41 : The Return of the Vision Lord

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Darshan's ears were ringing with some known and some unknown voices, yet hecould not stable his mind in one place, as he was not sure where his soul wouldbe transported in the next moment.

A very soft, low whisper rang inside his head, "Darshan, I know you're awake. Now,please open your eyes and let us relax."

Darshan could remember from his memories that it was the voice of the Lady ofLife. Immediately, he felt relaxed and assured, then his warm brown eyes shotopen only to hail Yash's almost crying face infront of him. As he tried to reach for
Yash's face, Yash flinched away from him and distanced himself from Darshan.

Darshan's worried expression changed into a raged one, he still wanted to clenchon Yash, however there was someone who turned his mind completely upsidedown.

Aayudh felt the puzzled look of Darshan on him, immediately he apologised "myLord, please forgive me. I didn't mean any harm to you but your mental wellness isour priority."

Unexpectedly Shweta cut him off, "Aayudh, don't worry. He is capable of resolutehis mental state."

Darshan's eyes were fixed on his mother, at the moment Shweta stoppedlecturing, he embraced her in a light hug.
Sighing a low breath, he simply said "I'm sorry."

Shweta was petrified there , she could not recognise the man anymore, whether it
was her son Darshan or the reincarnated Vision Lord. When he broke the hug, hiseyes were filled with a suppressed sorrow, instinctively Shweta caressed hischeeks to assure him.
With a soothing voice, she asked "Why are you saying sorry to me? What have youdone to me, huh? "

Lowering his gaze, with a trembling voice, he said "my birth has cost you so much,still you'd say I didn't do anything to you?"

Then he looked at Shweta, only to encounter her shocked expression. Not only her
but everyone in that cabinet had very peculiar expressions on their faces, Bhargavlooked like he forgot to breath, Aayudh and Amrita looked at each other withpained expression, Yash looked like a sculpture, only Divya had an astonishment
featured on her face.

Seeing their faces, Darshan clarified "just now, I saw everything about my birth."
Then fixing his eyes again on Shweta, he asked "Why didn't you tell me all these things earlier mom? Am I not that trustworthy?"

Shaking her head vigorously, Shweta denied "no, no, that's not the matter at all, mydear. You already had so much suffering in your life, I just couldn't make it harderfor you."

Distress was visible all over Darshan's face, he retorted "but didn't I get through allof it? Why did you all have to go to this extend to have him back?"

In the end, his raging eyes turned to Yash who finally could come to express hisheartless facade breaking into a deeply wounded person.

Seeing the event unfolding, Bhargav looked up to Divya and asked "He knows?"

With a melancholic look Divya softly answered "Yes. When he was unconscious,he was actually inside the memory passage of the Lady of Knowledge and thushe encountered everything with his own eyes."

Hearing this Amrita completely froze there, Aayudh was barely handling heremotions, Yash had a strange smile, hanging from the one corner of his lips, whileBhargav looked quite confused.

To clarify her second senior brother's confusion, Divya added "the Celestial Worldresponded to its master which is normal for the Lord of Vision. I know, he is not aDivine being now, but whenever the Third Eye and the mortal form of the Vision Lord will be nearer, they'll respond to each other. My Lord, didn't you know that? "

Bhargav hesitantly answered "I knew it. But I don't know the exact location of the Third Eye."

Saying so he had a betrayed expression on his face, Darshan was watching the Fate Lord minutely and when he was sure that it was indeed the fact, his eyes landed on Yash who already had his eyes fixed on the Lady of Life. Only when he felt Darshan's gaze on him, he averted his eyes, Yash's head seemed to be hangedlow, yet his eyes were completely the opposite, they were sharp as knives,throwing a dangerous warning and Divya had an utterly guilty face as if she had spilled somethingforbidden. Darshan understood that only few of them knew the truth of the Third Eye, seeing the situation, he decided to stay quiet.

