Chapter 11 Piece By Piece

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Spell's POV
     After Cookie and I had finished off the plate of sweets we began to talk for awhile. At first we asked questions about what the other did for fun, or what tricks they could do. Eventually I decided it was time for some answers.

        "What's up with the forest? I've been here for a little while, but I know something is up. Every time I ask someone they just clam up, so please tell what is going on here!" I asked. Cookie let out a sigh beside me and nodded her blue head.

      "Sure! I mean we are friends," My mind raced at the thought if that word. Friend? I'd moved so many times that friend meant more along the lines of temporary companion since its hard for anypony to keep in touch sometimes, "Ok so these spooky woods that surround the town have slowly began to.. Uh... What's the word? Oh got it! Devour the town each night, and it didn't always do this. It just started doing it a few days after Nightmare Moon's defeat, and Princess Luna's return. To be honest none of us really know what's going on." Cookie explained, shrugging at the last sentance. I nodded before grabbing the plate with my levitation spell, and floated it to the door of the house. As I pushed it open I saw my mom's face drained of its normal orange color. Confusion flooded my face as I stepped into the kitchen and sat down the crum filled plate next to the sink. Sugar Heart had paled a bit as well, but she shook it off.

      "Is it true?!" She yelled in fear at Sugar Heart as she tried to sneak out the door.

      "I-I don't think it is, but these woods here are kind of... odd." Sugar Heart stammered before leaving out the door. Fear filled the room like a thick fog, not wanting to end up on the other end of my mom's fearful remarks I quickly trotted off to my room.
~~~~~~~~~Time Skip~~~~~~~~~~
      I sat in my room quietly that night, and listened closely to the words that my parents were sharing with one another.
"THE FOREST IS TAKING OVER THE TOWN!! IT'S NOT SAFE HERE!" I heard my mom scream through the thin walls. My head heart from all the screeching, but all I could do was wait it out.
The minutes ticked by and soon enough the shouts died away to silence. Soft sounds of cicada bugs and others creatures drifted into the home through the open window. As I listened to their melody it began to lull me into a deep sleep.

      I awoke the next morning before the sun was even mid way up the sky. My magic pulsed its radiant glow as I grabbed my saddle bags with magic, the two bags were then packed with a first aid kit, a book on plants, water, and I few apples that I was able to float out from the kitchen. A small smile climbed onto my face as I trotted out of my room as quietly as possible. The air in the hay thatched roof was warm and fresh from the morning. As I opened the front door I spotted the mares I met the other day staring at the forest, almost as if they knew I'd been planning to venture into it this morning. They were bit of a ways off, and when I looked more closely I saw more mares with them. I didn't want them to see me venture into the forest so I went around to the back of my house to enter it. As I turned around and began walking in the other direction I heard a shout from behind me.

      "HEY SPELL!"

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