Chapter 2 Spell Books and Foals

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3rd POV
     Autumn Lily a kind red mare cradled her newborn foal. A soft yellow aura pulsed around the mothers horn as a bottle of milk hovered in the air by her filly. Using her magic, being a unicorn and all, the mother levitated the bottle into her foals mouth. The young thing began to suck intently before she was full and fell asleep. Autumn Lily kissed the foals soft white head, but was careful to avoid the magnificent white horn that came from it. Her hoof traced the foals striped mane as the young ones soft snores filled the room.

      There was a sudden knock on the door to the families house. A pale blue stallion walked into the home and sat his brown hat down on the hat rack. His green mane was a tangled mess as he walked to his wife. Kissing her softly he stared at his young daughter.

    "Have we decided a name?" He asked picking her up. As he did the young foal opened up her sapphire eyes. She smiled a small grin, while her horn pulsed a soft purple glow. A nearby spell book levitated over to the couple. It told the legends and magical histories of Equestria. A small giggle escaped the unicorn foal.

    "How about SpellBook?" Iron Heart, the father, asked. Autumn Lily shook her head causing her orange hair to sway.

    "I think she'll be to clever for that. Why not," the mare took a quick glance at the foals magic flowing out like a little river, and how it lit up the blue streak in the foals mane, "SpellBrook." She finished giving off a smile of her own.

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