Seeing Darshan's piercing eyes on Yash, Shweta warned him "Darshan, don't givehim that look. He had had enough suffering for his wrongdoings. Moreover Ishould clarify this that each of them had their own kind of suffering. The Lord of Karma didn't go easy on any of them. "

Darshan's eyes turned to his mother, they were filled with confusion, as Shweta was about to continue Amrita interrupted her.
"Sister, is it necessary to bring up those nasty things?"

Void of any kind of emotion, Shweta curtly answered "Yes, it's necessary. If I don'ttell him now, he may not be able to forgive all of you soon."

Amrita was much older than the Lady of Knowledge but when it comes to action
she was always meek than her, with a pale face, she just kept quite. Bhargav hadan ominous feeling that listening to the whole thing again would create more uneasiness in him, Yash had not moved from his sculpted posture at all, as if he was going to meet the outcome and say goodbye to everything. Aayudh lookedlike a crazy person, his temper was getting restless and he did not know how tohandle the chaotic situation there when he was also affected by it.

As Shweta realised none of them would interrupt her anymore, with aconcerned voice she said "Darshan listen to me. I really don't regret my decision at thattime not even now."

Darshan wanted to say something, but Shweta continued "listen, okay? Everyoneof this system has suffered a lot because of the Vision Lord's death. I'm afraid if itwasn't for his sacrifice we would've been extinguished a long ago. He was the onewho blessed me with your dad, if we can't repay him with this small favour then
what we're worth for? And if you're worried about me then think about the DeathLord first."

Yash had finally raised his eyes, he did not expect Shweta to take his side, yetShweta's concerned eyes on him told him that she always had felt him.

However Shweta did not stop in her course "He had been bearing this pain, thisloneliness for the past eight thousand years and only he knows if he has gotanything lively left in him."

Her eyes were scrutinising Darshan's expressions very carefully and she onlycould get a pained, guilty face from him.

With a soothing, warm voice she assured him, "he had never showed us any vulnerability, yet he was the only person who witnessed everything alone, he wasthe only person who had broken down to core. Still he had stood up for us,carrying out his duty, bearing with our burden."

Intensely staring at Darshan's calm eyes, she asked "now tell me, was he wrong towant you back? Even though he knew what would be the consequences, he didthe crime, was he really wrong? What would you've done if you had a slightchance? Wouldn't you've done the same thing if you were in his place?"

Darshan could not bear with the overwhelming pain growing up in his chest, heclosed his eyes tight to calm down himself.

It was Yash who finally found his voice, "Shweta, it's already enough. Stop it now."
His voice was slow and soft but it carried a shivering chill.

Darshan realised thathe was not the only one who was suffering the immense inner turmoil, Yash hadbeen bearing more than that and that man did not even show an inch of uneasiness yet.

However Shweta did not have any intention to stop there, looking at Yash, shecontinued "It's not for you, my Lord. I'm clearing all these things to him only tomake him realise the broader side of facts and it's solely for his sake."

Saying so she looked at Darshan and said "You know it was still bearable, as weknew what exactly happened to him. But Bhargav? He had gone crazy and it wastotally intolerable for any of us to see him in that state."

In the mention of his name, Bhargav's face totally became distorted, his voicealmost quivering, "Sister, you really thought of a good way to torture us."

With a mocking chuckle, Shweta exclaimed "You call it torturous? Really Bhargav? Did you forget whatdid the Lord of Karma do to punish you? Then let me remind you, you wereconfined inside the Vision Manor for almost two years, while you had neverreturned to that place after the death of your senior brother."

Bhargav's expression became stiffened as if he was trying hard to concentrate onbreathing. It was true that after the death of his senior brother, the Vision Manorhad become nightmarish for him.

Seeing his almost paper white complexion, Darshan could not handle it anymore,
he had to stop his mother "mom, please stop it now. His condition doesn't seemwell."

Unexpectedly Bhargav interrupted him "no, don't stop her brother. She also needsto let it go. She may not show her concerns to us but she is also deeply affectedby our sufferings."

