, his face wholly void of any kind of emotion, his light brown eyes were blazing with disbelief and rage and everyone knew what was his purpose to come there.

However his eyes were not fixed on any of them, they were looking at a particular corner of that room and everyone else followed his gaze, only to find a blank place.

Shanath's words dumbfounded everyone "You shouldn't be here. Return at once to where you actually belong." And it was directed to that blank space.

Holla, guys
See, I actually made it to the end of this month!
Gosh! Only two chaps in one month! Can't believe my hardworking anymore!

Please inspire me guys with votes, Comments and shares 🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏

So are you exited to know the invisible person's identity?

Do you want to know what will be the outcome of Karma Lord's presence?

Yeah? !

Then please keep patience with me and wish me luck so that I can survive to the next chapter!

Till then stay safe!

It's 11.15 of night here. So good night everyone!

Anasuya Raj
30th April, 2022

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