Chapter 12 Running

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Spell's P.O.V
I turned my head back towards the voice and spotted Pixel along with a few other mares some I knew, and some I didn't. My ears twitched in frustration as I took a quick glance at the forest behind me. Its dark trees seemed to swallow any light, but I just know theres got to be a way to get the small village back from its clutches. I know I probably have no right to feel this attached to this place, but I do and I won't leave this place! I'm almost a full grown made that can make her own decisions on life, and I'll make one now. Not risking getting talked out of going I turned and ran from the group of mares. My hooves kicked up dirt and leaves as I rushed into the dark forest the trees branches reached up to take away any light from the sun. I slowed to a trot and looked back the way I came, did they follow me? I hope not I don't want them to get in trouble with me. I shook my head disposing the worried thoughts from my mind. I turned my head back around and looked for a way to go. Mently shrugging I picked a direction and ran in it I could hear a few shouts of my name behind me, but I wasn't going back at least not yet. I was going to see this through no matter what because I know I can make it.

Pixel's P.O.V
I watched as Spell turned and run from us. I called out her name, but she was already swallowed by the shadows of the forest. I looked back to the mares behind me and nodded to them. Before a second thought crossed are minds we ran towards the forest.

      "FORRR NAAARRRNIAAA!!" I shouted as I jumped into the forest. My mouth curled into a smile as I landed atop a tree stump and was able to watch every ponies reaction to my comment.

      "What's Narnia?" A fuschia pony asjed not far from me. I shrugged unsure how I knew these references to things.

       When the other four ponies, Lace, Cookie, and a few other friends known as Midnight and Chili Pepper reached the tree stump I stood on we made a plan to split up. Lace, myself, and the fuschia pony known as Tabby Cat were going in one group while Midnight, Chil, and Cookie were in another. Once each of us knew our groups we broke off from one another to try and find Spell.

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