Shweta exclaimed with almost an outraged voice "of course, I was. You didn'twant to trust any of us to take care of the Lord of Karma when he was just lyingthere lifeless, breathless, without any decay, yet not ever coming back to life. And you! You were enough stubborn to even stand against us!"

Her eyes were burning again, Darshan was dumbstruck after listening to the truth. He could not measure the endless pain, Bhargav had to go through; his senior brother died in his soul mate's hand, his soul mate had gone to an unendingslumber and he had to bear with all those alone, no wonder he was called the master of pretence. How much patience Bhargav had to keep to manageeverything with that poker smiling face that was really unimaginable for everyone.

Bhargav was silent for the whole outburst of Shweta, but now he could not bearwith it.
Raising his pain quivered face, Bhargav almost whispered "enough, my Lady. Irequest you to stop already."

Shweta finally came to an end, her face was calm and controlled, she was internally satisfied that she had clarified everything to Darshan. Whether to let goall the grudges and accept the situation or backing away from the situation to suffer a worse than Naarook like lifestyle. He wanted to apologise to all,specifically to Yash but he was not sure where to start or how to address them all.

Except from his mom, he was not well merger with any of them and moreover,Yash was present there as a Lord.

Shweta was the first person to understand Darshan's mindset, with a caring voice,
she said "It's okay, Darshan. You don't have to apologise to us, after all it's true that we're all responsible for your misunderstanding. As for the Death Lord, youneed to talk to him. I hope you understand what I'm talking about."

As Darshan nodded in agreement, Shweta added "Then Bhargav, let us leave themfor some privacy."

Bhargav's gaze was distant as he heard Shweta's suggestion, he abruptly stood up to leave as if something had got into him, he urged everyone "Yes, yes, we all should leave right now." Then he just vanished into thin air.

The others looked baffled by the sudden change in Bhargav's behaviour, they alllooked at each other and everyone of them knew something big was about tohappen as Bhargav's tone indicated that. So they all hastily left the cabinet exceptfor Darshan and Yash.

The atmosphere had become awkward again, no one dared to talk first. Darshanwas still balancing his inner turmoil, while Yash looked a bit carried away as if hewas also sensing something. Still he had to clear the offense with Darshan whether it ends well or not.

Unsure, with a stiffened voice, he said "You don't need to feel wronged, or need toapologise. I did what I could do. And I don't regret my doing."

In the end his voice quivered a bit, his eyes were filled with longing and they were
staring right at Darshan's unblinking ones.
Darshan realised how much pain Yash had to carry out alone in those eightthousand years and how desperate that pain had made him to do such a crime.

Darshan's eyes were filled with remorse, sorrow and a suppressed rage too.

He looked like he wanted to say something, but Yash interrupted him, "you told meto be selfish, right? Then there is no one more selfish than me. Your decision will be final here. Iwon't stop you from going away. I hope you listen to your mind."

Darshan had had enough, his temper was out of control, he almost shouted, "areyou done yet?"

He looked really mad, his eyes were hazy with anger, Yash automatically loweredhis eyes, he looked guilty.

Realising Yash's side, Darshan tried to calm down himself, his voice was stillpitched as he said "You guys said that if it wasn't for the Vision Lord's sacrifice,you all could've been extinguished a long ago. Then why didn't you had a littlefaith in him? Did you guys really think that I won't be able to handle the truth? Do Ilook that weak to you? At least you could've been honest with me! "

Yash had gone totally silent, his posture was stiffened like a statue, then suddenlyhe was embraced into a tight hug, Darshan had finally surrendered to him. Butthat turned everything upside-down in Darshan's mind, and only then both of themrealised that the Third Eye again had come to contact with its owner's body.

Breaking the hug, Yash looked carefully at Darshan and called him "Darshan, areyou okay?"

Darshan's eyes were unfocused, as if they were witnessing something far fromtheir position, before Yash could utter another word, with serious tone, Darshanhurriedly said, "we need to go to the Nightfall City. A danger is heading that way."

Immediately after saying that he clutched Yash's hand and vanished into thin air,they were transferred to the city gate of the Nightfall City.

