Chapter 3 Cutie Magic

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Spells POV
    My horn glowed its familiar purple hue as I tried to levitate one of my books. As I saw it lift off the ground I smiled, my bright blue eyes sparkling with excitement as I ran off to find my mom. I had to be quite however, for my two baby brothers Eight-Bit and Champ were sleeping in the room next to mine. My hooves made soft clicks as I galloped into the family room where my parents were sitting. They finished their conversation before looking at me.

    "What is it River?" My dad asked using my pet name he gave me. I never minded it because I thought it sounded cool, but only if he used it! Smiling at them, I made the book float into the room behind me, but as soon as it entered the spell I was using disappeared and the book landed on the ground with a thump. Saddened I looked up at my parents, a few tears lined my eyes.  As one dripped down my mom and dad walked over to me and gave me a hug. My mom, known as Autumn Lily, wiped away the tears that lined eye. She then tilted my head up with that same hoof and spoke to me in a soothing voice that sounded like a soft rain. "Have hope! You'll get it one day, but you've got to believe in yourself!" After whispering those words I focused harder than ever before on my magic. It felt like a surge of energy in my chest, but it soon expanded and flowed to my horn. I watched as the book was suddenly being picked up by my magic. Although on further inspection, I saw that many other items were floating in the air as well. Smiling I hugged my mom and dad, and at that moment my cutie mark appeared. It was a white 4 point star with a blue swirl.  Once I had seen my mark I hugged even harder with excitement and delight. I then ran outside into the village to tell my other parts of my family what had happened.

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