While materialising,Yash had a shocked expression on his face as he realised that he was not the onewho teleported themselves, it was Darshan. He was looking at the person beside him with an awe, Darshan's posture was calm, relaxed and most importantly hisaura suddenly started glowing as if a long lost demeanour had returned to itsowner. Yash subconsciously touched his neck and sure enough the chain whichcontained the Third Eye for last eight thousand years was no longer around it.

Unsure of his own emotions, his voice quivered, "Darshan, is everything okay? "

Darshan looked at Yash with his calm face, surprisingly his eyes were still thewarm brown ones but they were no longer stubborn, unfocused ; they had aresolved superiority in them.

Darshan's voice was light, gentle "well as of now everything is good but it can turnupside-down if the Lord of Karma goes against us again. "

Yash looked confused for a moment then he realised that Darshan had answeredhim about the upcoming events when he asked something else.

After watching Yash's face, Darshan also realised his mistake, with a light chuckle, he replied "Yes, of course. Everything is fine. It really feels good to be back in awhole form."
While saying so his eyes brightened, his face became full ofexcitement.

Yash was just observing Darshan's actions and expressions with a mesmerisedlook, unknown to him, a tiny happy smile spread all over his face, he felt likethousands tons of weight had been finally lifted from his soul.

After a small silence, Darshan spoke , "you look a lot relieved. I'm so sorry formaking you suffer this long. I didn't know it would take this long for me to be..."

Yash cut off him with a sussh "it doesn't matter. Now that you're back, everythingis over. Don't bring up the past anymore. "

Darshan knew that if he kept persisting on that matter the person beside him would get more hurt, leaving that thought aside, he hugged Yash once more. Noneof them talked, Darshan had a satisfying smile on his face, he just closed his eyestight and enjoyed the warmth of his soul mate; Yash hugged back him, with a
determination of not letting his soul mate go anywhere far from him again.

A few moments later, Darshan's posture became restless, as they broke the hug,Darshan looked at Yash, with a concerned voice he said "get ready."

Then looking at a distance, he added "here they come."

He was determined just like his old form, but that created a fear in Yash too. Thelast time when the Vision Lord and the Karma Lord had a face off, nothing good came out, rather it was adisaster.

A few moments later a high commotion was heard from a far distance whichgrew louder as it was headed to the city gate of the Nightfall City. As Darshanenlarged his vision, the Karma Lord was the first one to come to his sight, leading a troop of thousands of ghosts towards the Nightfall City. His eyebrows twitched in frustration, he was totally tired of facing a stubborn Shanath.

When the troop reached at the front of the city gate, Shanath's determined expression changed into an afraid one, he could not understand the sudden change in Darshan's demeanour. His aggressive footsteps came to an abrupt stop so did his troop and finally Bhargav materelised beside him and the others beside the other side.

Seeing Bhargav, Darshan was the first person to speak "it seems like you aren't going to leave the field anymore, brother."

No one could be happier than Bhargav as he heard those words but the situation restrained him from feeling anything but fear.

Realising the situation, Darshan tried to convince everyone that he was not there to create another disaster; "I know everyone is as shocked as Yash at this time about my return and I don't want to discuss that matter at this point."

Lady Amrita wanted to know something but Darshan's voice stopped her.
"So, the Karma Lord really has got a brave idea to rescue these lost souls." His tone carried rage with it.

Shanath did not need any help to realise that he was not facing a normal human.

Controlling his own rage, Shanath boldly commented "I'm not doing anything wrong, I guess. These souls also have the right to be incarnated. Don't they?"

With a much cooler tone, Darshan replied "Yes they have. However everything in this universe has a balance. If these souls were to be incarnated then the balance between birth and death will be destroyed and that will cause a huge disaster."

Shanath had lost his patience "I don't care! If your so called system can't give a suitable justice to them then I won't be stopping from giving my own verdict." A final warning was clear in his tone.

Bhargav was not the only person who wanted Darshan to be more reasonable and to their amaze, Darshan was still calm, with an indifference he replied "do whatever you want my lord. But these souls doesn't have any other choice but to be returned to the Celestial World."

Hearing this, Shanath looked like someone had poured a bucket of Shinnai Lava over him.

Though Darshan was not done yet, with the same indifference he continued "and if you think that the Celestial Caves are the only solution to rescue them, then go there through the other way. I won't let anyone cross through my City."

That moment everyone realised Darshan's calm demeanor could be more dangerous.
This time Shanath's barrier was finally broken and he ordered his troop to charge and Bhargav helplessly looked at his senior brother.

As the souls started moving forward, Darshan could only give up his calmness.

With a final warning, his voice echoed through the ears of everyone "once again you're making me to do this Karma Lord and as vowed I'll not let my people to get hurt!"

Then his aura started shining to it's brightest hue, coming out of his body, the melting gold aura seemed to be spread through the whole night sky and suddenly everything went completely white and no one could keep their eyes open. Yash was not totally wrong about Darshan's mindset, he knew if the man could die again for greater good he would do so without any second thought.

It was Yash who first opened his eyes only to see a relaxed Darshan approaching an unconcious Karma Lord and the whole troop of those thousands ghosts was nowhere to be seen. Divya and Amrita looked very relaxed about the outcome however Aayudh and Shweta looked a bit confused and Bhargav looked like he was struck by thunder, he could not move an inch from his position, his eyes were unblinkingly fixed over Shanath's unconcious body. At that very moment Rashmi, Prakriti and Rajani materialised there.

Hurriedly, Rashmi almost shouted at everyone "who on Naarook had to use his soul power so strongly and on what occasion?"

No one dared to move or explain what just happened. With much courage, Shweta approached her first senior sister and explained everything briefly.

Hearing the whole story, Rajani asked "then how is the Karma Lord right now?"
She was worried for her first junior brother, yet she could not throw the question at anyone.

Yash realised that his only sister at least expected him to answer, however he could only fail her.

A feather light firm voice rang through every ears "His breathing is even, didn't get any physical harm. Nothing to worry about. What he needs is a soundless sleep and in that you could help me Lady Rajani."

As they followed the voice, for the first time they registered another presence; couching beside Shanath's unconcious body, Darshan was examining his body thoroughly.

When no one answered, he finally raised his eyes only to see several frozen expressions.
Standing upright and then bowing low, he said "my greetings to Lady Rashmi, Lady Prakriti and Lady Amrita. I apologise for lack of explanations. Lord Shanath is currently inside his memory passage in the Celestial World. He needs to get back his old memories so that he can reconsider his current actions."

Then turning to Bhargav, he added "Bhargav, you're responsible for carrying him inside the Vision Manor. We can't let him sleep here and moreover I don't know how long he will take to wake up this time."

Bhargav did not response at all, he was still unblinkingly staring at Darshan and Darshan had to give him a good shake for getting back a normal Bhargav who immediately engulfed Darshan into a bone-crushing hug, his eyes were teary.

When he spoke he was almost snorting "tell me that you are finally back, like a whole person, like...like the old days..."

Breaking the hug, chuckling softly, Darshan replied "so my little brother didn't grow up at all huh! And here I thought the Vision Manor has got its new owner."

Almost throwing a tantrum, Bhargav again persuaded "Keep your Vision Manor all by yourself. I don't want it. Just answer me."

Still keeping the same soft smile, Darshan ruffled Bhargav's hair and firmly answered "as you said just like the old days. Happy?"

As Bhargav gave a huge satisfied smile, Darshan added "now pick up your boyfriend and let him settle first then we'll talk."

Then he finally looked at Yash who was finally relieved to see everything fine, as he started approaching him, he felt that something was missing; as if he had forgotten about something serious, something that he was responsible for.

Yash knew that look and he braced himself for another separation, instinctively his legs started moving towards Darshan.

As the distance between them finally vanished, Yash hugged Darshan firmly and an unconcious Darshan's head rested on Yash's firm shoulder.

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